[9:48:16 AM] Samuel Aten: Yeah.
[9:48:27 AM] Samuel Aten: and Andrew's appendix burst.
[9:48:47 AM] *** Tristen can't have that problem ***
[9:48:54 AM] Samuel Aten: already
[9:48:54 AM] Samuel Aten: removed?
[9:49:07 AM] Tristen: When I was two months old, yeah.
[9:49:20 AM] Tristen: Or something like that.
[9:49:28 AM] Tristen: It was either earlier or at two months.
[9:50:10 AM] Samuel Aten: Huh, I see.
[9:50:13 AM] Samuel Aten: Just cuz or?
[9:51:42 AM] Tristen: Had a malrotation since I was a preemie. They had to switch my intestines around to be on the right side and took my appendix out since it was on the wrong side.
[9:51:59 AM] Samuel Aten: Interesting.
[9:52:02 AM] Samuel Aten: I guess you could say...
[9:52:04 AM] Samuel Aten: you were ...
[9:52:08 AM] Samuel Aten: *puts on sunglasses.*
[9:52:11 AM] Samuel Aten: A little turned around?
[9:52:20 AM] Tristen:
Oh my god Sam.
[9:52:41 AM] Samuel Aten: *drops the bass.*
[9:52:59 AM] Tristen: I don't know how to feel about that. It was clever but also just...no.

[9:53:18 AM] Samuel Aten: It's one of my more attractive qualities.
[9:53:28 AM] Samuel Aten: Alongside the hat I stole.
[9:53:35 AM] Tristen: It's a sense of humor I can appreciate.
[9:53:45 AM] Samuel Aten: I know.
[9:54:18 AM] Samuel Aten: It must really hurt your insides just laughing about it.
[9:54:57 AM] Tristen: .-.
[9:54:59 AM] Tristen: I mean.
[9:55:04 AM] Samuel Aten: You know what.
[9:55:11 AM] Tristen: The doctors said when I was little that the malrotation could come undone eventually.
[9:55:14 AM] Tristen: Unlikely, but possible.
[9:55:15 AM] Samuel Aten: For that one, I am sorry. I am honestly sorry I couldn't come up with anything better to follow with.
[9:55:31 AM] Samuel Aten: So
[9:55:34 AM] Tristen: It was okay.

[9:55:35 AM] Samuel Aten: at least you can say
[9:55:39 AM] Samuel Aten: you weren't tied up at that moment?
[9:55:52 AM] Tristen: Does that even count?

[9:55:53 AM] Samuel Aten: You know what.
[9:55:56 AM] Samuel Aten: No, it doesn't.
[9:56:00 AM] Samuel Aten: Hand me the bleach.
[9:56:14 AM] Tristen: *pats and gives cookies* A for effort.
[9:56:58 AM] Samuel Aten: *passive-aggressively consumes cookies.*
[9:57:02 AM] Samuel Aten: You know I don't like these...
[9:57:07 AM] Tristen: Uh-huh.
[9:57:09 AM] Tristen: I'm sure.
[9:57:13 AM] Samuel Aten: Verily.