Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Aaralyn Rekali"]

[12:56:11 PM] Andrew Ryan: Yeah, he is the High Lord of Homeland Security.
[12:56:29 PM] Turin/Gil: Turin/Gil gigglesnorts
[12:56:53 PM] Andrew Ryan: what :p
[12:57:45 PM] Turin/Gil: High Lord of Homeland Security.
[12:57:53 PM] Turin/Gil: You couldn't even protect a straberry
Aaralyn has this posted in her freighter.


Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[8:07:04 PM] Serothzilla: XDDDD
[8:07:19 PM] Serothzilla: This... This is like the Godfather III! They pulled you back in! XD
[8:07:38 PM] Jon: LOL
[8:08:01 PM] Jon: I am Michael Corleone
[8:08:34 PM] Justine: Muhahha
[8:08:49 PM] Jon: naive nice guy->leadership role out of necessity->ruthlessness->bail->just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in
[8:09:19 PM] Serothzilla: Serothzilla watches a tall oak door close on Jon, as Ayden Cater and Sarge lean to kiss Jon's hands.
[8:09:35 PM] Serothzilla: *Appropriate clarinet notes begin to play.*
[8:09:57 PM] Jon: I'm dying here
[8:10:16 PM] Serothzilla: Serothzilla sits out on a park bench in autumn, staring contemplatively. ...Then Jon drives by and guns me down. A plaque is left at my feet.
[8:10:19 PM] Serothzilla: FACTORY REIGNS
[8:10:37 PM] Jon: *chokes*
[8:10:45 PM] Serothzilla: XDD
[8:11:44 PM] Serothzilla: *...Then inappropriate gangster rap blares as Anna-Cent and the F-Unit blow something up.*
[8:13:39 PM] Jon: *madchats furiously*
[10:42:15 AM] Haley : Hey bb
[10:42:20 AM] Haley : We has invasion
[10:42:24 AM] Othorious: Yup.
[10:42:26 AM] Othorious:
[10:42:30 AM] Othorious: I got my battle music ready.
[10:51:11 AM] Othorious: We gonna brawl during the invasion? lol
[12:02:28 PM] Haley : Yes
[12:02:31 PM] Haley : Slahs wsih
[12:02:36 PM] Othorious: wot
[12:02:42 PM] Haley : Wow
[12:02:45 PM] Haley : I meant slash swish
[12:03:26 PM] Othorious: You okay?
[12:03:29 PM] Othorious: That stroke seemed pretty bad.

[member="Kiskla Grayson"]
[01:29:46] Das Schiff Brecher: K guyys
[01:29:53] Das Schiff Brecher: Popo's toassted
[01:30:09] Illie (Kira): YES
[01:30:13] Illie (Kira): Illie (Kira) takes advantage of
[01:30:17] Spenser (Ayden): Margarita-ville
[01:30:23] Pooh Bear (Thurion): Aw, man
[01:30:23] Illie (Kira): now.. approve all my non existant tech
[01:30:23] Spenser (Ayden): Population: Popo
[01:30:23] Das Schiff Brecher: Thank god forr autotrack
[01:30:27] Das Schiff Brecher: Autocorrect
[01:30:31] Pooh Bear (Thurion): You had me worried there for a bit
[01:30:41] Pooh Bear (Thurion): I thought you'd killed off Popo :eek:
[01:30:54] Das Schiff Brecher: I love margaritas
[01:30:59] Pooh Bear (Thurion): :p
[01:31:13] Das Schiff Brecher: I like the olives mosst
[01:31:58] Das Schiff Brecher: Wait
[01:32:00] Das Schiff Brecher: Hold upp
[01:32:10] Das Schiff Brecher: Can't text and walkk
[01:32:21] Spenser (Ayden): Yes, but can you walk and text?
[01:32:21] Pooh Bear (Thurion): We can see that :D
[01:32:42] Das Schiff Brecher: I can walk and text bit texting and walking I cantt
[01:34:10] Das Schiff Brecher: I'm gonna forget so can someone remind me litter to give my brother gas's money?
[01:34:31] Pooh Bear (Thurion): ...Yes, Popo
[01:34:46] Pooh Bear (Thurion): We'll remind your litter to give your brother gas money
[01:34:51] Spenser (Ayden): I don't think litter is good for a gas tank
[01:34:55] Spenser (Ayden): In fact
[01:35:00] Spenser (Ayden): I'm pretty sure that would destroy it.
[01:35:13] Das Schiff Brecher: I love you guyss
[01:36:00] Peter (Valeria): When I see this I keep expecting that the thread will be about handicrafts. :p
[01:36:18] Pooh Bear (Thurion): Arts and Crafts of the Dark Side
[01:36:30] Das Schiff Brecher: On 7/18/2014, at 19:36, Pooh Bear (Thurion) wrote:
> Arts and Crafts of the Dark Side

