Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Mustafar: Legacies | EE/AC/BotM/GA Juncion of Mustafar/Jaminere/Ord Bostadus/Mechis III (SGHW)



Revenant Squadron
Lead: Tren Chaar Three: Ran Serys Four: Shar Sieu Shar Sieu Five: Kaul "Joker" Emos Six: Mylo Thorne Seven: Leon Gallo Nine: Artemis Toth Ten: Qellene Tyliame Eleven: Zev Garallia Twelve: Tristram Vos

Location: Falstaff Base, Alliance Secure Zone, Mechis City, Mechis III

Objective: Chill out and eat

“Did anyone catch the, err, shockball last night?” Chaar asked, awkwardly trying to strike up a conversation with his squadron.

"Couldn't get the connection to work at first, but I caught the second half. Alsakan Avengers got a trouncing, which I'm glad for, personally. They've had it coming for a while."

Shar was looking at the current course, an unusual lava snail dish that seemed to be shining in a metallic hue. It was served in bubbling hot water, but the shell seemed close.

"Anyone know how I'm supposed to... scoop the meat out?"
Maestus Fury
Dragon Shield Talisman

Aleem Qel Droma
Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust

She could feel them draw close. Strong, very strong was one. And recognizable, yes. She remembered him.

The other Force signature was new to Maestus, unknown. And young. A new recruit to the Ashlan Crusade's ranks perhaps? She would learn soon enough.

Maestus stopped walking just before the Black Gate. She stood tall and ready. On her hips was a low slung belt, with 2 hilts hanging from it. One, your typical saber hilt. The other was longer, more ornate. Her pride and joy.

She paused in her rememberings of Heinrich to listen to the sounds of war raging all around her. At any given second, a blaster rang out. The clash of lightsabers electrified the air. And someone drew their last breath. Death and war went hand in hand.

It was not that Maestus didn't care that people were dying, on all sides. She had just accepted it as fact of matter. War and battle were inevitable, and thus death followed. Her only regret is that she could not study the dying Sith and Jedi. Such experiments and research would prove amazing for her studies.

She shook her head, clearing it. She could feel her foes approaching, practically upon her. They just need come through the gate.

This was going to be fun.

ALLIES: EE | GA | AC | Elaena Kessia Miran Elaena Kessia Miran | Dylan Marsek Dylan Marsek
ENEMIES: Maw | Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Ronar Ronar | Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr
ENGAGING: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Ronar Ronar | Open
GEAR: In bio | unit equipment


The deathly silence was taking its toll on the nerves of the troopers. Jas could feel the anxiety climbing with each path cleared of building breached, only to wane again as the ‘building clear’ report came in over the comms in a hushed voice. Jas couldn’t help but wonder where the enemy was either. He could feel them around the area, anticipation and blood lust boiling for the opportunity to tear one of them apart.

The feeling spiked when they rounded a corner, only for a body to tumble out of a window and crash in front of the group. Jas silently watched as Dylan stumbled back and stared before he moved up to check the body for traps. :: You boys clear the building, I’ll scout ahead. :: He spoke over the comms as he shouldered his rifle and pushed past the building. The breaching went off with no surprises at least, but he knew the enemy was still close.

Then he felt it.

One particular presence was very close to them. The one he let live. :: Skif, you’re in command. Chameleon, stick with Acklay. I’m pushing ahead. I think their warlord is close. Moving to engage. :: He continued as he quietly moved through the alleys and passages towards the presence.

His HUD scanned the area as he moved and the Force pushed out in search of any surprises. With a few elegant jumps, the Pureblood was perched on a rooftop overlooking the area. There was nothing out of place, aside from the one figure he was looking for. He clambered down and moved like a shadow towards the man slicing at the embers drifting around them. He finally rounded a corner, rifle at the ready, and came to a halt a few meters from the man.

”I thought your Mawites would be spoiling for a fight. Is an orbital bombardment all it takes to break your people’s will?” He spoke up to draw the man’s attention as his rifle lowered. ”If you want to launch an ambush, my suggestion would be to actually do something. Taking out one scout isn’t going to stop us.” He glanced up as more whistles echoed through the air. More gas and smoke.

”How’s the gas treating your boys?” He quipped as he leaned against a nearby wall.


Aleem Qel Droma


Location: Castle Vader

TAG: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Maestus Maestus

Aleem pressed further into the interior, he took point, the tip of the spear. His brother’s golden blades illuminated behind and to his sides, but as he drew further in he felt a heaviness, as if oxygen was being drained from his lungs and then he felt a chill, it filled his veins which carried it throughout his body.
The dark side.. it was here.
Aleem knew it from his upbringing, but this dose was potent, it made the Krath sorcery seem almost Jedi like by comparison. Whatever was near was strong in Bogan, and for the first time The Postulant did not have confidence. He knew not to underestimate Sith or other dark side acolytes. Aleem stopped at the mouth of a dark hallway. His spine felt as if a serpent, a python, was running down it and constricting. Some of the other Crusaders began to shake in their armor. Whatever.. whoever was down there, it’s very existence challenged Ashla and exuded fear
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Location: Gahenn Droid Factory
Objective: Scout the factory, and sabotage Maw Objectives if applicable.
Allies: Eternal Empire, Eternal Empire Allies
Enemies: The Maw, Maw Allies, Kybo Ren Kybo Ren

"Kriffing hells!" Rolin growled in annoyance, seeing the big bastard catching the last few balls of magma. He was quickly becoming annoyed but knew there was nothing he could do about it as of now. He had to deal with this. The brute most definitely called for his men to return, so he was on a fairly short timetable. He had to at the very least destroy these supplies, or this will simply be a waste of everyone's time.

