[01:29:46] Das Schiff Brecher: K guyys
[01:29:53] Das Schiff Brecher: Popo's toassted
[01:30:09] Illie (Kira): YES
[01:30:13] Illie (Kira): Illie (Kira) takes advantage of
[01:30:17] Spenser (Ayden): Margarita-ville
[01:30:23] Pooh Bear (Thurion): Aw, man
[01:30:23] Illie (Kira): now.. approve all my non existant tech
[01:30:23] Spenser (Ayden): Population: Popo
[01:30:23] Das Schiff Brecher: Thank god forr autotrack
[01:30:27] Das Schiff Brecher: Autocorrect
[01:30:31] Pooh Bear (Thurion): You had me worried there for a bit
[01:30:41] Pooh Bear (Thurion): I thought you'd killed off Popo
[01:30:54] Das Schiff Brecher: I love margaritas
[01:30:59] Pooh Bear (Thurion):
[01:31:13] Das Schiff Brecher: I like the olives mosst
[01:31:58] Das Schiff Brecher: Wait
[01:32:00] Das Schiff Brecher: Hold upp
[01:32:10] Das Schiff Brecher: Can't text and walkk
[01:32:21] Spenser (Ayden): Yes, but can you walk and text?
[01:32:21] Pooh Bear (Thurion): We can see that
[01:32:42] Das Schiff Brecher: I can walk and text bit texting and walking I cantt
[01:34:10] Das Schiff Brecher: I'm gonna forget so can someone remind me litter to give my brother gas's money?
[01:34:31] Pooh Bear (Thurion): ...Yes, Popo
[01:34:46] Pooh Bear (Thurion): We'll remind your litter to give your brother gas money
[01:34:51] Spenser (Ayden): I don't think litter is good for a gas tank
[01:34:55] Spenser (Ayden): In fact
[01:35:00] Spenser (Ayden): I'm pretty sure that would destroy it.
[01:35:13] Das Schiff Brecher: I love you guyss
[01:36:00] Peter (Valeria):
http://starwarsrp.net/topic/31631-arts-of-the-dark-side/ When I see this I keep expecting that the thread will be about handicrafts.
[01:36:18] Pooh Bear (Thurion): Arts and Crafts of the Dark Side
[01:36:30] Das Schiff Brecher: On 7/18/2014, at 19:36, Pooh Bear (Thurion) wrote:
> Arts and Crafts of the Dark Side
[01:36:31] Pooh Bear (Thurion): Do Not Sniff the Glue™
[01:37:36] Das Schiff Brecher: We have gluu?
[01:38:07] Spenser (Ayden): Gluu - A substance so amazing
[01:38:10] Spenser (Ayden): It's better than glue.
[01:38:15] Spenser (Ayden): And
[01:38:18] Spenser (Ayden): You can eat it
[01:38:20] Pooh Bear (Thurion): It's made from Popo juices
[01:39:30] Peter (Valeria): ...
[01:39:44] Peter (Valeria): Well that got yucky quickly.
[01:40:04] Pooh Bear (Thurion): Never specified what juices
[01:40:10] Pooh Bear (Thurion): But your brain did
[member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Cira"] [member="Popo"] [member="Valeria Aetani"]