[01:36:31] Pooh Bear (Thurion): Do Not Sniff the Glue™
[01:37:36] Das Schiff Brecher: We have gluu?
[01:38:07] Spenser (Ayden): Gluu - A substance so amazing
[01:38:10] Spenser (Ayden): It's better than glue.
[01:38:15] Spenser (Ayden): And
[01:38:18] Spenser (Ayden): You can eat it
[01:38:20] Pooh Bear (Thurion): It's made from Popo juices
[01:39:30] Peter (Valeria): ...
[01:39:44] Peter (Valeria): Well that got yucky quickly.
[01:40:04] Pooh Bear (Thurion): Never specified what juices
[01:40:10] Pooh Bear (Thurion): But your brain did

[member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Cira"] [member="Popo"] [member="Valeria Aetani"]
[9:08:52 PM] Dork (Illie): So
[9:08:54 PM] Dork (Illie): I just bound
[9:09:01 PM] Dork (Illie): Vilox's soul
[9:09:04 PM] Dork (Illie): to 6 balls of yarn
[9:09:10 PM] Dork (Illie): for hion to knit into mittens
[9:09:12 PM] Spenser: ... wut?
[9:09:31 PM] Dork (Illie): <He> decided to use midi chhlorian manipulation
[9:09:34 PM] Dork (Illie): to merge with hion
[9:09:36 PM] Dork (Illie): and be ONE
[9:09:49 PM] Dork (Illie): so i went... THE DARK LORD'S POWER SHALL RIP YOU OUT OF THIS
[9:10:00 PM] Dork (Illie): ... and i used it to bind him into Hion's box of yarn
Aleidis and I took a Mary Sue test, me with my main D&D character.

[6:02:10 AM] Anna (Fabula): Jeezus.
[6:02:11 AM] Anna (Fabula): Good god.
[6:02:29 AM] Smitty-sempai: What did you get?
[6:02:32 AM] Anna (Fabula): 62.
[6:02:38 AM] Smitty-sempai: Hah!
[6:02:43 AM] Smitty-sempai: Skrub.
[6:02:45 AM] Anna (Fabula): XD
[6:02:50 AM] Anna (Fabula): Oh my god, you -beat me-?
[6:02:56 AM] Smitty-sempai: Get on my level.
[6:03:14 AM] Smitty-sempai: Specifically level ninety fucking two.
[6:03:17 AM] Anna (Fabula): How the hell could you beat the quint-lingual magical cyborg swordmaster archaeologist who used to be a princess?
[6:03:35 AM] Smitty-sempai: No goddamned idea.
[6:03:42 AM] Smitty-sempai: Aleidis is just that special.
[2:21:57 PM] Jared Ovmar: *snickers*
[2:23:07 PM] Aaralyn: Shut up Jared. It takes 5 pages for you to figure out a Strawberry left you
[2:23:33 PM] Aaralyn: So I can imagine how long it would take for you to undo a bra strap
[2:23:39 PM] Aaralyn: Bahaha
[2:23:39 PM] Layla: LMFAO
[3:25:13 PM] Cailin (Mesh/Anija): hey, did the dom of Ord-whatever start?
[3:25:24 PM] Waid (Larraq, Grozurra): yes
[3:26:57 PM] Waid (Larraq, Grozurra):
[3:27:09 PM] Cailin (Mesh/Anija): hah (heart) the title
[3:28:02 PM] Cailin (Mesh/Anija): ... I wasnt tagged.. again
[3:28:08 PM] Cailin (Mesh/Anija): Cailin (Mesh/Anija) smacks Gil
[3:28:17 PM] Cailin (Mesh/Anija): if you want me to post in stuff, tag me :(
[3:28:59 PM] Waid (Larraq, Grozurra): Waid (Larraq, Grozurra) stabs Cailin with a giant-metal-holepunch
[3:29:17 PM] Waid (Larraq, Grozurra): Waid (Larraq, Grozurra) checks datapad that Ident-chip is broadcasting her location
[3:29:21 PM] Waid (Larraq, Grozurra): Waid (Larraq, Grozurra) walks away
[3:29:41 PM] Waid (Larraq, Grozurra): I tagged a wild Cailin.
[3:29:44 PM] Waid (Larraq, Grozurra): deal with it.
[3:29:46 PM] Waid (Larraq, Grozurra): Waid (Larraq, Grozurra) sunglasses
[3:29:52 PM] Cailin (Mesh/Anija): ....
[3:29:55 PM] Cailin (Mesh/Anija): classy
[3:29:59 PM] Waid (Larraq, Grozurra): XD
[3:30:04 PM] Arrick (Arrbi Betna/Joru Tanaka): ...
[3:30:10 PM] Cailin (Mesh/Anija): I meant in the dom thread, but yeah
[3:30:11 PM] Arrick (Arrbi Betna/Joru Tanaka): Arrick (Arrbi Betna/Joru Tanaka) hits Larraq with a Master Ball
[3:30:22 PM] Waid (Larraq, Grozurra): FUCK YOUR MASTER BALL!

