Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mechanize This

"Right now is a bit difficult, but as soon as you're settled in, yes."

Leading him aboard the shuttle waiting, Ra waited for him to find a place to sit. Once there, she piloted the craft out of the spaceport and to the fleet waiting above. It didn't take her long to get them there.

"C'mon, let me take you to your quarters while you're on the ship."

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
"Okay." He'd run ahead after Ra pointed out his room.

It was a modest room, but it had all the basics which he required. "I like it!" He'd turn back to Ra, smiling broadly.

"Thank you!"
"Go on and get settled in. I'm going to get this fleet moving. Come and meet me on the bridge when you're ready."

When he was ready, a droid would be waiting outside his room to guide him to where Ra was waiting. Small talk would be given if Dimetry attempted to speak to the droid. General questions would be answered, but not much more than that.

Around him, he might notice there was a lack of organics working. It was almost like he and Ra were the only ones. That wasn't the case, but they were at other stations. Once the two of them reached the bridge, where he would see organics working.

"How do you like it here so far? Things are just starting for you."

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
Demitry grinned at the sight off the droid, talking to it almost the whole way up to the bridge.

"I really like it here already, I spent ages talking to this droid! Anyvay, not to be too eager but can we please start training and stuff almost immediately?"

Ah, the excitement of the young. Ra had pretty much forgotten about that as she aged. Holding up a hand to indicate he would need to wait just a moment, she looked to the controller of the ship and ordered them into hyperspace.

"Yes, just needed to get the course set. Have you been in space before?"

There was a point to this question and she now waited on his answer.

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
Demitry nodded when she held up the hand, turning to converse back with the robot.

"Oh, once. When I was a little kid, I did." He looked over his shoulder towards Ra. "Been a while though."

"Follow me. If there are any issues they know how to contact me."

Grabbing a coms device from the wall, she slipped it on her wrist and started to leave the bridge.

"Training begins now. You're going to learn how to live in space for a time with me."

Walking away from the bridge, she slowed her pace to match that of Dimetry and explained what she meant.

"There are ways in the Force to live for long periods of time without eating, drink or sometimes even breathing. At first, when you are learning this, we will be wearing suits to protect ourselves. As you gain mastery over this, that will go away until you can do it without the suit."

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
Demitry suddenly grows very interested in what she is saying. "That sounds extremely useful actually." He'd quicken his pace, making his way towards the space suit place. "I'll master if as quick as I can!"
"It takes time and don't hurry from step to step."

Opening up a door with a hiss, it revealed a small room with just a few spacesuits on the wall. Ra had her own for this purpose and put that on. It was different than the others but made specifically for her. It went far beyond a simple spacesuit though and she used it from time to time while on missions with Josh.

Closing the faceplate and checking to make sure Dimetry was fitting properly into his suit, she made sure the door was closed and pressed another button.

"On the other side of this door is space. Now hook a line to yourself and we will go out."

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
"I vohnt rush it, don't worry." Demitry nodded as he fitted the last few straps.

"I'll be very responsible." He'd nod, seeming very confused for a moment as he struggled to attach a hook to himself, but finally he succeeded and stepped out of the shuttle(?).

Reaching out with the Force to keep herself steady, Ra hooked herself up as well and floated out into space. She could use the Force and her suit to guide her movement. With the Force, she kept Demitry secure against the bulkhead of the ship, but not so hard that he couldn't move freely. Provided he followed her movement, they would find themselves sitting on the top of the ship they were on.

It was no mere shuttle, but a very large merchant ship. Not at all designed for battle, there were very few weapons to be seen, but there were a few around the hull that he could see.

"Now, focus only on your breathing."

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
Demitrys face screwed up in concentration as he began to use the force to control his climb, albeit very slowly. He managed to get about halfway, due to his some-what lacking understanding of the force and very limited control of it.

He muttered something into his mask, allowing Ra to take over the climb. Once they reached the top of the ship, he smiled, looking around for a moment before nodding, and began to focus on his breaths.

Letting out a grunt of surprise when Demitry started using the Force to get himself up the side of the ship, Ra would have to accelerate his training just slightly. When he started to lose his focus and fail in the climb, she finished getting him up and gave him the time he needed to get comfortable on top of the ship.

Once he started focusing on his breathing, she nodded.

"Slow them down until you can hear your heart."

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
Demitry nodded, slowing his breathing deeply and slowly.

He would spend several minutes slowing his breathes until he could hear his heart, like he had been instructed. He'd nod to her, keeping his breaths slow and deep.

Demitry was an open book to her and Ra easily connected with him.

"Now listen to and feel the Force around you. Here in space, there is the Force only. No life around to distract you as you focus."

Sitting on the hull of the ship, she made sure he was secured as well as she spoke.

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
Demitry nodded, adopting a medative position. "I.. I can try." He said, before taking a minute to slow his breathing once again.

Demitry closed his eyes, focusing deeply on feeling the force around him.

"What do you feel? What do you hear?"

Two simple questions, but they needed answering before any real training could begin. If he came back with a big, blank nothing, then Ra would have to guide Demitry to touch the Force while meditating.

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
Demitry reached out with the force, just as she instructed, his eyebrows raising slightly as he was surprised by what he felt, an electrical feeling surrounding him, it was a very weird sensation, but one he quite enjoyed. "It's... Electrical."

Demitry once again slowed his breathing, concentrating deeply once again.


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