Right now, he just had to focus on where the big bastard was. Just focus on his feet below the transports. Rolin continued to evade the Mawite, thinking of a way out of this mess, but then he noticed one crucial detail. He didn't see the big bastard's feet anymore.

Rolins eyes widened as something within him screamed for him to move, and he did, just in time. As he leapt away from his previous position, Kybo Ren Kybo Ren landed right where he once was, denting the kriffing ground, light saber in hand.

Rolin cursed, eyes narrowing at his assailant. "Well, if I never saw such an obvious villain before in my life…let me guess, loved ones betrayed you and now you're pissed about it?" He asked, before retreating further to the transport. He could tell that the man was more experienced, as well as stronger. May even be faster too, for all the luck the force graced upon him.

He needed cover, and what better cover than the precious supplies they wanted to load up onto their ships? One wrong swing and both of them would be blown up. Better than him being flattened on the platform, at least.

Location: Mustafar
The barrage of rocks thrown telekinetically at him combined with the assault that followed from her blades was enough to push the Shadow Hand on the defensive, even if he was able to hold his own. For a Jedi to be this aggressive in combat was unusual, but her ability to fight like this and remain in control of herself was what separated her from many, and what allowed her to stand up against the likes of Ptolemis. He had changed, however, and while her own strength was ever-increasing, finding the way through his defenses was no easy task.

He met her use of Jar'kai with the strength she couldn't muster in single-handed grips, and cleverly addressed the otherwise overwhelming speed of her assault this way. But still, Valery kept her fiery focus on forcing her way through, and she felt confident that an opening would eventually present itself. With that determination, the two clashed further into the ruins, until a domed structure surrounded them and a strange feeling hit them in the Force.

Nothing needed to be said — they knew exactly what artifact remained here, and it was likely some items created by it could be nearby too.

It did change the flow of the battle though, as Ptolemis slid back and turned his focus to the ceiling. In an instant, she felt gravity change around her much like her husband could, only it wasn't the intensity of gravity that changed — it was its direction. The suddenness of it caused Valery to lose her balance, and so when she finally did manage to land on the ceiling on both her feet, her assault against the Shadow Hand had faltered. Without missing a beat, he exploited it and aimed a series of quick, precise strikes at her, most of which she still deflected.

But one pierced through her defenses, and struck her off-hand weapon, causing it to slip from her grip. Normally she would have tried to summon it back but being upside down messed with her orientation too much, and so she decided to grip her remaining weapon in both hands and continue her defense with a focus on more strength, hoping it would allow her to tear apart Makashi's relatively weaker grip.

After several successful parries, however, Valery slid back and quickly lowered herself — it was time to turn gravity back to normal, and so she placed her hand against the ceiling that had become their floor and allowed the Force to flow through the cracks to very abruptly shatter the structure of stone around Ptolemis. She wondered if it would send him flying or if something else could happen, but either way, she intended to follow up on it with a series of more power-driven attacks.

5th Post




Beskar Brodie-Helm
Durasteel Cuirass
Fragarach-Model Heavy Disruptor Pistol
Beskar Romphaia
Rusty Old Fairbairn

Allies (BOTM/NSO): Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr Ronar Ronar Erion Justeene Erion Justeene Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr

Attackers (EE/GA/Hex): Jas Katis Jas Katis Elaena Kessia Miran Elaena Kessia Miran Dylan Marsek Dylan Marsek




He's here.... Excellent.

'I thought your Mawites would be spoiling for a fight. Is an orbital bombardment all it takes to break your people's will?'

In reply, all Barran could do was laugh, though it was a hearty, wheezing affair brought on by the reference to the test of faith on Mt. Geran, and by the fact he knew Jas was unwittingly testing his newfound patience - a previously-untapped well of abundance until the moment he was faced with the revelation of his truest, former self.

'If you want to launch an ambush, my suggestion would be to actually do something. Taking out one scout isn't going to stop us.'

But in the understanding of the Pureblood's nature, such means of psychological warfare, even in the aspect of single-combat, were only natural in conflicts like the Second Great Hyperspace War. And yet, this played into the increasingly inquisitive nature of the Bloodhound's game, such that was very much in Katis' wheelhouse also; for much could be learned from the words of a friend, but in his time living the second and last life in his journey across the realms of existence, much more could be learned from the words of an enemy in stark, glaringly-obvious contrast. The laughter had died off though, giving way to curiosity as he scratched under his eye-patch, and as he listened on, leaned against the same wall his opponent was at the time.

'How's the gas treating your boys?'

