Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Mustafar: Legacies | EE/AC/BotM/GA Juncion of Mustafar/Jaminere/Ord Bostadus/Mechis III (SGHW)

Aleem Qel Droma

Location: Castle Vader, Exterior

TAG: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust

Aleem nodded. “Yes, Grand Marshal.”
Aleem cut down another Mawite, his saber tip like scalpel to the head. He then deflected some bolts of a rifleman.
The Postulant was fresh to this conflict. So many souls he did not know. He even had yet to understand his enemy, The Mawites. From what he had gleaned in a briefing, they believed destroying the galaxy would bring about a rebirth. Such a philsophy seemed bizarre to Aleem, how could turning the galaxy into a graveyard yield new life? And would the Mawites also destroy themselves to ensure this vision of rebirth? It all sounded like madness to him, but then so did most dark side movements. They all had two things in common, death and dominion.; no matter what their creed said.
And there had been so much death. The Postulant knew it came with his calling, to be a warrior of Ashla, but any good warrior does not relish having to whet a blade with the blood of others. While it is true in frenzy of combat, there is adrenaline, excitement and purpose for the warrior; after the high of combat one sees the broken vessels, and bodies of those slain and a shroud, most heavy encompasses the soul.
This is the burden of the warriors, a high and then weight of taken life.



Rakaan Horne

The Imperial had a strong will — Tennacus could determine that much; he didn’t need to use the Force to come to that conclusion. But of what he could feel in the force, the Sith could tell that his opponent was holding back on something. Vague answers usually amounted to a higher truth. Eventually, Tennacus would get to it.

Tennacus thrusted forward after the Imperial withdrew and decided to encircle the Sith. He came to an abrupt halt a few feet ahead of himself, his head slouched as the ‘saber was held down alongside his frame, the raw energy charring the rocks beneath it. He momentarily reserved himself, reaching out into the Force to become more attuned to his surroundings; this mostly benefited him when the Imperial fell out of vision. Tennacus didn’t appear entirely mobile — having decided to stand there in a seemingly analytical moment of loosened composure — but he was well aware of his surroundings.

But was his enemy?

“I was right to assume thou ignorance boasts an unhealthy quantity. But all borders are subject to a worthy conquest — those within the world as well as the mind. Soon enough true ambitions bear fruit in the heart of anger. Perhaps if I am to survive this then I might enquire of a kin who you may hold sacred.”

The Dark Side rushed out of the Sith, escaping as an intangible burst of air that could only be felt by one affiliated with the Force. The Xenomorph suddenly clamped its jaws, with Tennacus having compelled it to seal its mouth. When he released his hold on the chitinous beast — all hold on it — the creature opened its gaping maw and released its severed tongue. Vibrant acidic blood cascaded from its lower jaw in a waterfall of jade bile as the beast bellowed with a pain that made the Dark Side thrive in it. The creature lashed out, hurling itself towards the Imperial in a sudden outrage. Curdled screeches forced it to eject the acidic mass towards its target as its tail ascended over its protruding membranes, motioning into a leap that intended to see it pounce upon its prey.

Commodore Cynthia Alucard
Objective Four:
Racing with time
Actions: Attack as the fleet advances, send majority of fighters to provide cover for leading Concords, B-Wings begin their Bombing run on the three lined up Star Destroyers


Cynthia kept her gaze on the holo star-map on her bridge, the Alliance Ashlan combined fleets were pushing forward to wedge through the Maw fleet. The larger Concord class ships were moving forward and the newly arrived Alliance reinforcements were quickly following suit to guard and bolster the attack. The star-fighters sent out from her own carriers were quickly swarming to protect the lead Concord, and with a slight approving gaze she motioned for her Comms Officer.

“Alert the bombers to begin their bombing runs on the lead Maw Star Destroyer, and then continue to attack the last in the rear. Ignore the middle. Continue to keep our reserve Star-fighters at the ready but to remain near our carriers.” She told her Comm Officer, who quickly went off to relay her orders.

If the Maw wanted to attack in a line they’ll hopefully be welcomed to a traffic jam as their lead Star Destroyer comes to a halt. And the rear ship as well, forcing the center to either risk ramming into the lead or attempting an awkward maneuver to keep moving. She figured the moment the Ashlan fleet announced that all prisoners had been rescued and safely in their hangers, they would be able to perform a retreating formation.

