Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction Mustafar: Legacies | EE/AC/BotM/GA Juncion of Mustafar/Jaminere/Ord Bostadus/Mechis III (SGHW)


Location: Fortress Vader, Sith Cave
Objective: Activate the ritual, enter the Netherworld.
With: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim

The way the Empress spoke, it’s as if she knew his plight. Even if his plans were the end of everything, all of it and that included the Netherworld. He just needed the answers, the key to the door that would unlock the great secret to accomplish all of this. As she made sure that Kyrel was in no position to strike back, his focus still on the crimson beam that echoed through the Force, his hands shaky, he needed to open the door soon.

What was the Empress’s endgame planned with all of this? Why was she so forthcoming? This has been intriguing, more so than he was willing to admit. He would continue to play along, perhaps he might find what he is looking for along the way. When she had given him the go ahead to carry out his ritual, he broke his end of the silence. “I really don’t red woman… But if what you say is true, in the end we shall see if the Force itself can be broken. I will tear it all down, this conflict between dark and light, a galaxy struggling in endless war…”

He returned his focus back on the ritual he was working so hard on. Gritting his teeth, the Sith runes flowed brightly. As he pulled his arms apart, the cave runes flowed brightly. Outside of the Fortress, the ground would begin to shake, the lava eruptions growing worse. Red lightning had crackled the skies, mixing in with the dark clouds of ash to create an even more hellish image, the Fortress the epicenter of the dark energy.

Unlike before, Kyrel would not be stopped. He was free to claim it all, and soon with his Wound empowering him, he started to pull back the veil between life and death. The Force echoed and shifted, as the hole was ripped asunder. He felt the same dark as he did when he died, before him he found himself dizzy, his vision blurred as the way was opened. Soon Kyrel’s physicalform had fallen down to the ground. His ethereal form was all black, with deep red scars and scratches. His face was formless, and yet full of scars. He wore a set of chains to show he was bound to this world, and could never fully rest. The void in the middle has consumed his entire torso, and felt hollow as if he carried a black hole that drew everything to the abyss.

He could see out into the darkness, endless waves of it. It called back to him, the call familiar as if he was going home. Slowly with the clank of metaphysical chains around his limbs, he stepped carefully into the portal. Unknown of what he would see on the inside. In the end, he only hoped that there was some truth to the red woman’s words. That the mighty Kyrel Ren would find the answers he long sought.
Location: Catacombs, Fortress Vader - Mustafar
Objective: Under Siege - Bathe in Mawite Blood
Dialogue Legend: <<Technopathy Link>> │ “Verbal”
Tags: Akemi Io Akemi Io Erion Justeene Erion Justeene

The Sith was fast and reactive, that much was certain.

Alessandra’s initial ambush strike was quickly evaded, but she didn’t linger out in the open while her opponent made his way into cover. Immediately, she activated the invisibility functions of her bodysuit’s mimetic stealth system, rendering herself invisible in virtually every aspect, including the to the eye, technology, and possibly even the Force, given the Taozin nodules integrated into her outfit. While she was still left out in the open, at the very least, she was invisible.

That alone would allow the HRD to elude the Sith’s attempt at electrocuting her, but in doing so, she had set the tone for the coming duel.

A game of cat and mouse.

In that fashion, Alessandra would stalk, albeit slowly and with consideration paid towards not disturbing her environment in order to avoid giving herself away, as she made to close in on the Sith’s flanks. In the process, she pulled another chakram from her back, along with one of her bone daggers, intent upon seizing the first potential opportunity to strike him from the rear or the sides!

