Rafeesh was not taken aback at that. If that had been the intent, then it was probably only half fulfilled, if even that. The Knight could only hope that he had been some help to [member="Lady Kay"], either in affirming or suggesting some change. She had been a major help to him, at least in regards to helping him know more about what it was to be a Jedi. He was glad that she was more Jedi than he had been first led to believe. A pleasant surprise no doubt for him. He was hopeful that Kay would continue to be an example of what the Jedi should be, at least in part.
Part of him wanted her to become a Jedi, she had such potential. But he knew that her destiny was not in the Order, at least not yet. The future was something he could not account for and he trusted that the Force had plans for her. In the end it was always the Force's will that would be done. That was the Jedi's role, a mere extension of the Force's will. That was what they were supposed to be, some forgot that. He looked forward to seeing what Kay would accomplish, what did the Force have in store for her?
"Then I shall have to apologize to Master Dorn, I do not see large areas where you need to improve. You are a force of good and light, I do not doubt that. There are places where I think you could improve, but that is based on my opinion as a Jedi. I hope that you will find that which you seek. Do you believe that I have been helpful in any way?"
Part of him wanted her to become a Jedi, she had such potential. But he knew that her destiny was not in the Order, at least not yet. The future was something he could not account for and he trusted that the Force had plans for her. In the end it was always the Force's will that would be done. That was the Jedi's role, a mere extension of the Force's will. That was what they were supposed to be, some forgot that. He looked forward to seeing what Kay would accomplish, what did the Force have in store for her?
"Then I shall have to apologize to Master Dorn, I do not see large areas where you need to improve. You are a force of good and light, I do not doubt that. There are places where I think you could improve, but that is based on my opinion as a Jedi. I hope that you will find that which you seek. Do you believe that I have been helpful in any way?"