A derisive snort answered this time, though abruptly ending as Thomas calmly responded,'Cyborg majority, with a gasmask trend holding from as far back as I can recall - shouldn't be too much trouble.... Though I do pity the unbloodied ones in our ranks.', tutting in jest and shaking his head as if to say,"Not a strategy for Scar Hounds.", as his silence resumed for another moment or two. Studying Jas in noting a change he couldn't discern yet, it was obvious to the Woad that something had happened to the Pureblood since their first outing, something that had made the mercenary's aura somewhat darker in the time they spent preparing for each other since. Though like Katis and his disinterest in Barran's name and epithet both, the one-eyed Woad would find himself less interested in what exactly had changed, but infinitely more drawn to the possibility of what it had done to change the way the Sith Pureblood approached single-combat so profoundly.


In their first duelling encounter, Katis had been more cautious in his approach, letting distance dictate the first approach, and in the same strategic principle, being careful enough to kill all potential threats to both the fight and their chances of getting to learn the ways of their opposition. This time was different in almost every way, contrasting the very nature of the fight itself, and in far more facets than just the attacker/defender switch this time around; Jas had chosen to start his endeavours as closely to Thomas' position as possible, even expressing a little of his previous caution to get in to his infinitely-more audacious starting point, though the Bloodhound was still struggling to articulate the exact reason why.

'You seem - different this time, Jas. Lookin' like ye want me to test your faith this time, an' not just by way o' body-language either.... Putting it simply, I sense a change in you, though I can only hope for your sake that it made you STRONGER!!!!'

Then, without warning or theatrics, the Bloodhound sprang forth with a sprint, charging with the hooked-tip of his blade bared in what first appeared to be a surprise early-finish; though only until the blade itself tipped down towards the mercenary's boots whilst he was instinctively backpedalling away from it, then jammed into the ground as Barran replicated the same dropkick his opponent landed on him just months before. But instead of a pile of corpses, only Duracrete awaited at the other end of the recoiling trajectory, and instead of careering into the mess headlong with a tumble as Thomas had, Jas would instead flex catlike reflexes and opt to land feet first and use the wall as his springboard instead. The Sith-Pureblood had changed, and just as the one-eyed Woad had hoped for the sake of the former, it truly had made Katis stronger.

And Thomas was ecstatic.

For the moon-like orb that represented the timeline of their rivalry as a metaphor, as finite as he correctly assumed it to be, was still waxing in it's early-crescent form by then. Nothing would wane, no last this or final that in sight, just raw, untapped fury forming the foundation of an epic saga; a visceral, old-fashioned rivalry, the likes that had potential to exceed the death-tolls stacked between Blue-Heart Brigade and the Scav Kings over the years.

For War, my hand guides this blade to strike first.
But this Pureblood's going to answer me for every trick I try out.
And as the Pureblood's drop-kick was returned to sender, the one-eyed Woad would only have the skill and knowledge to replicate the first part of his opponent's counter, settling happily with the painless outcome as he dropped down on one knee and drew up from there to straighten his posture and await the mercenary's next move. Likely to be drawing his lightsabre to get the party underway properly, the murderous silence between Jas and Thomas would feel quite intoxicating to the latter, and in the reminder of the former's Darth-level of skill in kyber-swordsmanship, Barran smartly guessed the growth would felt most acutely in the moments following the first clash of swords.

Glorious, another proper challenge.
I needed this.
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Equipment: AKraB Vibrodagger, Corporis Skin Suit, Feverwasp Particle Blaster Pistol, Survival Kit
Allies: GA
Enemies: MAW
Tags: Khione Khione
"Thanks! Same to yourself." Even without the strange intuition about others' emotions she always seemed to get, Ari could tell the fellow pilot was tense - probably a little suspicious. She wasn't sure if the pilot's anxiety matched her own, subtle anxiousness, but It was good to know she wasn't dealing with an emotionless monster or fearless lunatic. She relaxed her grip on the vibrodagger, though she didn't sheathe it, and continued this, honestly improbably, conversation. "I think so. I know the beacon works but I haven't tried the radio yet." Ari warily accepted the flask, taking a few drinks before handing it back and offering Khione Khione an unopened bottle of water from her survival pack.

Looking down at the burning Ballerina and her own battered and broken X-wing, Ari looked the other pilot in the eye. Saying with a somewhat open but serious look in her eye, "You shot me down too - and you've got to be a top-shelf pilot or a Jedi to beat that maneuver I pulled above Tython. Alderaan's ghosts, you even had me in a bind over Foerost - and that was a centuries-old Ugly against a custom A-wing." Ari wasn't lying, either. This pilot had been the bane of her existence every time they'd flown against each other, somehow always coming out of their fights barely scathed, if at all. "You're too good a pilot for this raiding business. I get you probably don't want to mess with the Alliance, and I have Chiss wingmates so I'm sure you can understand why there's no way in all the hells I'm helping the Maw -" Ari couldn't say she liked the Palliduvan - but the least she could do such a pilot was to offer a bridge - "Pilots like you are needed out in the Rim - where the scars of the Bryn have only just scabbed over." Ari's thoughts drifted to her own homeworld, it's centuries long and tragic history - and its most recent tragedy where she had seen the hordes destroy all she'd ever known and all but exterminate her people. Never again. "Certainly beats going around blowing up planets." She knew the answer would be no - the pilot seemed honor-bound enough not to just break allegiances on a whim - and even if she wasn't, there wasn't near the money to be made raiding or protecting devastated rimworlds as there was fighting for the current murderous horde or raiding ships in the chaos.