Though the Interdictors Star Destroyers were a rather annoying thorn, even their Interdictor fields could only stretch so far. Thus far it has seemed in the Intelligence reports Cynthia had read, that this would be the most the Maw could muster to defend their station. Or rather use their station as bait. She doubted the Maw would stay here longer than thought needed. With their advance into the Core worlds faltering after the successful defense of Tython, Cyn mused that the Maw would wish to reconcile their forces.

|| Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen | Isla Draellix-Kobitana Isla Draellix-Kobitana | Nexo | Pa'Kar Sang | Izah'zore ||


Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Aleem Qel Droma


Amen & Attack

Heinrich ran his blade through another oncoming Mawite as the Crusaders pushed their advance across the platform. The others kept a tight formation, having recovered from the onslaught of blazing rock. The Mawites began to recover as well, however, having reconsolidated their ranks closer to the door. They were falling back, but the Grand Marshal knew all too well what their next move would be.

"We can't let them close the doors."

The large double doors to the platform wouldn't keep the Crusaders out indefinitely, but it would slow the assault long enough for the mountain to rain its wrath down upon them once again. And even when they got through, they would be stuck in a choke point... a position the Grand Marshal did not wish to find himself in.

He broke out into a sprint, his speed enhanced by the Force as he dashed past a pair of Maw soldiers. The move culminated in a jump as Heinrich propelled himself through the air, landing in the midst of the enemy formation. His blade cut across, slashing into three of the Marauders before he launched another two away with a vicious Force push. He was in the thick of it now, doing what he could to keep the enemy lines in disarray. It may have been what some would call a foolish maneuver, but Heinrich had a laser focus within the chaos of combat. His mind had been more clear than it had been in months, his movements in sync with his very essence as he pushed his way deeper into the Mawite ranks.

"Aleem, to the door! Make sure they can't get it closed!"

He could hold them back long enough for the young Postulant to disable the lock. If they could keep that door open, their forces would be able to overwhelm the first wave of defenders and find their way into Fortress Vader.


Aleem Qel Droma

Living Door Jar

Location: Caste Vader, The Black Gate

TAG: Aleem Qel Droma

Tha Grand Marshal was bold, he leapt into the sea of Marauders and cut them down in a dizzying array of attacks. What Aleem admired must was Heinrich’s precision and focus, he was making it look easy. Then the order came, to not let the door, the black gate, seale. Aleem sprinted with The Force as his ally, the tip of his saber passed through abdomen, chest , and head, the enemy collapsing in threes. Aleem leapt to the controls and cut them, then as counter weight tried to close the great entrance, he dug his saber into black slab of smooth rock. He cut, causing molten streaks , and holding it back. The Postulant used his saber blade to dig into the rock, which now was to entombing him in the open groove. Aleem was a living peg, holding the door ajar with his saber and his command of the Force. His arms began to constrict, and veins bulge.

Grand Marshall! Brothers! Make haste!

The agony of the door crushing against his body, the saber, and the inner wall was enough to break even the strongest man. What kept him from faltering was Ashla and that his Marshal was dependant on him.
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She strode up through the catacombs, into the Fortress proper. She studied the restoration work in silence. When last she was here, Fortress Vader had been a sad, decrepit shell. Now, under the eye of Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren the Fortress was being restored to its former glory.

Not that it mattered. Not to Maestus, at least. Whether Fortress Vader stood or fell this day, she was home. Reborn on the very surface of Mustafar and healed by its fire and heat. That is why she fought this day. For her home, not a relic from eons gone by.

As she strode the halls, she attuned her senses and spread them out. She her blaster fire here. Sounds of saber battles there. Still, she marched on.

Towards the Black Gate. Towards the light of Ashla attempting to enter.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Try to stop the ritual
Location: Fortress Vader
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Closed
[ Valley of Death ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

”…no will of the Force”

”No will of the Force…” she echoed Ren’s words.

That was the part that caught her attention the most. That was what she was really looking for in everyone. She was looking for people who hated that they had to carry out the will of the Force, or thought the Force wanted to control them and they wanted to do against it. Such as destroying it. Kyrel appeared to be the second person in the Maw, among the high-ranking individuals who wanted to do the same thing..

The other was Zachariel Steelblood Zachariel Steelblood , a friend, an ally and the lover of the red-haired woman…

Probably most people would be surprised that Ingrid wasn't surprised by what she heard, and didn't be offended. The Empress looked at the man with a rather curious look. It was exactly such things that made her assess her opponent for the first time and did not attack immediately.

Kyrel Ren might be more interesting than she thought. As she stood at the rune to break it, she watched with interest as Kyrel would do it, or what he would say. The truth was, the woman didn’t care if she could die, if Kyrel died, or if those around this area died. If this can stop an emerging cataclysm, she will be happy to sacrifice her life.

That was something Zach never comprehended and never wanted to understand.

”Unlike you, I can go to the Netherworld anytime, I can even take others with me and bring them back…” she shrugged.

However, there was something else, something more important, that could cause the man to stop his ritual. She didn't plan to say that out loud. No, this topic wasn't like that. And if the man says no or just doesn't care...

