Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Mouse Trap

[SIZE=9pt]Head was tucked down while she was momentarily frozen. It didn’t last long, she knew her feet needed to move in order to stay alive. One shoulder was pressed against the wall, noticing the room was much like the ones she and “the boys” had across the way. Blindly she felt along to the adjoining door and pushed her way through. Only to be met by a huddled group of citizens - tourists perhaps by the looks of them. There were shouts in a language and dialect she didn’t understand.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Not here to hurt you.” Delila spoke, blaster waving around as she talked with her hands and gestured. Big mistake. She had forgotten and the eyes of the others immediately went wide. More shouts. “No, no no….I’m not here to shoot you.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The tourists didn’t understand and there was more shouting before they hurriedly left the room, taking a small child with them as they shielded the little girl’s eyes. Delila sighed once they were gone. She was relatively harmless towards the innocent or so she liked to think anyways. Shoulders squared and she stood up, heading to leave. As she was headed out the door there were shouts coming down the wooden boardwalk. Shouts she could understand.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“She’s in here. We already have spotted the green one.” “They say she has a blaster. Who let that happen?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Green one? [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Her[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] green one? Who else would be on planet that could be referred to as ‘the green one’? Delila carefully went and shut the door, trying to be quiet about. Delila crept toward the dressed, crouching down behind it, blaster in hand. She could see the pair coming towards the room and the crackle of a comm - clearly these weren’t local forces after her. The gunship, the bigger fish. There was a tinge of mild panic. Yet if she can keep the heat off Brak and Xin….[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Door opened, creaking. Dells tensed, hearing the noticeable shifting of blasters, the sound of fingers tapping near the trigger. A deep breath, a small movement on her end. Finger squeezed the trigger on her blaster, aiming at the closer of the two. She got the first one in the kneecap, back pressing back towards the wall squeezed on the side of the dresser. The second with the blaster was firing as his friend groaned. Delila leaned over again and fired. She leaned just a bit too far, the first goon she had hit got revenge, hitting her squarely in the shoulder. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Son of a queen.”[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] Fire blazed through her shoulder, the smell of burning flesh made her stomach churn.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Back up requested, I’ve got one down.” Comm crackled. “Shots have been fired.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Delila had to get out and fast.[/SIZE]
The deep thrum of repulsors came from above them. A light cut across the flotilla of boats making their way for the docking tower. Xin didn’t dare look up. He stood at the rudder with a heavy leather poncho thrown over himself. Brak had found them below and that was where the Barabel now hid. The beam held over their boat for a few seconds before moving on.

With the noose tightening around Dells the gunship must have been sent on to find the other two on the waves. Xin kept them straight, keeping pace with the other boats. This was going to be the past revisited, he told himself. In darkness he had seen the flashes of light from behind them. Was she already dead? It felt as if something had tied a great weight to his insides and let go. Why hadn’t he stopped to question the plan? In that instant he had assumed the first option was for her to join them, not vanish into the city.

“Brak!” Xin hissed. His large, sensitive eyes could spot the row of polearms along the jetty ahead of them. Even the barabel couldn't charge through that many guards.

“Everyone stay there!” one of the guards called out. As the boat pulled in to the dock an array of spikes glinted as they were lowered. The human at the rudder took his hands from it as they were roped in. Those pikes stayed in place as several men jumped aboard. They marched across the decks, pulling back hoods.
One of them pointed towards a large pile of leather cloaks on the deck. Two of the guards headed straight for it with their polearms pointing down. Without a call of warning they stabbed their polearms into it. Nothing stirred. A bright spotlight started the sweep the jetty as each person coming off the boats was stopped and checked.

