Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Luminara Rikanati

Ah holy crap it wont let me post.

.. alright, now it does. Anyway, I've already won, to the rancor pit, yada yada on what I already typed, there was a rancor picture, and now a sexy wink.
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[member="Luminara Rikanati"]

Well, you fit quite a few peoples' molds of apprentices. I for one merely want to have you on because you want to learn the skillset I can best teach, and have a background very similar to my own.
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Sigh... Lost another one. Oh well. Good talking with you, [member="Luminara Rikanati"]. Hope he teaches you stuff you find at least remotely interesting. :(

Alter Elements allows a Force User to alter the elements within their immediate surroundings. At this level, the Force User is limited to work with what they have, and cannot create something out of nothing. For example, the Force User could manipulate the flames of an existing fire, but cannot create fire out of thin air. The four elements are Air, Earth, Fire and Water, and each element must be studied individually.

Air allows the Force User to control the element of the Air, affecting the strength of the winds, the air in one’s lungs or bring on a little air-related storm.
Earth allows the Force User to cause small earthquakes, crack the ground, and sense for existing minerals within the ground.
Fire allows the Force User to manipulate existing flames, using them as a weapon.
Water allows the Force User to manipulate sources of water, bringing down the rain out of clouds, freezing waters into ice, or boiling them.
A Force User who can Alter Enviroment can manipulate nature at its worst, displaying a high level of control, accuracy and intensity with the element they have studied and trained in.
Air elementalists can now create hurricanes and tornadoes, and cause devastating effects.
Earth elementalists can now create golems, earth constructs, reshape the landscape, and alter magnetic fields.
Fire elementalists can now create fire out of air, using it as a destructive weapon.
Water elementalists can now create water orbs out of thin air, cause hail storms and create tsunamis.

Krest aint no Alter Environment master, nor can he use Fire Water and Air, but the wonderful thing about Elemental training is that it's all similar. He can teach [member="Luminara Rikanati"] how to unlock the elements. Doesn't everyone want to be the Avatar?
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I have someone who can show them that. Their purpose is literally to manipulate the elements. [member="Darth Vornskr"] knows who I'm talking about... don't you, Kaine? >_>
[member="Krest"] if you are trying to be the avatar then you should do shakers of kro var. They are more powerful than you alter en environment. And they learn to make water and fire and air out of nothing. [member="Morna Imura"] is best if you want to talk to him. He is the best on the site from others who have said so.
Krest said:
A Force User who can Alter Enviroment can manipulate nature at its worst, displaying a high level of control, accuracy and intensity with the element they have studied and trained in. Air elementalists can now create hurricanes and tornadoes, and cause devastating effects. Earth elementalists can now create golems, earth constructs, reshape the landscape, and alter magnetic fields. Fire elementalists can now create fire out of air, using it as a destructive weapon. Water elementalists can now create water orbs out of thin air, cause hail storms and create tsunamis.

[member="Kai Nariko"]

I'm going to stick with being able to alter magnetic fields, make fire out of air, water out of air, and tornadoes <3
[member="Luminara Rikanati"]

Alter Fire and Water, and I'm sure you could.

[member="Kai Nariko"]

I don't want to play a god :p I'm fine with not being able to shatter the world (Though Alter Element Earth kind of lets you do that anyway)
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I'm referring to my adopted daughter, [member="Dreya Shynn"]. She's the best elementalist on the site. Kaine designed her that way(before tossing her aside because she couldn't manipulate the fifth element). So control of elements + illusions and stuff... Yeah... [member="Luminara Rikanati"]

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