Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Memories and Contemplations

"Mostly in Republic space. Though I have been to Mustafar, fought a droid there. He was the ruler of the world, if memory serves." The Jedi had come into conflict with the planet's ruler over information on a Sith Lord. It had been during a rather tumultuous time for Rafeesh, Mantic had left the Jedi Order for reasons that he had not understood at the time. He and his master had been planning on trying to find more information on Mythos before the Jedi Master had left. Rafeesh had decided to try and finish that much and get information that the droid had.

It had been a fight that the Jedi had almost lost, Rafeesh had not anticipated a droid to be such a threat to a Jedi. The fight had been painful, however he had won and had learned something that had surprised him. Unfortunately the ruler had not given anything on Mythos, but had spoken of some other people. What had been most important to him had been the sense of Force users nearby at the time. He had not seen any area nearby for people to live in. He wanted to go back someday and explore what he had felt. Perhaps there was experimentation going on, the droid had appeared to be the type that would do that.

"Bakura sounds nice, never been there myself. Where is it located?"

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay nearly dropped her tea cups that she was setting out when [member="Rafeesh"] mentioned fighting the ruler of Mustafar. Ultimatum was one of her best friends. He had helped the Republic on more than one occasion. They had even gone on long journeys together, adventuring far into the Unknown Regions. And Rafeesh fought him? Maybe it was before he became a Jedi.

She opened up her tea pouch and took out some of the dried Sapir leaves, breaking them up inside each cup. Rafeesh had brought up Bakura at that point. "It's in the Outer Rim, northwest of Anaaj, sort of near First Order space, Free Colonies and Sith space. The Sith are so very close to it, as they are to Commenor. I hope that they don't take over those worlds. I don't want to only have one refuge."

The whistle in the air signalled that the water was ready, so she poured the tea. Kay didn't add any sweetener or milk of any kind. The tea was well enough on it's own. Instead she just let the leaves dissolve in the cups. It would take a few minutes.

Her mind drifted again to Rafeesh fighting Ultimatum. "May I ask why you fought Ultimatum?"
Rafeesh was startled by the near drop of the cups. It was a sudden movement that he had not been prepared for. He wondered what had set that off. Then she described where Bakura was and Rafeesh tried to recall if he had ever been close to either of those worlds. He did not believe so, but then he had traveled quite a bit in those early years as a Jedi and then a Sith. Most of the time his time spent on those worlds were too short to remember much about their location in the galaxy.

Then she asked about, Ultimatum? That was the droids name. He would have called it something else, something less dramatic. She asked why he had fought the droid. Did she know it? [member="Lady Kay"] had said she had gone to Mustafar, so perhaps she had come into conflict with the droid as well. "I needed information on Mythos, Ultimatum did not tell me what I needed to know. I attacked in the hopes of subduing him and getting him to answer my questions. He proved superior to me for now." He intended on going back and trying to learn more. The droid likely had information about Mythos that Rafeesh had not learned while under the Sith's tutelage.

"Why do you ask?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay handed [member="Rafeesh"] his cup of tea. It was ready for him to try. Meanwhile she sat herself down and stared at her tea for a moment as she thought on what he had said. Attacking Ultimatum because he didn't hand over info? Maybe he just did that before Mantic turned him.

"Ultimatum is one of my closest friends. He had given me refuge without question on Mustafar. He has protected me, watched over me and was one of the first to help me when I was forced out of the Senate. He doesn't deserve to be treated with brutality."

She took a sip of her tea now, savouring the taste and the warmth. It was like a comforting blanket. "What sort of information on Mythos are you looking for?"
Surprise could easily be seen on the Jedi's face, Rafeesh had not expected this. The droid was friends with [member="Lady Kay"]? It seemed so strange that that droid would have friends in the Republic. Her remark about treating the droid with hostility was enough to make him regret his actions. In truth he had wondered if perhaps the way the two had met had been adverse. If Kay could make friends with the droid then perhaps he could as well, though making friends with a droid sounded very strange to him. The droids of his time had been much simpler, just soldiers for warfare more than anything else.

"At the time I was looking for anything on Mythos, I knew very little about him aside from the world that he controlled. I wanted to learn at least part of his history and perhaps some weakness." Rafeesh tried to smile as he continued a few heartbeats later, "I am sorry that I attacked a friend, I was a young Jedi at that point, only newly brought into the order. If it is any consolation, he defeated me rather quickly." It did not make up for his actions, the Knight knew that much, but there was little he could do about it now.