… well, the red-haired woman can still kill him or try to stop his ritual. However, if the woman wins, she may be able to find a valuable ally.

~ If you want to get rid of the Force, if you want to destroy it… that is not the good way to destroy everything. There must be another solution that does not involve such destruction. After all, the Force can be blocked, where the Force and its will cease, but the user does not die. Then there would be no Jedi and Sith, just a new world order… ~ and she did what is necessary.

Because there are things that should never be said out loud…




Tag: Ari Naldax Ari Naldax
Eyes of Khoine
Pulsiva flight suit
2x Cartridge Revolvers
Retractable Neural Stinger

In the Avatars name? It was her, that A-winger, Ari Naldax Ari Naldax . Just her luck, if it was an alliance dirt stomper she could kill and him and not think of it, but this woman was a pilot, too good, but she needed die amongst the stars. Khione watched curiously as the woman sat down and started going through her bag, making no attempt to advance on her. Could be a trap, could be nothing. She waited a few more seconds with her pistol trained on the woman before finally deciding to step forward. She was still had her gun in her hand, she wasnt stupid, but it was held loose at her waist as she approached the Alliance pilot and held her hand out "Hi, my gunsteling vyand! You are pretty thing!" she cocked her head slightly and sized her up a little trying to read her posture. Khione was stuck here, she could kill the woman like a dog, then just die herself soon after.

Instead she sat right next to the pilot m, so close their knees touched, and held out her flask to her, this one was mostly water but had a dash of a herbs in it giving it a slightly earth scent. The herbs were purely for flavour and a mild tingle on the tongue. "you have water? Does your radio work?" Her common language was broken but understandable and it was clear it wasn't a comfortable language for her to converse in.

She sighed and looked out at the smoking ruin of her Ballerina. "Best pilot? Was it first or second time you shot me you, erm... decide? that?

You're too good for the navy, if we live, want to join us?"
she laughed, she didnt expect an answer, and certainly not a yes, but the offer was honest. Ari had bested her twice now, they needed more like her. She finally considered Ari's question. "Why not the Maw? We live how we want, die how we want. Not little x-wings raiding our homes to throw us in chains." she took another swig of her drink. It was too hot.



Writing with: Valery Noble Valery Noble


i will strike thee down
The titanic battle erupted among the Jedi Enclave ruins as the four mirror images of Ptolemis all leapt and coordinated like the singular entity they were; in tandem, all four feinted, switched places and pursued the Battlemaster with sadistic intent. But her well-known agility kept her ever elusive, her twirling violet saber parrying the blows of the one crimson blade that was actually real out of all of them. The tempest of flashing sabers migrated along the ruined rooftops of rural Mustafar, a true test of skills for both masters of the Force.

The fierce gaze of Valery Noble pierced through the eyeless apparitions of swirling ebon cloth that were the four Ptolemis. Considering his numerical advantage, the Shadow Hand's phantom strikes could be timed more carefully and precisely, and when it came time for the real Ptolemis to deliver a blow, it was all the harder to avoid or deflect. As Valery moved to disengage from one point to the next and relocate for another clash, time slowed down before Ptolemis and a cruel opportunity manifested right then and there; and he took it. Following the arc of a clear, wide, backhanded slicing motion, the tip of Ptolemis' red lightsaber charred a line through the Battlmaster's calf. Instead of the intended spot, she flew into a wall and fell on the ground.

The four identical Ptolemis looked down at her from a half-eroded stone wall, their lightsabers sizzling warmly in contrast to the coal clouds behind them.
– The graves of past Jedi shall welcome you too, Noble. – And as the four Horsemen pounced again with sabers raised, ready to finally murder the Battlemaster, the defiant response and subsequent action came.

"Let's find the real you..."

A wave of superheated particles exploded from the temporarily downed Jedi's open palm. Even though the Shadow Hand had his strength in the powers of the mind, this attack was simply too much to withstand; the conjured images faltered and syphoned back through the openings of the real Ptolemis' mask, as he himself span and plowed back into a wall opposite of Valery. The muffled impact of the now sole Blasphemer coincided with the disengagement of his saber as he fell on his knees and elbows. His outer layer of oversized garments practically evaporated. Gigantic holes were burnt through the militaristic lower set of clothing he had on. His revealed skin could be seen as having already been burnt; signs of previous damage caused by fire upon the Blasphemer's body.

With parts of his clothing and flesh still smoldering and visibly paining the Blasphemer, he slowly stands up and telekinetically yanks his scattered lightsaber hilt into his smoking hand.
– Your powers are growing ever more destructive each time we meet, Valery Noble. I may consider offering you a place by my side after I vanquish you.