[member="Captain Larraq"] [member="Arrbi Betna"]
[7:58 PM] The Goat // Ayden Cater: There is only one rule for dealing with Disciple.
[7:58 PM] The Goat // Ayden Cater: Pray he doesn't look at you.
[7:58 PM] The Goat // Ayden Cater: Because if Disciple looks at you. He's got some sort of plan for you.
[7:59 PM] The Goat // Ayden Cater: And 100 to 1 odds
[7:59 PM] The Goat // Ayden Cater: It's not a good one.
You ever want to get him going? Steal his fruit.

[4:38:13 AM] Epic Mouse: LoL
[4:38:24 AM] Epic Mouse: I need to add more to my post
[4:38:28 AM] Epic Mouse: about stealing smoothies
[4:38:30 AM] Epic Mouse: :D
[4:38:37 AM] Andrew Ryan: I already
[4:38:39 AM] Andrew Ryan: FINISHED
[4:38:41 AM] Andrew Ryan: MY SMOOTHIE
[4:40:00 AM] Epic Mouse: *denied*
[4:40:09 AM] Epic Mouse: Sorry RPJ ruled in my favor
[4:40:11 AM] Epic Mouse: :p
[4:40:18 AM] Andrew Ryan: i
[4:40:19 AM] Andrew Ryan: hate
[4:40:20 AM] Andrew Ryan: you
[4:40:51 AM] Epic Mouse: love you long time bby
[4:41:00 AM] Andrew Ryan: >:[
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
[12:04:45 AM] Luke Hales: So if I put in some dorito's..?
[12:05:03 AM] Syn: has to be a force sensitive item
[12:05:17 AM] Lion King Ruu (\/) ;,,; (\/): But if they're Force sensitive Doritos?
[12:05:27 AM] Luke Hales: Dorito's ARE force sensitive ;(
[12:05:33 AM] Lion King Ruu (\/) ;,,; (\/): You could make super-Doritos
[12:05:40 AM] Lion King Ruu (\/) ;,,; (\/): And you could conquer the world!
[12:06:55 AM] Luke Hales: Wow
[12:07:02 AM] Luke Hales: It's beautiful
[12:07:30 AM] Lion King Ruu (\/) ;,,; (\/): 1. put Doritos into machine
2. wait for doriots to get disintegrated
3. make super-doritos
4. ????????
5. Profit.
[12:07:34 AM] Lion King Ruu (\/) ;,,; (\/): It's as easy as that.

