Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[8:35:25 PM] Mason: Is that
[8:35:26 PM] Mason: legal?
[8:35:31 PM] Shambles: I will make it legal.
[8:35:31 PM] Jon - Essay Mode AGAIN: I will make it legal

Director's Cut:

[8:35:25 PM] Mason: Is that
[8:35:26 PM] Mason: legal?
[8:35:28 PM] Omega Ranger: Omega Ranger twerks off into the night
[8:35:31 PM] Shambles: I will make it legal.
[8:35:31 PM] Jon - Essay Mode AGAIN: I will make it legal
[8:40:01 PM] Darc Xavior Talus: ""AHHHHH" Saki ran itno the fight letting the shockwaves crash on her own fury as she came in like a wrecking ball" ~Saki
[8:40:07 PM] Darc Xavior Talus: miley cyrus attack
[8:40:43 PM] Mikhail: lol
[8:40:51 PM] Ashin: *chokes violently*

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] : (15 February 2014 - 12:51 AM) Is this the real life? Or is this just plant black holes? Caught in a landslide, no escape from Circe.
@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] : (15 February 2014 - 12:51 AM) Imeanwhat.
@[member="Joshua DragonsFlame"] : (15 February 2014 - 12:51 AM) Hey, it rhymed, right?
@[member="The Onyx"] : (15 February 2014 - 12:51 AM) Open your eyes, look up yo the sky and see. I'm just a Jedi, I have no force-sensitivity.
@[member="Jak Sandrow"] : (15 February 2014 - 01:05 AM) My power's easy come. Easy go. Now and then a little low.
@[member="Jak Sandrow"] : (15 February 2014 - 01:11 AM) Any way you use Force, doesn't really matter to me.... You'll seee......

Then it fell apart, because the attention span of the board is approximately that of a goldfish.

Rayn H'voc

[9:54:50 PM | Edited 9:55:04 PM] Jon: And then the Sharingan spawned the Cardigan and the Cardigan spawned the Finnegan, and in the Finnegan's wake we are all undone
[9:55:00 PM] A J: or Naruto's parents will be magically better
[9:55:02 PM] Dat One Zabaraka: Jon.
[9:55:06 PM] Ryan (Eddie, Vincenzo, Exuku): xD
[9:55:08 PM] Dat One Zabaraka: There's soda on my screen now.
[9:55:12 PM] Dat One Zabaraka: I hope you're happy.
[9:55:14 PM] Ryan (Eddie, Vincenzo, Exuku): Nice one
[9:55:15 PM] Bantha Claus [Gambit]: Jon, ye a bit of the irish settler?
[9:55:18 PM] Jon: FEAR MY CARDIGAN
[9:55:38 PM] Jon: cardigan style! ACTIVATE!
[9:55:48 PM] Jon: <has never watched so much as thirty seonds of naruto
[9:55:49 PM] Bantha Claus [Gambit]: Bantha Claus [Gambit] thinks he looks sexy in his cardigan.
[9:56:02 PM] Jon: Jon finnegans Gambit
[9:56:06 PM] Bantha Claus [Gambit]: Bantha Claus [Gambit] moans.
[9:56:13 PM] A J: FMA, I was all over FMA
[9:56:24 PM] Dat One Zabaraka: I'm crying
[9:56:26 PM] Jon: Jon cardigans Guy
[9:56:36 PM] Dat One Zabaraka: WHOA WHOA WHOA
[9:56:41 PM] Dat One Zabaraka: At least buy me dinner first.
[9:56:50 PM] Jon: Jon waggles eyebrows
[9:56:51 PM] Bantha Claus [Gambit]: Not gonna comment on that.
[9:56:52 PM] Bantha Claus [Gambit]: Nope.
[9:56:54 PM] Bantha Claus [Gambit]: Not.
[9:56:55 PM] Bantha Claus [Gambit]: Gonna.
[9:56:56 PM] Bantha Claus [Gambit]: Do.
[9:56:57 PM] Bantha Claus [Gambit]: It.
[9:56:59 PM] Ryan (Eddie, Vincenzo, Exuku): lol
[9:57:03 PM] Jon: you're gonna like the way my cardigan scratches your back
[9:57:08 PM] Bantha Claus [Gambit]: O_O
[9:57:19 PM] Bantha Claus [Gambit]: Jesus, Jon.
[9:57:21 PM] Dat One Zabaraka: Someone
[9:57:23 PM] Dat One Zabaraka: Madchat this
[9:57:24 PM] Jon: it's one of those scratchy cardigans
[9:57:26 PM] Bantha Claus [Gambit]: You know how to show a girl a good time.
[9:57:27 PM] Dat One Zabaraka: Puhleaaasee
[9:57:36 PM] Dat One Zabaraka: He's got my panties sweating.
[9:57:38 PM] Dat One Zabaraka: ;)
[3:38:48 AM] *** Josh Gavin added Mark (Circe) ***