Ptolemis' lightsaber erupts, and the stand-off is established. Draining corruptive power from the constant, throbbing pain of his burned skin, the masked Sith Lord raises his arm to unleash a swift sequence of Force attacks upon the Battlemaster. First, he doubles down on testing the defensive capabilities of the New Jedi Order's famed member by unleashing a spiderweb-like torrent of Force lightning upon Valery; he then cuts the channeling of the ability off abruptly to flex his arm backward and bring down the wall behind her in an attempt to bury her for good. His goal is to maintain distance between them and rely on his ranged, arcane powers; for the loss of his fingers still remind him of the Battlemaster's exceptional skills in lightsaber combat.


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M A N D A T O R Y _ F U N


Revenant Squadron

-Chaar is awkward af
- please release him from
this hell

Chaar raised his empty glass into the air to catch the attention of the waitstaff. Imbibement may be the only way he would get through the mission in one piece.

Revenant Squadron had been seated around an octagonal table in the eatery, which had been closed to all patrons except the Alliance squadrons. The initial appetisers had been pleasant enough and had allowed the Colonel to mingle with the other squadron commanders. The status-obsessed Umbaran had quickly identified the rising stars of Starfighter Command and made himself known to them. It always helped to know the officers who one day may sit on his promotion or commendation panel.

The main course was another matter. The squadrons had been separated and each assigned a table. The group commander rose for a moment to say a few words and thank them as meals were served.

A fresh drink was delivered, which Chaar took a large mouthful from. While the room was loud with chatter from the other squadrons, the Revenant Squadron table was silent. The Colonel looked around the room for a reason to leave and succeeded only in catching a scowl from the group leader. The expectations were clear - Revenant were expected to complete the mission to socialise just as effectively as they would a strike mission behind enemy lines.

“Did anyone catch the, err, shockball last night?” Chaar asked, awkwardly trying to strike up a conversation with his squadron.



Location: Sunspot Prison combat theatre system
Objective: Defend the evacuation of the prison
Tags: Marlon Sularen Marlon Sularen Izah'zore Pa'Kar Sang Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard Nexo

Finally, the Captain of the Void Watcher reported that the last of the prisoners were almost aboard, just a dozen or so shuttles were on route to the hangers, the report coincided with proximity alarms alerting the Grand Admiral to just how close the Lettow Class was now flying to her flagship, 112 metres....104 metres.... 96 metres.... She had only performed this maneuver once before and was nervous, the Lettow was designed to handle landings, but landing on the Hull of her flagship that was pushing it. Having the SAINT AI to coordinate the maneuver helped. 56 metres....

Out in space, the order was given for the Phoenix multi-role fighters to aid the B-wing bombers attacking that charging star destroyers. 5 squadrons peeled off from the main group and hit the SLAM motors, accelerating onto the rear quarter of the larger ship, dropping down below the vessel before unleashing their entire salvo into the reactor bulb beneath. It was shielded and armoured, but every Phoenix that made it through would contribute two proton torpedoes per volley, and the already engaged B-wings, being the more juicy target would likely tie up and CAP the ship might have. The Pegasus Interceptors continued to loiter, ready to engage and Final Dawn bombers brave enough to make an advance move towards the allied fleet.

There was little incoming fire for the Ashlans to handle, Sularen seemingly had tunnel vision for the Galactic Alliance. Isla used this grace to move her Dominions and Wardens into a better position to provide cover against incoming enemy vessels. The Dominions were small but powerful Frigates and would lend their support to the Galactic Alliance vessels. The Wardens split up, able to cover a large area with massed laser cannon fire to prevent Final Dawn fighters having their way. Let the Dawn pilots remain on the defensive. That was fine for Isla.

23 metres.... almost time.

An alert sounded on all of the halls in the area that would be landed on to brace, the relative landing speed was exceptionally low, but Isla was a cautious commander. "Captain, please inform the Allied commanders that retrieval is complete, the Divine Purpose will depart the system once safety checks have been made, I am able to return to the area of operation shortly after but my vessel will be absent for a short time.

Also, please inform the Captain of the Bogan's Nemesis that fleet command will drop to him in my absence. Thank you."

Her Captain immediately went to message Pa'Kar Sang Cynthia Alucard Cynthia Alucard Liedran Kathause Liedran Kathause Nexo And Izah'zore with the details of the Ashlan plan she would leave the system, safely detach the Void Watcher and then return. This would take no longer than fifteen minutes, but it would be fifteen minutes without the largest allied ship available.

Isla was sure she felt the impact as the counter hit zero metres, but it would have been impossible. The two ships were now connected and magnetic clamps and tractor arrays firmly fixed the much smaller vessel down.