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Aleem Qel Droma

TAG: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Maestus Maestus

The Postulant felt a great terror fall upon his mind, a fear as ferocious as a Nexu. Aleem felt the impulse to fall, but he pivoted and dug his Crossguard blade in the ground and held there. His mind filled with whispers.. like static they told him Ashla had abandoned him, that he was already failing, and here would be his end. Aleem recognized this technique, for the Krath Priestesses imployed it on him. His mind went back to a white room with crimson and black banners. The priestesses converged around him black robes with red frocks, great crimson veils on their faces. The Krath Arch Priestess approached Aleem.
“Do you know what breaks most lifeforms Son of Qel Droma? Fear. Fear seeps into the mind, taking hold until it immobilizes, and turns the greatest warriors into cowards. Fear is potent, all encompassing, and rules many, particularly the Fear of Failure and The Fear of Death. Tonight the Ritual we preform will break you of fear, Young Aleem.”
The Priestesses laid hands on Aleem and his mind was filled with visions of death, darkness, pain, and failure.
The Arch Priestesses pointed her black clawed nail fingers at his head.
“You resist well.. until I find what will be the source of your greatest fear.. ah Ulic.. your ancestor.. you wish to be a great Jedi like him, a hero. You forget he also fell to the dark side, and with Exar Kun plunged the galaxy in shadow!”
Her voice became sharp
“Yessss.. you have made an idol of him.. you wish to live up to him.. this is the source of your strength and greatest weakness!”
The Arch Priestess suddenly shifted to a solemn tone and whispered in the Son of Qel Droma’s ear as the other priestesses chanted,
“Look past the Past Aleem.. see what you will be and let go.. fear latches on to expectations.. free yourself of them and embrace the failures that await, and accept death.. yes death is inevitable.. do this and you will become invincible.”
Aleem conjured these lessons and emptied himself, he let go of expectations and looked at the Void of Death and bowed. The Fear began to lose its weight as he rose slowly and looked into the shadows for The Sith.
I know all about fear.. I was born in it, molded in it, and trained how to master it.”
Aleem rose up to a standing position and held the yellow jasper blade to his side. He was ready, looking to Grand Marshal to lead. The Postulant at last was thankful to the Krath Priestesses, for they had conditioned him, especially the Arch Priestess.
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Communication "verbal" <<technopathy>>

Objective: Enter facility and steal some secrets
Tag: Alessandra Io Alessandra Io

Loralora interceptor swoop
Gei Borugu Electro Spear
Light Saber (peony colour blade)
Laser Lance
Q7 encrypted data-spike

24 x Nuetralizer Model 2

<<You can come back, and you will come back, I understand where you are, I can't begin to know how much it hurts beyond reading your neurotransmitter levels, but I am here. And I may be able to help if you let me.>>

She cradled her sister and tried to comfort her, Alessandra would be able to feel the warming touch. A wicked smile then came across Akemi's face. <<You know what, you need to kill something, and you need to do it violently, see this>> she pointed in the air and a few graphs and digital readouts appeared. <<If you can raise your noradrenaline level to about.... here, I think you might perk up your mood. At least for long enough to get you back home.>> she waved her hand and the graphs shattered into the wind. <<So I will leave you in peace to your mission, have fun and I will see you shortly my beautiful sister.>> she kissed Alessandra's forehead and then vanished from her perception.

Back in her own body she looked around and put her spike back into her pocket and looked at the the 2's. As they milled about waiting for her. "Right, let's go, we will be waiting to Al before we go, so make sure you strip out anything that isn't nailed down."
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Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Aleem Qel Droma, Maestus Maestus


Amen & Attack

A strange air began to swell about the Postulant as the Sith motioned toward him with a wicked finger extended forth. Heinrich knew the technique all too well, as it had been unleashed upon him by his former master, the now dead Dark Voice of the Maw. Heinrich wouldn't be able to help Aleem directly, for he knew all too well that one of them would have to keep their focus on Darth Maestus. Heinrich quickly took two steps forth, his lightsaber at the ready.

"Leave him be, you filth!"

Aleem began to fight back, calling upon his training in an effort to stave off the attack. There was indeed much promise within the young Postulant, as he had shown on this day time and again. The Grand Marshal took another step, his eyes narrowing as he looked toward the dark visage of Maestus.

"By Ashla, you will not survive this day."

