@[member="Dranok Lussk"]
[11/30/13 10:05:47 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): Dude, how would you guys like personalized gifts for Christmas for your characters?
[11/30/13 10:05:54 AM] Andrew: YES
[11/30/13 10:05:54 AM] Syn-sama: Sweet
[11/30/13 10:05:55 AM] Andrew: mewantz
[11/30/13 10:06:04 AM] Josh G: uhm, yus plz
[11/30/13 10:06:11 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): Cool beans, I'll make a master thread and take requests
[11/30/13 10:06:17 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): I'll do weapons, ships, droids, people
[11/30/13 10:06:28 AM] Andrew: But
[11/30/13 10:06:31 AM] Andrew: I want a PS4
[11/30/13 10:06:31 AM] Andrew: :C
[11/30/13 10:06:37 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): no b***
[11/30/13 10:06:41 AM] Andrew: F*** YOU, DAD
[11/30/13 10:06:42 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): you get a star destroyer
[11/30/13 10:06:44 AM] Andrew: I HATE YOU
[11/30/13 10:06:48 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): c:
[11/30/13 10:06:48 AM] Andrew: Andrew runs to his room.
[11/30/13 10:07:49 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): Josh Martin (Dranok) hands Andrew an Xbox One
[11/30/13 10:07:58 AM] Andrew: OH NOW YOU DID IT
[11/30/13 10:08:05 AM] Josh G: Josh G snickers
[11/30/13 10:08:15 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): HoloPorn Ep 1: Dranok parks fleet
[11/30/13 10:08:22 AM] Josh G: lolz
[11/30/13 10:08:29 AM] Andrew: I am going thermonuclear on this.
[11/30/13 10:08:36 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): gey
[11/30/13 10:08:41 AM] Andrew: But yeah, Imperial Star Destroyer, Josh?
[11/30/13 10:08:47 AM] Andrew: Those ships were gey.
[11/30/13 10:08:52 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): WERE
[11/30/13 10:08:57 AM] Andrew: ARE
[11/30/13 10:09:15 AM] Andrew: Give me the Ascended Demon and everything will be OK between us.
[11/30/13 10:09:22 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): Oh nononononononooooooooooooooooo
[11/30/13 10:09:35 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): You can have the Sovereign
[11/30/13 10:09:42 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): My POS Hammerhead-class Cruiser
[11/30/13 10:12:29 AM] Andrew:
[11/30/13 10:12:45 AM] Andrew: Andrew coughs.
[11/30/13 10:13:18 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): This, fool:
[11/30/13 10:13:36 AM] Andrew: That looks even worse.
[11/30/13 10:13:58 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): It's yours.
[11/30/13 10:14:04 AM] Andrew: Andrew sighes.
[11/30/13 10:14:11 AM] Andrew: I seriously hate you, mom.
[11/30/13 10:14:17 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): Nobody likes their first car.
[11/30/13 10:14:23 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): That was mine
[11/30/13 10:14:56 AM] Andrew: At least give me this,
[11/30/13 10:14:58 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): I can't afford a Dominance-class Dreadnought like those other moms, I can barely affort this with my 2 jobs.
[11/30/13 10:15:52 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): Being a waitress and a mistress isn't easy work.
[11/30/13 10:15:56 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): :c
[11/30/13 10:15:59 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): I work hard 4 u
[11/30/13 10:16:13 AM] Andrew: THIS IS NOT FAIR
[11/30/13 10:16:28 AM] Andrew: I hate my life, I hate our house. I hate school.
[11/30/13 10:16:30 AM] Andrew: AND I HATE YOUUUUU
[11/30/13 10:16:40 AM] Andrew: Andrew runs off to his room again like a little whiney queen.
[11/30/13 10:16:54 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): Fine. Don't check your stocking for that Chysalide-class Battle Cruiser
[11/30/13 10:17:20 AM] Andrew: *Chrysalide-class Battlecruiser
[11/30/13 10:17:36 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): dammit
[11/30/13 10:17:39 AM] Andrew: Andrew raises his hand.