He was grateful for the tea, which he sipped at. The heat was pleasant enough, it would have been welcome on Hoth all those years ago. Adequate thermal gear had been almost impossible to obtain, so most of the men had been fighting in standard armor which was not suited for the icy cold. The flavor was most unique, he would have to remember the leaves for a later time. "How long have you known Ultimatum? Do you know how long he has been around?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay nodded. If only they had met sooner. It would have saved him the hassle. She wasn't sure how much or how little that Ultimatum knew of Mythos. In truth she had no idea how often they had met. "Mythos' weaknesses are pretty easy to guess, given his reputation." But it didn't quite matter. As far as she knew, Mythos was in hiding somewhere. He had left his first in command to rule Atrisia in his absence. She only knew this because she had gone there to visit.

She sipped her tea and thought about [member="Rafeesh"] 's questions about Ultimatum. How long did she know him? She hadn't really thought of that before. "I have known Ultimatum for a few years, though it feels like more. As for how long he's been around, I'm not sure. He might have told me before, which would mean that I have just forgotten. But I have a feeling that he'll be around for a long time still." Kay hoped so at least. He gave her a good hug one day. If he was capable of emotion he would have shown some affection there. And his voice was so soothing to listen to. It wasn't tinny or mechanical at all. She could listen to it all day. "The next time that you want to question him, please bring me along."
Mythos' reputation had not been a mystery to Rafeesh, it was far too well known. But he had hardly believed most of the stories, having seen only the very Sith side of the man during the Knight's time under Mythos. He had wanted to learn more factual evidence, a reputation did not make a person anymore than a book's cover made the story. Now though, it was of little concern, whatever had happened had made the Sith unimportant compared to the Jedi's new workload. He had to focus his mind to the Republic and fighting the Sith that directly threat the Republic.

Ultimatum had at least been alive a few years, interesting. The Jedi had thought the droid to be quite old when he had met it, it knew its way around a fight with a Force user too well to have been new. He had had some misconceptions about the ability for a droid adapt to a new situation. He had also not been aware that the droid could fight Force users so well. He wondered how the droid was programmed to accomplish such a feat. The Jedi was unsure if he would ever meet the droid again, Mustafar was not a world that he expected to be going to any time in the immediate future. "If ever I need go to Ultimatum then I will come to you first." He had no desire to fight the droid again.

"The tea is marvelous, how long have you been making tea?" He asked with another sip, savoring the flavor.

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay was glad that [member="Rafeesh"] had decided to go through her first if ever he needed to see Ultimatum. It was more than likely far better that way, especially as Rafeesh had fought him. She wasn't quite sure if Ultimatum was the forgiving sort.

She smiled a little as he commented on the tea. "Oh, I've been making tea for as long as I can remember. I always found it to be soothing and comforting like a warm blanket. I think that I can make it in my sleep, actually. There is always a supply of tea leaves in my satchel. I never know when I might need it." If ever she felt safe enough to just stay in one place, she might open up a tea house. But that might not happen for a long time.
The Jedi wondered if [member="Lady Kay"] would ever settle down, she struck Rafeesh as the type that would keep moving around for some time. He wondered if she did settle down where it would be. Perhaps Bakura, she seemed to think highly of the place. Perhaps he would be able to go there someday. But for the near future he would have other work to do. The same could be true of going back to Mustafar, maybe sometime in the future, but not in the immediate future.

She had been making tea for a long time, expertise in that field was somewhat difficult to understand. The process was little more than letting leaves sit inside hot water, it was easy to assume that there was no complexity, but Rafeesh had come to the conclusion that it took a lot of mental calculation. He had not learned them yet and it was unlikely that he would have the time for learning the science.

"Smart. Do you get a lot of chances to brew tea on your travels?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"Any quiet time when I am awake, I am sure to brew some. I try to have some daily, especially during times of turmoil. It's one of the only things that I can count on."

She sipped her tea. Most knew it to be her addiction. At least it wasn't harmful in any way. She could hardly imagine living day by day without it. Doing so would just make her feel even emptier. As time wore on and bad things happen, the feeling of disconnection grew. Even though she was getting more training in the Force, it was as though she was just a tunnel that the Force flowed through and out of, as opposed to the riverbed that guided it.

"What was the Galaxy like in the past? Was it much different?"

The question was sudden and caught Rafeesh unprepared. He should have seen it coming, someone was bound to ask at one point or another. It had surprised him, as of yet nobody had really asked him about the past as of yet, the Jedi had been briefly asked about his past, but not the state of the galaxy or what it was like. He had thought about it at one point and had come up with answers for the questions, but it had proven a waste of time and he had forgotten his planned statements. Thus he took a moment to think before replying.

"There were differences, but then were similarities as well. The Republic and the Sith were the only real galactic powers and they were both at war. The Jedi were more consolidated, but then so were the Sith. I would say that it was less chaotic, if war can be anything but. My experience is that it was a simpler time, the Jedi were stricter and because of it there were fewer of the break-aways and 'grey Jedi'. I find that it was a stronger time for the Jedi, they were more controlled, bound by a single uniting code and focused on the Light..."