A hundred metres away Xin and Brak started their treacherous climb up the rocks.
[SIZE=9pt]“You’re trapped, surrender.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]One of her ‘enemies’ called out into the room. Delila was still tucked behind the dresser. She could hear more boots moving to her location, comms crackling. This wasn’t local government. They barely had any technology and the only comms she had seen were the ones she and her traveling companions had brought. Delila had more technology in her now blown up rucksack than the entire planet. Shoulder burned as she rapidly tried to figure out where to go next. Her point was buying Xin and Brak time to escape while she was the main focus. The gunship had left, maybe to find them? [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]She was the distraction. Time to be distracting. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Grip tightened on her blaster, mentally preparing herself for some pain that was going to come her way. She was confident her shoulder was useless at this point and it everything was going to have to be one-armed. A deep breath and she was on the move. A few well placed shots at her as she moved towards the bathroom, quickly barricading the door. They hadn’t expected her to move so she had an upper hand. Blaster was used to break out the window, using the barrell to clean the glass off the frame. With a grunt she pushed herself up and out. There was a small ledge.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Dells managed to fully escape from the bathroom onto the narrow ledge. She scooted down slightly before stopping to take a breath. She hated heights, especially on such a small ledge. The redhead was trying not to think about the fall down, impact was certain death. If she waited forever the gunship would pick her off easy. Feet started to shuffle against the wooden ledge once more, willing herself to move.[/SIZE]
Watching the gunship hover away Xin realised with dismay the same thing that has occurred to Dells: if the gunship wasn't chasing him it was chasing her.
“Brak,” he hissed up. The Barabel was a better climber than swimmer. He made quick progress up the cliff face. Several times he had stopped to help Xin. It wasn't a difficult climb at all. More of a scramble. In the dark and after the swim it was just treacherous.
“She can look after herself,” came the reply. Bi could she? Xin thought to himself. A desperate professional demeanour and a good record was one thing but they didn't really know. Not for sure. Xin always survived. He got everyone into the worst situations and then his luck saw him through. It didn't always see everyone else through.
Once they reached a level of the tower they were more cautious of the guards. Xin felt as if something was out of place as they approached the platform. He made Brak wait with the ship tantalising them in view. When he was about to give up a figure on the far side walked out under the ship before finding a new hiding place. It was being watched.
[SIZE=9pt]Shakily she was reaching a section where she could drop down into a wooden walkway and get off the ledge. It wasn’t coming a moment too soon - Dells was growing extremely concerned with herself. Adrenaline was wearing off. Her skin was growing clammy and she felt cold, breathing was getting a little difficult. Shock if she had to guess. She just needed to get a bit further. One final push. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Carefully Delila crouched on the ledge and took a deep breath. She only had one shot or fall into the ocean. With a bit of a lurch towards the wooden walkway below Delila was falling for a moment before making contact with the walkway. The landing was sloppy, sliding and immediately falling down. Her side scraped the wooden railing keeping those from falling over. At least she didnt fall into the ocean. Small miracles. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Blood was pouring from her shoulder. Dells needed a moment. Unknowing to her she was leaving little droplets as she scrambled down the walkway. She could hear the comm units crackling, clearly they were still searching for her. A good sign for Xin and Brak - the more they were distracted with her the easier it would be for the pair. Boots clamored against the wood, searching. Eyes fell on an abandoned storefront , a local corner grocery store. Delila made quick work of the lock before entering. The redhead found the employee bathroom, immediately pulling towels from the dispenser. A giant wad was stuffed against her shoulder by her free hand and Dells let out a muffled pained groan. The towels were immediately turning red with fresh blood. Her face seemed pale. She was going to have to get herself help and soon.[/SIZE]
The figure had his back to a cargo container. Without a blaster there was no way to disable him from a distance. No path to sneak up without behind seen. Brak was blaster resistant, not blaster proof.

“Go to de left. I'll mek ah distractshan,” he suggested. Brak took a moment to think about this. The cold air made his reptilian brain foggy. He gave a nod of agreement.

Within a minute a figure in a colourful poncho and a wide straw hat stepped out into the landing platform. They stopped, looked towards the ship and then turned around.

“Hey!” Hissed the lookout. “Is this your ship?” Xin kept walking away. The lookout walked after him. “Hey, take that off!”

Xin stopped and turned around slowly. The hat tilted back until he could be seen. “I like dis hat. I lost mi oda one.”

The man reached for his comm unit. Xin actually winced on his behalf as the fist descended. There was a thunk as Brak struck and the human collapsed. Xin quickly stole his sidearm and communit. There were blasters on the ship, but if felt better to have one now.

“Hide him.”