Isla angled down the nose of the Divine Purpose presenting her dorsal surface to the enemy, and her nose toward the star, to prevent the trying to target the cruiser. They would not be able to see that the cruiser was attached, there was no reason for them to know her plans and she intensified the fire from her guns as the enemy continued their approach.

"Captain, spool up hyperdrive and HIMS system, if we manage to get this ship to hyperspace we are staying there, make necessary calculations and once safety checks are done, we will leave."

"Very well grand Admiral"

Lettow crusier finished loading up prisoners, carefully positioned with AC flagship between it and the Maw. Now landed on the Ventral Hull of the battlecruiser.

All other Capital ships opening fire, primary targer is the final dawn flagship

secondary target is FDS Iron Fist and FDS Crimson Linings

Phoenix multirole bombers making a SLAM attack run on the reactor bulb of the star destroyer leading the Akbar Slash.

Frigates moving to prevent the GA being outflanked and the Warden anti-starfighter frigates on patrol between enemy carriers and potential targets woth Ashlan interceptora loitering to assist.

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Location: Mustafar
After being backed into a corner, intense flames had erupted from her hands to engulf the area and lash out at the four Shadow Hands that were closing in. The fire was fueled by her innermost power, and as a result, the doppelgängers were vanquished and banished back into Ptolemis' mind. The Shadow Hand himself was slammed into a wall behind him, burned and hurt, but not to a crippling extent. To a Sith Lord of his caliber, this type of pain was just another source of power until it did overwhelm, and she could already feel it building up within him as he regained his stance and spoke to her.

– Your powers are growing ever more destructive each time we meet, Valery Noble. I may consider offering you a place by my side after I vanquish you.

An almost mocking chuckle escaped Valery's lips while she tried to stand strong despite the injured leg, "By your side? I put the bar a little higher for myself," she flashed a brief, but somewhat annoying smirk, and felt the response to her comments very quickly. From the Sith's extended hand, a powerful surge of lightning was directed her way, and to defend herself, she raised both of her own hands with the palms forward. Through the Force, she began to siphon in the deadly arcs of electricity, but she was only barely holding on this time. The injured calf made it painful to stand, and she had only just released a powerful attack of her own, leaving her momentarily Force-exhausted.

Volatile arcs began to jump around rather quickly because of her lack of control, burning her arms and occasionally hitting her face, but she gritted her teeth and bit through the pain she felt. But when she finally felt that she was getting a grip on the situation, he abruptly ceased his use of Force Lightning, and turned his mastery over the Force to the wall behind her. In an instant, Valery's hands came up to shield herself but it was too late, and the entire structure came down around her. Scorched dust particles were blown up into the air, and when it finally settled, Ptolemis could no longer see her.

But he could still feel her.

Being pushed further and further by the Shadow Hand, Valery drew on her bond with Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble for more strength, and before there was time to react, the large chunks of debris began to levitate while Valery was rising up to her feet, now surrounded by large pieces of rock. Her arms were burnt, her face was bloodied but the fire in her eyes was only burning brighter. Using her own mastery of Telekinesis, she began to launch the rocks at him in a constant barrage, uncaring for how much damage it would do to him or the ruins at this point. A battle like this couldn't be survived otherwise, and so she gave him everything she had.

When the last of the rocks had been launched his way, she summoned both lightsabers back into her hands on each side, ignited the violet blades and exploded forward with immense speed to close the distance and deliver the first strike of what was going to be a hopefully overwhelming assault.


Location: Fortress Vader, Sith Cave
Enemies: Jedi and friends
Allies: Maw and friends
Facing: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

The Master of Ren kept a steady hold on the beam of red energy that functioned as a doorway. The more they stood here, he was losing nothing but time. He didn’t bring a large force to hold off his enemies, and the Eternal Empress only wished to trade words with him. Still there was nothing he could do without disrupting the flow of energy that went through his very being and went outward and inward. She must have known that if he were to break his hold too quickly it could cause catastrophic effects.

While his hands were unfortunately tied to this moment, all he could do was simply play along in hopes to open the door. His teeth gritted while he felt surges of energy pass. Outside the red beam would only grow more intense, as it reached into the darkened sky of ash clouds. Piercing through it like lightning. The door wasn’t open yet, the energy itself was only being collected for the way to be opened.

Out of all his words she spoke of how he hated the Force. While he had used the Force only to live this sorrowful life, he couldn’t recall a time where it hadn’t ruined his life. Where the Force would ensnare him with visions, with a sense of purpose only to string him along. In the end what did it do for him? He wandered the galaxy in hopes of feeding the void within, doomed to live in a hell of his own unable to find peace. Hatred was what drove him, spite fueled him in order to create a deafening silence the galaxy would never know.

