[11:21:25 PM] Remy:
http://ems-gear-store.com/collections/superheroes-of-ems/products/limited-edition-iron-medic-hoodie?variant=15141544132Great scott....
[11:22:22 PM] Seydon: Man, I thought there was gonna be a bad ass helmet in there somewhere. XD
[11:22:33 PM] Remy: I AM IRON MEDIC
[11:23:56 PM] *** Seydon plays Black Sabbath behind the ambulance. ***
[11:24:09 PM] Remy: EXCELLENT
[11:25:09 PM] Seydon: "What's that sound?"
"What do you hear?"
"It... It sounds like Ozzy..."
"Then he must have died, and he's beckoning you to the gates of Rockhalla."
"However, you have not yet taken enough cocaine to merit that honor. Where's my 2 bore IV..."
[11:25:20 PM] Remy: XD
[11:26:40 PM] Seydon: You have to admit, War Pigs is generally Detroit's theme song.
[11:28:04 PM] Remy: Indeed
[11:29:46 PM] Seydon: I kinda wish I could do that. If you're wearing that hoodie, I just ride along on your shifts and play it softly when you're on the scene. You won't know where it is, but it's there. ...And then on Thursdays, it's the BeeGees to switch things up.
[11:29:58 PM] Remy: roflmfao
[11:30:07 PM] Remy: You have issues, you know that?
[11:30:15 PM] Remy: Actually, scratch that, you have subscriptions
[11:30:41 PM] Seydon: Don't deny that Lights On Broadway is a damn good tune, okay? I could make your shifts atmospheric, at least.

[11:31:05 PM] Remy: I will give you that, but it might scare the natives
[11:33:47 PM] Seydon: Hang on.
[11:33:53 PM] *** Seydon cues up the loud speaker: ***
[11:34:14 PM] Remy: >.< Great, now my rig is going to be shot at even MORE
[11:34:14 PM] Seydon: :music: STRAIGHT OUTTA COMTPON A REAL CRAZY N***A NAMED ICE CUBE :music:
[11:34:26 PM] Remy: Ahhh... That might draw cheers and fans, actually
[11:35:03 PM] Seydon: You could get a heart rate monitor and put on it a sticker reading: "Beats, by Dre"
[11:36:51 PM] Remy: That's..... Ingenious.....