The quiet hum of the ships systems coming online was reassuring. The growing hiss from his ears wasn't. Xin was growing concerned he'd suffered a light concussion in that blast.

“I thought she would be coming,” Xin murmured.

“She can hide. We can't. We've got no weapons so you'll have to escape fast. Can't shoot back at that gunship.”

“No,” Xin replied quietly. “We can't.”
[SIZE=9pt]Pulling more towels from the dispenser Delila replaced the bloody ones. Blue-green eyes looked around the small restroom, looking for some type of first aid kit. There wasn’t one naturally. If there was she was positive it would be similar to the planet itself - lacking in technology. Any other planet might hold a kit with some stimshots and a small canister of spray bandage. That would have held her over for a little bit and given a second push. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Naturally there was nothing.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Frustration was building. She could hear the pounding of the boots growing near. Delila was stuck in a rock and a hard place. Give herself up and potentially get medical help although on this planet she suspected it wouldn’t do much good. Surrendering would also bring one to two options : they would kill her out right or hold her for some type of payment from her employers. Anyone with a brain knew there would be no payment, just a silent strike of a specialized team. Killing her immediately would be the easier option. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Carefully she locked the restroom door. It would be easy enough to hide out in the employee back area for now. Delila doubted they would be searching too deep for her yet. First , if they were bright, it would be spaceports and the harbors. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Hand went to grab the comm out of her pocket, not finding it. Silently there was a curse. It must have gotten blown up when their rooms were under attack. It certainly put a kink into her plans. The devices weren’t exactly for sale on this planet. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Dells carefully leaned against the wall and slid down, pressing against her shoulder, blaster laying in her lap. She would need to figure out the next step in her plan.[/SIZE]
Xin moved from one station to another in a hurry. The mechanical keys of one station clicked loudly as he tapped away in anger.
“Dells?” He called into the microphone. There was no response.
“She might have put it on silent or ditched it entirely,” Brak suggested.
Xin decided to test the theory. She might have turned it off entirely to stop transmitting. He could at least find that out. A stream of green numbers ran down the screen.
“Xin, we've got to go soon. They'll send another guard or expect a check in soon.”
“Yes,” Xin replied irritably. He bounced a data signal off the registered comm unit. “It's on. Two towers over. Why would she be further away?”
He couldn't sit nor even stand still. He bounced on the balls of his feet as he looked at the screen, hoping it would give some kind of explanation. Something told him that if he went he wouldn't see her again.
But Brak had a point. They had no weapons and couldn't outrun the outmanoeuvre the gunship.
“Fire up the engines,” he sighed.
[SIZE=9pt]Dells was growing impatient, feeling as if she was wasting time. Was it technically wasting time if she was regrouping? She couldn’t exactly fight off a group injured. Now it was time to be sneaky but that was a difficult task considering the layout of the towers. Makeshift bandage made from her shoulder was put in place before she shakily stood up. Ears strained to listen for movement outside. She didn’t hear anything overly loud like before. Either they had moved on or smartened up and became silent. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Blaster was tucked back into her jacket, ‘good’ arm coming to pull the jacket’s hood over her hair. As much as she loved her coloration, red tended to stick out in a crowd, especially in a place where the population was a little more homogeneous. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Cautiously she stuck her head out of the restroom. Nothing in the little storefront. Boots scraped against the flooring as she crouched behind the shelving, hiding her form so she could look out t[/SIZE]he windows. She listened again, there were ships in the distance or what she hoped was the distance. Ears still seemed a bit off, muffled.

[SIZE=9pt]With a mental shrug, Delila made her way to exit the store. Really only one way to find out.[/SIZE]
The groan of the gunship grew, but she was too deep in the tower and too inconspicuous for the sweeping beam to find her. Back and forth it went, focussing on the jetties and bridges. The adjoining tower still smouldered but the fires appeared to have been put down.

It almost seemed peaceful. Then that was broken. A shriek came from down below. The search bean swung away rapidly. There was a bright red flash, then a boom and cry of tortured metal. The beam spun around as the little gunship fell to the waves. It hit with a splash, bobbing on the surface as the waves lapped at the flaming fuselage that had been ripped off.

