Rafeesh could have acted as if he had guessed as much, but he had not. While it did not surprise him that the Sith had other motives than simply helping, he had hoped that she had come across some of those better Sith. From what she had said it sounded as if she had, from Rafeesh's experience there were few Sith that had the moral compass that even an everyday person might have. Those were the Sith that decided to join the Jedi, at least occasionally. Mantic might have been right about the misplaced trust, but Rafeesh still did not agree that it was an immediate danger.
He hoped that he would be able to assist [member="Lady Kay"] in the future, she seemed to be the sort of person that made a good friend. That was something he was lacking since his leaving the Sith. He also wanted to help someone who seemed a little lost in the galaxy. She did not have a clear idea of where she wanted to go, he did not want to leave her floundering. She may have strange friends, or enemies of himself, but that did not make her an enemy or someone not worth being friends with. Perhaps it was a bit selfish that he was looking for a friend when she needed help, but then again he wanted to help just as much if not more.
"I am very sorry to hear that. Since you are still here I assume that nothing too serious came of the betrayal?" That was an assumption in and of itself, she had merely said that some of the Sith had not been as honest about their intentions. Rafeesh had taken it a step further and assumed that it meant she had been betrayed, probably an oversight but he felt that it was a safe guess given the nature of Sith.
He hoped that he would be able to assist [member="Lady Kay"] in the future, she seemed to be the sort of person that made a good friend. That was something he was lacking since his leaving the Sith. He also wanted to help someone who seemed a little lost in the galaxy. She did not have a clear idea of where she wanted to go, he did not want to leave her floundering. She may have strange friends, or enemies of himself, but that did not make her an enemy or someone not worth being friends with. Perhaps it was a bit selfish that he was looking for a friend when she needed help, but then again he wanted to help just as much if not more.
"I am very sorry to hear that. Since you are still here I assume that nothing too serious came of the betrayal?" That was an assumption in and of itself, she had merely said that some of the Sith had not been as honest about their intentions. Rafeesh had taken it a step further and assumed that it meant she had been betrayed, probably an oversight but he felt that it was a safe guess given the nature of Sith.