Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Sarge Potteiger"]

Psst - I found your true image.



Yeah - that's a good response to that. No clue where I started that from - BOREDOM!
[12:47:26 AM] Seraphina Shel'tah: So...
[12:47:55 AM] Seraphina Shel'tah: Heavy Long-Range Battery 4x10=40 (10 battery value)
[12:48:03 AM] Seraphina Shel'tah: They have 10 of those?
[12:48:16 AM] Sven Shapochka, Socialist Twi'lek: Yeah
[12:48:26 AM] Sven Shapochka, Socialist Twi'lek: Except
[12:48:32 AM | Edited 12:48:34 AM] Sven Shapochka, Socialist Twi'lek: You multiply by 2 for heavy
[12:48:40 AM] Sven Shapochka, Socialist Twi'lek: and 5 for long-range.
[12:48:56 AM] Seraphina Shel'tah: Why? It looks like that is calculated into it
[12:49:18 AM] Sven Shapochka, Socialist Twi'lek: Hold on.
[12:50:20 AM] Seraphina Shel'tah: A heavy long range battery is 2x that of a simple long range battery, which is 5x that of a turbolaser
[12:50:31 AM] Sven Shapochka, Socialist Twi'lek: Hold on hold on.
[12:50:38 AM] *** Sven Shapochka, Socialist Twi'lek goes and gets a shoe. ***
[12:50:44 AM] *** Sven Shapochka, Socialist Twi'lek rams it down his throat. ***
[12:51:30 AM] Sven Shapochka, Socialist Twi'lek: So all this time... I thought a mass driver = HVC.
[12:52:49 AM] Seraphina Shel'tah: lol
[12:52:55 AM] Sven Shapochka, Socialist Twi'lek: Let me go...
[12:53:03 AM] Sven Shapochka, Socialist Twi'lek: Be a blue twi'lek...
[12:53:26 AM] *** Sven Shapochka, Socialist Twi'lek hands over the Official Pink Twi'lek Pendant. ***
[12:53:33 AM] Seraphina Shel'tah: boom.