Quote:[3:38:52 AM] Josh Gavin: [3:33:24 AM] Mark (Circe): Lol.
[3:33:31 AM] Mark (Circe): Oh, that reminds me.
[3:33:42 AM] Mark (Circe): I still have to get you off-planet via a shuttle
[3:34:28 AM] Josh Gavin: Please do
[3:34:35 AM] Josh Gavin: I have a templar on me, and a retard shooting me
[3:34:49 AM | Edited 3:35:05 AM] Mark (Circe): Expect an S90 incoming soon.
[3:35:32 AM] Mark (Circe): "Soon" coming faster if you readd me to Sith chat. -_-


[3:39:37 AM] Othorious (Kaine Zambrano): lol
[3:40:07 AM] Mark (Circe): I should boot him
[3:40:08 AM] Mark (Circe): But nah
[3:40:12 AM] Mark (Circe): Dromund Kaas
[3:40:13 AM] Mark (Circe): Is bigger
[3:40:29 AM] Josh Gavin: Boot who now?
[3:41:29 AM] Mark (Circe): Well... You. But again, not going to. Trying to scavenge Dromund Kaas into a victory, not a defeat, is more important.
[3:43:09 AM] Mark (Circe): Particularly since a 3km ship, ludicrously armored to the point that it'll shrug antimatter bombs right off, is hurtling towards the planet at a speed that will pretty much cause mass extinction of the entire population of DK.
[3:44:17 AM] Josh Gavin: Oh.
[3:44:20 AM] *** Josh Gavin removed Mark (Circe) from this conversation. ***
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[10:21 AM] Snowflame: see why I love Jon he is a big supporter and helper but knows how to hurt everyone
[10:26 AM] Jon: lol, now I"M hurt :D I only screw with people who a ) can take it and b ) have brought it on themselves.
[10:30 AM] Snowflame: Your like batman though you have plans for everyone just depends on if you'd ever have to use them
[10:30 AM] Jon: That's...actually 100% true. Not out of malice usually, just 'how could this situation get spun?'
the number of things I DON"T go through with would stagger you and make me look very bad lol
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
[8:03:31 PM] Mikhail Shorn: yes, I would s a d for a million dollars
[8:03:37 PM] Mikhail Shorn: or kiss Darc

A couple of minutes later..

[8:08:00 PM] Mikhail Shorn: no, fisting is 2 million
[01:19] Anna (Fabula): ...Wait. You used the right shift to capitalize your D.
...Are you left-handed?
[01:19:37] Snowfall (Kära): I am indeed
[01:19:45] Anna (Fabula): I AM LIKE KARKING SHERLOCK

~ Deductive reasoning at it's best? ... I think so! @[member='Fabula Cavataio']

Jak Sandrow

"Nobody cares for the woods anymore."
do. you. live. in. north. dakota.
- Jak Sandrow
- Circe
- Jak Sandrow
No D.
- Circe
- Jak Sandrow
- Circe
Ah Texan, ah we?
- Jak Sandrow
Wanting a ride to the official SWRP event?
- Circe
Ummmm.. okay.
- Jak Sandrow
Find someone in ND or SD to give it to you.
- Circe
Ohhhh.... no, I live in Toronto, CAN.
- Jak Sandrow
- Circe
- Jak Sandrow
I need to visit there sometime
so I can meet
your national legend
this guy
- Circe
and now you have a reason.
Wait. I'm not the reason?
much cry
so going on madchat
- Jak Sandrow
Dunno how gmail goes on madchat
but kk
good luck with that
- Circe
watch me
- Jak Sandrow
Also dunno
I mean
this guy
makes body armor
- Circe
that's cool
i don't make body armor
i eat and make bulletproof bellies for myself.
that's plural for a reason
- Jak Sandrow

TOWDJU I COULD @[member="Circe Savan"]!!!!

