[10:33:32 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: Rave often makes me think of Akima.
[10:33:39 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: I don't know why.
[10:33:40 PM] Cira: oh wow
[10:33:42 PM] Cira: you are right!
[10:33:46 PM] Cira: akima face rave!
[10:33:55 PM] Jon: thaaaat is worth considering
[10:34:01 PM] Jon: assuming decent quality images can be found
[10:34:05 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: Yeah
[10:34:16 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: Do we all need to go on a cartoon char face binge right now?
[10:34:23 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: I will totes do it with Dissero or Avalore.
[10:34:26 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: I am down.
[10:34:45 PM] Jon: *trembles*
[10:35:13 PM] The Owl // Kaman: Oh dear.
[10:35:24 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]:
[10:35:26 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: Totes Rave.
[10:36:53 PM] Cira: omg yes
[10:36:57 PM] Cira: let's do it!
[10:37:00 PM] Cira: let's all get cartoon faces
[10:37:06 PM] Cira: who would be who?!
[10:37:07 PM] Jon: lolol
[10:37:15 PM] Jon: mmm
[10:37:23 PM] Cira: If cira was not hydra --- Mel from Hercules
[10:37:26 PM] Cira:
[10:37:26 PM] Jon: dissero...might have to be Aladdin
[10:37:31 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: XD
[10:37:34 PM] Jon: not sure it's avoidable
[10:37:38 PM] Cira: feth it I'll still change it
[10:37:42 PM] Cira: and jon has a point
[10:37:43 PM] Cira: lol
[10:37:44 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: The personality is dead on.
[10:37:56 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: I do like Tulio from El Dorado for him though
[10:37:57 PM] Jon: Velok? Hades.
[10:38:02 PM] Cira: ooooooooooooo
[10:38:06 PM] Cira: Good one
[10:38:08 PM] Cira: oh oh oh
[10:38:10 PM] Cira: isolda would be..
[10:38:44 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]:
[10:38:46 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: hahaha
[10:38:48 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: it's so perfect
[10:38:57 PM] Jon: lololol
[10:39:26 PM] The Owl // Kaman: I don't even know who any of my characters would be.
[10:39:29 PM] Cira:
[10:39:29 PM] The Owl // Kaman: as cartoons.
[10:39:31 PM] Cira: BAM
[10:39:32 PM] Cira: Eris
[10:39:34 PM] Cira: from Sinbad!
[10:39:51 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: nice
[10:39:54 PM] Jon: nice
[10:40:00 PM] Jon: Kaman's characters...
[10:40:07 PM] Cira:
[10:42:45 PM] Cira: Hmm
[10:42:46 PM] Cira: kaman
[10:42:54 PM] Jon: Jannik
[10:42:55 PM] Jon:
[10:43:07 PM] Cira: Loooooooool
[10:43:25 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: haha
[10:43:28 PM] The Owl // Kaman: HAHAHAHAHA
[10:43:44 PM] The Owl // Kaman: Hilarious.
[10:43:47 PM] Jon: Ilias
[10:43:48 PM] Jon:
[10:44:14 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: hehehe
[10:44:15 PM] The Owl // Kaman: The granny, clearly.
[10:44:27 PM] Jon: yup
[10:44:29 PM] Jon: and
[10:45:10 PM] Jon: Lucianus Adair
[10:45:11 PM] Jon:
[10:45:23 PM] The Owl // Kaman: OH YES.
[10:45:28 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: XD
[10:45:35 PM] Jon:
[10:45:47 PM] The Owl // Kaman: Oh gods.
[10:46:04 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: haha
[10:46:10 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: dem brows
[10:46:28 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: XDDDDDDDDDD
[10:46:31 PM] Jon: Anders
[10:46:34 PM] Jon: there can be only one
[10:46:41 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: Who?!
[10:47:16 PM] Jon:
[10:47:26 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: yus
[10:47:40 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: BWAHAHA!!!
She can even use Zaiden's letter opener to do it.
[10:47:45 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: bahaha
[10:48:05 PM] Jon: one sec...
[10:48:13 PM] The Owl // Kaman:
[10:48:19 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]:
[10:48:24 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: Tulio for Di.
[10:48:36 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]:
[10:48:42 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: Kaman: Lucianus! XD
[10:48:58 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: Haha Yes, Cait. Yes.
[10:49:02 PM] Jon: lolol
[10:49:18 PM] The Owl // Kaman: And now I'm going to have to put that gif in my sig, you know.
[10:49:21 PM] The Owl // Kaman: :|
[10:49:27 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: Of course!