He broke into a sprint, his blade swinging forth as he called upon Ashla to give him strength. He aimed for her extended arm, slicing in a downward arc in an attempt to remove it from her body. His mind recalled their last duel, and the strength she had exhibited upon the cursed, stormy grounds of Dromund Kaas. If they were going to end this, it would have to be swift and without second thought. Every second they allowed her to remain whole only increased the danger, and there could be no room for error.

E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Try to stop the ritual
Location: Fortress Vader
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis | Closed
Allies: EE/AC/GA | Open
Enemies: Maw/Sith | Open
[ Valley of Death ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The ritual continued and was nearing its end. Ingrid concentrated on the Force to protect herself from the energies swirling around her. Unlike the man, the woman did not need to be pulled out of her body. Not this time. It was once when, during the siege of Byss, the red-haired woman allowed her opponent to kill her. It was the only time where her death was required to enter the Netherworld. But above that one time, never again. She wanted to bring Adrian back then, but quite different events happened.

First, she had to realise that Adrian's soul had shattered to pieces and she couldn't save her husband. On the other hand, Ashla intervened and created Eina; in addition to these, she obtained a soul shard from Adrian, and she herself left one behind, which merged into the man's soul chunk. That's how Ingrid became part of the Netherworld.

The ritual is over, the rift is open. She felt the Netherworld. Then she saw Kyrel collapse. In the Force, she saw the man's "ghost image", his soul, with chains, which ones are chined Kyrel to the world of the living, as he emerged from his body. The red-haired woman sighed a little tired. Did it really take such a brutal solution to this? Although perhaps the best question is whether it is worth it at all. To tell the truth, if the portal was already open, she was wondering what might be over there. However, Ingrid did not take on her true form, she remained in her human appearance. She lost her old human form because of Onrai when she became a Shadow-born on the Endor moon ages ago.

She walked over to Kyrel, the woman having no problem passing through to the Netherworld, she was able to come back anytime. So Ingrid walked over to the man, still could easily see him, and then crossed the rift beside him. In the meantime, she had one more question for Kyrel.

"What do you expect to find over there?" she asked him.

She guessed what the other was expecting, but the Empress also knew Ren's knight probably wouldn't find the answers to his questions about destroying the Force. One should not have to look after these questions in such a place where everything is just Force…

And the Netherworld was like that.




Location: Fortress Vader, Sith Cave, Netherworld of the Force
With: Ingrid L'lerim Ingrid L'lerim Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis

Kyrel’s ethereal form looked back at the Empress. She looked bored, unamused. No doubt for a witch like her such rituals were crude. Deep within the portal, he felt the familiar chill of death wash over him. He had been here before, once content to suffer in damnation until he was pulled from the grave. Truth be told, he didn’t expect to find anything. He wanted to find answers, to gain what he sought after so long. He was wary of the red woman’s intentions, likewise she too thought of the same. It didn’t matter, he would find what was his, or he would leave empty handed.

Crossing through the portal, his chains rattled as they passed through the veil. Once inside he shuddered. The intense feelings coming from the Netherworld had overwhelmed him. He hasn’t been back in so long, he had all but forgotten how much he hated this place. Turning back over to the red woman, it appeared as if he didn’t possess much of a mouth. What mouth he did possess, like his physical form was covered in stitches. He spoke coldly, “What is rightfully mine of course. The answers to where I’ll burn it all down. If it means destruction so be it..” He said, the familiar chant of war, death, rebirth echoed in his mind. The Maw way coursed through his veins, he hoped that soon he would become the Maw.

This plain felt strange, all around he was surrounded by dark clouds. Lightning crackled through the metaphysical skies. He felt as if he stood on a massive ocean. Stepping cautiously, his chains had only kept raffling. The chains themselves were a reminder that he was bound to the physical realmn. Unlike the Witch who scoffed at his methods, he was banished from the Netherworld. If it was all denied to him, he only sought to spitefully tear it all down. The void that was Kyrel Ren kept moving deeper, seeing a figure on the horizon.

