Rafeesh had so far found his talk with [member="Lady Kay"] most interesting and enlightening. He found that there were some similarities between their experiences. However he also realized that she had given him some hope into the galaxy. There were things to be learned from this one, how to see the new galaxy and how to look into the future.
She spoke of new work from her adopted brother. It was good to know that she had overcome the difficulties of being forced to leave the Republic. It was most unfortunate that she had been sent out. He hoped that she would continue to find success. "I am glad that you have done well. If ever you are in need of my services, you may call upon me, whether it be training, protection, or aid."
He spoke as truthfully as he could, while still wishing to continuing their conversation.
(Sorry for being so late.)
She spoke of new work from her adopted brother. It was good to know that she had overcome the difficulties of being forced to leave the Republic. It was most unfortunate that she had been sent out. He hoped that she would continue to find success. "I am glad that you have done well. If ever you are in need of my services, you may call upon me, whether it be training, protection, or aid."
He spoke as truthfully as he could, while still wishing to continuing their conversation.
(Sorry for being so late.)