[3:58:01 PM] Corey (Ronin, Krag, Nocturno): I wish they would have kept the scene where Grevious executes Shak Ti
[3:58:18 PM | Edited 3:58:23 PM] Josh [Arcis/Davin/Jed]: I wish RL could have an Order 66
[3:58:57 PM] Corey (Ronin, Krag, Nocturno): So like what, Biden would become Emperor of the first American Empire?
[3:59:53 PM] Corey (Ronin, Krag, Nocturno): "Agent Bob...execute order 66"
[4:00:00 PM | Edited 4:00:01 PM] Corey (Ronin, Krag, Nocturno): "It will be done, my Biden"
[4:00:28 PM] Josh [Arcis/Davin/Jed]: Josh [Arcis/Davin/Jed] turns on news
[4:00:38 PM] Corey (Ronin, Krag, Nocturno): Hilary Clinton can be his dark apprentice
[4:00:43 PM] Josh [Arcis/Davin/Jed]: "Today, a man exploded..."
[4:00:53 PM] Josh [Arcis/Davin/Jed]: "when crossing the street after a political meeting"
[4:01:06 PM] Josh [Arcis/Davin/Jed]: "it appears to be a High Explosive round that killed him"
[4:02:05 PM] Corey (Ronin, Krag, Nocturno): "Hence forth and forevermore, Hilary Clinton...you shall be known as...Darth...PMS"
[4:02:11 PM] Corey (Ronin, Krag, Nocturno): "Thank you, my master"
[4:02:25 PM | Edited 4:02:31 PM] Josh [Arcis/Davin/Jed]: Josh [Arcis/Davin/Jed] watches as Hilary goes to slaughter children with Cancer
[4:03:28 PM] Corey (Ronin, Krag, Nocturno): "The cancer children have become a grave threat...we must act quickly. Go forth to the Make a Wish Foundation...DO WHAT MUST BE DONE LORD PMS
[4:03:32 PM] Corey (Ronin, Krag, Nocturno): DO NOT HESITATE
[4:03:35 PM] Corey (Ronin, Krag, Nocturno): SHOW NO MERCY
[4:04:50 PM] Corey (Ronin, Krag, Nocturno): Once the Cancer Children are defeated we shall have...peace"