His presence felt familiar to him, moving through the ocean, he hoped to reach this figure. He only hoped the spirit may show the way to what he wanted. Each step filling him with dread, as he couldn’t tell why this figure felt so familiar, and all the while felt it was a step in the right direction.
Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
Aleem Qel Droma

Maestus Fury
Dragon Shield Talisman

Perhaps there was something worthy in the Postulant. Fighting back against the mental assault Maestus delivered. She did not impress easily, and rarely at all. But right now, Aleem was impressing Maestus.

Not so much that she left Heinrich unattended. She heard his demand and warning. And as is to be expected, paid them no mind.

She let drop the Fear power from Aleem's mind, providing the youth with much needed respite. Maestus eyed Aleem a second more, tgen returned her attention to Heinrich.

As the Grand Marshal began his attack, Maestus flexed her hand. The long, more onate hilt on her belt flew and smacked firmly into her palm. Instantaneously, the weapon erupted. A 6 meter long whip of sizzling red plasma came to life. Maestus Fury demanded blood this day.

Her arm still outstretched, now held her whip. As Heinrich bolted towards her and swung his saber, Maestus dropped down, propellingherself in a spin. As she spun, she snapped her wrist forward. The lightwhip cracked into action, coming straight for Heinrich's back ankle.

The lightwhip was unique in many ways, but none so as the Lava Crystal which powered it. Found by Maestus on Mustafar, the Lava Crystal added many bemefits, but 1 was gruesome. The lightwhip could not only cut and ensnare enemies, it would also burn their flesh. So even a glancing blow could prove terrible.


Aleem Qel Droma

TAG: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
Maestus Maestus

The Postulant felt the Grip of Fear pass and then a great whip ignite with molten blaze. He had heard of such weapons, though never seen one in the flesh. Aleem ignited his Crossguard Saber and moved towards Maestus, he did not assail her as she engaged Heinrich. There was a history here, and Aleem was a new page being added to it. He waited for a opening to insert himself into the duel, respecting this rematch.
He watched as the whip blade flew around like a Sarlaac tentacle, he almost flinched, its movement unpredictable. This was opportunity to study and look for an opening, and he kept mindful if Heinrich needed him to leap into fray, offering his body as a buckler.

Pa'Kar Sang


"Lined up like Lifeday hams ready to slaughter," the Admiral muttered. Not that he had ever tasted 'ham'. With oxygen, nitrogen, and carbon dioxide toxic, even deadly to his species, many foods humans and other near-humans enjoyed he simply could not. He had heard the expression many times though and thought it apt here.

"Maintain position," he shouted. The command room quieted as the cams giving the room the visual appearance of being on a true bridge sputtered out after a blue flash engulfed the monitors. They still had power, the ion cannons of a few old star destroyers were nothing to the Starhawk. Most of the blast was deflected off their secondary shields before it burned out systems or shut down vital functions. Even still...

"Tractor arrays 1, 5, and 6 are down!" Pa'Kar muttered a curse. Well, they didn't need the tractor beams anyways. Those were there just to ensure the destruction of all three vessels. Did they have enough power left in the fore tractor beam projector?

"Fire anyways. And someone get our visual feeds back online!"

"Yes sir!"

"Order all ships to fire, full broadside assault on the star destroyers moving towards the center of our V formation. I want those wedges turned to slag." Their mission was likely done by now. He was beginning to receive reports of the Ashlan Crusade pulling out of the battle. Or at least, attempting to. Good. This was just the cherry on top then. The monitors flickered and came back to life just in time for the view of the brilliant turbolaser display to dance across the stars.


Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Aleem Qel Droma, Maestus Maestus


Amen & Attack

The Grand Marshal's attack didn't reach its target, and perhaps there was a part of him that knew it wouldn't. Maestus was a dangerous opponent, and one that had been taught by the Dark Voice himself. Nevertheless, he had remained hopeful, even though that hope was quickly dashed to the rocks as the crimson whip came to life. His body suddenly shifted, his footing nearly faltering as he quickly corrected his course. The lightwhip came for his ankle as its owner spun around with a swift and vicious movement, causing the Grand Marshal to shift his own weight in an effort to avoid losing the use of his foot. His body spun almost in unison with hers, bringing him around toward her other side as they danced their deadly waltz. He let forth a couple of slashes toward his opponent. They were brief and swift, not meant to cause any serious harm, but rather to simply keep his opponent busy.

