Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[3/28/15, 10:27:06 AM] Ijaat Akun (Jeremy) [Chaos]: Heeeeeyo
[3/28/15, 10:28:01 AM] Arrick (Arrbi Betna/Joru Tanaka): On 3/28/2015, at 10:27, Jeremy Hart wrote:
> Heeeeeyo

Daylight come an we wan go home
[3/28/15, 10:29:06 AM] Ijaat Akun (Jeremy) [Chaos]: I SAY HEY! I SAY HEY I SAY HEEYYYYYYOOOO!
[3/28/15, 10:30:15 AM] Arrick (Arrbi Betna/Joru Tanaka): Come Mr tallyman, tally me banana
[3/28/15, 10:31:27 AM] Cailin (Mesh'la [SL]/Anija Ordo [SWRP: Chaos]): :D
[3/28/15, 10:31:56 AM] Arrick (Arrbi Betna/Joru Tanaka): Someone mad chat this XD

[member="Arrbi Betna"]
[member="Ijaat Akun"]
[11:47:48 AM] Sven Shapochka, Socialist Twi'lek: How the--
[11:48:00 AM] Sven Shapochka, Socialist Twi'lek: How the heck did you bullet-point a bullet point, Sam?
[11:48:08 AM] Samuel Aten: magic.
[11:48:16 AM] Sven Shapochka, Socialist Twi'lek: o_O
[11:48:31 AM] Sven Shapochka, Socialist Twi'lek: It's that witch tag.
[11:48:40 AM] Samuel Aten: Probably.
A little context here: So Bibsy (my friend) and I were playing league the day before the chat, and he was laning vs Cassiopeia, and he kept calling her w (miasma) "My asthma". I am Meme Developer btw
[4/1/2015 4:18:39 PM] Bibsy: yesterday i was playing adc draven and and i got really cocky and tried to 1v4
[4/1/2015 4:18:46 PM] Meme Developer: Pentakill
[4/1/2015 4:18:51 PM] Bibsy: and the support was like “why are you so ballsy, we’re gonna lose”
[4/1/2015 4:19:03 PM] Bibsy: no i got triple and died lol
[4/1/2015 4:19:09 PM] Bibsy: so i told the support
[4/1/2015 4:19:10 PM] Meme Developer: Lel
[4/1/2015 4:19:22 PM] Bibsy: “blame it on my cerebral ballsy”
[4/1/2015 4:19:31 PM] Bibsy: and i got reported for being insensitive
[4/1/2015 4:19:31 PM] Meme Developer: Im dying
[4/1/2015 4:19:34 PM] Meme Developer: Fuck
[4/1/2015 4:19:37 PM] Meme Developer: My lungs
[4/1/2015 4:19:39 PM] Meme Developer: Send help
[4/1/2015 4:19:45 PM] Meme Developer: Its
[4/1/2015 4:19:45 PM] Bibsy: somebody call 911
[4/1/2015 4:19:47 PM] Meme Developer: My asthma
[8:25:16 PM] The Grand Poobah (Tef): ANYONE WANT IN ON THIS
[8:25:20 PM] The Grand Poobah (Tef): HUNK OF MANLY URF
[8:26:06 PM] Anna (Fabula): I'm watching girly anime shit at the moment. Maybe later.
[8:26:49 PM] The Grand Poobah (Tef): Unacceptable.
[8:27:02 PM] Anna (Fabula): YOU'RE NOT MY REAL DAD
[8:27:07 PM] The Grand Poobah (Tef): About that...
[8:27:14 PM] Anna (Fabula): o_O
[8:27:21 PM] Anna (Fabula): D-...Daddy?


I'm Sexy and I Know It
On 4/5/2015, at 11:03, Jeremy Hart wrote:

On 4/5/2015, at 11:10, Popo-couch wrote:

On 4/5/2015, at 11:11, Jeremy Hart wrote:

On 4/5/2015, at 11:11, Popo-couch wrote:

On 4/5/2015, at 11:12, Jeremy Hart wrote:

On 4/5/2015, at 11:12, Popo-couch wrote:

On 4/5/2015, at 11:13, Waid wrote:
> So Jeremy's part of WARSAW apparently.