[4/24/15, 8:38:43 PM] Lorelei ::Cait-Cat::: My long, artistic posts died with the golden age of TGC
[4/24/15, 8:39:05 PM] Kaily: :( Maybe one day I'll be blessed
[4/24/15, 8:39:12 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: by
[4/24/15, 8:39:14 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: short posts?
[4/24/15, 8:39:19 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: but your long posts
[4/24/15, 8:39:22 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: are awesome :(
[4/24/15, 8:40:16 PM] Kaily: No, by a long Cait post.
[4/24/15, 8:40:19 PM] Kaily: A girl can dream.
[4/24/15, 8:40:34 PM] Kaily: I TRY to post short and my brain is like 'haha nooooooooooooooooooooo do you see all these thoughts?'
[4/24/15, 8:40:37 PM] Lorelei ::Cait-Cat::: They are like grandma's cookies
[4/24/15, 8:40:44 PM] Lorelei ::Cait-Cat::: you only get em every once in a while.
[4/24/15, 8:40:53 PM] Lorelei ::Cait-Cat::: XD
[4/24/15, 8:40:58 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: rofl
[4/24/15, 8:42:12 PM] Lorelei ::Cait-Cat::: Apparently
[4/24/15, 8:42:19 PM] Lorelei ::Cait-Cat::: Kaily's short posts are also like Grandma's cookies
[4/24/15, 8:42:24 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: lol
[4/24/15, 8:42:35 PM] Lorelei ::Cait-Cat::: or maybe they are Grandma's pies.
[4/24/15, 8:42:39 PM] Kaily: help i want cookies
[4/24/15, 8:42:47 PM] Lorelei ::Cait-Cat::: XD
[4/24/15, 8:42:55 PM] Lorelei ::Cait-Cat::: I will help you.
[4/24/15, 8:42:55 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: Transkalpic Elder God flips table
[4/24/15, 8:43:04 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: Transkalpic Elder God steals all the cookies
[4/24/15, 8:43:11 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: OMG kark it's 3 AM
[4/24/15, 8:43:12 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: WHEEEN
[4/24/15, 8:43:25 PM] Lorelei ::Cait-Cat::: 1. Write your post like you normally would.
2. Hover over "Post" button
3. Don't push post.
[4/24/15, 8:43:56 PM] Lorelei ::Cait-Cat::: 4. Accidentally hit the "backspace" button while not engaged in a text box.
5. Lose your wonderful, long, artistic post.
6. Freak the kark out.
[4/24/15, 8:44:06 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: lolol
[4/24/15, 8:44:26 PM] Lorelei ::Cait-Cat::: 7. Leave your laptop for an hour. Trust me, you'll either end up crying or breaking the spacebar.
[4/24/15, 8:44:56 PM] Lorelei ::Cait-Cat::: 8. Return to laptop, sob over your lost masterpiece.
9. Attempt to rewrite post.
10. Attempt to rewrite post.
11. Attempt to rewrite post.
[4/24/15, 8:44:59 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: lol
[4/24/15, 8:45:09 PM] cryax.bane: ugh
[4/24/15, 8:45:14 PM] cryax.bane: that sounds so frustrating
[4/24/15, 8:45:15 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: 12. Utilize the save post function?
[4/24/15, 8:45:37 PM] Lorelei ::Cait-Cat::: 12. Give up rewriting your post, you poor sap, you shat all your brilliance out on the first one and you'll never get it back.
[4/24/15, 8:45:50 PM] Lorelei ::Cait-Cat::: 13. Write a short, poodooty post instead.
[4/24/15, 8:45:54 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: 13. Write in a Word document next time
[4/24/15, 8:45:57 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: :p
[4/24/15, 8:46:31 PM] Lorelei ::Cait-Cat::: 15. From now on skip steps 1 - 12. Go directly to step 13. Do not pass go, do not collect $200
[4/24/15, 8:46:45 PM] Lorelei ::Cait-Cat::: 16. Don't forget step 14.
[4/24/15, 8:46:47 PM] cryax.bane: Vrag is so helpful
[4/24/15, 8:46:57 PM] Lorelei ::Cait-Cat::: NO VRAG
[4/24/15, 8:47:02 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: XD
[4/24/15, 8:47:03 PM] Lorelei ::Cait-Cat::: I'M HELPING HER WRITE SHORTER POSTS
[4/24/15, 8:47:07 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: IT'S OK
[4/24/15, 8:47:09 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: GO
[4/24/15, 8:47:15 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: WALLOW IN YOUR SELF-PITY :p
[4/24/15, 8:47:21 PM] Lorelei ::Cait-Cat::: Madchatting.
[4/24/15, 8:47:25 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: XDD
[4/24/15, 8:48:17 PM] Kaily: I'm printing that out and framing it.
[4/24/15, 8:48:30 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: lol
Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
[4/27/2015 4:51:54 PM] Ven: Quick question: Can one play Dragon Age: Origins before playing Dragon Age?
[4/27/2015 4:52:16 PM] Fusion: Dragon Age: Origins is the first dragon age game
[4/27/2015 4:52:17 PM] Ven: The ex-bae only has origins on his steam
[4/27/2015 4:52:17 PM] Fusion: So yeah
[4/27/2015 4:52:23 PM] Ven: Wait whut
[4/27/2015 4:52:28 PM] Ven: but
[4/27/2015 4:52:28 PM] Fusion: No rly
[4/27/2015 4:52:29 PM] Ven: what
[4/27/2015 4:52:30 PM] Fusion: I r srs
[4/27/2015 4:52:35 PM] Ven: WHAT ORDRE ARE THEY IN?
[4/27/2015 4:52:41 PM] Ven: DO THE TITLES NOT MATCH?
[4/27/2015 4:52:48 PM] Fusion: Origins > DA2 > Inquisition
[4/27/2015 4:52:50 PM] Ven: THIS ONE IS ONE
[4/27/2015 4:52:57 PM] Ven: THIS ONE IS TWO
[4/27/2015 4:53:01 PM] Ven: THIS ONE IS THREE
[4/27/2015 4:53:09 PM] Ven: is two literally just two
[4/27/2015 4:53:09 PM] Fusion: Like Mass Effect
[4/27/2015 4:53:12 PM] Fusion: Yeah
[4/27/2015 4:53:12 PM] Fusion: It is
[4/27/2015 4:53:21 PM] Ven: i thought there was DA, DAO, and DAI
[4/27/2015 4:53:26 PM] Ven: you're karking kidding me
[4/27/2015 4:53:30 PM] Ven: FLIPS TABLE
[4/27/2015 4:53:30 PM] Fusion: Nope
[4/27/2015 4:53:49 PM] Fusion: O bby
[4/27/2015 4:54:44 PM] Fusion: on a serious note
[4/27/2015 4:54:52 PM] Fusion: Yes
[4/27/2015 4:55:26 PM] Ven: RAWRGHHHHH
[4/27/2015 4:55:26 PM] Fusion: That is the case
[4/27/2015 4:55:36 PM] Ven: SOMEBODY REMAKE THESE GAMES
[4/27/2015 4:55:39 PM] Ven: AND NUMBER THEM PROPERLY
For the record, I was on headache medication for the entirity of both this conversation and the one I had with [member="Enigma"] above.
Also, I'm Van-Daalen.
[3:07:50 PM] Van-Daalen: Corvus should win because she's avenging Nyx, but Vrag should win because Vrag is hot
[3:08:07 PM] Van-Daalen: Damn Faora
[3:08:14 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: rofl
[3:08:57 PM] Van-Daalen: I'm still trying to imagine Nyx's face when she first saw Vrag without a helm
[3:09:03 PM] Van-Daalen: I imagine she was just, like
[3:09:06 PM] Van-Daalen: Watching Vrag
[3:09:08 PM] Van-Daalen: Glaring and stuff
[3:09:13 PM] Van-Daalen: And then karking Vrag takes the helm off
[3:09:20 PM] Van-Daalen: And Nyx's eyes go super wide
[3:09:23 PM] Van-Daalen: Just
[3:09:32 PM] Van-Daalen: "DAMN, why do all the villains gotta be so hawt"
[3:09:43 PM] Van-Daalen: And she just completely forgets, for a moment, that Vrag killed her
[3:09:49 PM] Van-Daalen: To busy focusing on that face
[3:09:55 PM] Van-Daalen: and that hair especially
[3:10:26 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: rofl
[3:11:10 PM] Van-Daalen: I'm guessing she jus teleported out of there
[3:11:15 PM] Van-Daalen: because she couldn't handle it
[3:12:59 PM] Van-Daalen: OH MY GOD, imagine Nyx going to haunt Vrag
[3:13:05 PM] Van-Daalen: And Vrag's taking a shower
[3:13:08 PM] Van-Daalen: Or a bath
[3:13:09 PM] Van-Daalen: Or whatever
[3:13:11 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: rofl
[3:13:18 PM] Van-Daalen: Like, she goes in, ready to do a jumpscare
[3:13:20 PM] Van-Daalen: and just
[3:13:25 PM] Van-Daalen: somebody draw that
[3:13:31 PM] Van-Daalen: somebody draw that now
[3:14:11 PM] Van-Daalen: laughs so hard she goes into a coughing fit
[3:14:21 PM] Van-Daalen: Ohmygosh, I need to draw all of this
[3:14:56 PM] Transkalpic Elder God: rofl
[3:15:14 PM] Van-Daalen: Nyx totally got a nosebleed
[3:15:16 PM] Van-Daalen: Somehow
[3:15:21 PM] Van-Daalen: Despite being a FREAKING GHOST
I will draw this one day. Somehow. I will do it.


