Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction MP/GA/DE Junction: Blood and Beskar (Gala/Yag'Dhul/Ithor)




"What the hell was that-" A TIE fighter pilot yelled into his headset, as a black and orange blur shot across their bow, right in the middle of their formation.

"Came from the damn fighter screens!"

"All this wreckage is messing with my senso-"

With the (Star wars Roleplay site) Chaos from the loss of so many ships, the battlefield had become littered with debris. Debris that blocked sensors, navigation. The fighters deployed against the Alliance were now not in combat with sensors, missiles-

No, thanks to the Lord's turtle soup action, the spacecraft of the Alliance and their enemies would face off as pilots, as equals.

But for Wedge Draav, there were few, very few equals.

The now quadruple and counting Ace descended from his rapid maneuver, shifting rapidly to his right engine, banking a turn after cutting power to the left. He came from below at an angle through the fighter formations, blasting through two and sending one hurtling away, limping with a broken wing. Out of the fight. He pulled up high and hard on the throttle, arcing back around the fighter squadron in a double helix.

And Wedge Draav, Revenant Two- flew towards the enemy fighters, his black X-wing dark against the endless, merciless cruel stars of the indifferent galaxy.

He opened fire and scored another TIE kill. Killing was his business.

And business was good.



Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf | Ibaris Varanin Ibaris Varanin
LIABILITIES: Arla Rodarch Arla Rodarch


The armoured turbolift car came to a stop in a small hanger not marked on any building schematic. Hidden from outside view by a false wall, the small chamber housed a row of sleek Imperial shuttles, modified with powerful engines, extra armour, and cloaking shields—the perfect escape vehicles for high-ranking officials. The Deathtroopers and Storm Rangers accompanying senior leaders hurried from the turbolift and commenced a sweep of the hanger and shuttles to ensure they were free from sabotage.

“Truely, a lamentable shame,” Tithe mused, turning to Wulf and Varanin with a flourish. “The labour of our grand Empire is unending, and seldom do we find time for such an illustrious convergence of brilliant minds. I trust we shall, indeed, reconvene once this trifling disturbance is behind us. Ah, and I needn't remind you of the monumental tasks that lie ahead – the capitulation of Coruscant. There is much still to be done if we are to fortification of our holdings in the Galactic Core.” Citadel Caelitus rocked as it was hit by Mandarolian artillery, as if to punctuate Tithe’s point.

The Imperial Treasurer wished his colleague farewell and headed to his designated shuttle. His close protection team prowled around the shuttle as the pilot completed the pre-flight check, the green-armoured commandos alert to enemy attack. In moments, Tithe and his peers would be whisked to safety, far away from the Mandalorian invaders and sequestered safely in more secure lodgings.
Marshal, Journeyman Protector

Secret Hangar
So far so good, Arla thought. The battle had distracted the Dark Empire enough not to notice one lone miserable Mandalorian flying towards their Citadel. Her personal cheat codes continued to pay their debatably dishonourable dividend, providing real-time cover on her targets. They'd moved into a large space which didn't show what it was at first. Then she spotted a shuttle. A hidden escape hangar, eh?

False wall was no wall at all to a missile impact as Arla let her Z-6's missile fly. It hit true and made her an opening which she flew into and through on jets of flame.

She admired the quick response of the Imperials, most of whom had almost brought their weapons to bear on her by the time she emerged from the smoke. Very good, but too late for this particular fight. To their credit, some of them even got a shot or two off.

As the Journeyman Protector flew in, she took down the green armored commandos with phazor fire, stunning them one by one with multiple direct hits. The rest of the armed help were targeted and hit by guided darts known to the Mandalorians as whistling birds, which would punch through armour as well as the phazor blasts did.

"No heroics!" Arla said, loud enough for the shuttle pilot to hear, as she landed next to the best dressed man she had seen in a long time, as he was in the process of boarding a shuttle. Boots thumping to the ground with the roar of the jetpack fading, she covered Tithe with her phazor pistol, hoping she wouldn't have to stun him and carry him. The other two VIPs she covered with a shotgun in her right hand.

She was thinking quickly now, the shuttlecraft providing a potential means of escape and evasion with the targets intact. If she could get them aboard, maintain control over them and the pilot, and get out before they were swarmed. "No delaying, either. Into the shuttle." She ordered, waving the shotgun without taking it off target. It held two Ice shells. Its twin still in the holster held two Fire shells.

This had the potential to get messy, real quick.

