Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Ronan Nakasla

[2:33:55 PM] Remy: I smell purple
[2:35:18 PM] Senari: No, no purple
[2:35:32 PM] Remy: Almost 49 hours awake
[2:35:37 PM] Senari: Holy shit
[2:35:37 PM] Remy: Kill.... me...
[2:35:47 PM] Senari: Hold on, let me see if I can find something
[2:35:51 PM] *** Senari wanders around the corner ***
[2:36:01 PM] *** Senari comes back wielding a firey red lightsaber ***
[2:36:05 PM] Senari: Look, I found Kylo Ren's lightsaber
[2:36:10 PM] Sargon: Nice
[2:36:18 PM] *** Remy chews on lightsaber ***
[2:36:30 PM] Senari: And that's how Remy committed suicide.
[2:37:14 PM] Remy: Want.... Sleepy sleepy
[2:37:28 PM] Jet Wii: Sleep is for the weak
[2:37:44 PM] Senari: This is getting posted to madchats if everyone's okay with it
[2:38:23 PM] *** Remy gnaws on Sen's anklrs ***
[2:38:30 PM] Senari: uh
[2:39:15 PM] *** Senari doesn't know how to read bite marks ***
[2:39:55 PM] Jet Wii: Remy says he likes you
[2:40:11 PM] *** Remy carves giant picture of blankie and pillow on Sen's leg ***
[2:40:19 PM] Senari: I think he's just too tired
[1:58:15 PM] Nyx the Mysterious Panda: That sounds Gulag level shit right there.
[1:58:36 PM] Nyx the Mysterious Panda: Or whatever that plague was called.
[1:58:42 PM] Nyx the Mysterious Panda: Gulag, right?
[1:58:57 PM] Anna (Fabula): Aye.
[1:59:09 PM] Big G (Metus): Gulag, Goulash, same dif
[1:59:26 PM] Anna (Fabula): The Chocolate Goulash Virus.
[1:59:48 PM] Big G (Metus): 400 Years of Indigestion
[4:23:16 AM] Mythos: Fighting Thurion!!!
[4:23:21 AM] Mythos: IN LUJOOO
[4:23:22 AM] [Libby | Kyra Sol | Kioxes]: >;O
[4:23:30 AM] Mythos: I am so Hyped
[4:23:38 AM] Mythos: everything I have trained comes down to This moment
[4:23:46 AM] Mythos: Mythos Facing the Grandmaster of the Silvers
[4:23:51 AM] Mythos: Hawwwleey sheeet
[4:23:57 AM] [Libby | Kyra Sol | Kioxes]: BE SAFE
[4:24:02 AM] Mythos: XD
[4:24:04 AM] Mythos: I will try
[4:24:08 AM] [Libby | Kyra Sol | Kioxes]: I don't know who to root for
[4:24:14 AM] [Libby | Kyra Sol | Kioxes]: I brought Thurion to the site
[4:24:18 AM] [Libby | Kyra Sol | Kioxes]: he was my Jedi Master's student
[4:24:35 AM] Mythos: He is so cool
[4:24:35 AM] [Libby | Kyra Sol | Kioxes]: >She is dead proud
[4:24:37 AM] [Libby | Kyra Sol | Kioxes]: >dead proud
[4:24:38 AM] [Libby | Kyra Sol | Kioxes]: >dead
[4:24:39 AM] [Libby | Kyra Sol | Kioxes]: she's dead
[4:24:40 AM] [Libby | Kyra Sol | Kioxes]: :l
[4:24:41 AM] Mythos: XD hahahahahah
[4:24:46 AM] Mythos: That escalated
[4:24:47 AM] Mythos: quickly
[11:42:00 AM] Sexyass (Vrag): XD
[11:42:05 AM] Sexyass (Vrag): that
[11:42:07 AM] Sexyass (Vrag): outfit
[11:42:07 AM] Sexyass (Vrag): tho
[11:42:09 AM] *** Sexyass (Vrag) eyetwitch ***
[11:42:53 AM] Anna (Fabula): She's a Twi'lek. What more would you honestly expect?
[11:43:03 AM] Anna (Fabula): They have a racial penalty to the "dress yourself" skill.
[11:44:39 AM] Anna (Fabula): "Hey, I've been reviewing your ideas for armor."
"Pretty good, right?"
"Hm. Yes. It does sound very protective. But where would my tits hang out from this armor?"
"I don't-"
"Also, what kind of coverage does it have on my inner thighs and abs?"
"Could we perhaps add a thong?"
"This is why no Twi'lek empire has ever conquered the galaxy."
[11:45:09 AM] Sexyass (Vrag): She's a Twi'lek. What more would you honestly expect?
They have a racial penalty to the "dress yourself" skill.
[11:45:11 AM] *** Sexyass (Vrag) loud snort ***
[11:45:41 AM] Anna (Fabula): Like, in one of the SW RPGs, they literally listed Aayla Secura's outfit as "Twi'lek style Jedi robes."
[11:45:53 AM] Anna (Fabula): Which was a kind euphemism for "she dresses like a whore."
[11:46:29 AM] Sexyass (Vrag): xD
[11:48:32 AM] Anna (Fabula): I could just imagine, like, Mace and Yoda approaching her.

"Aayla. We need to discuss something."
"Masters Windu and Yoda! How can I help you?"
"It's about your... robes."
"Oh, they're beautiful, aren't they?"
"Don't you think they're a bit improper for a Jedi?"
"Excuse me, Master Windu, but that's extremely offensive. These are traditional Twi'lek robes and a reminder of my cultural-"
"See your G-string, we can."
[10:37:37 PM] Autumn | InsaneJediGirl: I want to reply to the Decline and Fall of the Republic?
[10:38:00 PM] Frau Fern: hehe
[10:38:01 PM] Frau Fern: do it
[10:38:06 PM] Frau Fern: i'm gonna do my classic
[10:38:12 PM] Frau Fern: "cira wakes up naked in sarge's bed"
[10:38:22 PM] Frau Fern: as it has turned into for every public announcement thus far
[10:38:37 PM] Autumn | InsaneJediGirl: Here that's what I was doing for Judah....only a little classier than Cira's naked ass
[10:38:45 PM] Frau Fern: omg
[10:38:46 PM] Frau Fern: do it
[10:38:51 PM] *** Frau Fern wants Judah bare bum ***
[10:38:58 PM] Autumn | InsaneJediGirl: Oh dear lord
[10:39:05 PM] Frau Fern: I've been drinking
[10:39:06 PM] Frau Fern: ergo
[10:39:07 PM] Autumn | InsaneJediGirl: How do I even write that? ponders
[10:39:24 PM] Frau Fern: heavily easily able to go into gutter mode when it comes to yummy farm boy Judah Dashiell
[10:39:26 PM] Frau Fern: that man
[10:39:29 PM] Frau Fern: unf
[10:39:34 PM] Autumn | InsaneJediGirl: Down girl
[10:39:37 PM] Frau Fern: ;_;
[10:40:02 PM] Autumn | InsaneJediGirl: I'm so mad chatting this
[10:40:11 PM] Frau Fern: GO FORTH CHILD
[10:40:21 PM] *** Frau Fern holds up a shot glass of fireball whiskey ***
[10:40:26 PM] Frau Fern: I AIN'T GOT NUTHING TO HIDE
[10:40:32 PM] Frau Fern: I'D TAP THAT DASHIELL ARSE
[10:40:49 PM] Autumn | InsaneJediGirl: Oh boy, this keeps getting better and better LOL

[member="Cira"] | [member="Thessa Kai"]

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