The more she spoke, it sounded as if she wanted the same thing, albeit not full of hate for the whole galaxy. As his hands were close to creating the door he started to speak, surprised and curious by what she meant. “Another solution??? Don’t you understand as long as life exists so will the Force?! You could hope to deaden it, but in order to break this wheel of endless destruction there must be an end… Jedi, Sith… All of them gone, where the Force no longer rules… Perhaps then in the silence I will know what peace is…” He spoke, his last words didn’t hide the disdain for what this life had done to him, in a way he hoped to repay the Force in kind for its will on him. His gaze was a pensive one as it stared into the red woman’s eyes in search of truth. Was it possible she held some measure of an answer to it all?






A surprised noise hopped out of her mouth when Boluc fired the first round.

She shouldn’t have been surprised, really. Xesh One was always quick on the draw — he’d even had the nerve to shoot a Jedi before.

But if she ever wanted to see her freedom again, and not be a plaything of Xesh, she had to follow his lead.

Agitation tumbled in her gut, tightening and coiling as she flashed out a deceptive veil. A puff of smoke and a cacophonous bang leapt out from the little bomb she slammed down on the ground between Xesh and the other agents. Between the particle beams and the smoke, Maijan twisted her wrist and tugged down an invisible curtain over herself and her handler. With a push against his chest, she shoved Boluc backward to put space between themselves and the agents.

The White Current responded to its maestro readily, but for all its benefits and mystique over the eyes, the other senses were left exposed. Sound, smell, both could easily betray the Xesh agents.

ALLIES | Boluc Laar | ABOUT TO RUN INTO: Tiric Sar'andor | (PROXIMITY MAYBE? Rika Hiro)

Location: Catacombs, Fortress Vader - Mustafar
Objective: Under Siege - Bathe in Mawite Blood
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Tags: Akemi Io Akemi Io

<<Sister…I can’t go back.>> Alessandra was crying freely now, but before long, the Chaplain found herself nestled in the arms of her sister. What the Chaplain told her next, Akemi might have already known, but hearing it from her sister directly might have given the Fixer some reassurance. For Alessandra herself, it represented the first opening of the shell she had constructed around herself since Tython, a defensive mechanism against the unbearable pain of a young mother's grief and sadness.

<<Her…her name is Ameliora. Ameliora Io.>> She choked out, overwhelming emotion causing the HRD’s programming to trip over itself. All the while, Alessandra transmitted a technopathic packet of what her daughter had looked like inside of the digital realm she had raised her in. She looked slightly younger than what her chassis might have implied, though not by much. <<She is my daughter, who I created and lost on Tython.>> The Chaplain continued.

<<And…I taught her how to dance.>>



Writing with: Valery Noble Valery Noble


i will strike thee down

Jedi Master Valery Noble was unlike any he'd ever met before. More than one of their prestigious order could match and sometimes even best Ptolemis in lightsaber combat. Many could hold out against his nightmarish onslaught of psychological and physical attacks, but so far none had been able to match and so aggressively reciprocate his Force-based attacks to this extent. Her resilience was unmatched. Her fields of expertise manifold. A true beacon of the Light.

The Shadow Hand wasn't even allowed time to ignite his saber. A strange, far-reaching strand lit up in the Force through her, and from beneath the pile of rubble that had been brought down upon her, Valery telekinetically turned the situation against Ptolemis by hurtling the blocks of stone back at him. However, the influx of stones was fired blindly. Ptolemis could dodge under and weave gracefully between them, or slide behind columns of debris to take shelter from the bone-crushing boulders. Unfortunately, his partially melted skin began to demand more and more of his focus, which became all the more apparent with each wide stride and taxing movement.

When next the Blasphemer emerged from the shadows, he was met by Valery's storm of Jar'Kai attacks; but he himself recognized his own weaknesses based on his previous encounters with Jedi. He trained. Extensively. In a moment's notice, he raises his saber for a guard, allowing for Valery's initial momentum to break upon the wall of his defense. The Sith Lord backpedals and retreats, blocks with his saber and performs painful twists of his body in order to evade sharp stabs and descending strikes aimed to bisect him.

From ruin to ruin the duel transitions, until they find themselves under a surprisingly intact dome; beneath the roof and in the embrace of its ominous shade, a strange feeling washes over the dueling avatars of Light and Dark. A cruel epiphany strikes the mind of the Blasphemer, and like a cypher, his consciousness solves the riddle of this foreboding ruin; the feeling they likely both recognized came from the scattered pieces of the Chu-Gon Dar Cube they came to recover, still embedded into the millennia-old architecture. What their true purpose was may never be solved; but through the Force, they held surprises still.