For context:

[6:23:23 PM] Laura (Cryax): i suppose i should take it as a compliment
[6:24:05 PM] Gregor Samsa: "The HUD is nearly nonexistent and targeting is completely reliant on the pilot’s eye."
[6:24:07 PM] Laura (Cryax): but i can't help but feel like it's setting a bad precedent
[6:24:17 PM] Gregor Samsa: I really wouldn't worry about this thing. It's garbage.
[6:24:26 PM] Gregor Samsa: You wouldn't even WANT to hack these things.
[6:24:49 PM] Gregor Samsa: "Controls are difficult to master
Weak shielding and armor"
[6:25:02 PM] Gregor Samsa: These things are dead in the water if I swarm deploy droid tri-fighters.
[6:25:19 PM] Laura (Cryax): yeah but are people really going to be fair about that kind of stuff
[6:26:03 PM] Gregor Samsa: If a PC is flying one of these, they deserve to die.
[6:26:07 PM] Laura (Cryax): lol
[6:26:17 PM] Laura (Cryax): don't mind me
[6:26:24 PM] Laura (Cryax): im sounding like one of those RPers that i hate
[6:26:33 PM] Gregor Samsa: D:
[6:26:52 PM] Laura (Cryax): i should shut my complainy hole
[6:27:07 PM] Laura (Cryax): and make some software that karks it up somehow
[6:27:23 PM] Gregor Samsa: I don't know. It's pretty decrepit.
[6:27:31 PM] Gregor Samsa: Unless you want to overload their systems by installing Pong.
[6:27:49 PM] Laura (Cryax): ROFL
[4/6/2015 11:58:59 PM] Samuel Aten: it works like a bundle
[4/6/2015 11:59:04 PM] Samuel Aten: for $300 you can get all three.
[4/6/2015 11:59:09 PM] Samuel Aten: and
[4/6/2015 11:59:12 PM] Samuel Aten: THE BEST PART IS
[4/6/2015 11:59:15 PM] Samuel Aten: THEY DO THE CLEANUP FOR YOU.
[4/6/2015 11:59:35 PM] Samuel Aten: but you gotta do the cleanup
[4/6/2015 11:59:35 PM] Sven Shapochka, Socialist Twi'lek: I think your math is wrong.
[4/6/2015 11:59:36 PM] Samuel Aten: if you don't bundle.
[4/6/2015 11:59:44 PM] Samuel Aten: MY MATH IS RIGHT.
[4/6/2015 11:59:53 PM] Samuel Aten: bundling fees man.
[12:00:02 AM] Louise: What....
[12:00:05 AM] Louise: what's happening?
[12:00:13 AM] Samuel Aten: I honestly don't know.
[12:00:17 AM] Samuel Aten: I'm contemplating whether or not I want to eat dinner again.
[12:00:19 AM] Sven Shapochka, Socialist Twi'lek: [Monday, April 6, 2015 11:58 PM] Samuel Aten:

<<< the standard rate is $20 for *beep*, $100 for *beep*[Monday, April 6, 2015 11:58 PM] Samuel Aten:

<<< and if you want *beep* that's an extra
$75[Monday, April 6, 2015 11:59 PM] Samuel Aten:

<<< for $300 you can get all three.
[12:00:23 AM] Samuel Aten: but I just had 2 slices of cake.
[12:00:30 AM] Samuel Aten: I'M GOING THROUGH
[12:00:32 AM] Samuel Aten: EATING
[12:00:35 AM] Samuel Aten: AWAY MY PROBLEMS
[12:00:39 AM] Samuel Aten: because I don't want to be an adult again.
[12:00:40 AM] Louise: ARE YA'LL
[12:00:43 AM] Sven Shapochka, Socialist Twi'lek: I count $195 there, bud.
[12:00:43 AM] Louise: MAKING MATH PROBLEMS
[12:00:47 AM] Louise: OUT OF PROSTITUTION?
[12:00:49 AM] Samuel Aten: YES.
[12:00:50 AM] Louise: IS THIS REAL?
[12:00:51 AM] Sven Shapochka, Socialist Twi'lek: YES
[12:00:52 AM] Samuel Aten: YES.
[1:29:23 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: Maybe if strider would start my Beskar thread ;)
[1:30:12 PM] Strider/Serg: told you, you have my child
[1:30:15 PM] Strider/Serg: then we talk
[1:30:47 PM] Strider/Serg: beskar grieves makes for good child support
[1:30:48 PM] Strider/Serg: lol
[1:32:55 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: (facepalm)
[1:33:07 PM] Seraphina Shel'tah: Sera will not give her body for a pair of gloves
Getting a bedtime story.

[04:48:14] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: Once upon a time there was a grumpy Jedi named ...Fal.
[04:48:28] *** Louise gets comfy ***
[04:50:44] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: One day Fal was assigned to oversee a festival alongside a happy Jedi girl named ...Alavore
[04:51:21] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: Fal wasn't sure what to think of Alavore because she smiled alot, and clearly smiling meant she wasn't paying attention.
[04:52:01] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: Alavore wasn't sure what to think of Fal because he frowned alot, and clearly frowning alot meant he probably had to poop.
[04:52:20] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: And a Jedi couldn't be expected to perform his duties without first performing his doodie.
[04:52:32] Louise: rofl
[04:53:34] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: Little did Alavore know that Fal had eaten some bad nyork chowder that morning because his oats were eaten by an escaped womprat from the Jedi temple research labs.
[04:54:05] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: Fal actually really had to poop.
[04:55:11] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: But he wouldn't say anything, because that wouldn't be kosher.
[04:55:50] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: So they patrolled the festival, sharing awkward and forced conversation; Alavore trying to coax a smile out of Fal, Fal trying to coax his sphincter as tight as it would go.
[04:56:46] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: Alavore, a Healer in training, happily tended to some young folks with ruddy knees and elbows. Fal tightly remarked they aught not be running through crowds.
[04:57:15] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: It was the perfect good cop/bad cop routine: young folks were thoroughly treated and chastised all in one go, and no one was out of breath.
[04:58:28] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: Afterwards, Alavore learned that Fal had never had cotton candy before and decided that today was the day he would give it a good ol' college try.
[05:00:15] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: So she bought Fal a nice, bright pink cotton candy and insisted that even though he blanched at the sweetness, it would be rude not to finish it all. Fal, being terribly upset at the thought of being rude, slowly shoveled the sugar-froth into his mouth piece after piece. Alavore had only been joking, and found his inability to catch a joke quite and his determination not to seem rude strangely charming.
[05:01:12] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: This blokes alright, Alavore thought to herself.
I'm gonna blow, thought Fal to himself, face turning ashy-white.
[05:01:51] *** Louise peeks out of the blankets, appearing enraptured ***
[05:01:57] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: haha
[05:02:53] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: Then Alavore learned that Fal had also never eaten funnel-cake, so she bought one of those too and insisted that he help her eat half of it because she was watching her figure and men were bottomless pits anyways.
[05:03:27] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: I'm going to be bottomless before too much longer... thought Fal to himself as he forced down the sickeningly sweet funnel cake.
[05:04:33] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: And then, because the festival was full of good people and there wasn't much for them to do, as the night wound down Alavore suggested they go join the dancefloor.
[05:05:22] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: Fal, having two left feet, was not keen on this idea but he was a chivalrous man and couldn't bear the horrible pouty face she gave him when he frowned in response.
[05:05:54] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: So he tried to dance, but it was awkward and tight-arsed and he trod on her feet a few times.
[05:06:54] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: And all the hopping and the twisting and the turning and the jitterbugging got his stomach all angry as it churned up all that festivaly-goodness with that terrible, horrible, no-good nyork chowder.
[05:07:28] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: Suddenly he could not hold it in any longer and in his terror he flung Alavore into a table and tore off to the nearest port-a-loo.
[05:07:51] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: He didn't make it.
[05:08:05] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: The moral of the story?
[05:08:13] Trillian ::Cait-Cat::: DONT EAT NYORK CHOWDER FOR BREAKFAST FAL
[05:09:08] Louise: This is now canon.
[10:45:29 PM] Gregor Samsa: Pretty hot.
[10:45:36 PM] Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen: I'm going to lynch your business career, Riley.
[10:45:45 PM] Gregor Samsa: You wouldn't.
[10:45:47 PM] Gregor Samsa: You love my droids.
[10:45:51 PM] Lisette: Riley.
[10:45:57 PM] Lisette: Best femname ever.
[10:46:00 PM] Lisette: I'd ship it.
[10:46:02 PM] Lisette: Karen x Riley
[10:46:13 PM] Smitty Werbenjagermanjensen: That's the subject of Kaine's next fanfiction.
[10:46:35 PM] Gregor Samsa: [10:46 PM] Lisette:

<<< I'd ship it.
[6:48:44 PM] Aaron W: ;(
[6:48:50 PM] Aaron W: Come on
[6:48:59 PM] Aaron W: You can put it anywhere!
[6:49:06 PM] Aaron W: I made you exo suits dammit!
[6:49:28 PM] Cam: Wait what
[6:49:31 PM] Cam: lmfao
[6:49:36 PM] Lord Snarkastic (Big G): ...Oooh
[6:49:41 PM] Lord Snarkastic (Big G): You wanna be my chocolate pudding
[6:49:44 PM] Lord Snarkastic (Big G): I suppose
[12:28:13 AM] Kaily: *inches along floor like an inchworm*
[12:28:48 AM] Kesare: *slides across floor really slowly like a snail*
[12:29:13 AM] Kaily: *scuttles back and forth across the floor like a crab*
[12:29:59 AM] Kesare: *flies in the air like a seagull but quickly remembers I don't have wings and face plants*
[12:30:33 AM] Kaily: *digs through the earth like an earthworm but quickly remembers I can't breathe underground and dies*

[member="Kesare Salazar"]
[7:50:21 AM] Seraphina Shel'tah: I'll have a post up pretty soon. I locked myself out of my car and house.
[7:50:38 AM] Seraphina Shel'tah: Sooooooo I'm sitting outside getting wet til my dad gets here.
[7:52:26 AM] Gabriel: Lulz, damn that sucks. Locking yourself out of your house and car is what it takes to get a girl wet these days? Fuck that. I'm entirely too lazy to plot something so elaborate
[9:13:10 PM] Laura (Cryax): I'm having fun being a raven enemy
[9:13:38 PM] Cassidy: Haha yes! It is a hell of a storyline!
[9:14:03 PM] Laura (Cryax): I would love to do some kind of thing where Cryax gets captured by the Red Ravens
[9:14:25 PM] Laura (Cryax): But after all the hub bub dies down
[9:14:49 PM] Cassidy: Haha, restart the hub bub ;p
[9:15:04 PM] Cassidy: I don't even know what Chiasa would do with him xD
[9:15:09 PM] Laura (Cryax): When we need more hubs to bub
[9:15:17 PM] Cassidy: DAMMIT CRYAX!
[9:15:22 PM] Cassidy: Probably ^
[9:15:22 PM] Laura (Cryax): You could give him to the Red Raven members
[9:15:29 PM] Laura (Cryax): Let them all have a crack
[9:16:03 PM] Cassidy: Could do, this is true!
[9:16:13 PM] Laura (Cryax): I'm sure someone wouldn't mind torturing him or beating him up
[9:16:28 PM] Cassidy: Send a piece of Cryax and a piece of my table back to Rev ;p
[9:16:52 PM] Laura (Cryax): An ear with a note that says
[9:17:04 PM] Laura (Cryax): "I heard you like to break tables."
[9:17:12 PM] Cassidy: Ogod yes

[member="Chiasa Kritivaas"] [member="Reverance"]

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