Kybo Ren

Pirate of the Stars, Knight of Ren
Location: Gahenn Droid Factory
Allies: Maw
Enemies: Everyone else, approaching SIA groups, Rolin Doan Rolin Doan

Rolin cursed, eyes narrowing at his assailant. "Well, if I never saw such an obvious villain before in my life…let me guess, loved ones betrayed you and now you're pissed about it?" He asked, before retreating further to the transport. He could tell that the man was more experienced, as well as stronger. May even be faster too, for all the luck the force graced upon him.
Kybo almost guffawed aloud at the brazenness of the kid.

"If I were pissed, ye'd not be long for this world." He had the reach advantage, and the Force put more power into his strides, enough that he could catch up with the kid. But he wanted to tilt the odds further in his favour first. Drawing his Hand Cannon in one hand, Kybo chased Rolin, and upon the Initiate running beside a container, fired a FEX-M3 Nerve Gas Round at the container wall, at a point just ahead of Rolin. It was not explosive, and would not blow up the contents of the container, but the gas would blow up just in front of the kid, enough to cause serious damage even with Force healing or expulsion of the gas from his skin and lungs. Kybo, of course, had no such worries, as he was sealed in helmet and suit.
Objective: Defend the Bastion, Slaughter the Interlopers
Location: The Streets
Allies: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran , Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr , Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr
Enemies: Jas Katis Jas Katis , Dylan Marsek Dylan Marsek , Elaena Kessia Miran Elaena Kessia Miran
Engaging: Open

By the time the mercenaries breached the building, Ronar and the Violet Wolves were long gone. Smashing through another window on the far side of the building, they bolted through the streets, heading for their next position. Ronar wished he could stay and see the results of his work, but there was simply no time. Dozens of mercenary squads were moving through the city, and if they wanted to crush the fighting spirit of the encroaching army, they would have to spread the love. That being said, now that the opening shots had been fired, it was time to kick it up a notch.

"Hold," Ronar whispered to his men as they took cover in a pile of rubble. A mercenary contingent was making their way through the streets ahead. There didn't seem to be any others nearby, and Ronar guessed that they were in communication by signal means through whatever equipment they had inside their helmets. Speaking of helmets, Ronar was starting to feel a little tightness in his throat and chest. The automatic antidote injectors in his cybernetics prevented any serious reactions to toxins; the gasses spread by the mercenaries were uncomfortable, but not debilitating. However, the injectors were not indefinite. His Wolves did not have the benefits of such protection, though luckily they were wearing gas masks like the majority of the Scar Hound forces. However, the filters in the masks would inevitably need to be replaced.

"We clean this up quick, then return to headquarters for supplies," Ronar said softly to his men, "If these vile vermin want to play with cheap tricks, so be it." The Wolves nodded, and Ronar fell silent, gesturing with predetermined hand signs for the Wolves to fall into position. They melted into the buildings, cybernetic enhancement and combat training allowing them to maneuver quickly, utilizing the tightly packed buildings as cover. A smile tugged at his lips as Ronar went to his own position at the apex of the ambush, hiding inside of a doorway. At their movement, the mercenary at the head of the column perked up.

"Eyes up, I got something!" Ronar heard the man say as he raised his rifle. Before he could say anything more, a frag grenade sailed through the air to land amongst the contingent.

"Frag!" one of the mercenaries screamed. To his credit, the man didn't panic. With a mighty kick he punted the device, sending it sailing past Ronar's hiding spot to explode several meters away. Unfortunately, the distraction had served its purpose. The four Wolves, given a few precious seconds to get into final position, opened up a withering crossfire on the mercenary squad. Two out of the roughly eight men went down almost immediately, the others yelling as they scrambled to get out of the street and return fire. Before they could scatter, however, Ronar made his move.

With a mighty battle cry, he charged from his hiding place, Bloodreaver gripped tightly in both hands. He had learned since Tython that only certain enemies, the captains and warchiefs, carried the feared laser swords. The average grunts were not permitted such weaponry. So, in the interest of familiarity, and murderous capability, he wielded the fearsome vibroaxe and kept the sword sheathed.

The first enemy noticed his charge, but his cry of warning was drowned by the hail of fire from both sides. Ronar ducked a hastily fired shot and swung Bloodreaver, burying the blade several centimeters deep in the armored chest. The man coughed and fell, Ronar pulling the blade free only to cut into the knees of a second man who whirled to face him, eyes suddenly full of fear. Ronar caught the falling body midair with his cybernetic arm, crushing the man's throat like a stick of kindling before hurling his corpse into a third soldier. Chaos had ensued now, the mercenaries unable to comprehend both a four-point ambush and a bloodthirsty marauder in their very midst.