[10:49:28 PM] Jon: yup
[10:49:33 PM] Jon: let's keep this up
[10:49:37 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: haha
[10:49:38 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: Avalore!
[10:49:43 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: someone find me an Avalore
[10:49:44 PM] Jon: right now I'm debating on Ovmar and Tyrin
[10:49:47 PM] Jon: Avalore...
[10:49:54 PM] Jon: avalore's so disney it hurts
[10:49:59 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: hehehe
[10:50:41 PM] The Owl // Kaman: Tyrin is... hold on...
[10:51:00 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]:
[10:51:13 PM] The Owl // Kaman: sesshomaru.
[10:51:22 PM] Cira: lol
[10:51:37 PM] The Owl // Kaman: Tyrin is sesshomaru.
[10:52:20 PM] Jon: oh gosh
[10:52:24 PM] Jon: we're about to die
[10:52:34 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: hahaha
[10:52:39 PM] Jon: I found Ayden Cater
[10:52:40 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: *trying to find Manu*
[10:52:46 PM] The Owl // Kaman: oh?
[10:52:58 PM] Jon:
[10:52:58 PM] Cira: Kitt
[10:53:05 PM] The Owl // Kaman: Manu is an old biddy like Ilias, Lissa.
[10:53:06 PM] Jon: nice
[10:53:18 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: haha Jon
[10:53:29 PM] The Owl // Kaman: Hahahaha.;
[10:53:33 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel:
http://media.giphy.com/media/LOTEawFAhWFdS/giphy.gif < MANU.
[10:53:42 PM] Jon: LOL
[10:53:54 PM] Cira: lol
[10:54:06 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: Sila:
[10:54:15 PM] Jon: hahahahha
[10:54:20 PM] Cira: xD
[10:55:39 PM] Jon: Avadreia
[10:55:40 PM] Jon:
[10:55:49 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: HAH
[10:55:51 PM] Cira: lolol
[10:56:31 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: I dunno Jon, she smiles too much for the Ice Queen
[10:57:17 PM] Jon: I found the least smiley image possible
[10:57:29 PM] Jon: also, potential Danger Arceneau:
[10:57:30 PM] Jon:
[10:57:46 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: What's that from?
[10:57:48 PM] Jon: atlantis
[10:58:00 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: oh man I haven't seen that movie in AGES
[10:58:04 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: i dont remember any of it
[10:58:22 PM] Jon: I'm brushing up on my cartoons
[10:58:30 PM] Jon: baby's watched all of Bubble Guppies twice
[10:58:32 PM] Jon: need to branch out
[10:58:34 PM] Jon: survival strategy
[10:58:39 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: Amorella:
[10:58:50 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: Ginnie:
[10:58:50 PM] Jon: sounds about right
[10:58:56 PM] Jon: hahahah
[10:59:16 PM] Cira: loooooool
[10:59:20 PM] Cira: yes!
[10:59:42 PM] Jon: ...oh, you're gonna hate me, melissa
[10:59:47 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: Ginnie'll be the Mand'alor someday! SHE WILL!
XD Why Jon?
[10:59:51 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: What did you find?
[11:00:36 PM] Jon: Ahani Najwa
[11:00:36 PM] Jon:
[11:00:46 PM] Cira: looooooooooooooooooooooooool
[11:01:26 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: Yeah, that's AHANI!
[11:02:35 PM] Jon: potential contender for Ovmar
[11:02:36 PM] Jon:
[11:02:50 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: The Tom Cat image goes well with Ovmar.
[11:02:50 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: Hehehe
[11:02:54 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: it does
[11:03:03 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: Ohhhh
[11:03:07 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: You know who else goes well for him!
[11:03:30 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: Gaston?
[11:03:35 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: maybe
[11:03:40 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: but he's a bit smarter than Gaston
[11:04:09 PM] Jon: gaston...gaston might well be Judas
[11:04:26 PM] Jon: meanwhile, I found Jorus Q. Merrill
[11:04:27 PM] Jon:
[11:04:42 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]:
[11:04:52 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: ^ that works for Jared
[11:05:16 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: Jorus is the cutest!!!
[11:05:28 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]:
[11:05:32 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: there's a better one for Jared
[11:05:39 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: oh damnit
[11:05:41 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: LOL jon
[11:05:53 PM] Jon: lolol
[11:06:35 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: Ysanae:
[11:07:03 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]:
[11:07:37 PM] Jon: ...
