Prepare for your... examination.
Lab gave a nod to the consideration, "perfect, using a small amount of bacta to heal the wound the made by the syringe would work well, it would also help to keep the end clean of and clogging when you wanted to use the actual syringe for injection". It was a small trade off to make the thing work, but then again everything these days was sort of a glass cannon, more and more technology being made more to specific purposes instead of general use, but that was how wars where these days. "Such a device would need at least two needles for the defibrillator, that could also mean it could contain double bacta injections or tow medication of one's choosing, either way such would allow it some diversity in it's use, make sense to you"? Looking back to Anaara Lab could not help but be darwn for her smooth face, did she have a shower this morning? wait not work, that stuff can wait.
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[member="Anaara Clandestine"]