Yet he had still managed to fall. The thought made him grimace. Then he realized that perhaps it would not sound kind to [member="Lady Kay"] to speak against something that she had been. He stopped and took a breath. "I'm sorry if that sounds offensive, that was not my intent."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay listened intently to what [member="Rafeesh"] had to say about the past. It sounded better than what they were going through right now. The least amount of chaos, the better. Deep down she knew that order needed to be restored, even that she, herself, needed to be reigned in at times. Maybe that was why she had accepted Mantic's offer of learning at his school. Yet a part of her longed for freedom too. Maybe it was due to the situation around her husband's death, or all of the times that she was captured by the Hutt Cartel or by bounty hunters. She wasn't a fan of confinement.

Then Rafeesh offered an apology. She raised a brow. "No offence taken, my friend. I know that Mantic probably longs for that time and is striving to bring the Jedi back to what they once were. I applaud his efforts. I don't quite fit in to his vision, but if I remember correctly, new students were brought in for training at a very young age. I didn't have that opportunity. So that's probably partly why I am the way that I am. I'm not offended by those that tell me my faults as I'm already aware of some of them. Though it is also helpful to hear of faults that I'm unaware of. Sometimes."
Rafeesh was pleased to see that [member="Lady Kay"] was understanding. It was at least one thing that showed that she would have made a good Jedi, and still could. He hoped that one day she would join the Order, she would be a fine addition. He doubted that he would see it happen, she had not expressed any true want to join the Order. At least not in the way that Rafeesh interpreted it to be wanting to become a Jedi. That did not mean she would not want or would become a Jedi, he just did not see it happening.

"You would make a great Jedi if you ever decided to. You have the wisdom and personality for it. I hope that you never lose that. Most Jedi were brought in at a young age, but some of the staunchest protectors of the Order have been those that came later on. I recall at least one great Jedi who was a strong supporter of the Order, he joined in his late fifties."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay had another sip of her tea. Would she make a good Jedi? Possibly. But she didn't have the discipline. And the fact that she used to consider some Sith as her allies, even friends, well that didn't help matters. She was too trusting, too hopeful that others had good intentions like she did. It was more than likely that she'd cause trouble for the Jedi, rather than being a good part of it.

She hadn't heard of a Jedi being brought in at such an old age though. That was interesting. "In his late fifties? How did that come about? Was he just not aware of his gifts? Or was he a Darksider that decided to walk in the path of the Light?"

Rafeesh put the cup down to think. It had been a very long time since he had seen the man and his memory about being a Jedi that first time was spotty at best. He wondered if it was the Force, but he always seemed to be capable of remembering the facts that were most important at the moment in which he needed them. It would seem that now was no different, he could not recall the face of the man or much beyond the news that he had heard of the man. "I think he knew of his gifts, but was a refugee from the Sith expansions and had not been found until he escaped to Coruscant. Admittedly we were at war and the Jedi were looking for all the help they could get to fight back the threat. He came of his own free will and trained as best he could. I think he was part of the local militia reserves on one of the worlds the Sith Empire had taken early on, so he was at least fit for some combat. He unfortunately never got to fight on any of the battlefields at the time. I think he was one of the Jedi at the Temple during the Sacking of Coruscant, his first true fight with the Sith and his last."

Many good Jedi had fallen that day. That had been the most crippling and the most glorious day of the Empire. It had always struck Rafeesh as strange that the Empire would hold back and make a treaty instead of pushing their advantage and crushing the weakened Republic and Jedi. Ultimately that decision had been their downfall. It was a question that was unlikely to ever be answered, not now anyways. He had always been surprised that a massive outbreak had occurred of a disease that had almost ended all life. The Sith would have loved such a disease at their command, he was certain.

Picking up his tea and taking a savoring drink from the cup. He thought about his time as a Sith, the friends he had made. Only a few stuck out as truly important, from the old days mostly. He missed one of them, the Sith that had come with him on so many difficult missions. For a moment he wondered if their ship could still be found, he waved the thought away, after centuries of decay certainly the vessel was long gone. But then again, he had still been alive throughout the same amount of time, if not longer.

"I cannot say that the Jedi did not care about one's background or when you came into the Order, they were very strict on that. But during the Great War exceptions to the rules became much more common as people of strength showed themselves or came to us. I was never privy to any of those moments when a new member joins, I was pretty much always on the battlefield. I might have seen one or two people who would later become Jedi, but I was not the one to have made the decision and thus don't have any claim to really say whether I did or did not know what they would be. Even with the exceptions being made, those that joined were expected to follow the Code. Whether they be young or old they would be held to the same rules as every other Jedi, perhaps with a little more lenience than those that had been there since day one. I think the Order Mantic has in mind would be much the same, only time will tell. Force knows I would like to see the old Order return. I think their strength and stability would be a good foundation for this turbulent time."