"Retreat!" screamed the mercenary who appeared to be the leader, just before he was gunned down by the fusillade from the entrenched Violet Wolves. Ronar's smile was full faced now as he beheaded a fourth opponent before punching straight though the armor - and torso - of a fifth. Within seconds, the battle was over. Eight corpses lay in a pool of blood in the street, Ronar standing in the midst of it all, grinning like a child who had just received a lollipop.

"This is Bantha 4-2, we've been ambushed!" Ronar heard a voice cry. It was the third soldier, the one he'd thrown a corpse at. He'd extricated himself from the body and was now furiously crawling away from the carnage, yelling into his communicator.

"They're everywhere! Everyone's dead!" the soldier screamed, "Someone help!"

"Make sure that thing stays on," Ronar said, striding up to the hapless mercenary like a stalking beast, "I want them to hear your screams." Then the axe blade fell.

In the distance, Ronar heard the sounds of more fire. The sharks had smelled the blood in the water, and were starting their work.

The hunt was on.


The Mawite sergeant watched as the mercenary team breached the building from which a body had been hurled just moments before. He guessed that it was the work of the new captain, the one they called Ronar. The man gritted his teeth at the thought of the filthy outsider. The man was a warrior, that much was true, but he was far from a true Mawite, and the sergeant would prove it.

Signaling to his unit of roughly ten Scar Hound warriors, the sergeant indicated the mercenary squad. His men nodded, and began moving into ambush positions. As soon as the mercenaries showed themselves, they would attack.

"Glory to the Scar Hounds," the sergeant whispered to himself.


Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Aleem Qel Droma, Maestus Maestus


Amen & Attack

Aleem took point, ever the eager Crusader. In some ways, it reminded Heinrich of his younger years, back when he was still learning at the Grand Jedi Temple on Ession. Before he had lost his home... before he had fallen prey to the darkness. Years spent studying under a man that he believed to be a friend, only to find out that he was truly a monster. That all seemed like a lifetime ago now. Heinrich had become an almost completely different person. He only hoped that the Postulant would maintain that fire in the battles to come.

He sent a telepathic message to Aleem as he stopped next to him in the hall, making sure to keep his thoughts between the two of them.

I sense your uncertainty, but fear not, Postulant. Ashla is with us.

As Maestus made herself known, Heinrich's hand tightened around the hilt of his blade, his eyes narrowing as he stared down the former apprentice of Darth Solipsis.

"Come to finish our business on Dromund Kaas, or are you hoping that we'll let you go?"

His weight shifted, taking a familiar stance of Makashi as he prepared for the inevitable attack from the Sith.

"Your master is dead, his plans foiled on Tython. Surely you must know that the rest of the Maw will fall soon after. The darkness is not meant to endure."

Another telepathic message flowed toward Aleem as the Grand Marshal attempted to encourage the young Postulant.

She is dangerous, but not unbeatable. Remember your training. Remember your ancestor. Together, we'll get through this.

Though he believed every word, Heinrich knew better than anyone that this enemy would test their strength, in a way that only a true Sith could. He just prayed that they would not be found wanting.


Aleem Qel Droma


TAG: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Maestus Maestus

The Postulant held his position and listened as Heinrich offered council in the mind. Aleem fed on the wisdom of the Grand Marshal and took good care not to give way to fear, for fear empowered the dark side, it being the first step, and at the same time not entertain foolhardiness and try to prove his namesake. Before them was a Sith Lord, shrouded in shadow, waiting to strike. The key was to let Heinrich take the lead and be a living buckler or shoto to help in the coming duel.

Aleem communicated with his mind to the Grand Marshal,
Yes Marshal, I will fear not, Ashla is indeed with us!
Then he heard the next exhortation, to remember his training and his ancestor. Aleem gripped his crossguard saber hilt and closer his eyes a moment, the face of Ulic Qel Droma fresh in his mind. The Hero of the Jedi of Old.

Aleem channeled courage with his ancestor’s image in his head and now opening his eyes, his face like a lion ready to meet whatever challenge lay ahead. He would stand with Grand Marshal, he would trust in Ashla to give them victory.
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Pacing with Time


Primary Group
Secondary Group
Sovereign & Invincible Fighter Wings
Defensive Fighter Screen

Sularen smiled as the Galactic Alliance fleet reacted against his attack with the belief he was attempting an Ackbar slash against them. In response, the heavier warships of the enemy flotilla, arranged themselves in a V formation with the lead Starhawk Mark-III taking point, making things easier for the High Regent's actual plan. The enemy had fallen right into his trap, and now, the High Regent would annihilate them accordingly swiftly and without mercy. "Looks like their charging their Tractor Beams" Rackham said after taking a glance of the Starhawk. "Then they are bigger fools then i thought." Sularen said in response. "They are only signing their death warrant, and it's about time we gave them their long-deserved destruction.". Even as they pushed, the enemy further intensified their attack upon the Final Dawn Fleet even proceeding to send squadrons of Bombers to attack the FDS Hydra and FDS Scylla with the ultimate aim of disrupting the Final Dawn advance. But their attack was in vain even as the FDS Hydra lost it's shields and began to take hull damage, as Sularen was now in position to execute his trap.