Heinrich quickly took a couple of steps back, reaching out with his free hand toward his opponent. From his fingers sprung a brilliant display of emerald lightning, arcing from his fingertips and skittering through the air toward the Sith as he found his footing once again. His eyes looked toward the Postulant, the look on his face filled with a singular determination.

Should you see an opening, take it.

The telepathic message was vague, but Heinrich trusted the Postulant's judgment in the matter. Though young and inexperienced compared to others within the Crusade's ranks, Aleem was already showing great promise. As long as they worked together, perhaps they could bring their opponent down once and for all. If not... then he simply prayed that Ashla would welcome them with open arms.


Aleem Qel Droma

TAG: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Maestus Maestus

Aleem watched as the Lord Marshal engaged the Dark Lady. Her whips was like the tail of Roggwart, thrashing about. Heinrich unleashed bolts of emerald from his finger tips, something Aleem had only heard stories of, Electric Judgement. It was at this moment as His Lord slashed and channeled bolts at the Darksider, did Aleem leap with his crossgaurd saber and cut at the Lady’s flank. The goal for the Postulant was to make contact, but should that fail, it would serve to make the response of the Dark Lady more difficult.
Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
Aleem Qel Droma

Fortress Vader - The Black Gate

Maestus Fury
Dragon Shield Talisman

A most deadly waltz, indeed. A simple misstep or poorly timed breath could mean the difference between life or death. And given Maestus' fondness for living, she was taking precaution as best she could.

As she and Heinrich twirled together, she snapped the whip back, behind her. She was unsure what was exchanged between Heinrich and Aleem, but she didn't need to. The look spoke volumes.

The whip cracked back towards Maestus and continued on behind her body. Consequently, Aleem was coming up to make his attack. He was now faced with continuing to attempt to strike Maestus and be ready for the strike of the whip's red hot plasma lash. Or he aborts the attack, and keeps all his arms and legs. Regardless of his choice, Maeatus had bigger fish to fry.

Heinrich had unfurled something potent, something actually dangerous. Emerald Lightning.
She had precious little time to think through her options, so she relied on her gut.

With Aleem temporarily busy, Maestus leapt to her feet, and jumped to one side. And I mean JUMPED. Propelled by the Dark Side, Maestus leapt over Heinrich's head. She did a flip in midair, above Heinrich. As she flipped, she stretched out her free hand and attempted to give him a "love tap" on the cheek.

She landed behind him, in a crouch. She deactivated her lightwhip as she hooked it back to her belt. Holding her hand out, the second hilt flew into her palm. Immediately, a purple plasma blade exploded to life.

Given her current crouching position, she pressed the fingertips from her free hand to the ground for balance. Swiftly, she flipped her saber around, grabbing it upside down. Pushing off with her backfoot, she lunged at Heinrich, bringing her saber straight up his middle.

She intended to split him from arsehole to elbows. With a little luck, the ground of Mustafar would dine on the Grand Marshall's blood.


Aleem Qel Droma

TAG: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Maestus Maestus

Aleem saw the whip whirl, and he was forced to break off from his attack lest he lose limbs. He then watched as The Dark Lady leapt over The Lord Marshal. She soaree like a dark phoenix, the aura of the dark side absolute about her. Aleem felt himself recover and now join Heinrich’s side, when the Dark Lady ignited a purple blade.
‘Was she done toying with them? What onslaught now did she prepare.’
Aleem was certain he was out of his league. His faith in Ashla still steady, but he was not ready to become One with The Force yet. Contrary to some crusaders, he did not feel a reckless abandon that one should treat their life so lightly, Ashla had given them life, The Force was life, and it is precious. Aleem would not throw his precious gift of life force away, so he began to look about for a means to get an advantage.