[member="Lady Kay"]


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay nodded as she listened to [member="Rafeesh"] . At times she traced the edge of her cup with her thumbs while she looked down at it. It was very easy to picture things while he spoke. His words were very descriptive. It made her wonder what timeline she would have fit in. The past? The present? Or the future? It was very hard to say. At times she didn't feel as though she fit anywhere or with anyone. Seeing her friends happy with their loved ones only served as a reminder both of what she lost and what she had never had. The Force probably planned it that way.

Kay finished her tea and folded her hands on top of the table. "I think that Master Dorn wishes for the Old Order as well. His speech said as much. Everywhere there is chaos....I am trying to be part of the solution, rather than the problem. But I just can't let go of my want to keep my gifts a secret. I don't want to cause a scandal for the Republic or myself. Maybe in a few years when I will be forgotten, it could be safe, but not now."
Rafeesh took one last sip from the tea before gently placing the empty cup on the table. He could understand her concerns, as well as the good intentions that she had. He had often asked himself if he truly fit into this new time, or he was better off in the past. He never did decide or discover the answer. Instead, he had come to trust that the Force had a reason for where he was at and that to complain about or fight against that plan would help no one. While he might have missed the past and all that it had entailed, in a way it was better that he was here. He might never have come back to the Jedi otherwise.

In this matter he would continue to trust the Force, it had a plan for [member="Lady Kay"] and he had no right to interfere. He hoped that he was not making her question her own decisions, that was not his intention. "From what I understand, you have been a solution to the chaos. If you believe it is best to keep your gift a secret then do so. But I don't believe you will ever be completely forgotten, at least your friends will remember you." It was intended to be lighthearted, the last sentence that was. "When you feel the Force is guiding you to the Jedi, if it ever does, there will be a place for you here." He took a few moments before speaking again, "What are you planning on doing, aside from getting some training? Going to help more slaves?"


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Was she really part of the solution? Mantic had told her that she was part of the problem. Her reckless actions, though done with good intentions, didn't seem to help bring peace to the Galaxy. It only made things worse. Receiving training here was part of getting her under some sort of control.

She looked to [member="Rafeesh"] as he mentioned that her friends won't forget about her. Kay gave him a bit of a smile. "I know that they won't forget about me. It's the general public and media that will, hopefully."

For his questions, she shifted in her seat a bit. "I've been helping my adopted brother out with his government. He's the President of the Free Colonies. So...I've mostly been visiting worlds, making contracts and helping with the Justice Shipping businesses to acquire raw materials. It's given me a salary and like before, it'll probably all go towards the freeing of slaves. I don't have a family to clothe or feed, so that gives me a lot to spare."
She had kept herself busy, that was good. As far as Rafeesh knew one very effective method of coming to terms with that which was beyond one's control was working in what you could. He had done his best to work within his ability, though most of the time he had not really had a choice in the matter. She had friends in high places, at least he guessed so given that her adopted brother was the president of the Free Colonies, admittedly he did not know much about that government, as well as a droid who ruled Mustafar. Rafeesh was silently astounded that she had the difficulties she did. Certainly two powerful individuals could protect her from dangers that he chosen profession entailed.

But that showed that she was independent, at least to Rafeesh, that she was not overly reliant on her friends and allies. It was a good trait. He was not aware of what Mantic thought of [member="Lady Kay"], but their thoughts differed on the matter. Perhaps that was because of the different perspectives on her. The Jedi could not make a proper judgment about that, but he could guess that it was because Mantic had come to be a Jedi during this time where he saw more of what this age was truly like, while Rafeesh had come from another time and was still learning about the galaxy around him. Maybe it was that Rafeesh was less aware of what this galaxy was like now, how a child might see the world. He did not know.

"If you ever need help rescuing slaves I can assist, though I expect that you have a number of people who offer to help. Any of the Sith aid you in your endeavors?" It was intended as a simple question, not an accusation. He wanted to know who she trusted on those mercy missions.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay smiled a little and nodded in appreciation for his offer. And then [member="Rafeesh"] asked about the Sith. She shifted a little as she was unsure of how to answer him. After a moment she decided on the truth. No need to hide anything now.

"I would love the help, thank you. I often hire different people for different missions. It makes it harder for the slavers to predict when an attempt will be made to rescue their slaves. And...sometimes members of the Sith would help. You'd be surprised at how many hate slavery more than they hate the Republic. I was investigated for that though, and not all of the Sith had honest intentions." She had been blackmailed by at least one of them since then. She was beginning to wonder if all of them were that way.

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