"Order, the Hydra, Scylla and Titan to heel hard over and execute a fake. Once they have fully turned, i want them to unleash their Heavy Ion Cannons upon their Lead Starhawk. In the meantime deploy all of our Starfighter Squadrons and have the Invincible do the same, while also charging our special weapons. The enemy has fallen into our trap and now we shall repay the favor by annihilating them decisively. " Sularen proclaimed. As soon as he finished his orders were quickly executed with the Three Star Destroyers quickly breaking off their charge and heeling hard to cross the T of the Alliance's V formation, soon proceeding to unleash deadly broadside of Heavy Ion Canon fire upon the enemy Starhawk before it got the chance of using it's tractor beams with the sole aim of disabling it. At the same time the FDS Sovereign and Invincible proceeded to deploy their entire starfighter compliments for a total of fifty-one squadrons of mixed TIE Fighters, Interceptors and Missile Boats which began charging towards the Alliance Formation in massive waves aiming to overwhelm the Alliance Fleet in one feel swoop, starting with the lead Starhawk and both Concords at it's flanks which included the ANV Tython.

As the Main Force of the Final Dawn launched their attack against the Alliance Formation, Colonel Rackham quickly caught notice of the ongoing developments on the side of the Ashlans and proceeded to inform the High Regent of such developments. "Uh, my Lord. It seems that the Ashlan Flagship is preparing to jump into hyperspace and has activated their HIMS. it would seem that their evacuation is already complete." the Colonel said. Sularen shrugged off at the Colonel statement already confident that his Interdictors were enough to keep his enemies pinned down here. "Do not worry, Rackham. Those Ashlans Ships will not be able to bypass our Interdiction Field even with their HIMS. Victory will be ours and once we'll take care of these Alliance bastards we'll wreak havoc upon the Ashlan Fleet regardless of the punishment we have taken so far."

  • The Primary Group of Final Dawn Warships continue to take damage to their shields from the combined Alliance-Ashlan Forces with each Warships being attacked by enemy ships in the same order as outlined in my previous post
  • The FDS Hydra (Lead Ship of the Primary Group) proceeds to take serious damage from enemy bombers losing it's shields and suffering minor damage to it's hulls.
  • The Three Attacking Star Destroyers execute a Capping the "T" maneuver infront of the Alliance's V formation and proceed to concentrate fire upon the ANV Marauder's Bane with their Heavy Ion Canon Batteries at close-range with the goal of outright disabling it to prevent the usage of their tractor beams.
  • Fifty-One Starfighter Squadrons comprised of Mixed TIE Fighters, Interceptors and Missile Boats are deployed from the FDS Sovereign and Invincible and begin charging at the Alliance Formation to attack the ANV Marauder's Bane, Tython and Thunder Wasp
  • The FDS Sovereign begins charging it's Special Weaponry (Plasma Canons, Hypervelocity Canons and Autocanons) while re-orienting itself to face the ANV Marauder's Bane along with the FDS Invincible
  • Four TIE/fd Fighters and Two TIE/fd Interceptors are destroy during deployment by Nexo's Jedi Vector although the rest of the Starfighters continue to establish the defensive screen infront of the Secondary Group of Final Dawn Warships.



Tag: Ari Naldax Ari Naldax
Eyes of Khoine
Pulsiva flight suit
2x Cartridge Revolvers
Retractable Neural Stinger

Did Khione expect to be offered a job in the Alliance while sat crashed down on Mustafar, probably not, but damn the Avatars liked their games. She took the bottle, opened it, sniffed at it briefly before taking a drink. "Ah! Chir'daki, its a good little ship, almost burst a blood vessel trying to keep up with you there." she didnt mention the upcoming Chir'Shada, that could be a surprise for later if they got here.

"I like who I am and what I do, no alliance fighter jockey job for me" she laughed "wouldnt mind a go in one of those a-wings though, nasty little fighters." speaking conversational basic didnt come naturally to Khione and she was beginning to get frustrated with herself. She looked at Ari Naldax Ari Naldax curiously the two of them needed to get off the planet soon. She stood up and cracked her back, stuff from her rough landing. "So here's the thing, we might be able to signal for help, but your people will have me in chains and string me up. My people might want to do the same to you, but they will do what they are told." she thought for a few more moments.

"I have no need for an alliance pilot eating my rations so ill probably just give you straight back to your people? Maybe for a tidy ransom so my crew don't think I've gone soft." she gave Ari a look over her shoulder. And glanced at her damaged electronics, her own radio still didn't seem to be working properly, but it only needed a few bits to get it going.

"If it helps, we werent at Csilla yeah"



Writing with: Valery Noble Valery Noble


i will strike thee down

The upside-down fight ensued, and one of Valery's sabers have been successfully knocked out of her hand through a series of swift Makashi cuts. An idea immediately formed in the Blasphemer's mind as the hilt tumbled away; he reached out with his extended arm to telekinetically grapple her hilt into his own hand. It floated up, but before he could follow through, the Battlemaster once again pushed on with her offense, hard. In most other cases, the Sith dominated the fight. But as the taxing fight continued, somehow she appeared to have found the bleeding edge of the point of no return and managed not to cross it, thereby not falling victim to emotions that led one down a much, much darker path.