[11:07:39 PM] Jon: I
[11:07:39 PM] Jon: uh
[11:07:41 PM] Jon: found Ashin
[11:07:41 PM] Jon:
[11:07:51 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: The beast? XD
[11:07:56 PM] Jon: the beast
[11:08:00 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: haha
[11:08:13 PM] Jon:
[11:08:27 PM] Jon: vicious doorknob, always tanking for the pretty one
[11:08:34 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: hehehe
[11:10:13 PM] Jon: now, there's some evidence to support the proposition that Tyrin and Ovmar are these two:
[11:10:14 PM] Jon:
[11:10:24 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: LOLOLOLOLOL
[11:10:27 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: Best.
[11:10:33 PM] Cira: find sarge
[11:10:46 PM] Jon: kk
[11:10:49 PM] Jon: let's see...
[11:11:03 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: oooo I got one
[11:11:03 PM] Jon: well, Beast wouldn't be bad for Sarge either
[11:11:34 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]:
[11:11:37 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: Sarge
[11:11:48 PM] Jon: balto?
[11:11:52 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: Yep
[11:11:53 PM] Jon: win
[11:11:57 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: d'aw. Sarge!
[11:12:14 PM] Jon: jorus and sarge, the scruffy dogs who will wreck your world
[11:12:27 PM] Jon: meanwhile Ayden remains Meg from hercules
[11:12:33 PM] Jon: at least for the time being
[11:12:47 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]:
[11:12:54 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: Sarge and Cira? >>
[11:12:58 PM] Jon: ...
[11:13:01 PM] Jon: too perfect
[11:13:06 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: bit too loving for Cira maybe but whatevs
[11:13:46 PM] Jon: Ember
[11:13:47 PM] Jon: fething
[11:13:48 PM] Jon: Rekali
[11:13:49 PM] Jon:
[11:13:56 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: HAHA
[11:14:02 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: XDDDDD
[11:14:17 PM] Jon: ...Circe Savan?
[11:14:18 PM] Jon:
[11:14:25 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: pffffft
[11:14:29 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: Too cute for Circe.
[11:15:29 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: Found Circe! *hint, she's the green one*
[11:15:31 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel:
[11:15:40 PM] Jon: WTF
[11:15:40 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: hahaha
[11:15:52 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: LILO AND STITCH
[11:15:57 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: i fething love that movie
[11:15:57 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: LILO and Stitch.
[11:16:18 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: I wanted to try and find the scene where Stitch bucks the volleyball at the surfer dude. 'Cause that surfer dude would have been a great Manu. XD
[11:16:56 PM] Jon: every
[11:16:57 PM] Jon: single
[11:17:01 PM] Jon: jedi/sith romance
[11:17:01 PM] Jon: ever
[11:17:02 PM] Jon:
[11:17:04 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: Feena:
[11:17:13 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: haha Jon
[11:17:14 PM] Jon: LOL
[11:17:18 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: LWL! Aw Jon!
[11:17:30 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: Hahah! Cait, you coined Feena!
[11:17:31 PM] Jon: and it's such a cliche
[11:17:38 PM] Jon: I'd just love to see it done, you know, intelligently
[11:17:39 PM] Jon: for once
[11:17:41 PM] Jon: just once
[11:18:03 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: *has never done a Sith/Jedi romance* . . . . *ponders the attempt*
[11:18:20 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: Unless you call Andra "Jedi", then Andra/Jared
[11:18:30 PM] Jon: also, may have found the Halcyon-era Republic
[11:18:33 PM] Jon: whole faction
[11:18:33 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: Or Andra/Shorn
[11:18:34 PM] Jon: one character
[11:18:37 PM] Jon:
[11:18:49 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: EEWWW! HE WAS AN AMAZING VILLAIN
[11:19:41 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: haha
[11:19:56 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: I LOVE THAT MOVIE TOO
[11:19:58 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: With Andra/Jared, Jared took the "I'm not going to let you around the dark bits" angle, and preserved her from it, sheltered her.
[11:20:03 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: god I need to go on a Disney binge
[11:20:05 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: The song he sings by the fireplace, Cait.
[11:20:07 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: THE SONG.
[11:20:11 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: RIGHT?!
[11:20:23 PM] Melissa Ratajczak Ratel: YUS
[11:21:23 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: I found Avalore
[11:21:24 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]:
[11:21:33 PM] Jon: ...yup
[11:21:39 PM] ::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]: hahaha
[11:22:30 PM] Jon: ok, I think it's almost time for madchats
The Owl // Kaman
::Cait-Cat:: Quietus [Amore]