Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mechanize This

"Sure." He shrugged, continuing to move the crates around until he'd actually moved all the crates, almost all of them by himself. He'd grown very comfortable with being able to do this with the force, he wandered out of the hangar to find [member="Riamah"] once this task had be accomplised. "Can we do some more training today? We've got a while until we have to take them down, I think... Dunno." He shrugged, moving a small pen around the room with the force, smiling. "I enjoy doing this now, now I'm more comfortable with it... But anyway, can you please show me something else today? I'm making very good process."
"Actually the next training isn't going to happen on this ship, but on the planet below. We can deliver early. Clients generally really like that."

With those last words, Ra climbed into the pilot seat of the loaded shuttle and waited for Demitry to join her. Alerting the planet below of her request to come and deliver the cargo, she expertly started to fly the craft out of the larger ship.

"Are you ready to learn how to hide?"

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
Demitry seemed puzzeled by this statement, of course he already knew how to hide... In a box, up a tree, anywhere really. "I can hide well already." He covered his face with his hands, grinning. "See? Hiding." He followed her regardless, thinking he had definitely under thought this statement. The moment they landed on the planet, Demitry rushed out to the planet, looking around in awe. It was his first time away from, well... It was his first time travelling this far. He began to talk to anyone and everyone, even if it was clear they didn't want to talk to him. He then realised what he had came for, and rushed back to Ra. "Can we start now or do we need to sell this stuff?"

There was something Ra never really had the chance to do and that was to be a child. Though some things had changed and she now had a partner that had a child. So at times, she had the opportunity to play with him. When she spoke, she didn't have childish games on her mind and Demitry would soon learn that.

After the loaded shuttle landed, she watched as he took off into the crowd and shook her head. Motioning to the droids that had come along with them to start unloading, he returned after it was unloaded.

"Don't need to sell it, but deliver only."

Taking a datapad out of a bag, she typed in an address and handed it to one of the droids. It took a reading and nodded.

"Once that's done, we have the next day or two to be on the world. Then off to the next."

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
Demitry nodded, growing serious. "Are we going to be playing a very long game of.. Uh, hide and seek but with the force?" He was clearly very focused on training at the moment. He followed her, trying to peer at whatever it was she was typing on her datapad. "It seems like a nice planet." He began to fiddle with the sheath of his dagger, one of his habits when he was nervous, and it was clear he was nervous.

"Exactly right."

It was all Ra said on the matter. The rest of the day was spent checking the delivery through customs and getting it where it needed to bed. She planned on staying on the planet for a couple of days for a few reasons.

This gave any of the organics of her crew some time off the ships. Here they could relax and the ships could be supplied with whatever they needed.

Once the drop off was accomplished, Ra led Demitry to the inn they would be staying in while they were here. Checking in, she handed him a key to his room and went to her own.

"After dinner, we can begin. Meet me outside when you are done."

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
"How will.. Okay." He nodded, stopping his question, he set off to his own room to rest and eat. After eating and freshening himself up, doing all this quite quickly so he would manage to get outside before [member="Riamah"] . He rolled his neck, cracking all of his knuckles, before slowing his breathing. He had a theory about hiding with the force, and he wanted to test it. He drew in the force towards the entirety of his body, effectively engulfing himself. He had no clue whether this would work, and just wanted to try it. He kept this up until Ra arrived, looking up at her. "Is this how I can hide using the force?"
Chuckling slightly when Demitry asked how he would be able to hide and then never finished it, Ra did the same as him. Not taking so much of a rest, she used this time to prepare for the upcoming lesson. She did get some food though and had just finished eating when she felt her companion gather the Force around him. Fully expecting to him to be under some sort of attack, she ran out of the inn to see him standing there calmly waiting for her.

Giving him a slightly dirty look for causing her the concern, she shook her head.

"Not at all. In fact, you are like a beacon right now and pretty much any Force-sensitive person can feel you. Let go of the Force and we can get moving."

The speeder was waiting for them and she climbed into the driver's seat. Waiting for him to join her, she made sure it was set up for her still.

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
Demitry frowned. "Oh, uh.. Sorry about that, kind of opposite thing was happening in my mind. How do I hide then?" He dispelled the force, sighing in relief. Sweat had began to form on his forehead, fully masking himself had been quite taxing. "Could that protect me? Like putting the force in the way of an attack, get what I mean?" He clambered onto the speeder, frowning slightly. He'd hoped there was two, he hadn't drove in a while and was really hoping he could. As they sped off, he idly lifted sand from the floor, flinging it randomly. He leant back a few times, almost falling out of the speeder. When they finally stopped, he disembarked immoedietely. He glanced around with childish glee, trying to find a hiding spot.

"Let's get out of town first. Lessons shouldn't be done in quite so public of a location."

There wasn't a need in her mind to provide Demitry with his own speeder for the short trip planetside. If she ever needed to send him on a mission or do something for work and she wasn't going to present, then she would.

Making sure they had food for the day, she sped out of town and into the countryside. When a suitable location was found, she stopped the speeder and grabbed the food. Motioning for him to follow her, she struck off into the woods.

"To hide you need to focus on yourself and as you feel the Force, more or less imagine yourself getting smaller. That is how you hide your force ability. To make yourself invisible then you need to warp the lightwaves around you to make you appear to be a part of the area."

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]

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