Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[1:40:16 PM] Syn-sama: Yeah he could
[1:40:31 PM] Syn-sama: But Tracyn should join Syn on benjeel first...
[1:40:44 PM] Syn-sama: Je'gan is coming and we are going to ride the sandworms
[1:41:05 PM] Jon: I musta been half-asleep
[1:41:08 PM] Domino: oh, I thought yall were going to rue tha galaxy
[1:41:12 PM] Jon: I'm blanking on saying I'd show up lol
[1:41:41 PM] POW POW: Tracyn doesn't really give a flying kark about the Jedi anymore
[1:41:45 PM] Syn-sama: You know you want to... nothing says manly man of manness like riding a sadworm
[1:41:56 PM] Syn-sama: But the jedi love Tracyn and look
[1:42:01 PM] Jon: Je'gan went sarlacc diving.
[1:42:03 PM] Syn-sama: look at his ematch he has hits
[1:42:08 PM] Jon: Close enough.
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[7:14 PM] Nikki's Man (Guy'Michael): Syn, don't be that guy
[7:14 PM] Nikki's Man (Guy'Michael): Well...girl
Don't be that girl
[7:14:44 PM] Cody Smith: Wait Syn is a girl?
[7:14:53 PM] Cody Smith: WAT
[7:15:02 PM] Syn-sama: Huh?
[7:15:32 PM] Nikki's Man (Guy'Michael): Yeah, Syn's a girl
[7:15:47 PM] Cody Smith: *mind=blown*
[7:15:55 PM] Nikki's Man (Guy'Michael): *wasn't surprised in the slightest*
[10:41:20 PM] A J: Yes, but given their history of killing their own personnel (see Vader at least twice a movie) it doesn't help them to say that there were personnel on the planet
[10:41:52 PM] Tyrin: You know everything before the Gulag Virus is... Is not common knowledge, right?
[10:42:00 PM] Tyrin: That whole saga is basically myth.
[10:42:31 PM] Nikki's Man (Guy'Michael): EHHHHHHHHHH
[10:42:39 PM] A J: I was using him as an example
[10:42:40 PM] Nikki's Man (Guy'Michael): Jedi Archives haven't moved
[10:42:56 PM] Nikki's Man (Guy'Michael): Though, the intricacies of Vader force choking people probably has been lost
[10:42:57 PM] Tyrin: [10:43 PM] Nikki's Man (Guy'Michael):

<<< Jedi Archives haven't movedShush, you.
[10:43:10 PM] Nikki's Man (Guy'Michael): >->
[10:43:12 PM] Poorsmitty: [10:43 PM] Nikki's Man (Guy'Michael):

<<< Jedi Archives haven't moved
[10:43:13 PM] A J: Looking at the profile of most of the sith I doubt the current crop is any better to their lackeys
[10:43:15 PM] Poorsmitty: This is very true.
[10:43:22 PM] Poorsmitty: I feel the need to quote it again.
[10:43:29 PM] Poorsmitty: Just to demonstrate the veracity.
[10:43:31 PM] Poorsmitty: [10:43 PM] Nikki's Man (Guy'Michael):

<<< Jedi Archives haven't moved
[10:43:36 PM] Nikki's Man (Guy'Michael): Nikki's Man (Guy'Michael) feels bad

Rubbing salt in open wounds, compliments of CIS Chat.
@[member="Tyrin Ardik"], @[member="Aleidis Ijet"], @[member="Kara Avoyos"].

Voice Of Chaos

In Chaos We Reside

Official SWRP: Chaos Content Team meeting, in official SWRP: Chaos Content Team uniforms.


Came in like a wrecking maul
[9:32:07 PM] DJ Grumpy Goat: Oh?
[9:32:12 PM] DJ Grumpy Goat: I can haz link?
[9:32:24 PM] DJ Grumpy Goat: Gib me or I report j00.
[9:32:24 PM] Jon: k
[9:32:42 PM] Jon: I bet you reported j00s back in the 40's too
[9:32:44 PM] Jon: freakin collaborator