Heinrich Faust: Grand Marshal of the Ashlan Crusade

Aleem Qel Droma, Maestus Maestus


Amen & Attack

Maestus adjusted to the attack in a method that only a true master could, having successfully dodged the joint attacks of the Grand Marshal and the Postulant. It wasn't a surprise to Heinrich; in fact, he almost expected it of her. He knew her to be an incredibly trained warrior, and though he sought hope for his strikes, he understood that they would likely not find purchase against such an opponent.

Maintain your wits, Aleem. Only strike when the time is right...

He sent the thought through the empyrean, hoping that it would reach the Postulant before it was too late. The newcomer was out of his depth, but Heinrich held faith in Ashla's Light, and that they would make it through the day.

Her next strike was swift and precise, aiming straight toward his center from her crouched position. It took all of Heinrich's training to react to the blow, his body flowing sideways as he attempted to deflect the oncoming attack. Fortunately, Ashla smiled upon him, for he took a step back from the blow, deflecting it as he glared her in the eyes.

His body shifted further, pushing the blade away from himself, and using the momentum to bring himself further away from his opponent. No riposte was needed, as it took all he had to simply not be cleaved in twine.

"The Dark Voice taught you well, Maestus..."

It was a strange compliment, given the circumstances. But from one former student to another, the statement told tales.

"It's a shame that you never found your way."

His body lashed outward, slashing forth with a series of cuts familiar to the form of Makashi. If he couldn't disable his opponent so readily as Juyo may allow, he would break her down piece by piece, until Ashla found it fit for him to claim victory. All that he prayed for, was that the Postulant would see his logic, and capitalize on the opportunity...


Aleem Qel Droma

TAG: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Maestus Maestus

Aleem watched as the Lord Marshal and Lord Malestasus exchanged blows. It was difficult to find any opening, the Dark Lady tight in her movements. The Postulante decided to take a different approach, he began to pray, taking the pummel to his chest and pointing saber blade down in the shape of a cross. He offered a petition to Ashla to aid Heinrich, to shine brightly in this dark place. The Postulant kept alert, and then shifted crossgaurd into reverse grip and moved, little flames of yellow light danced about. Had Ashla answered? The Young Knight decided to believe as he moved to engage the servant of Darkness from the flank.
“Though I walk through Valley of Bogan, I shall not fear. My sword and my shield comfort me. Ashla watches over me.”
He chanted this as he prepared to move with the Lord Marshal as One in the Light.
As Heinrich slashed, Aleem thrusted with two hands, the face of Vapaad now emerging, his blade infused with his own strength and that of The Force.
Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust
Aleem Qel Droma

Mustafar - The Black Gate

A deep scowl settled on her face as Heinrich shifted out of the way of her blade. She could tell her was, as the saying goes, on his "backfoot". Meaning she was getting under his skin. Excellent, just as she wanted him.

Casting a glance to Aleem, he was busy praying at the moment. Let him pray. It would do him no good. The light of Ashla failed to reach the lava planet. The Dark Side was incredibly strong on Mustafar.

Turning her attention back to Heinrich, she was just in time. He'd begun hid assault, and she had just enough time to react. She soun to one side, and swiped her blade this way and then that, deflecting the blows. All but the last, unfortunately. The last blow caught her left arm around the bicep. The smell of burnt flesh wafting on the air.

She smirked.

Solpsis taught me many things, Grand Marshal. Spend time with me, and I will show you.

She extended an honest offer. Why, she had no idea what prompted her to do so. And truly, she did not expect him to accept. Though, if he did, it would certainly prove interesting.

Casting a quick glance towards Aleem, she shifted her saber amd rapidly deflected his incoming blows. She lifted a hand, curling it into a fist. Stretching out, Aleem should feel a tightening around his throat. Maestus employed Force Choke on the Postulant. She tightened her fist, intent on shutting off Aleem's airway.