Atlas Kane

[4:11:10 PM] Corey (Pseudo-Producer): BEHOLD
[4:11:17 PM] Corey (Pseudo-Producer): YET ANOTHER POWERFUL CARD TO MY DECK
[4:11:19 PM] Corey (Pseudo-Producer):
[4:11:54 PM] Lion King Ruu (\/) ;,,; (\/): I love you Corey
[4:12:03 PM] Corey (Pseudo-Producer): Corey (Pseudo-Producer) Han Solo eyes
[4:12:05 PM] Corey (Pseudo-Producer): I know
Thurion Heavenshield said:
[01:29:46] Das Schiff Brecher: K guyys
[01:29:53] Das Schiff Brecher: Popo's toassted
[01:30:09] Illie (Kira): YES
[01:30:13] Illie (Kira): Illie (Kira) takes advantage of
[01:30:17] Spenser (Ayden): Margarita-ville
[01:30:23] Pooh Bear (Thurion): Aw, man
[01:30:23] Illie (Kira): now.. approve all my non existant tech
[01:30:23] Spenser (Ayden): Population: Popo
[01:30:23] Das Schiff Brecher: Thank god forr autotrack
[01:30:27] Das Schiff Brecher: Autocorrect
[01:30:31] Pooh Bear (Thurion): You had me worried there for a bit
[01:30:41] Pooh Bear (Thurion): I thought you'd killed off Popo :eek:
[01:30:54] Das Schiff Brecher: I love margaritas
[01:30:59] Pooh Bear (Thurion): :p
[01:31:13] Das Schiff Brecher: I like the olives mosst
[01:31:58] Das Schiff Brecher: Wait
[01:32:00] Das Schiff Brecher: Hold upp
[01:32:10] Das Schiff Brecher: Can't text and walkk
[01:32:21] Spenser (Ayden): Yes, but can you walk and text?
[01:32:21] Pooh Bear (Thurion): We can see that :D
[01:32:42] Das Schiff Brecher: I can walk and text bit texting and walking I cantt
[01:34:10] Das Schiff Brecher: I'm gonna forget so can someone remind me litter to give my brother gas's money?
[01:34:31] Pooh Bear (Thurion): ...Yes, Popo
[01:34:46] Pooh Bear (Thurion): We'll remind your litter to give your brother gas money
[01:34:51] Spenser (Ayden): I don't think litter is good for a gas tank
[01:34:55] Spenser (Ayden): In fact
[01:35:00] Spenser (Ayden): I'm pretty sure that would destroy it.
[01:35:13] Das Schiff Brecher: I love you guyss
[01:36:00] Peter (Valeria): When I see this I keep expecting that the thread will be about handicrafts. :p
[01:36:18] Pooh Bear (Thurion): Arts and Crafts of the Dark Side
[01:36:30] Das Schiff Brecher: On 7/18/2014, at 19:36, Pooh Bear (Thurion) wrote:
> Arts and Crafts of the Dark Side

[01:36:31] Pooh Bear (Thurion): Do Not Sniff the Glue™
[01:37:36] Das Schiff Brecher: We have gluu?
[01:38:07] Spenser (Ayden): Gluu - A substance so amazing
[01:38:10] Spenser (Ayden): It's better than glue.
[01:38:15] Spenser (Ayden): And
[01:38:18] Spenser (Ayden): You can eat it
[01:38:20] Pooh Bear (Thurion): It's made from Popo juices
[01:39:30] Peter (Valeria): ...
[01:39:44] Peter (Valeria): Well that got yucky quickly.
[01:40:04] Pooh Bear (Thurion): Never specified what juices
[01:40:10] Pooh Bear (Thurion): But your brain did

[member="Ayden Cater"] [member="Cira"] [member="Popo"] [member="Valeria Aetani"]
Stuff like this makes me wish I was still a FJ...
[12:43:22 AM] Anna (Fabula): Just walked outside the College. Into the college courtyard.
[12:43:27 AM] Anna (Fabula): Second dragon I've found there this game.
[12:43:46 AM] Anna (Fabula): Second one I've nonchalantly murdered.
[12:43:49 AM] Smitty-sempai: They just want to learn people magic.
[12:45:04 AM] Anna (Fabula): "Dovahkiin, our kind has existed since before time was time. Ours is a primal and powerful magic, unlike anything your pathetic mortal selves can muster. And yet...I feel myself drawn to this. As if I were meant to learn."
[12:45:14 AM] Anna (Fabula): "...N-...notice me, Dovah-kun."
[5:11:49 PM] Epic Mouse: We still haven't had our knockout throwdown.
[5:11:52 PM] Epic Mouse: :|
[5:11:56 PM] Nadia: i know
[5:12:01 PM] Epic Mouse: The duel with Ayden is taking a bit long.
[5:12:33 PM] Nadia: we can have a cat fight elsewhere
[5:12:41 PM] Epic Mouse: This is true.
[5:13:02 PM] Nadia: call it a ...uuhhhh... training/releasing tension/building relations session
[5:13:14 PM] Epic Mouse: That...
[5:13:20 PM] Epic Mouse: Sounds like they're going to go behind closed doors.
[5:13:24 PM] Epic Mouse: ^_~
[5:13:45 PM] Epic Mouse: You did it!
[5:13:45 PM] Nadia: totally does doesn't it
[5:13:49 PM] Epic Mouse: Yes.
[5:13:55 PM] Epic Mouse: Especially "release tension".
[5:14:08 PM] Nadia: theres no taking that back either
[5:14:12 PM] Epic Mouse: *mad chat*
[5:14:34 PM] Nadia: gdi

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