Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mechanize This

The Force manifested itself different to people. What Ra felt of as a river, he picked up on it as being electrical.

"Now pull that into you, but stay focused on your breathing and heartbeat."

It might or might not work for him at this time. The Force could be slippery when it was wanted, but almost always there when it was needed.

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
Demitry looked dumbfounded for a moment, his brows furrowing as he concentrated deeply. Sure enough, the force was slowly drew towards him. There were moments went his concentration wavered and the force slipped his grip, he actually fell asleep fully once.

But eventually he had managed to draw in a significant amount of the force. He smiled please with his work, looking up towards Ra for further instructions.

It didn't matter how long it took for Demitry to accomplish this feat. Once Ra was sure he had full control of it, she knew now the lesson in breathing could come into play.

"Focus on your breathing again. Use the Force to slow your breathing down and then rely on it to keep you alive. I will follow your progress."

She fully expected him to fail a few times before he was successful, but when the accomplishment worked, she would unplug his helmet from receiving oxygen. The Force would keep him alive for a short time. This was something only to be used in emergencies but it was good knowledge to have.

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
Demitry nodded, a little uncertainly, slowing his breathing dramatically. He'd then close his eyes, cutting off everything around him except the force, which his concentration on grew dramatically.

His brow furrowed as his face reddened, struggling with the task greatly. He took one last deep breath before recommitting to the task, drawing the force close towards him as he slowed his breath once again. He suceeded this time, albeit barley. He was using it to keep himself alive, but barley, struggling greatly at breathing in any sense. He'd continue to practice this for hours, until eventually he was able to draw in an amount where he was relying on the force, and just about the force alone to breathe.
Not bothering him as he performed the exercises, once she was positive he had accomplished the task, she unhooked the oxygen tube from his helmet. Allowing this to remain unhooked for only a few minutes, she put it back together when she was sure he was about to die.

"That was a very difficult task to do. I would suggest we return to the ship and continue lessons tomorrow. Go rest, shower and recover. Find me on the bridge again after you have woken up."

Waiting for him to gather his strength, Ra would allow Demitry to go in front of her while returning. This way if he stumbled and failed, she could rescue him.

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
Demitry had in fact been on the verge of death when she pulled the thing, taking in a very welcomed gasp of air. He'd stand up weakly, having used up most of his energy on keeping himself alive for the time he did. He'd stand up, beginning to lower himself, but giving in to the exhaustion and allowing [member="Riamah"] to finish the job.

He'd set of immediately towards his room, basically dragging himself along. He'd crash into the bed immediately, sleeping for a long time.

When he finally awoke, he set off to the hangar area once again, intent on finding Ra to request another lesson in space breathing(?). "This time, I shall not almost die, ok?"
He found her on the bridge and they again travelled to the same room they had been in the day before. Making sure each of them were equipped with the spacesuits, they found themselves on top of the ship again.

Same as the day before, Ra would be ready to help him up the side of the ship if he needed it. Once they were on top, she took a seat behind him and nodded that he should begin his exercises.

"It isn't going to be mastered overnight, Demitry. Take all the time you need."

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
Demitry managed to raise himself the whole way this time, having a lot more energy. "Pfft... I'll master it today, watch." He'd grin cockily, closing his eyes. He'd slow his breathing until he was almost not breathing at all, reaching out to the force around him.

Demitrys brows furrowed, drawing in the force towards himself as he basically stopped breathing entirely and relied on the force to sustain himself, a lot more successful than before, having full energy instead of what he had before.

When Demitry reached out into the Force to keep him alive, Ra again unhooked his air. This time she kept it off from longer than the day before. Allowing the Force to be fully accepted by him, she lost track of time and the amount of it he was without the air going into his suit.

Eventually, though, she reconnected it and waited for him to come out of the hibernation trance he was in.

"That single skill can keep you alive for almost as long as you need. Time to go back."

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
Demitry was panting heavily, and clearly very exhausted, yet proud. He'd stand up, staggering over to the edge and allowing Ra to lower himself fully.

"Are we continuing with this or a new skill?" He'd drag himself off to him room, collapsing to sleep instantly.

Once again, a day later he'd wake up going to the place where he had found her for the past two days.