Aerarii Tithe Aerarii Tithe Ibaris Varanin Ibaris Varanin Shannic Wulf Shannic Wulf Mia Monroe Mia Monroe Drego Ruus Drego Ruus @Jurr @Awaud Shev Skirata Shev Skirata


Gala | Sea Tribe
Objective BYOO : Business, Family

"Well, this isn't going to be a comfortable camping trip..." they had to consider food, rations, and water. "Who knows what provisions people have available right now with everything that got swept off. It might take a while as well before the water recedes... even then, it wouldn't be safe to get anything from the sea with all the debris settling. It would be too dangerous."

Myra bit her lip. Not to mention, I was not sure how long it would be before Arceneau or Salacia ships could safely come into Gala space without fear of being caught in the crossfire.

"Who do we talk to find out what exactly we have to work with?"

The Jedi Knight, who I was learning named to be "Shan" was in charge of these padawans. Stepping up and was going to be dealing with the explosives while the Padawans would be headed to the Civilians and others who needed aid. Nodding to them, I clipped the saber back to the belt. Considering the man was a Jedi, I would not be using my saber for right now. A specific reason actually. Nodding my helmet to Shan, I indicated for him to head over to the blast door. While turning around, I yelled out to the Jedi padawans when they were starting their leave of the situation.

"Trust only in the force. Keep your wits about you. If you need help, Call out for it. Communicate."

Turning away from them, I looked directly at this shade that so wished to watch us. To simply observe what we were doing. Where they came from, and why they were here seemed to be a mystery to everyone involved. Pointing directly to this individual who so proclaimed to be of a higher power from eons long ago,

"Touch any one of those Padawans, and you won't be facing a Jedi."

I cared not for their response, but kept a watchful eye on them. Making sure that if they stayed to watch us, they wouldn't do anything. Which is why I also communicated to the padawans that if they needed help, to call out. To make sure we knew as the both of us, were more capable in combat than they were. Closing the distance to where this Shan stood, I nodded to him that I was ready.

"I'll take their aggression from you and direct it to me. Only focus on taking out those explosives. I can handle them."

Breathing in deeply, the full wealth of my chest was filled with filtered oxygen as I readied myself. My eyes closed behind the helmet for but a moment. Gathering the force. Focusing all of its energy through my body. Ready, prepared. Willing. As soon as Shan would open the door, I bolted out from it being even remotely open. Sliding through feet first and landing in a crouched position to avoid incoming fire before a dash to the first man.

My crushgaunt closed the distance to his helmet. Slamming hard enough to be sent flying back into his allies. A second one was grabbed by the helmet and held up while blaster fire riddled his body with holes and smoking marks. Swinging him around almost like a Nun-chuck before throwing him with the momentum and the force into others. The force flowed through my body. Becoming a blur with a blink and you will miss movement to close the distance. Phasing through one of the soldiers to be behind the man. I went through his body feet first, landing, so that as soon as I was not phasing, my hands would grab him and throw him with my momentum.

Without missing a beat, I was going to draw all of their attention to me. My voice becoming loud, screaming through the force at them. Bellowing into an unnatural roar of the force. sending a shockwave that knocked some of the closer ones to the ground.



Objective : BYOO
Tags : Myra Elspeth Arceneau Myra Elspeth Arceneau | Iko Vel Iko Vel

"Not to be that guy...but everyone we could talk to is here. There's a loose council of elders from villages forming their own little power structure. However, last time I was here one of the elders got assassinated. Things are...tense. Skepticism is running high between all the powers here on Gala."

He paused a moment. Not privy to all the information, he was going off what he knew.

"There's more villages around here, we would have to go find everyone. I can start walking back into the city and raid supplies from Galacian Mining. Should be some speeders there too, so the longest part is just getting there."

They had their vessel, yes. However due to the ongoing battle it wasn't wise to fly. His recent acquirement of the Galacian Mining Corporation meant there was at least access to various supplies.

"It will be a few hours walk but doable for me."

He had traversed all over the Pacanth Reach on foot. It wasn't fun but physically he was able ; even better when he didn't have to lug equipment with him.

"Water should be all about gone by then, able to pick through. Start cleaning up and sit tight for several days."



First, she was enjoying the feeling of Iko pressed up against her side, his head on hers as they debated on what to do next. First aid was settled upon mostly, she was going to get up, pack a bag, head to their ship and grab what medical supplies were in the vessel. Persie was assuming Myra Elspeth Arceneau Myra Elspeth Arceneau and Makky were making some kind of plan to get food and water into the area, to settle in.