Came in like a wrecking maul
[8:05:32 PM] HK-36/Doctor Jan: It's not that Rave has the balls to challange Circe's logic
[8:05:42 PM] HK-36/Doctor Jan: It's that Circe has the balls to challange.. physics
[8:05:47 PM] Jon: :D
[8:05:49 PM] Jon: truth
[8:05:59 PM] Domino: Whoa whoa whoa!
[8:06:00 PM] Domino: Hold up!
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
Arwen walks by Hanna and matsu
[7:21:04 AM] Arwen: Cheater!
[7:21:13 AM] Arwen: Arwen flips tables
[7:21:23 AM] Arwen: Arwen stops caring and wanders off
[7:21:57 AM] Syn-sama: Huh?
[7:22:17 AM] Arwen: Hanna is Spencer's step mother
[7:22:34 AM] Arwen: Ie
[7:22:37 AM] Syn-sama: I did not know that
[7:22:54 AM] Arwen: Married to her dad lulz
[7:23:20 AM] Arwen: He poofed so yeah
[7:23:39 AM] Syn-sama: Hey Hanna is the one who contacted Matsu.... on ematch
[7:23:56 AM] Arwen: Hooker!
Major Faction


Nimir-ra to Iella, Jedi Shadow
[8:14:18 PM] Syn-sama: I have been busy. Kind of, breaking in a new apprentice with Balaya takes work and Alexandra well she is a piece of ass I gots to keep from Kaine...
[8:14:30 PM] Syn-sama: If she gets her she'll be only wanting the master race
[8:14:32 PM] Juthan/Void/Alex/Laos (Justin Nobrega): Lol
[8:14:33 PM] Cameron: LOL
[8:14:42 PM] Cameron: Oh god
[8:14:44 PM] Cameron: Oh god
[8:14:44 PM] Juthan/Void/Alex/Laos (Justin Nobrega): Just lol
[8:14:45 PM] Cameron: that's
[8:14:47 PM] Cameron: too fucking funny
[8:14:48 PM] Cameron: xD
[8:14:51 PM] Juthan/Void/Alex/Laos (Justin Nobrega): It is
[8:15:00 PM] Cameron: Justin wanting Jesse
[8:15:01 PM] Cameron: Oh my god
[8:15:02 PM] Cameron: i cant
[8:15:03 PM] Kaine the Darkener: lol
[8:15:04 PM] Cameron: breathe
[8:15:05 PM] Kaine the Darkener: lolololol
[8:15:06 PM] Cameron: xDD
[8:15:07 PM] Juthan/Void/Alex/Laos (Justin Nobrega): What
[8:15:13 PM] Juthan/Void/Alex/Laos (Justin Nobrega): GOD FUCKING NO
[8:15:16 PM] Cameron: xDD
[8:15:18 PM] Cameron: THATS WHY ITS FUNNY
[8:15:33 PM] Cameron: Oh man. my lungs.
[8:15:34 PM] Cameron: xD
[8:15:35 PM] Syn-sama: Need to mad chats this now that was good
[8:15:37 PM] Kaine the Darkener: As long as I get Suhr, I am happy.
[9:06:26 PM] Tyrin: \o
[9:06:42 PM] Tyrin: Alright, that's enough of that. Be nice to the womenfolk, Kaine.
[9:06:44 PM | Edited 9:06:52 PM] Cameron: Actually..I'm just here to drink the rum. ._.
[9:06:53 PM] Tyrin: I'm off to bed. Drink responsibly.
[9:07:02 PM] Syn-sama: yeah Kaine be nice to Tyrin
[9:07:06 PM] Kaine the Darkener: I'm sowwe.
[9:07:09 PM] Cameron: lololol
[9:07:09 PM] Tyrin: SYN
[9:07:11 PM] Tyrin: UR FUKIN
[9:07:12 PM] Tyrin: DED
[9:07:24 PM] Kaine the Darkener: Did somebody say lost archives?
[9:07:34 PM] Cameron: right in the feels.
[9:07:37 PM] Syn-sama: for the 32nd time Kaine
[9:07:38 PM] Juthan/Void/Alex/Laos (Justin Nobrega): Oh god
[9:08:00 PM] Kaine the Darkener: lol
[9:09:12 PM] Tyrin: I'm done with all of you.
[9:09:14 PM] Tyrin: DONE
Gregor G. Gideon declares syn an enemy combatant
[9:51:54 PM] Kaine the Darkener: Kaine the Darkener declares Gregor an enemy of the State.
[9:51:57 PM] Syn-sama: Syn-sama points out we can't be involved
[9:52:10 PM] Syn-sama: Syn-sama gets the popcorn to watch
[9:52:13 PM] Cameron: Cameron fingerpaints.
[9:52:27 PM] Gregor G. Gideon: Gregor G. Gideon is the State
[9:52:35 PM] Gregor G. Gideon: I am teh lawww!!!
[9:52:42 PM] Syn-sama: I thought Gregor was the senate
[9:52:43 PM] Gregor G. Gideon: :D
[9:52:52 PM] Kaine the Darkener: I AM TEH SENATE
[9:52:52 PM] Cameron: Are you the
[9:52:53 PM] Kaine the Darkener: Not yet.
[9:52:54 PM] Cameron: Judge?
[9:52:55 PM] Gregor G. Gideon: Gregor is everything. Gregor is universal.
[9:52:57 PM] Cameron: Jury?
[9:52:57 PM] Cameron: Executioner?
[9:53:36 PM] Gregor G. Gideon: Sexecutioner ;)
[9:54:56 PM] Syn-sama: [9:52 PM] Gregor G. Gideon:

<<< Gregor is everything. Gregor is universal.Like Circe's penicilian
[9:55:27 PM] Cameron: i think
[9:55:33 PM] Cameron: im gonna
[9:55:38 PM] Cameron: Cameron projectile vomits.

[11/26/2013 11:50:10 PM] Gregor G. Gideon:
[11/26/2013 11:51:03 PM] Mark Elam: What
[11/26/2013 11:51:03 PM] Mark Elam: the
[11/26/2013 11:51:05 PM] Mark Elam: serious
[11/26/2013 11:51:05 PM] Mark Elam: feth
[11/26/2013 11:51:15 PM] Cameron: Cameron totally joins.
[11/26/2013 11:51:19 PM] mightylordveus: mightylordveus slow claps
[11/26/2013 11:51:43 PM] Gregor G. Gideon: Join all ye Sith, and let us bring forth pew pew
[11/26/2013 11:51:58 PM] Gregor G. Gideon: In the name of pew pew, amen
[12:02:58 AM] Gregor G. Gideon: We need to convince Tyrin to make this one of the core religions of the Sith Empire :p
[12:05:08 AM] Gregor G. Gideon: We can be known as the Pewinites, and our priests of Pewpew are Pewntificators.
[9:46:02 PM] Justin: Tyrin, you tycho?
[9:46:23 PM] Kaine the Darkener: I mean, it's not like there's a feature on the person's account to look at every character they play.
[9:46:26 PM] Kaine the Darkener: That'd be crazy.
[9:46:56 PM] Cameron: How dare you speak of such blasphemy Kaine.
[9:47:13 PM] Cameron: Why the hell would anyone ever think of such rubbish like that?
[9:47:22 PM] Kaine the Darkener: Madness.
[9:47:39 PM] Cameron: Madness?!
[9:47:51 PM] Cameron: THIS
[9:47:52 PM] Cameron: IS
[9:47:57 PM] Cameron: SPARTA
[9:47:59 PM] Kaine the Darkener: No, this is Patrick.
[9:48:07 PM] Cameron: ....Why did I see that coming...
[10:36 PM] Syn-sama: [10:25 PM] The Nopetopus:

<<< it was the wedding of Kamon Vondiranach (Spencer's father) and Hanna Vondiranach.
Two separate elements were there to cause trouble. For one thing,
Spencer had brought Ashin and Ashin had brought her friends. People like Val'Ryss Zankarr, who spent most of the night weeping into a piece of cake, or Anaya Fen.[10:26 PM] The Nopetopus:

<<< And at the other end of things, Rach Kol-Rekali, Mandalorian Dark Master, was there...[10:26 PM] The Nopetopus:

<<< ...specifically to see if he could seduce the bride.[10:26 PM] The Nopetopus:

<<< He had an accomplice, Zandra Fenni, an Echani who he'd had a couple of one-night stands with and who was more than happy to help him spread some chaos
(the sister of Kamon's boss, the Echani leader)
So it's the wedding of the Echani Forcers' grandmaster and the Vice Chancellor of the Republic. There's Echani guards EVERYwhere[10:28 PM] The Nopetopus:

<<< and Rach goes and seduces Hanna. She resists, in the end, gets cold feet, and Echani soldiers start streaming in, and Rach starts killing them while pretending to be a Sith
meanwhile, Rach's WIFE shows up to protect him
Alliera Nakamura, the reigning Mandalore
so that got complicated
[10:29 PM] The Nopetopus:

<<< meanwhile, Kamon was flipping out that Ashin was there and was trying to scare her by appearing out of nowhere in front of her, because he had White Current Immersion skills
what he had forgotten,
was that Ashin was the granddaughter and holocron-caretaker of the man who'd taught Kamon's White Current teacher.
she can't do illusions, but she can see right through'em
so he goes off to get ready for the wedding, not knowing that Rach is seducing his bride[10:30 PM] The Nopetopus:

<<< and Ashin walks over to the punchbowl and surreptitiously bleeds into it
Ashin's blood had five kinds of Sith Poison in it
yeah. I was gonna Sith Poison every Force-user in attendance[10:30 PM] The Nopetopus:

<<< but then who shows up?
DISCIPLE[10:31 PM] The Nopetopus:

<<< he dismisses my punch poisoning as weak and poisons the punch AGAIN[10:31 PM] The Nopetopus:

<<< at which point Kamon returns, metagames knowing everything, and dumps the punch into a potted plant which point...[10:31 PM] The Nopetopus:

<<< ...the plant turns into a monster and starts eating people.[10:31 PM] The Nopetopus:

<<< Meanwhile, Rach has begun killing Echani
Kamon flips out, Echani attack Ashin (who is, at this point, EMPRESS OF THE SITH EMPIRE)
MANY MANY Echani die[10:32 PM] The Nopetopus:

<<< Spencer's twin brother steps in and calls off the troops, or there'd be war
and then Spencer and Anaya start making out in front of Kamon[10:33 PM] The Nopetopus:

<<< like, making out on the floor kinda thing. Then Anaya drags Spencer off for sex, Ashin watches with mixed feelings, and Kamon is left feeling very, very uncomfortable. Meanwhile Hanna calls off the wedding and they have to elope. Because she's pregnant.
Moral of the story: Rach is the biggest douche around.
Moral of the story: Do not label a wedding 'open'
Moral of the story: Do not invite the Dark Lord of the Sith to your wedding, even if she's screwing your teenage daughter.[10:34 PM] The Nopetopus:

<<< *takes a bow*

This is just epic
[10:36:22 PM] The Nopetopus: :D
[10:36:39 PM] The Nopetopus: Picture Val'Ryss weeping into a piece of cake while sitting on the ground in a corner
[10:36:46 PM] Sargon: so your own sith stole your girl during a wedding?
[10:36:48 PM] The Nopetopus: Picture Spencer Jacobs eating ALL the rest of said cake
[10:36:58 PM] The Nopetopus: naw. Like I said...Ashin watched.
[10:37:09 PM] Sargon: oh literally watched
[10:37:19 PM] The Nopetopus: Spencer was feeling experimental. Ashin was in no mood to object.
[10:51:12 PM] Mason: *not too many transgendered Sith Lords
[10:52:12 PM] Syn-sama: I don't know that Tyrin chick is pretty intense
[10:52:31 PM] The Nopetopus: *fans self*
[10:52:32 PM] Alli Wren: aye
[10:52:33 PM] The Nopetopus: That Tyrin
[10:52:35 PM] The Nopetopus: I'd shag her
[10:52:37 PM] The Nopetopus: defs
[10:52:58 PM] The Nopetopus: assuming proper paper bag placement


Well-Known Member
Kaine Zambrano said:
[2:50:17 AM] Tigern Från Norden: I think,my soup is trying to melt my spoon :(
[2:50:31 AM] Tigern Från Norden: Dadddyy Kaineee come tell it off
[2:50:32 AM] Tigern Från Norden: XD
[2:50:42 AM] Kaine the Darkener: Kaine the Darkener steals the soup's kid.
[2:50:52 AM] Tigern Från Norden: O.O
[2:50:59 AM] Tigern Från Norden: The soup has a kid?
[2:51:07 AM] Kaine the Darkener: It doesn't anymore.
[2:51:14 AM] Tigern Från Norden: LOL
I choked from this. Was eating, bad idea.

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