Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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My pros and cons of Chaos, resectively.

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Seriously? Did you just call me stupid and ignorant? I must be blind then, or illiterate, unless you're blinded by your own arrogance to see one thing posted in this entire thread.

Personal insults and attacks will get you nowhere except to breaking rules. The worst I've done to you is say you messed up, and by god have you really screwed yourself now.

Julius Sedaire said:
[member="Cloudburner"] - Because the guy who has been here barely a month knows the site so well enough to have an opinion, let alone give pros and cons....
Gray Raxis said:
So I have been on the board about as long, and I have seen none of those cons you mentioned. It looks more like you are ranting about how there are people you don't get along with and just want to feel justified about it. The only real point you made was about that page loading bug, which really is something you should have put in a bug report thread.

I have seen the way you behave OOCly and I got to say that a lot of people have a reason not to like you so far. IC remains in IC from what I have seen around the board, but more often than not you bring up IC issues OOCly. You sort of just put a target on yourself and then when someone actually goes for it you say they are the one starting stuff. This is just what I have noticed about your behavior and it is why I know several people who use to interact with you before and won't now.
Jack Raxis said:

#2013 Member

Look dude the thing is everyone has their fan favs. It's a combination of how well, what and who you write with. I've written some awesome-ass characters and then I've written some that were like absolute dirt. Let me tell you the story of RC 212.

Once upon a time I was in your shoes. I was the new guy and rolled up with RC 212, a frozen Clone Commando from waaaay back that got thawed out. I generally ticked a lot of people off IC. RC tried to kill the current Mandalore for outlawing Piracy, which was his profession at the time. Then he went on to lead the Deathwatch, and Nuke Kedlabe during a Sith Invasion. Then he slayed thousands of Ewoks and continually fought with a Certain Ewok over a ship that was blown up.

RC then went on to raid the Omega Pyre like over a dozen times. The point is back then I like to stir up the poodoo. And it had consequences IC. I was a bit mad after a while no one wanted to RP with poor RC anymore, so I changed him, and made him a figurehead in the Lords of the Fringe before he met an untimely end etc.

The point is you cant be mad at peoples IC reactions when you go around slaying folks and crushing parties. I was hunted with a bounty much, much bigger than yours. everyone tried to capture me, hell Rc got captured three times. And I was ok with it.

What you are experiencing is a flood of ideas and stuff, but no solid character plotline, which makes others wary to play with you when you flip flop. You are not a bad RPer and not a bad person. Some folks are dicks here, and they just like to pick on others. Others are nice. Some play OG characters, others play straight cliche. If you want more folks to interact with you, give them more than a four or five liner post, and be respectful always. Even to the dicks.

Doing stuff like this hurts your rep honestly. If you want to RP and build a following, RP with people you like, writers you look up to. Use your PM box, toss around ideas, get involved in as many threads as you can. That's how you become L33T!
Gray Raxis said:
See this post right here supports what I said perfectly. Your behavior OOCly is exactly why people don't like interacting with you. You are acting like you are so respectful, but the only people you show respect to are the ones who say nice things and don't give you any kind of criticism . The moment someone says a single negative thing to you, you get all defensive and act like you have the high ground just because they were not all sunshine and rainbows. Your behavior is very immature and when people call you out on it you just throw a tantrum.

If you want to get some respect actually behave in a way that deserves it. Nothing about your behavior in this thread or in other ones I have seen you in deserves it. So good luck trying to get any respect from others while behaving like this.
Razor Shot said:
Lol honestly? Admin are being kind as its their job. Not to say that they arent in the norm, but that is usually how these style of things can end up being.

As is? This is a post attempting to garner appreciation for your prolific wisdom. Yet... it isnt. It is entirely normal, every thing you complain about.

Basically your mad you dont have a massive following, yett from the gate, have been an off putting person on site. For some anyway.

[member="Jorus Merrill"]
THAT WAS HER NAME! Tried remembering her the other day and couldnt, even posted a status asking for aid remembering it
You have been criticized
Razor Shot said:
Admin are being kind as its their job.
Damn, is it? Welp, time to rethink my life. :p

On a more serious note, please keep personal insults of any kind out of this thread. Feedback on the site is good, insults by any member towards any other regardless of age or other distinctions is not.

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
Pros and cons of Chaos for me


-[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] : Have you seen that Firemane?
-[member="Valiens Nantaris"] : Come on, he's the embodiment of determination.
-Dem RPs though
-Have so many nice people


Addictive : Bad Chaos, bad!

See what I did there?

Anyway, this is a troll post and I am sleepy :p
[member="Zorr'awam dot'this"]

Darn it, you beat me to the punch. I come back from threading it up and see you already said what I had to say.

However, thank you. In my gratitude, please accept this meme:

Please remember the following:
2. Keep your posts constructive and on the topic your post is in.

3. This board is rated PG-13.

4. Harassment and abusive behavior is absolutely not allowed. This includes trolling members and racial, sexist, religious, ethnic, sexual or political remarks that can be considered derogatory.

5. Swearing is strongly discouraged. Excessive and unnecessary swearing is not allowed.
- Users who take their character way too seriously, e.g disliking users solely based on their characters actions.
While this is annoying, it's not just Chaos where this happens. I've been on various RP sites and it's across the board. If you know a writer is like that and it has left a bad taste in your mouth, then choose someone else to RP with. Otherwise, you'll have to roll with the punches. One nice thing about this site is that there are a vast number of writers to choose from, a luxury that not many SW boards have.