Yet what Iko Vel Iko Vel said next terrified her.

"Mud...bugs? The crawling with biting creatures?"
Eyes went wide, horrified at the prospect. "I ain't sleepin' none. Nope, stayin' awake and off the ground."



Aris was quick and efficient. He followed with Seszil, the pair of them cutting through the soldiers too quick, too furious. There could be no quarter here, not if it meant delaying the assault on Coruscant, on saving more lives. He'd caught it too late, though, as he looked over to Ayhan as the last remaining was taken care of. His expression tightened as he stepped beside the boy, glancing only briefly to the body.

They were doing the right thing here, right?

".. Here's hoping."

He couldn't deny he liked the idea of a proper challenge, though. He turned to follow after Ayhan, Seszil once more returning by his side to float protectively.

Ayhan Ayhan

Gala | Sea Tribe
Objective BYOO : Business, Family

“That’s several hours worth of walking!” Myra exclaimed, her eyes growing wide. Her hands came to perch on her hips in the tell tale pose that Makai Dashiell Makai Dashiell ’s proposal just might not work out.

“Can’t we use local comms to reach out to the mining facility and have them send droids to fly over what extra provisions they can spare?” That made sense than having Makai walk over under the heat of the sun - not mention who knew if whoever was in space might come down and then cause trouble.

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Focus on taking out the explosives. Shan could totally do that. The Mandalorian was going to keep most of the attention on himself, it was just going to be Shan's job to deal with the bombs. And then it was going to be time to book it out of here. The job of evaccuating people had finally been done, or at least his job. He'd have to run back to check on the kids. For now though, Shan had to focus on wrapping the bombs around in the Force, enveloping them in a Bubble. This was going to be easy! What's the worst that could happ-


...Okay. That wasn't creepy whatsoever. Shan shook his head and went back to his job, applying more Force, as he worked on triggering the explosives. Of course, with the first one, Shan was a little bit more hesitant. This was all in theory after all, and he wasn't sure if the actual explosion would take out the bubble. But with the first muffled BOOM, coming from the bubble and a quick check to make sure he wasn't dead, Shan carried on with the rest of the bombs, keeping an eye out for any stray blaster bolts he'd need to try and deflect with his own lightsaber. Sure, he trusted the Mandalorian...but only a fool put all of their Banthas in one pen...Was that the right metaphor?

Chaaj Priest Chaaj Priest
"Mud...bugs? The crawling with biting creatures?"

"N-No...I didn't mean it seriously Perse. I was teasin' you. There ain't anythin' on the ground that is gonna bite you...that I know of."

He knew better than to say that fact, without adding the last part. That way if something did bite her, he wouldn't get in trouble. Yes. That was the perfect plan. Though in all seriousness, Iko was worried about Persephone. He had just meant to tease her, and now it looked like she was going to freak out over the teasing.

" need sleep anyway. Think of all the bags you'll get. And they won't be the good kinds, filled with like...clothes and food. They'll be the bad onees that make it seem like you're all stressed and haven't been sleeping."

Location: The Citadel
Allies: Galactic Alliance | Mandalorian Protectorate | Aris Noble Aris Noble
Enemies: Dark Empire

The two silver-haired youths stalked the halls of the Citadel together. If their faces were grim before, now they were downright dour. It had been unmistakable to Ayhan, the way Aris' expression had become taut after the close of their opening fight in the building. Neither of the boys were much for words, as far as Ayhan knew, but the look had said enough, and Ayhan couldn't help but feel it was directed, at least in part, towards him.

It gnawed at him.

"What?" Ayhan finally said, nearly growling, after he'd peered around a corner and found it empty. "You've been glowering since we started. Speak." Forget that they were deep in enemy territory, or that if someone heard them the Empire might throw everything it had at them, intruders. That was what they wanted after all, to be a distraction. Ayhan needed the distraction.
Location: Some corridor, Keera Major Orbital Array
Objective 2: Search & Rescue!

"If you need help, Call out for it. Communicate."

The words of the Mandalorian still echoed in Mahsa’s mind as her lightsaber struggled to make quick work of the thick mass of the metal door. Her master often spoke similar words as well, gently attempting to guide the young Kazelrrian to open up and reach for others more. The bellowing cry and combat sounds that followed created a cacophony that was impossible to ignore, stressing further how necessary it was for them to evacuate the two injured workers as quickly as possible.

