Mishka Larraq
Farmer's Daughter
I'll be honest... I kinda like toxic, volcanically active Mandalore.
Tallia Farn said:That said we're not going to abandon the idea we're just going to give it more of the slow burn treatment to allow for more of a story to develop, which will allow for some skirmishes to take place which will have faction rewards and IC consequences to give it more flavor than if we were to just pop in and take the hex in the matter of one thread. This would most likely escalate to an Invasion thread of Mandalore after the appropriate build-up has occurred.
Add one more interested mando to the cause.Tallia Farn said:having the Mando'ade funding the rebels covertly so they don't go into all out war.
You were down for doing it before you were (incorrectly) told you couldn't.Tallia Farn said:[member="Darth Carnifex"]
I'm just trying to plan it in a way that works for everyone involved and doesn't cause any community strain. I wouldn't wait to kick off the faction I just wouldn't strip the Dominion of their hard earned map hex without first putting in the time for some proper faction development. Even if the rules allow for it, I'm looking to write a fun Mandalorian story not make a quick grab in the map game.