The Shadow Hand had to readjust quickly, as already her first hard swing and Ptolemis' subsequent block produced a terrible spike of pain in his strained wrist. He groaned, span and threw the lightsaber into his other hand to rest the other temporarily. The more she hurt him, the more he felt an uncontrollable rage beginning to bubble up in his mind, and through his body.

Then, as swiftly as she pounced, she disengaged back and away, and touched the ceiling beneath their feet. Although the Shadow Hand could not immediately predict what would happen, not with the Force-touched artifact pieces around them, he knew whatever she planned to trigger would not go over well for him. So he straightened up, lowered his saber, and by raising his injured, free hand, produced a protective sphere around himself.

The ceiling around the Blasphemer cracked and exploded in a flash, triggering an unexpected chain reaction around them. The myriad embedded pieces of the Chu-Gon Dar Cube lit up, appearing like stars in the sky across the ancient dome, and burst one by one as the shockwave reached them. Ptolemis impacted with the original ground hard, landing on one knee and barely stabilizing himself with his free arm. But he managed to remain relatively stable as gravity returned to normal, and pieces of the dome crashed down beside him.

What proved much more problematic was the chain reaction that seemed to quickly crawl and slither across the wider ruins; the rumbling of tectonic activity could immediately be felt as his own palm touched the dirt, and the deep bass of the earth moving was an obvious sign of what is to come.

As the ground shifted and growled, and pieces of the ruins started to collapse, Ptolemis addressed his nemesis once again.
– Well, Valery Noble, you do seem to have a high opinion of yourself if you believe the only person at your level is our Dark Voice. – He calmly stands up straight. – Combined with your ferocity in battle, you're closer to us than you think.

Ptolemis then disengages his saber, and with both hands motions from down low to up high, summoning hell itself; the weakened earth between them cracks, and lead by toxic, black, suffocating fumes, a shower of searing lava spews forth from below.

Seeing as how his special task on Mustafar grows more unfeasible by the second, the Blasphemer attempts to disappear through the chaos of the smoke, fire and shadows and flee the planet, so that next time perhaps he might be the one to foil the plans of his nemesis, Valery Noble for a change. Only time will tell.


Tags: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
Aleem Qel Droma

Gear: Maestus Fury
Dragon Shield Talisman

She watched Aleem take point. A valiant gesture, but not the smart move. The poor postulant was no match for Maestus. Not to mention the stench of fear clung to Aleem. Though suddenly, it diminished somewhat. Maestus black eyes slid behind Aleem to Heinrich, then back again. We most certainly can't have that.

She snapped her free hand out, index finger directed cruelly at Aleem.
She was employing Force Fear on the poor postulant. Unless he could resist her will, he would be gripped by heart stopping fear. Fear of death. Fear of failing Ashla. Fear of letting Heimrich down. Washing over him like waves, until he succumbed or fought back.

She maintained her focus of Aleem, and kept an eye on Heinrich with her periphereal vision. Should the Grand Marshall leap in to save the postulant, Maestus would not be caught off guard or unprepared.​
Location: Gahenn Droid Factory
Objective: Scout the factory, and sabotage Maw Objectives if applicable.
Allies: Eternal Empire, Eternal Empire Allies
Enemies: The Maw, Maw Allies, Kybo Ren Kybo Ren

Rolin sprinted forward, running past a few containers, not eager to face the Mawite, woefully unprepared for such an encounter as he was now. If he survived this, he really needed to stock up on more tools and supplies. He thought his knowledge of the force and his lightsaber would be enough. Youthful foolishness, he supposed. He then turned a corner, only for his heart to stutter. The feeling bloomed from his chest to his fingertips in an icy yet blistering wave.

He saw the blaster bolt before he heard it go off, hitting a canister dead on, spewing the no doubt poisonous fumes that it held within it. The feeling within him only increased as he brought his hand out in a panic. And like a flick of a switch, the feeling within him ceased, as if exiting through his outstretched hand. The gas seemed to slow to a crawl, until it almost stopped spreading, staying in one spot as a gaseous cloud.

Rolin acted on auto pilot, not bothering to even think of the ability he did just now or acknowledge the sudden fatigue he felt, and reached out with the force, grabbing the canister of nerve gas, as well as the entire container wall and all other canisters it held, and flung it, not toward the big bastard, but towards the many transports that he and his ilk seemed keen to load up. The mix of the nerve gas, and whatever else was in the other canisters, would hopefully make a decent explosion.

Rolin then sprinted away, quickly jumping down to another transport before making his way to the outer reaches of the factory.

Kybo Ren

Pirate of the Stars, Knight of Ren
Location: Gahenn Droid Factory
Allies: Maw
Enemies: Everyone else, [SIA Rika Hiro Rika Hiro Tiric Sar'andor , TF Xesh Boluc Laar Maijan Paisea Maijan Paisea ][if not continuing in thread then ignore this tag], EE Rolin Doan Rolin Doan

The round exploded off the side off the crate, and the youngster skid to a stop. Through the Force, Kybo felt a sudden and immense pressure from the Initiate's direction, and time slowed.