"R-Raph… R-Raphael!" She struggled to find her voice at first, drowned by the palpitations within her chest and Mahsa’s own hesitation. She didn’t want to burden others, not when there was already so much to do, but if asking for his help meant getting the workers to safety faster then… perhaps it was alright, just this once? "C-Can you help me… p-please?"

Golden eyes looked up at the oldest padawan present, her own hands wrapped tightly around the hilt of her lightsaber as she strained to push its plasma blade further down the steel door preventing their escape.

Lightsaber | Padawan Apparel | Satchel with various medical herbs, basic ointments & bandages | Survival Kit

Force Rune Shield from Shan Pavond

Allies: Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Casaline Ryiah Casaline Ryiah | Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade | Chaaj Priest Chaaj Priest
Hostiles: Onrai Onrai …?
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Keera Major Orbital Array
Objective Two: Rescue some People!
Interacting with: Chaaj Priest Chaaj Priest | Shan Pavond Shan Pavond | Casaline Ryiah Casaline Ryiah | Mahsa Mahsa | Onrai Onrai | Raphael Gallustrade Raphael Gallustrade |


"My leg...I can't walk, I think I sprained it," The worker told Zaiya, grasping at his ankle. Zaiya had no real field medic training but she had the healing fire crystals. Maybe that can help with some of the pain? Zaiya wasn't sure just how it worked, but Shan had told her that if she used them as a focus, it could help speed up healing.

Maybe taking away some of the swelling and the pain would be enough. Hopefully by the time Mahsa cuts open the door, it would be enough.

"Okay, I'm going to help you." Zaiya said, digging into her purse to pull out the shard of the Healing Fire Crystal. The worker looked confused, as if a crystal was going to help him at all. Especially since it was a kid. However, beggers couldn't be choosers

"I know, looks weird. Just trust me. Casi, can you help the other worker?" she asked her companion, and trust yourself, Zaiya thought in her mind, trying to pep talk herself up. As soon as she curled her fingers around the crystal, she felt the comforting resonance. Placing both hands along the worker's ankle.

Okay, I need your help, she thought and projected her emotions towards the crystal, and felt the nudge of comforting presence that told her it would help her.



Objective : BYOO
Tags : Myra Elspeth Arceneau Myra Elspeth Arceneau | Iko Vel Iko Vel

"Yeah, what's the big deal?"

There were some speeders left unscathed but Makai wasn't just going to take command of someone's property. Besides, he had heard the elders talking about setting out and checking on the other villages and settlements. Checking on those who identified themselves to be part of the Sea Tribe or lived on the nearby coasts would crucial as well.

"We gotta do...." Cut off by her logic, he ended with a weak oh .

Comm was fished out of pocket, unlocking the screen, only to be greeted by a rather disturbing message.

Senator Casteban Mecetti Casteban Mecetti has perished in battle.
Makai blinked at the message. He was in business with Mecetti,along with Alicia Drey Alicia Drey .Eyebrow raised slightly, curious if Drey would do a hostile takeover of Mecetti's portion of the business or if Mrs. Vianca Mecetti Vianca Mecetti would be taking over from here on out. He had never met the missus Mercetti, nor did he know what kind of woman she was, if she was able to take over. Despite the current disaster he was in, Makai noted he would have to reach out for a meeting.

Right now he had to focus on the next couple of days.

"Yeah, I can reach out and see what is available...or....stick with me, I can see how many atmospheric transports are available and I can just buy out a block of hotel rooms for all of us. Tensions are high between all of the tribes here but throw enough credits at anyone and they suddenly will put their prejudice aside."



Objective : BYOO
Tags : Myra Elspeth Arceneau Myra Elspeth Arceneau | Iko Vel Iko Vel

"Yous ain't lyin'. Or teasin'."

Face was still blanched white. Mud bugs. That bit people. Bad enough she had seen very small crabs scuttling along the water line earlier, digging holes and hiding from those passin' by. Like little land-and-sea roaches. Some may have called them cute but she called them little parasites. Okay, they weren't parasites but still.

"I don't care none about bags und..."

She immediately cut her ownself off, hearing the words 'hotel'. Immediately she scrambled up, pushing off Iko, using him as leverage as she moved like a woman who just heard combat boots were ninety-five percent off. She hurried to her guardians and Rue, who had sat down in the taller grass, kicked back, looking at the sky.

"Hotel!? Did yous say hotel?"