[11/30/13 10:17:40 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): TYPOS
[11/30/13 10:17:41 AM] Andrew: I want that.
[11/30/13 10:17:50 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): Josh Martin (Dranok) slices off hand
[11/30/13 10:18:19 AM] Andrew: SEPPUKU
[11/30/13 10:18:28 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): I tell you what, this is forreal, you prove that you're a capable ship captain and you can take out the Astral Horizon whenever you want.
[11/30/13 10:18:30 AM] Josh G: it is the only honorable thing
[11/30/13 10:20:55 AM] Andrew: honestly, Josh.
[11/30/13 10:21:00 AM] Andrew: You need to provide me with links.
[11/30/13 10:21:11 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): What kind of threads?
[11/30/13 10:21:19 AM] Andrew: > Astral Horizon
[11/30/13 10:21:41 AM] Andrew: oh Chrysalide-class Battlecruiser
[11/30/13 10:21:47 AM] Andrew: Fine, I will take it.
[11/30/13 10:21:49 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): Yus
[11/30/13 10:22:06 AM] Andrew: But NEXT CHRISTMAS I WANT THE SHIP JON'S GOT.
[11/30/13 10:22:23 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): Invictus-class are WEAK
[11/30/13 10:22:25 AM] Syn-sama: and posted FOR ESHAN
[11/30/13 10:22:35 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): Go for Tulak Hord or Pellaeon Mk II
[11/30/13 10:22:48 AM] Syn-sama: I want an upgrade on the Dark desire
[11/30/13 10:22:55 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): Shhhh
[11/30/13 10:22:59 AM] Andrew: Tulak Hord was a Sith Master?
[11/30/13 10:23:11 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): And a 2km long Sith Empire Star destroyer
[11/30/13 10:23:16 AM] Andrew: ah
[11/30/13 10:23:19 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): With capabilities to take a planet by itself
[11/30/13 10:23:42 AM] Andrew: nice.
[11/30/13 10:23:52 AM] Andrew: Fine, but I also want a job at Lussk's Logistics.
[11/30/13 10:23:58 AM] Syn-sama: Well most star destroyers could do that if you'll recall
[11/30/13 10:24:03 AM] Andrew: with a PS4 in the ship.
[11/30/13 10:25:05 AM] Andrew: And, I want to be the Admiral Chief of Naval Operations.
[11/30/13 10:25:07 AM] Andrew: *in the army.
[11/30/13 10:25:14 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): Impossible
[11/30/13 10:25:18 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): No such rank
[11/30/13 10:25:20 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): and
[11/30/13 10:25:21 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): logic
[11/30/13 10:25:41 AM] Andrew: I'll settle with the rank which is directly beneath yours.
[11/30/13 10:25:54 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): Prove yourself, sir. I don't just hand out promotions
[11/30/13 10:26:37 AM] Andrew: Well you did hand out that promotion to our next-door neighbour, Lady Organa?
[11/30/13 10:26:52 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): she ded
[11/30/13 10:27:08 AM] Andrew: and what about when Solo left your bedchambers? he seemed REALLY happy.
[11/30/13 10:27:17 AM] Josh G: lolz
[11/30/13 10:27:19 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): I showed him my PS4
[11/30/13 10:27:22 AM] Josh G: ROFL
[11/30/13 10:27:34 AM] Andrew: F****
[11/30/13 10:27:36 AM] Andrew: WE HAVE A PS4
[11/30/13 10:27:37 AM] Andrew: ?!
[11/30/13 10:27:42 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): I*
[11/30/13 10:27:47 AM] Josh G: lololol
[11/30/13 10:27:56 AM] Andrew: Up yours, Mom. What is yours is mine.
[11/30/13 10:28:02 AM] Andrew: you know the drill.
[11/30/13 10:28:08 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): drill
[11/30/13 10:28:09 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): hehe
[11/30/13 10:28:18 AM] Andrew: *reports Josh*
[11/30/13 10:28:22 AM] Josh Martin (Dranok): OHS***