Basaba Willamina

A'den and Alor be aliit Willamina
[10:00:23 PM] Beroya: I would if I could find pictures and even then, they could TELL me that. Not just let it sit there. I get they're swamped, I'm just cranky
[10:03:53 PM] Waid: >.>
[10:04:31 PM] Waid: You come up with an idea and then struggle to find a picture. I find a spiffy picture and get an idea from it.
[10:06:02 PM] Snowflame: use legos the staff love lego ships
[10:06:26 PM] Beroya: [10:06 PM] Snowflame:

<<< use legos the staff love lego shipsI'm assuming this is a joke.
[10:07:16 PM] Waid: I'm terrified that he might not be
[10:07:36 PM | Edited 10:07:41 PM] Beroya: If he's being serious, I'll shit a brick
[10:07:44 PM] Beroya: And not a lego one.
[10:07:54 PM] Snowflame: they do love lego ship
[10:08:07 PM] Beroya: ...
[10:08:09 PM] Beroya: Waid
[10:08:10 PM] Beroya: New Plan
[10:08:12 PM] Snowflame: I coulnd't find a good image for the one ship I made and used a lego ship.
[10:08:20 PM] Beroya: I'm bringing a crate legos to work tomorrow
[10:08:23 PM] Waid: lol
[10:08:27 PM] Snowflame: hahahahaha
[10:08:28 PM] Beroya: No really
[10:08:34 PM] Beroya: It'll fit between the seats
[10:08:43 PM] Beroya: We'll use it as a mini table when we're not building
[10:08:48 PM] Jon: LOL
[10:08:51 PM] Waid: ...
[10:09:03 PM] Waid: We are NOT playing with legos in our ambulance
[10:09:08 PM] Jon: brb dying
[10:09:08 PM] Beroya: You know you wanna
[10:09:21 PM] Beroya: It'll be fuuuuuun!
[10:09:23 PM] Waid: I'm tempted as shit
[10:09:25 PM] Waid: but no
[10:09:30 PM] Beroya: C'monnnn

Atlas Kane

[17:17] Andrew/Jared Ovmar: Oh, you think vodka is your ally, but you merely adopted the drink. I was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see a beer until I was already a man; by then, it was nothing to me but blinding! Vodka betrays you, because it belongs to me. I will show you where I have made my home, whilst preparing to bring justice. Then, I will break you. Your precious armoury, gratefully accepted. We will need it. Ah yes, I was wondering what would break first. Your spirit, or your body.
[7:12:27 PM] Tyrin: Me, Darc, and Guy here have been roleplaying since 1066 CE.
[7:12:38 PM] King Kazma: I was refering to whatever it was relating to sw here
[7:12:43 PM] King Kazma: I know who the mouse kid is
[7:12:44 PM] Darc Xavior Talus: [7:12 PM] Tyrin:

<<< Me, Darc, and Guy here have been roleplaying since 1066 CE.^
[7:12:47 PM] Tyrin:
[7:13:00 PM] Tyrin: There's Darc, autohitting me from a horse while Guy leads the confeds in the background.

Dies crying laughing
[9:01:53 PM] Anna (Fabula): Yes, that is right. I wish I had studied martial arts in order to more accurately write martial arts roleplays.
[9:01:58 PM] Anna (Fabula): Gods I am pathetic. <_<
[9:02:12 PM] Jon (Ashin): :D
[9:02:23 PM] Jon (Ashin): we've all been there for some skill or other
[9:02:26 PM] Jon (Ashin): for me, it's guns
[9:02:36 PM] Jon (Ashin): I've only ever gone shooting a couple of times. I don't really know guns.
[9:04:25 PM] Anna (Fabula): I want to meet the person who gets into a romantic relationship in order to figure out how to properly write romance RPs. :p
[9:05:27 PM] Jon (Ashin): HHAHAHAHAHAHA
[9:06:30 PM] Anna (Fabula): -That- is some dedication, you have to admit!
[9:06:44 PM] Anna (Fabula): And it would make for the best breakup conversation ever.
[9:06:50 PM] Jon (Ashin): :D
[9:06:54 PM] Jon (Ashin): "You were research"
[9:06:58 PM] Jon (Ashin): "For the internet"
[9:07:26 PM] Anna (Fabula): "I'm sorry, my darling...but my one true online forum roleplaying. Pretendy-fun-time games. On the plus side, you were a great success!"
[9:08:15 PM] Jon (Ashin): "Over fifty threads now include elements of our pillow talk and intimacies!"
[9:08:58 PM] Anna (Fabula): "I got a guy promoted to Master, -just- through doing that thing that you do with your tongue! It's all good."
[9:09:03 PM] Jon (Ashin): LOLOL
[9:09:31 PM] Jon (Ashin): "The way you screw up dirty talk got me twenty likes and two IC girlfriends!"
[9:09:49 PM] Jon (Ashin): "only one of whom is a guy IRL!"
[9:09:56 PM] Anna (Fabula): :lol:

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