With a groan the side ramp to the freighter lowered. Xin had given Brak back the controls. The slightly shaken Barabel just had to hold her steady. He had a headset on to talk to Brak and a harness around his waist. In his arms was a wicked looking E-22.

Several bolts lanced out to strike the ship. They hadn't seen Xin yet so he took his time and placed his shots. He missed the first but the heavy volt disintegrated the wooden beams and plunged the criminal to his doom below.

Something drew Xin's attention to a walkway. The duros brothers. They stared right at him with glassy, red eyes. He felt a tingle run up his spine. He was the prey looking into the jaws of a beast he could not match. Part of him expected to be cut down in moments. But the pair holstered their weapons and walked away.

“It's time.”

“I know.”

The brothers walked calmly into a small room and unfolded a datapad. One of the bits of tech on the tower. Numbers flashed across the screen as they enacted pre-set protocols. Small transactions were made. Numbers that would be lost in the system to fund their next game. Most of their wealth would be locked up or lost in a black hole.

That was the nature of what they did. Most criminals gathered enough wealth that they could live quiet lives of luxury.

They weren't most criminals.

They played a game and when it became too dangerous or - more frequently - they grew bored they would throw most of it away and start again. Just to prove they could.

“I had a message.”

“Oh?” there was a loud crash and a cry. Even if they shot that green idiot down the meat heads wouldn't be free for long. They were going to be abandoned and most of them would be caught at the docks or rounded up without their benefactors.

“Those three fit the description of some of Wesseq’s new acquaintances.”

“Well that is interesting. I've ordered the shuttle. We'll talk about next steps on the way.”

“Xin, corner!”

He turned to see a figure setting up on a walkway above them. With a rocket launcher. “Take us up I haven't got a shot!”

It was a race. Xin kept the butt of the rifle in the groove and picked a line as the ship ascended smoothly. The criminal fumbled with a case a munitions. Xin missed the man, but his shit turned the bolted down launcher into molten slag.

“Swing us around!” Xin called in mild panic as a red bolt struck the lip of the ramp right before him. “If we can't see her at least we've made a noise!” If she was alive. She was alive.
[SIZE=9pt]Delila was about to walk out when it looked as if someone was about to come in. She quickly grabbed a drink off the shelf and put on her best ‘nervous citizen’ face, making sure the blaster was tucked into her waistband, hidden under the jacket. Surprise was registering in what she assumed was a the elderly shop owner. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Hey! What are you doing in here?!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Sorry, the door was open so I thought the store was. “ Delila pressed a credchip into the mans hand, more than the price of the drink. “Stay safe. Kinda crazy out here.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Dells moved as quickly as possible before the old man could protest. She was a bit of sight, more than a bit bloody. Wedging the drink between her ‘bad’ arm, Delila used her right to crack it open. Taking a sip she made a face. Wasn’t something she normally drank and it was far too full of sugar. Like something a small child would beg their parents to have in the store. Maybe the sugar would help her a bit. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Worried about ‘fitting in’ with the crowd, Delila looked over the citizens of the towers. Some were sopping wet having escaped wooden tower one. Some were bloody. Nearly all were frightened, crammed onto the remaining towers. Keeping her hood up, Dells started to move in with the crowds. Mind was racing to figure out what to next. She needed to lay low. Medical was also high on her list. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Another swig of the nasty sugar drink as she thought, moving slowly through a frightened crowd. The otherwise still air was suddenly shook by a loud crash and the sound of large blaster bolts piercing the air. Ears picked up the sound of a ship and she frowned. Was the gunship after her? No, too far away. Was it after Xin and Brak? That was the most logical assumption. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Heart sunk into her stomach. After everything, after trying to buy Brak and Xin enough time apparently she hadn’t. It was a frustrating feeling. That separating from the two of them had been a huge mistake. Shoulders slumped and she moved from the stunned and now panicked crowd, trying to see what was going on and who the ship belonged to. [/SIZE]
“Where is she?” Xin muttered. He didn't realise his mic was still on.

“Maybe she doesn't realise it is us,” Brak replied. The barabel was trying to be reassuring after seeing so many men shoot back at them. It sounded better than her possibly not coming to see because she was captured or dead.