The Second Seal, broken.
[2:26:27] Kaily: Laura, you're too pretty, get out of this chat
[2:26:39] Transkalpic Elder God: rofl
[2:26:46] Kaily: Actually everyone get out.
[2:26:50] Transkalpic Elder God: D:
[2:26:55] Kaily: YEAH, YOU TOO
[2:26:58] Transkalpic Elder God: WHY
[2:27:02] WOUISE: WAT
[2:27:06] Kaily: ya'll hurting my eyes
[2:27:11] Transkalpic Elder God: kaileeh
[2:27:20] Transkalpic Elder God: what did we do? ;-;
[2:27:26] Kaily: you were born too beautiful
[2:27:45] Kaily: including james and his beard
[2:27:50] Transkalpic Elder God: rofl
[2:27:53] Transkalpic Elder God: I do hope
[2:27:56] Transkalpic Elder God: he wasn't born
[2:28:01] Transkalpic Elder God: with his beard xD
[2:28:04] Kaily: He was born with a born.
[2:28:08] Transkalpic Elder God: ...
[2:28:10] Kaily: He was absolutely born with that beard.
[2:28:15] Kaily: HE WAS BORN WITH A BORN
[2:28:16] Kaily: HELP ME
[2:28:18] Kaily: lmfao
[2:28:26] *** Transkalpic Elder God drags kaily into bed ***
[2:28:28] *** Transkalpic Elder God tucks in ***
[2:28:40] WOUISE: Do you want vodka?
[2:28:43] *** Kaily makes self burrito ***
[2:28:46] Kaiser Soze: I am using a fake picture. Can I stay?
[2:28:51] Kaily: Yes.
[2:28:52] Kaily: No.
[2:28:52] Transkalpic Elder God: lmao
[2:28:56] Kaily: Maybe.
[2:28:59] Kaiser Soze: I'm actually a cat
[2:29:08] Kaiser Soze: Who learned how to use the internet
[2:29:09] WOUISE: No, I am a handsome football player.
[2:29:18] Transkalpic Elder God: THE END IS NIGH
[2:29:28] Kaily: amaze

[1:57:49 PM] Hrayr: And then people get uppity when I show up and do something heinously vile
[1:57:49 PM] Hrayr: NEWS FLASH
[1:57:52 PM] Hrayr: I'M karkING EVIL

Hrayr = Hauntruss fyi.

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