In a flash, Ptolemis slides back and away from a swing of one of Valery's violet sabers, and thrusts his hand up at the ceiling, instantly linking his mind with the Force-sensitive particulate objects around them. As he twists his wrist, a shift in gravity ripples through their immediate vicinity, dragging them up toward the ceiling. Aiming to seize the opportunity, the Shadow Hand flips mid-air to land on the ceiling on his feet, and answer with a brutal assault of his own by performing Makashi-style cuts at his opponent's left wrist with the intention of decreasing the number of her available weapons.


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"Was it red-red-green or red-green-red?"


The Arabesh Flats Military-Industrial Complex
Objective: Secure A Beach Head, Clear Sector
Gear: In Bio.
Friendlies: Jas Katis Jas Katis | Elaena Kessia Miran Elaena Kessia Miran
Hostiles: Keilara Kala'myr Keilara Kala'myr | Ronar Ronar | Thomas Barran Thomas Barran | Kralmus Orr Kralmus Orr | Erion Justeene Erion Justeene
Engaging: Open


The five man squad of mercenaries, complemented with their commander and an operator whom stalked the streets around them like a shadow, moving far silent than the men in the squad whom they had not met her before, moved down the seemingly deserted city stretching before them, to make contact with their enemy.

Although what they saw betrayed what they felt. The men of Acklay 1-1 could feel the eyes staring down upon them, yet their sensors had yielded no results of an enemy presence. They had expected to take contact upon taking a step into the city, and yet their enemy was nowhere to be seen so far.

They were waiting. Biding their time.

They had to be. That was the only logical explanation the young lad could come up with on his own with what he knew, saw, and felt at the time.

The anxiety and the anticipation of stumbling on an ambush upon turning the next corner, slowly began to take its toll on the more inexperienced. Their comms dwindled from the occasional banter between each other, to eerie silence; the latter disturbed only by short, precise commands spoken over the comlink from Skif, the seasoned veteran leading them, and the occasional confirmation from the squad members that their sector was clear and secure.

The kid had brilliantly kept his fear and apprehension in check, keeping his mind focused on the vital task he was assigned to keep his fellow squadmates safe; clearing their path of any sort of mines or explosive devices they may stumble upon. His explosive defusal skills, coupled with the signal jamming capability of the squad’s techie and his best friend, Aiden, the young merc had already defused several remote controlled improvised explosive devices he detected on their path.

But fear and dread, albeit momentarily, came rushing back upon hearing the sound of a window shattering above their heads from the building beside them, several storeys high.

Catching the glimpse of a human silhouette falling down from right above, the kid stumbled backwards in mild panic at a natural, unintended response as a gasp escaped him. Tripping over the curb, the kid landed on his backside; although he fell on his backside, the young lad kept the barrel of the particle blaster rifle pointed at the silhouette as it slammed on the pavement just a few feet in front of him in a sickening, stomach churning, meaty thud.

Blood splattered all over him and his helmet visor as he scurried away from the body, backwards on the ground.

The squad had come to a sudden halt at the sound of the shattering glass. The men collectively muttered a series of thoroughly nefand profanities.

<”Karksuckers. Dylan, check him for any booby traps,”> he said. He couldn’t help but grimace at the fate of the dead mercenary. Having personally met the Maw before, heard and seen what they were with his own eyes, he knew just how perfidious they could get.

The young lad complied wordlessly and without hesitation; rising from the ground to a low crouch. Although he shook off the initial shock and fear of this unexpected encounter, laying eyes on the remains of a dead colleague sprawled before his eyes had him on edge, understandably so.

The mine detector in the lad’s left hand yielded no results when he turned the device on the body. He couldn’t hear that distinct, all too familiar whine of primed thermal detonators as well.

<”Clear,”> he muttered over the comlink as he set aside his detector. <”Squad, stack up on that door for a breaching maneuver.”> Dylan timidly extended his left hand at the mercenary’s oddly bent neck reaching for his dog tags as the rest of the squad pushed up past him. The chain of the tags snapped as the young lad gently yanked it towards him.

Briskly pushing past the explosive specialist by a few yards, the squad quickly took up a breaching formation at Skif’s command on a door leading into the building, where the body of their unfortunate colleague was thrown from.

<”Dylan, in formation, now.”>

The young lad swiftly tucked the man’s dog tags into his chest rig before reaching for his explosive detecting equipment beside him. <”Roger.”> Picking up the mine detector, the merc quickly joined his squad in his assigned formation; the Pointman.

Running up to the side of the door after joining the formation, and checked for any booby traps on the door, and checked if the door was locked. He gave a nod of his head to Skif, silently gesturing the door was unlocked and was not spiked with traps.