He had just only learned the mastering of breathing and he asked if they would continue with that or move on.

"I need the night to decide that, Demitry. Tomorrow I will let you know."

With that, she met him on the bridge the next day and was looking at the schedule. Seeing they were going to be making a delivery, she knew something else was going to be needed.

"Since you are here as more than an apprentice in the Force, you also need to learn how to work. We're making a stop on a planet and need to unload our cargo."

She wouldn't be doing that herself but would be there to supervise the work. Since he was new, she expected him to help with the unloading and it provided an opportunity to teach him telekinesis.

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
Demitry frowned at the thought of physical labour, but made no verbal complaint. "So, uh, what are we unloading?"

He began to unload the cargo rather carefully, and very slowly, as if scared he'll drop something, and well, he was. He was petrified he'd drop something and ruin this opportunity.
Walking up to Demitry, she took some notes into a datapad and put it back into her pocket.

"You and I are lucky and have the Force. Why not use that to move those? Exercise more than your physical muscles and start using something you have been gifted with.'

He knew he could use the Force so Ra wondered why he hadn't thought to try this on his own.

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
"Well, I ain't the best with moving stuff with the force." He'd step backwards, cracking his knuckles.

He'd screw his face up in concentration, raising his hand upwards, sure enough the boxes would raise but slowly and clumsily. He'd raise his other hand to steady the crates, slowly turning as to move the boxes to where they wanted to be, but it was awfully slow and clumsy.

It didn't matter to Ra that he moving slowly or that he felt he was being clumsy. This was part of the lesson for the day. The fine control needed would come with practice. She watched and observed him as he worked alongside the droids she had helping him.

"I'm not the best with moving things myself, but it takes time and practice. You'll get better with that."

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
"Yeah, by the time all this is moved, I'll be a pro." He muttered, barley loud enough for [member="Riamah"] to hear him. He'd move onto another set of boxes, once again, using the force to move them. He was slow for the first few boxes, actually dropping a few, but overtime he sped up, the boxes steadying themselves in the air. He grew more confident as the hours passed, able to move greater quantities at one time. "Uh..." He'd grin proudly, reaching a good speed. "Look at me go!" He'd raise a box above his head, grinning like a mad man. This overconfidence stopped as he dropped said box on his head, shouting out in pain. Luckily it was a lighter box, but still he was a bit stuck and needed help.
Patiently standing by and observing the work going on, Ra didn't pay too much attention to Demitry and as a result one of the boxes crashed down on him. The items inside weren't breakable for this trip so his concern over breaking them was laudable, but not needed.

Lifting the box off him and holding a hand down to help him up, she checked his head for any permanent damage and let him go.

"Take the rest of the day off and if your head still hurts tomorrow, let me know."

The next part of the training would have to wait.

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]
Demitry nodded thankfully, setting off to his room. He slept soundly through out the night, waking up extremely early to begin practising. He was moving pens and stuff around his room for hours before he returned to the hangar early the next morning, before [member="Riamah"] had even arrived in fact. He was sporting a large bruise on his forehead, but other than that he was in good state. It was evident he'd practised over night as when began to move the boxes around, it was more skilled than the day before, the boxes were steadier and moved quicker. He was careful not to be over confident though, taking his time with the crates, especially as he didn't want to drop any more boxes, especially not onto his poor face. "Alright?" He grinned as Ra arrived, having moved around the quarter of the boxes already. "Dunno if you intended to do something else today, but I might as well help out a bit more."
He might have been in the hanger before Ra was, but she had been up before him. There were other duties she had to attend to beyond the simple task of having the cargo delivered. Once those were finished, she arrived to already find Demitry working on getting the rest of the crates moved. Giving him a smile and nod, she stopped when he asked if he could help out more.

"You can do this until you feel comfortable. After that, we need to deliver them planetside and make sure they reach the correct location. Once that is finished, I have other training to give you."

Not as expressive as the boy was, he would hopefully be able to tell she was happy with his progress. The rest of the day passed and all the cargo was loaded onto a few shuttles. Taking them down to the planet, Ra made sure they had a place to stay and checked them in for the night.

"We deliver tomorrow and will continue training after. Meet you for breakfast."

[member="Demitry Draskovits"]

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