“She wud nah recognise us...when we are in de same ship...we literally all arrived in!?”

“Maybe she thought it was a trap?” Brak didn't even sound convinced. He kept them close to the tower as they circled.

“So yuh are saying...that she thinks they stole our ship. Then dey crashed into dere own mek a trap?”

“One more circle Xin. They might have gone to get more guns.”
[SIZE=9pt]Crackling could be heard around her and Xin’s voice. Eyebrow raised and her mind wondered where the sound was coming from. Ship forgotten, hands immediately started to search pockets, her comm had gotten left behind, right? Wince crossed her face as her injured shoulder got in the act of searching, eventually pulling a comm out from the inner lining of her jacket. Apparently it had gotten wedged in through a tear and in her haste to keep up being a distraction it had been ignored. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“I’m old Squidly, there’s only so much my eyes can see.Some of us are pushing forty.” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]There was a sarcastic bite to her tone she couldn’t keep out. She didn’t recognize the ship for two factors : one Dells couldn’t believe their dumb luck of getting to it and two there hadn’t been much in paying attention to the exterior. You’ve seen one and you’ve seen them all, especially when it came to vessels from Xin’s beloved fleet. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Yes Xin, I’ve seen crazier things happen. I’ll regale you with tales later.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]The thought of being on the ship in a matter of minutes was already starting to bring a tired ache to her body. Blaster wound be damned, all she had on her mind was taking a shower and sleeping, probably not the most practical thoughts to have at the moment. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Forced to use her injured side once again, hood came off her head. Maybe the red hair could be like a beacon. Delila started to move towards a more open area for the vessel to come towards. Maybe she could hop in. Maybe. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“I don’t recognize the ship? I’m more offended you two don’t recognize me. Especially you Xin.”[/SIZE]
“Ha-haa!” He called out jubilantly. His eyes scanned the levels ahead of them. She could see them but it didn't mean he could see her. Dells didn't sound entirely happy to see them, but then he had probably gone and ruined her plans. When he'd thought of the files on the men they were chasing, of the things they had done… Xin hadn't been able to run.

It was what he didn't best. He was no white knight. He was only good in a scrap because he seemed to find trouble so easily and kept coming out in one piece by the skin of his teeth. Xin was good at running. Surviving.



“One level up, bring us close. I see yuh!”

The freighter edged upwards. Xin tiptoed down towards the edge of the ramp. He was strapped securely to the harness and could risk walking right out to the lip.

Just as he was about to call out the distance to Brak his attention was drawn off to the right. Another armed thug. He was above and behind Dells on a set of stairs. Weapon drawn.

Xin shouldered the rifle. The thug swung his aim around towards Xin. They shot at the same time.

I always survive, was the last thing Xin thought as the blaster bolt flashed into view and he felt heat spread across his face. His back hit the ramp hard and knocked the air out of him. The heat continued, enveloping his entire head. Shit I'm dying.

But he wasn't. As his hands came up in panic he knocked the straw hat from his head. The neat hole was on fire. The wind caught it and the little bundle of fire floated away. In a rage he brought his rifle up again but the thug was down. The skin across his forehead was burned. Better than a bolt through the skull.

“Have we time to get another hat?” The ramp struck the wooden boards as Brak held them level.
[SIZE=9pt]Delila was thankful Brak was flying the ship. Not that she doubted Xin but when it came to someone remaining level headed and thinking ahead to get them out of the situation she knew Brak could be counted on. She was jogging down to meet them, only partially paying attention to their chatter. She had to hurry, more blaster fire was ringing out from the upper levels. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]A bolt went through the open door and she didn’t see Xin for a long moment before he reappeared, firing back. Shots from the upper level stopped. In the back of her mind her was impressed and it was on her list of things to mention later, who would have known? If only she could convince him to come and work for her….If she had Xin and Brak private merc work looked promising. Hard to find that kind of tale[/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]nt in the wild. Without them or someone she could trust like them, back to embassy work it was. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Ramp was fairly level with the wooden decking and she hurried inside. Hand came to slap the button that controlled the ramp, letting it close.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Brak lets get out of here!”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Winded, the redhead decided she needed medical. Or maybe needed to man the guns first. Leaning against the bulkhead, Dells was trying to catch her breath. Probably shouldn’t have ran considering but otherwise she’d really be dead. Eyes turned to Xin,looking him over.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Thanks for coming back for me.” She meant it. The words seemed hollow but once things settled down she could thank both Brak and Xin in a more meaningful way. “Is Brak okay? If he can handle this I can fix that burn on your head.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Never mind it would give her time to inject some pharmaceuticals into her own system.[/SIZE]
As the ramp groaned Xin kept on one knee. After nearly getting his face shot off he didn’t want to leave anything to chance. The tower was out of view before Dells could thank him, but instead of standing back up again he thumbed the safety and fell back onto his rear.