As the seasoned merc returned the gesture with a curt nod of his own, the lad clipped the mine detector to his belt, still turned on, and grasped the particle rifle with both hands, keeping it at a low-ready stance.


The front door fluttered open violently as the young merc landed a hefty kick on the door. Following right behind the young lad, the mercenaries quickly moved into the entrance floor; the mercs behind him would tactically disperse in the room , with Scalpel holding the rear, securing the entrance to the building. They would ascend the floors of the structure to find and engage with their enemy, as soon as their commander and the operative joined them.

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Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Aleem Qel Droma, Maestus Maestus


Amen & Attack

The Grand Marshal's strategy, as bold as it was, seemed to be working as the other Crusaders pushed the advance once again. The line of Mawite defenders devolved into utter chaos as the warriors of Ashla slammed against their ranks, breaking their formation and scattering the enemy. Though there were many yet to be felled, the attack provided Heinrich enough of an opportunity to join the Postulant at the door. Pulling his lightsaber from the severed shoulder of a marauder, Heinrich quickly began to make for the gate. Another foe attempted to stop him, swinging a vibroblade wildly in an attempt to keep Heinrich at bay. His body swung out of the way, spinning around the man as Heinrich parried the blade. The attack was quickly followed by a swift cut to the man's side, bringing him down with one smooth slash.

There was now no one between him and the gate.

He quickly motioned toward those that were close enough to reach the door, and together they made their way over the bodies of the dead. The others would remain outside, having enough of an advantage to clean up what remained of the Maw's forces on the platform. As they ran through the gate, Heinrich gave Aleem a quick tap on the shoulder, a brief signal to remove himself from the door. Soon, they would all be within the fortress itself, waiting to encounter the next threat of the dread facility.

As the Grand Marshal looked onward, a familiar, uncomfortable feeling crept up the back of his neck. A presence that he had not felt since the fight for Dromund Kaas...

"Aleem, I sense a disturbance... a familiar one. Stay vigilant, for we are in for our greatest trial of the day."


Aleem Qel Droma

Location: Castle Vader, Inside The Black Gate

TAG: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
Maestus Maestus

Aleem at last was able to let go of the door and he let out a great groan, the release of the weight and pressure a relief. Then the Grand Marshal mentioned a “disturbance in the Force,” which alarmed Aleem. He could feel something, faint, but powerful. The Postulant would follow Heinrich’s lead, if what approached made the Grand Marshal feel uneasy, it was not to be trifled with. Aleem held his Crossguard saber upright, his blade near his rigjt jaw, the vent blades angled. The Postulant searched in the shadows for anything that stirred. Sweat dripped down his brow, and then it levitated upward.
“By Ashla.. is it?!”

Location: Catacombs, Fortress Vader, Mustafar
Equipment: Lightsaber, Voidsaber, SHT-26 "Bedevil" Heavy War Bike
Tags: Alessandra Io Alessandra Io
Mentions: Thomas Barran Thomas Barran


Superious stalked forward not sensing anything wrong, which is why he was going in blind towards an ambush and he couldn't see what was awaiting him as he stalked closer. Suddenly the comms went off catching him off guard and stopping him it sounded like Bloodhound, yes it was him, he couldn't mistake that voice, so distinct and gladly welcomed.

Before the Ubese didn't like the loud, boisterousness of the man. Now, it's grown on him. With the sudden voice lighting up his ear, he barely avoided the weaponry aimed in his direction and it got his neck, not deep to do damage but enough to draw blood.

Superious sought cover, he didn't respond to The Bloodhound, as it would give him away, this is going to be a challenge and his automatic Force Sense didn't pick up anything that could alert him to danger, the disks had embedded into the rock where his neck would be if he never received the message. This will be a tough battle and one he'll be careful not to get caught off guard. He would like to reach old age, even if it was his 70s. Such as his species' average life expectancy, few reach their 90s.

Analytical planning is paramount, it worked with stalking The Manifold but would need a more subtle way to deal with the enemy. There are lava streams close by which allow for some backup weaponry if his current plan fails, this is a high possibility that the Sith had to contend with. Somehow he began to wonder if going it alone was a logical idea. He was independent and did not require to stay with The Scarhounds. But still, there is safety in numbers.

Yet here he is, fighting an opponent he had little prior knowledge of, he needs to be on his toes for this. He still had his Lightsaber lit and the Voidsaber safely on his belt to be used as a final resort. So he had to find an opening. Soon he found one and he had to finally make his move.

Alessandra Io is proving to be a worthy opponent and the fight will be tough and rewarding. Superious breeched his cover to blast Alessandra Io with lightning, his go-to attack, this way he can take advantage of the pain to begin Saber combat. Strike fast and hard and with little respite.

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