“No,” the amphibian decisively shook his large domed head, his voice unusually soft and carrying a trace of kindness, “I thank you. I have purpose again, and that purpose it to support you however I can, my lady. If you let me, I will be your scalpel, a precise tool of removing the Dark Jedi tumour from the galaxy, making space for your followers to grow. I will carry out your will. I’ll do… anything.” The last word left his mouth with a gasp, as if he himself had not expected to say that. He remembered very well those exact words marked the start of his apprenticeship under Master Volitu. For a brief moment, he wondered why he was so eager to follow this Darth Arcanix. Because she reminded him of his old Master? Because he had a soft spot for that sort of women? Vastly powerful, even more intelligent and strikingly beautiful, women that carried a certain vision he could support. Or maybe the reason was entirely different; he wished to purify his beloved Sith Order, cleanse it of the Dark Jedi poisoning it from within. By giving his support to someone who wished to do the same thing, he strengthened the cause, joining their mutual efforts of changing the Sith for the better.
With that, he was the first to make way to the door that led to the streets of Coruscant, his steps on the wooden floor covered with carpets barely audible. The Mon Cal Sith left the teahouse as the second being though, opening the archaic door that did not work automatically and letting Darth Arcanix pass first before following. As he walked out, he appeared in an entirely different world. The air has gotten colder and he no longer felt that warm atmosphere that resided within the teahouse. Only the scent of various kinds of tea remained looming around the spot. It mixed with the typical stench of Coruscant, though one much more preferable than the smell of the Underworld that reeked of blood and sweat.
And yet, the planet felt different from the last time he visited. It looked cleaner. Safer. The One Sith might have disappointed Avreet, but they definitely understood how to run things. Silently pacing behind his female companion, their boots tapping on the massive metal structure that separated them from the lower levels and the endless abyss beneath. As the amphibious Sith Lord approached the Sith Lady from behind, placing both of his webbed hands on her shoulders, he looked up and observed the speeders flying high above their heads. Coruscant was filled with life, with ordinary people shopping and having a walk, laughing and talking as if there was no war in the galaxy. This brought back grim memories of this planet being invaded by the Omega Protectorate forces, their propaganda speakers spewing words of liberation, yet their soldiers gunning down anything that moved, be it a woman, man, child. And, of course, it also caused much older memories to resurface.
“I still remember the day when we liberated this planet,” Darth Veles spoke softly, seemingly lost in memories, though his head turned to look at the Sith Lord right in front of him, the woman he held so firmly, yet gently, “As a Sith Knight, I have brought prosperity and peace to this world with my fellow Sith. It was a precise, well coordinate strike targeting the Jedi Temple and the Senate. Little to none civilian casualties. We were heroes, celebrated by the masses.”
Letting go of the woman with his right hand, he pointed somewhere towards the horizon, his arm right next to her head as the clawed finger showed her the direction of where to look. “That is where the Jedi Temple used to stand. Some of my fellow Sith brought it down with explosives; unfortunately destroying the library in the process.” A soft sigh followed, one that cursorily brushed against the back of the woman’s head. “So much information about our enemies lost. So much knowledge. Wisdom.”
Retracting both of his arms and letting them casually hang beside his body, he offered a very pleasant smile to the woman as soon as she turned around to face him. “Would you like me to accompany you to your office, Lady Arcanix?” he asked politely, his chivalrous nature kicking in and commanding him to ensure the lady safely arrived to her place.
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