[7:31:17 AM] Ordo:
[7:31:23 AM] Ordo: :|
[7:31:43 AM] Andrew Ryan: Kaine linked me
[7:31:45 AM] Andrew Ryan: I laughed
[7:31:46 AM] Andrew Ryan: so hard
[7:32:17 AM] Mia: XDDDDDDDD
[7:39:00 AM] Cira: Hmm
[7:39:04 AM] Cira: I don't like
[7:39:10 AM] Cira: This lok tart
[7:39:16 AM] Mia: ahahahahaha
[7:39:45 AM] Andrew Ryan: dem fighting words
[7:40:23 AM] Ordo: How dare You!
[7:40:24 AM] Mia: *flirty smile* hello darling *smacks round the head with pistol*
[7:40:52 AM] Ordo: I will Defend My My My Delila!
[7:41:04 AM] Jon: EN GARDE
[7:41:06 AM] Jon: WASTREL
[7:41:10 AM] Mia: LOL
[7:41:29 AM] Ordo: You nafarious Cad!
[7:41:34 AM] Ordo: Have at thee
[7:41:39 AM] Mia: you guys are making me want to watch princess bride
[7:42:31 AM] Ordo: to be honest for the last two months I have been fighting the urge to make Fezzik
[7:42:32 AM] Jon: You paltry varlet!
[7:43:13 AM] Ordo: You weak mustached baffoon! Fight Meh!
[7:43:45 AM] Jon: You hirsute troglodyte!
[7:43:55 AM] Andrew Ryan: *blinks*
[7:45:02 AM] Mia: gdi its not on netflix
[7:45:20 AM] Jon: of course not, you effeminate cur!
[7:45:27 AM] Mia: ahahaha
[7:45:55 AM] Jon: nefarious doxy!
[7:46:29 AM] Ordo: Sad excuse for a proxy
[7:46:44 AM] Jon: Small fraction of a poltroon!
[7:46:47 AM] Jon: I spit on thee
[7:47:07 AM] Ordo: That is Enough!
[7:47:21 AM] Ordo: In the Name of Delila I shall Smite thee
[7:47:32 AM] Jon: In the name of Daella I shall godmode thee
[7:48:11 AM] Ordo: My Meta handwavium has been honed over twenty years!
[7:48:39 AM] Jon: You fool! My blade is forged of pure legitium!
[7:49:48 AM] Ordo: Ligitium in the hands of a simple man harlot is still handwavium!
[7:50:11 AM] Ordo: You shall fall Mecetii!
[7:50:44 AM] Jon: NO U, Pelagia!
[7:51:09 AM] Adam: You now how I know I'm getting old?
[7:51:28 AM] Adam: when they don't fill my coffee up all the way I go back and queen until they give me more
[7:51:50 AM] Ordo: Nuh Uh Bart!
[7:51:51 AM] Mia: someone madchat this!