Persie grabbed Makky's arm and shook him a little, then looked at My-rah.

"We gotta go."

"I am teasin'! I promise y-"

Iko didn't even get to finish his sentence as Persie pushed herself up using Iko, causing him to instead head face first down into the mud since he wasn't ready for it, whilst also giving him another pang of pain through his leg as he screamed into the mud for a moment. Breathe. Stay calm. Ignore the pain. Even if he had just been ignored for a god damn hotel room. Iko could feel his temper flaring up for a moment before breathing. It wasn't worth him getting angry over it. It made sense that Persie would want a hotel room. He should at least be happy that she wouldn't be in the mud and dirt...but that still didn't do much for him right now.

"I' over in a second..."

He grumbled, slowly but surely pushing his face out of the mud and practically dragging himself over towards Myra, Makai, Persephone and Rue. Though all it mostly did was make better work on making his clothes dirty and clogged up with mud. But it wasn't like he could really walk over, and he felt like trying to hop over would just cause more pain and agony for his good leg. So dragging himself through the ground was for the best.

Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell


Mandalorian hunter

Objective III:

The Protectors, Galactic Alliance, and Dark Empire have many ties between them from long before the Protectors or Dark Empire existed as an entity. Do whatever you please to explore those.

Objective Three OOC: Have Fun

Marauder and a group of Mandalorians were barreling towards Carlac, this mission was a long time coming, vengeance would be dealt this day for what the Imps did on Teta. Ground troops were met with more resistance sooner than expected, Marauder didn't care if he set foot on the planet sooner or later, as long as he gets to unleash his rage upon Imperial scum.

Suddenly, an alarm sounded as enemy ships opened fire on this group of ships
"BAIL OUT, BAIL OUT" the pilot screamed. Marauder leaped out of the dropship with the other Mandos' and was immediately greeted with laser fire. He aimed his missile launcher and fired at the Imperial ships. Marauder then flew on the back of another ship and planted a detonator on it and jumped off, hurling himself towards the Imperial base and ignited the detonator, exploding the ship.

He landed on the installation and engaged the troopers in combat. Marauder drew his EE4 carbine and opened fire, killing 5 troopers before they could raise their blasters. Marauder dove for cover as the troopers begun to open fire at him. Marauder reached in his pouch for a thermal detonator and pulled it out, arming it to throw at the enemy

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Gala | Sea Tribe
Objective BYOO : Business, Family

"Oh good --- Although just how many hotel rooms would even be available right now? I'm sure their own patrons are also alarmed regarding the entire situation." Or perhaps the patrons have decided to find a way to leave Gala. Either way, those were good options.

"Okay, I'll comm Mama and let her know she shouldn't --" Myra was abruptly cut off as she heard Persie's exclamation and tiny body lunge herself at Makai, begging for a hotel room. That was promptly followed by poor Iko's groan of pain.

Turning towards the young boy, Myra gave a gasp, "What happened??" Iko's face was covered in mud and he was trying to crawl his way. over.

"Iko, stop! Just stop... Makai, where is your uncle? Let's take care of Iko and get him cleaned up."



Objective : BYOO
Tags : Persephone Dashiell Persephone Dashiell | Iko Vel Iko Vel | Myra Elspeth Arceneau Myra Elspeth Arceneau

"I'm sure something is available, its Gala...who is even here if they don't have to be?"

Makai didn't think this was a tourist spot. Locals only type of thing, did anyone even worry about Gala before this? Besides, he was a little eager to give moving for a multitude of reasons.He had secretly worried they would have ran into his mother on planet before they came. Lucky for him, she was 'exploring the galaxy' according to his grandparents, a small miracle. Second, was the issue right in front of them, the capital ship.

"Or perhaps we can just crash at the mining outpost. I was thinking of here but its dangerous with the capital ship across from the...."

Conversation was cut off by one Persephone Dashiell. Brow furrowed, then spotting Iko literally crawling through the mud. Who's idea was it to bring all the children with them? Oh right, his.

"Persie...he's already fragile and now he's crawling through the mud...I'm disappointed. You're definitely grounded when we get back home..."

On cue, Uncle Noa picked up Iko once again like weighed nothing. Some of the family was dispersing, off to find the rest of the elders around the area and to scout out sister villages along the water, wanting to get an idea of what remained. The darkhaired Jedi was cradled like a baby, Uncle Noa looking as if the kid weighed nothing.

"I'll carry 'im back to the ship. Let 'im get started."


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