Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Luminara Rikanati

Krest said:
[member="Luminara Rikanati"]
Alter Fire and Water, and I'm sure you could.

[member="Kai Nariko"]

I don't want to play a god :p I'm fine with not being able to shatter the world (Though Alter Element Earth kind of lets you do that anyway)
more than just alter earth. You would have to move the plates under the crust and push magma up from the mantle to produce that. Even then you would need to have alot of concentration and strength.
That would be lovely. I could boil the blood first, not enough to kill them, but just enough to make their muscles spasm. Then, I could wrap them in a blanket of Force Lightning, and make them think that they were falling into Hell.....
*Continues scheming*
Kai Nariko said:
more than just alter earth. You would have to move the plates under the crust and push magma up from the mantle to produce that. Even then you would need to have alot of concentration and strength.
Still don't want to be god :p I have no desire to shatter a planets surface with just a character. I leave that to Cannon figure heads and possibly NPC BBG's (Big Bad Guys). This site shouldn't be to strive to be a god. So don't think I'm impressed when you say your character is OP :p
Im not saying that he is OP infact I'm telling you what you need. If you want to talk about OP then go to krag and Soleil Talith. The sith who made a neutron star out of the force, and the "God" who ate it.
Soon as you make a thread worm ears.

Wait. I'm bad at sweet talking. [member="Luminara Rikanati"]

[member="Kai Nariko"]

You just said whats his name could summon a Volcano in the middle of a fight. That's pretty OP to me <3

Darth Sicarius

This version of Krest will be (Hazzah for Darth forms. I swear, I'm sailor moon when I change.)

[member="Krest"], volcano that is summoned over the spam of three posts, or the man who created a neutron star out of the dark side of the force in one post.

If you know What a neutron star is the. You would say that the volcano is nothing in comparison. Morna is rather weak against most masters on this site. Lolz.
[member="Kai Nariko"]

It's a Volcano. I don't think any character, no matter how many posts, should be able to rip the ground and force Lava to the surface. Look at the Wall of Light, takes four Jedi to make a wall. Made out of light. You want to hide behind a character being OP to make your's not seem it, I'm going to point out he still is.

With love of course. People can RP how they want, it's just my opinion that making a Volcano, once more no matter how many posts, is OP. Neutron star is as well.

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