Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mechanize This

A fragile alliance had been made between Ra and the Emperor of the Jen'ari Empire. However, it allowed her to wander through the streets and across the various worlds of the empire.

Now she found herself walking through one of the markets, looking over the goods, she would stop now and then to pick something up before setting it back down. She saw potential in many of these items and as a merchant that is what she looked for. As she neared the edge of the market, there were the familiar sounds of droids.

Just a few years ago, she would have run from this sound. Now though she had no fear of them and actually worked quite well with them. While she did not fully understand how things went together, she understood programming. Having worked with drones, free-droids and regular ones, she wondered what this place offered.

Walking into the building, she was approached by somebody.

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
Demitry walked up to the woman, holding up a small bag of credits. "Vaht do you think I should buy, miss? I vant to learn to make and take droids apart." He'd reach into his bag, pulling out a pair of glasses before turning back to the stalls. "I vant something affordable." He'd mutter, looking through the droids, frowning.
Since he had approached her, maybe he thought she worked here. That wasn't the case, but Ra wasn't one to just turn her nose up at somebody wanting help, especially if it had to do with droids.

"What do you want your droid to accomplish?"

A simple question, but the answer would help her to guide him where he wanted to go.

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
Demitry pondered this question for a moment, before turning back to the woman. "I vahnt... A service droid, I suppose." He'd begin to wander deeper into the marker, assuming she's follow. "I also vahnt to know who you are." He'd turn dramatically, making sure his coat swishes. "I am Demitry Draskovits!"
It seemed this boy had an easy dream he wanted to accomplish. Nodding when he said he wanted a service droid, they headed further into the shop. Picking up a few parts she knew would come in handy, Ra looked at him as he introduced himself with a bit of a flourish. Giving him a smile and moving the small items into one hand, she held her now empty hand out to him.

"Ra'a'mah Numare, at your service. Nice to meet you, Demitry."

When that was done, she continued to look for other parts he might need for this droid.

"Do you want it to speak to you or just use binary?"

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
"Well, I guess I'd like them to speak to me and stuff, for company. But as I vahnt to take them a part and remake them, would binary be cheaper for me?" He'd seem to get distracted for a moment, tripping over a table. "Ah..." He'd sigh, pushing himself back to his feet, continuing to look at droids before eventually stopping before one. "This one?"

"It's all in the programming you want. Protocol droids usually speak millions of languages and have basic in there, so if you want it to be able to converse with you, then you want this bit here."

Holding out a hand, it contained a small chip that would go into the brain part of the droid.

"You alright?"

Noticing he had tripped after getting distracted, Ra asked this to be nice. It was clear the boy was fine. When he stopped at one of the offered droids, she walked around it and shook her head.

"I can get you all the parts at a far cheaper price than what this is sold as. You see I work with droids for a living."

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
Demitry looked down at the chip, smiling. "I vahnt a speaking want then!" He'd begin to walk off, pausing. "Vait! You work vith droids?" He'd turn back, grinning madly. "Please teach me to tinker and make droids, miss!"
He accepted the chip and started to walk again. Then he turned around with some enthusiasm and asked her to teach him.

"I have some items in my ship, but the main parts are with my fleet. You interested in learned how to be a merchant along with tinkering on droids?"

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
He began to follow her, albeit with hesitation. "I vahnt to, i really do. However, I need to try find a teacher within the Jen'ari... Teach me force stuff." He'd stop in his tracks, frowning. "This is a hard decision..."
"Why must the teacher be from the Jen'ari?"

While she was here, she was a part of the empire, but Ra didn't feel she wouldn't be involved too much longer.

"If you come aboard my isn't as exciting as you think, being a merchant and all. You get to travel around the galaxy, see many different worlds, meet new people and most of all, you get to learn. I can teach you of the Force and how to be a businessman. If you're interested."

It took care of both aspects of his choice and to have organic company while travelling would be nice

[member="Demitry Draskovits"].
"I suppose it doesn't need to be from Jen'ari... And I can always visit." He'd then nod, making his way out of the market and towards the spaceport. "I have decided, i vahnt to come with you strange lady who I just met."

"I vahnt to learn languages and stuff as well, do you know any of that stuff?"

It was clear to Ra this boy was rather innocent. He could also tell she wasn't going to harm him. At one point in her life, she had been his age and her master had sent her murder a couple. Their children had been just a little younger than she had been at the time. It had broken her that day and she had vowed to never harm another child. Demitry was just a child and she would take care of him.

He decided to come along with her and they started to head back to the spaceport.

"Hold on, we need to pay for these parts unless you just want to use what I already have."

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
"I vahnt to buy some of my own... Yes." He'd turn back, sprinting towards the store!

He'd return a few minutes later, his credits bag significantly emptier and his arms, well, fuller.

"I have bought the stuff, now we shall go! I think" He'd run to catch her up, running into a random man on the way.
She waited for him to return before continuing back to her shuttle. Her merchant ships were far too large to have one actually come to the surface of a planet. If that happened, it would never return to space.

Almost wanting to do a facepalm when Demitry ran into somebody, she refrained from taking any action.

"Do you have any belongings you need to pick up anywhere?"

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
"I'm a bit clumsy.." He'd mutter in between apologies to the person. "I don't have anything really except vaht I'm carrying." He'd continue to run off, taking much more care in where he is going now.

In her mind, he was still a growing boy and until that was done, he would be clumsy. Nodding when Dimetry said he only had what he wearing and carrying, she went into the spaceport and assumed he was following her.

"I can get you set up with quarters and clothes. Once you're settled in we can start on the job training. You will also get paid for your work. Since room and board are provided, how does $1200 credits a month sound?"

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
He simply shrugged. "Sounds alright, except I don't know how much I'd earn." He'd quicken his pace, smiling a little. "I also vahnt to know whether I can travel independently sometimes, I need to know specifics."
Turning her head to look at the boy when he asked if he could travel on his own, she nodded.

"You can, the only thing I would ask is to make sure you're around when we make pickups and deliveries. That's when I'll need you the most. As for training in the other aspect, there is plenty of time while travelling in space for that."

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
Demitry brightened up significantly at the mention of training. "Can we start now? I need to learn force stuff as soon as possible!" He'd quicken the pace significantly, growning excited.


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