With his hands splayed out behind him he at least kept his shoulders off the deck. If he completely laid back he wasn’t going to be getting back up again soon. It was the climb up the rocks that had taken the most out of him. The swimming had taken much less of a toll on him. For brak it had likely been the reverse.

Shifting his weight he tentatively touched his forehead where his skin felt hot. It stung to touch. Xin winced. He’d already lost the tip of a headtail he didn’t want half his face white and blotchy.

“Yeah he’ll be…” He trailed off. Seeing the beads of blood escaping from between her knuckles his lethargy was lost in a rush of adrenaline as he surged up off the floor and took her hand. She was bleeding further up the arm somewhere.

“Wut happened?”
[SIZE=9pt]Eyes fell on the burn again. The medic kit should have something for her to patch it up, at least take the sting out and keep it clean so everything could heal properly. Fire screamed in her shoulder but it had become background noise by now. Xin took her hand and despite her best efforts there was a wince of pain. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Don’t be dramatic Squidly, I’m fine. Just got shot but it won’t be the first or last time such a thing has happened.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Blood was starting to drip on the decking as Brak was rapidly pushing them away. There had been some mild thumps against the hull when they first took off, probably lingering blaster fire. By now the noise had stopped and she figured Brak was moving too fast and too high for any shots to hit. Shoulders slumped in a bit of relief. They were by no means out of the woods but the feeling was certainly lighter. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Come on” Dells squeezed his hand. “I need to put some drugs in my system and we can take care of that burn before I pass out.” [/SIZE]
One day later

“I'm nah fussin’!” He protested. Xin kept the bacta patch held down with his left hand whilst he pulled another strip of tape with his right to keep it in place.

They had two types of slow release bacta patches on the ship. Green and red in little sterile paper packages. The green ones were for serious wounds and released the bacta over a day. The red one over a week. Xin was applying a green. He had discovered that Dells had a pragmatic approach to injuries.

The nautolan was a jack of all trades type of outlaw. He could pilot to a reasonable degree, he knew his way around a hyperdrive, a rifle and a medical bay.

“The brief - and deliberate - collision might have knocked ah few bits loose so we're gonna stop at a station later.” His hands no ed quickly in practised motions to finish the strapping over her shoulder. Xin had patched more than a few people back together in his time even if he had no formal training. One of his old crew had been an army responder and taught him a lot on the move.

“ sling?” He asked.
[SIZE=9pt]“A station?” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Curiosity got the better of her instead of reminding how Squidly how fussy he had been over the last day or so.Dells wondered how nice of a station they would be stopping at. Some were barebones and no more than places to stop, get repaired and pay for overpriced fuel. Others were giant complexes that had nearly everything under the sun. She was hoping for at least something in between. Her rucksack was lost on water world which contained most of her things. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Lucky enough her comm had most of everything she needed - cred account and a way to pay, various bits proving her identity should a government want to look at them further. Hopefully that wouldn’t happen but she had come to expect the unexpected with her two traveling companions. Mind drifted to the thought of taking an extremely long shower and crashing in a bed until the ship was checked out. Normally she wouldn’t be so lazy but the shoulder had taken more out of her than she had expected. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Not that she was going to voice such things out loud. Xin was already mother henning her at the moment. No need to pile on more ammunition for their resident medical provider. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]“Uh, I’ll try no sling for a bit. Going to hurt either way.” She had already cleaned out a good portion of the pharmaceuticals on board. “Not a bad patch up job Doctor Boa.”[/SIZE]

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