Then she lifted her hand up, and Aleem's feet left the ground. Maestus held him there for several long seconds, unless somehow, some way, he could break her hold.

She turned her smoldering eyes onto Heinrich now. She glared at him, defiant and proud.

The choice is yours, Heinrich. You or the apprentice. Make your choice.

Aleem Qel Droma

TAG: Heinrich Faust Heinrich Faust Maestus Maestus

Aleem made contact but then he felt his throat contract and the airwaves close, his lungs burning as he was levitated into the air. His face ran red, his eyes wet and his throat clogged with a pool of saliva he now choked on. He felt the impulse to grasp his neck with both hands, but he managed only to use his free hand and hold on to his saber with his right. His vision began to blur, and fade in and out in shadow. If he lost consciousness he would leave The Lord Marshal to tilt alone. Aleem did something that would effect his voice for the foreseeable future, he fought back, his vocal cords burning as he aimed his saber like a javelin, he threw it at Lord Maestus. One of his Vocal Folds snapped, and blood poured from his mouth as he collapsed to the ground. There he laid on the ground, his mouth filled with salty red life water. He felt his vision give, but he refused to collapse save on his knees. Unable to speak he made his petitions to Ashla in his mind.
E T E R N A L - E M P R E S S
Lady Ingrid L’lerim Ragal Terassi Vandiir
Eternal Empress of the Eternal Empire, Lord Commander of the Wardens of the Shroud, Archon of the Primyn Group
Empress of Terraris, Supreme Commander of the Terraris Command, Head of the House L’lerim, CEO of the HPI Consortium
Objective: Try to stop the ritual
Location: Fortress Vader
Equipment: 2x Sigra vibroblade | 2x Striith vibrosword | The Soulsabers | Heilagr MK. I Assassin Armour | Viper Mk. I Skinsuit | The Last Gift || Empyrean gland | OPBC-01m
Writing With: Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren | Darth Solipsis Darth Solipsis | Closed
Allies: EE/AC/GA | Open
Enemies: Maw/Sith | Open
[ Valley of Death ]
<"High Nelvaanian"> | ~ telepathic communication ~ | << comm. channel >>

The Netherworld; Ingrid liked this place much better than Realspace. It felt more like home. Maybe it was strange, but she didn't like the fact that the living invaded this world anymore, for some reason it bothered her. Even though she was alive, very much so. In any case, she wanted to see, she wanted to know what Kyrel was up to, so that's why she followed him. She doubted he would get a normal answer. Here she compared the normal to the standards of Realspace. Since the majority of the Netherworld was inhabited by demons that wanted to destroy or eat other souls, it was not difficult to figure out what kind of answer the entity was trying to give to him. I mean, she guessed Kyrel wants to go to someone for his answers.

And the answer is destruction and death. Always.

"You know you won't get a proper answer this way, right? Such rituals attract powerful demons or beings like Avatars. Those who promise, or even want, destruction and death. Because their hunger for souls is inexhaustible. The Netherworld is a straighter, cleaner, but far more ruthless place than Realspace." she told him.

She wouldn't have been surprised if even Voracitos had inquired about it. The red-haired woman looked around where they were currently; recognized this place. This was from where she had to take Zachariel home from before, because Eina had dumped him here. In this place, if she wasn't limited by her human form, she was stronger and expected to attack, so she took her original form, which was a living shadow. She didn't care right now if Kyrel saw her in this. Very few people have seen her in this original form, which she obtained on the moon of Endor as a "gift" from Onrai's actions, it was a curse.

"We are close to the Maw's Avatars territory. There aren't many demons or entities around here. But I have no doubt that your ritual on this site attracted the attention of many creatures as well, so I'm sure we'll have company soon." she said as she looked around.

She couldn't even guess who Kyrel could count on; there were too many possibilities. However, it was certain that even her Valkyrja might appear here to close the rift, since Eina was also there on Mustafar and she probably came for the ritual…

Not many people in the Netherworld liked this kind of thing, for obvious reasons.

"From whom do you expect an answer from here?" she asked him.



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