The gas grenade detonated, and the almost invisible fumes poured out, then slowed, and stopped, like a cloud of wisp candy, or an art exhibit gone wrong. Rolin Doan Rolin Doan dashed through the gap between the frozen cloud and the side of his passageway, then looked back for a moment. Kybo reacted the moment the younger man flung the gas and crates. He was not prepared, however, for the direction they were flung in.

The Knight of Ren cursed, reacting almost too late to grab the crate of chemicals and the gas canister out of the air, tossing it over the edge of the platform. Too late, the Initiate had jostled it enough that the explosive charge of the grenade, previously unable to break the crate, instead 'resumed' from its previous state, a shattering blast that cooked off the chemicals in the crate. A shower of chemical fire blackened the side of one of the transports.

How did the twerp do that? Kybo was more than a little annoyed that he had not mastered such Force techniques.

"Not about to start shootin' meself with nerve gas, nonetheless," he mumbled, looking around the blasted landing pad. The Initiate was gone by now, though at least the damage to the ships was relatively minimal. His men started filterin through the smoke, hastily checking for secondaries and preparing emergency liftoff on the loaded shuttles.

Kybo tried to raise the Quartermaster of the Maw on the communicators, but received no connection. Great.

The sounds of blaster fire drew his attention. It was further down, literally, nearer to the lava plains below. More intruders?

"Double up, yer lackadaisacal lemurs! Resume loading and get the munitions out o' here!" They had tarried long enough. Hoping the north pad had succesfully evacuated its munitions, Kybo went to investigate the noise.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Try to stop the ritual
Location: Fortress Vader
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Closed
Allies: EE/AC/GA | Open
Enemies: Maw/Sith | Open
[ Valley of Death ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The Empress still didn't break what the man wanted. That part was still much more interesting to her, in the fact that the man apparently had the same plans as her. And not for the same reason as for the Sith. I mean, she knew the Sith wanted to kill everyone, too. But they are... they want to re-shape the Galaxy into their own image. In contrast, Kyrel Ren apparently wanted to kill everyone because he hated the Force.

And for the red-haired woman, that was exactly what was interesting. She was interested in that. Ingrid lowered her hand at the rune and turned away from the monolith. She made sure that others could not see; and she made sure that Kyrel could not attack her in the back. She finally stepped away from the monolith and walked back to the man.

She was still not offended by what the man said. No; much more, for a few moments, there was an understanding in her eyes. It was only a few heartbeats before her cold blue eyes were visible again. The man's views were commendable, even if they were a little flawed.

"But I understand, and I also understand and know, if you want to kill the Force this way - that’s just one part. The Netherworld and the dead remain. The Force consists of two parts. You can't just kill one or the other, Lord Kyrel. Both or neither." she said softly.

She had a feeling the man wouldn't believe anything of it, for her. The woman did not agree with Maw's methods, but that did not mean that she could not benefit from having Maw's senior men and officers work with her. She will do whatever it takes, she will do what is necessary.

"I can teach you how to break out of the will of the Force. I can teach you not to be guided by it, but to have your free will, how to keep it. I can teach you how to fight the Force. As well as making the most of the skills you already have or your connection with the Netherworld." she said seriously.

She took a step back, allowing Kyrel to continue what he wanted.

"I know you have no reason to trust me and believe I am telling the truth. I will let you finish your ritual; it will be the key to see that I was serious about what I said." she offered him.



Location: Mustafar
The shattering of the ceiling caused rock and debris to violently explode around them, but more importantly, it was enough to reverse the gravity shift caused by Ptolemis. The suddenness of it momentarily brought the Shadow Hand down to a knee, while Valery flipped and made her landing a safe distance away from him. Again she drew her lightsaber, and through the Force, her intent to finish the fight was quite clear. But an unexpected and powerful tremor in the ground underneath her feat forced her to stop. Dirt and debris began to vibrate heavily on the floor, the temperature was rising and in the distance, she could feel the planet itself changing.

They didn't have much time to linger around these ruins.

– Well, Valery Noble, you do seem to have a high opinion of yourself if you believe the only person at your level is our Dark Voice. – He calmly stands up straight. – Combined with your ferocity in battle, you're closer to us than you think.

Valery's eyes narrowed, and for a moment, she just watched him quietly. Valery never compared herself to anybody, to any extent, but he wasn't entirely wrong about her ferocity in combat — she had a fire burning within her unusual to the Jedi, but not uncommon to the Sith. She, however, had always been able to control it, with only a few occasions forcing her closer to the edge.

"I'm afraid you're mistaken," she said and while he disengaged her lightsaber, Valery held onto hers and watched as he turned his prowess with the Force against the elements around them. The earth split apart, toxic fumes were rising and within seconds, molten rock was raining down on them as well. As much as she felt a need to fight until the end against him, she knew it was impossible.

A Jedi had to understand when to fight, and when to retreat to fight another day.

For now, it meant she gave up on engaging her rival or pursuing the artifacts and instead turned around with likely a similar mindset — this wasn't their last battle, and next time she was going to fight hard to bring him down.


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