- Ass kissers, everybody knows these people. The people who tend to get closer and more friendly with a character of higher status, just because of that fact. Who like everything their fantasy idol does because they have been on the site longer, have more posts, likes etc.
Is this in an OOC compacity? Or IC compacity? IC, I don't think it's that abnormal for someone of a lower rank wanting to get chummy with someone who holds a higher rank/status than their character. If you want to build your reputation/advance/climb the corporate ladder, then you're going to try to make a positive impression of yourself to your superior.

OOC? Still, seems kind of normal. People will gravitate toward those who are more established and have been on the site longer because they have experience with how things tick. Or it could simply be because they like the way a certain person writes and it clicks for them. Or, maybe they're not at that level in their own writing yet? And that person has given them something to aspire to? There's a lot of different reasons for why this kind of thing can and does happen, but it is not solely based on what you've decided to focus on.
Let me go ahead and throw my opinion into this.

Because my opinion is 'worth' something i guess.

Alright, so. I've been here for just about as long as you [member="Cloudburner"] . In fact, i think you've been here longer cause this account was made like..Jan 24th is something. So realistically i've been here like two weeks.

And in that time look at what i managed to do.

I made a character that has...a decent amount of likes. (Which really surprised me). Cause lets be honest, my character winter is like a mixture of a bunch of things i love thrown into a frosty. Game of Thrones references scattered through her character, the 'Ice Queen' theme that like ten other members also have. And not to mention the clique 'Oh i'm a cold ass bi*ch' because my eyes are blue and my hair is white.

But despite that, i've managed to do quite a lot with her in the short time i've been here. I created a faction that is close to almost going major, a small following of nice members who like to RP with me. And i am a knight.

I don't see anything special about my writing style. I don't think anyone else does either. But there are folks who like to RP with my character despite my and her flaws.

And man, i tell you. It sucks when like...i come up with a cool idea i think would do well. And when i ask for help on it everyone dismisses me because...well its me. New member, doing crap no one approves of. Then a week later someone else (A founder or long time member) would post virtually the very same idea i had...

And everyone gushes. Jumps on the bandwagon and meanwhile i'm sitting there looking silly. It's happened a few times since i've been here. And it sucks. But if there is one thing i've learned from my ten years of RPing.

It's that popularity rules. Flat out. No getting around it. If you are a new member just starting out, then chances are your name pulls no weight, you have no reputation, and you won't be RPing with the big boys who have been here since day one. Your a scrub, plain and simple.

No don't get me wrong. There are plenty of popular members who are super nice. (Shoutout to [member="Darth Vulkan"] ) Who don't mind playing with us newbies.

I remember when i arrived i wanted to RP with all the cool cats. [member="Isley Verd"] - [member="Braith Achlys"] - [member="Jorus Merrill"] - [member="Spencer Varanin"] - [member="Darth Vornskr"] - [member="Jack Sparrow"] .

But alas, i'm new. These are the guys who have been on the site YEARS. Submitting stuff to factories, making big moves on the site, seeing factions rise and fall. Ect. Whats a scrub who has been here two weeks to these guys? They are a clique. AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS. I mean, to someone like us sure. Cause we feel like we are ignored. But lets be honest and keep it real...if you were given to option to hang out with all your friends you've known for years, or some new kid who you JUST met...who are you gonna pick?

It's very simple. Thats just the nature of big sites like this. Everyone has their group they like to play with. Ppl gush over these popular members because their names pull weight. It's not the color of the name, the titles they have, or even the characters. Its the reputation they've gathered over the years that have made them big. Plain and simple.

If you wanna get the same praise. You do what they did. You go strong. RP your ass off, get yourself a reputation and make a name for yourself. And a POSITIVE one. Cause when you gather static no one is going to want to waste their time with you. They are gonna be like 'Hey isin't that the guy who was flying around DBZ style and standing on lightsabers?' and then they are gonna dismiss you, and go back to RPing with the characters they've come to love and respect.

Gather respect, get yourself out there. And eventually you will have enough respect to be one of the cool cats yourself.

Plus there is another thing...ppl are BUSY. And do not have time to RP with everyone. If i understand correctly. Most of the members here have kids, wives, long jobs, and ect. So of course they want to RP with either their friends or in the coolest of events. They cannot be here 24/7 and thus want to spend the time they do have with ppl they know.

This is just my two cents anyway. Take it or leave it as you will. My opinion is about as valuable as my dogs LOL
[member="Lady Sovereign"]

Well said. On the other hand, perhaps people could be more welcoming to new people and their ideas. Without new blood and new member engagement, this site will eventually die. After several years, the Old Guard will burn out (or become too busy with IRL), and the site will flounder without a new set of "Founders". (Haha it rhymes. Sort of. I'm terrible.)

[member="Julius Sedaire"]

Julius Sedaire said:
Free speech means you can say whatever you want...
Free speech (at least in the way it's defined by the US Constitution) only applies to governmental restrictions on said speech. There is no free speech on this forum. Just a little clarification on that topic.


You may be a new member, but your feedback and opinions are valuable because it gives the Staff insight to what a new person may feel/experience. Older members tend to view their new member experience with rose-colored glasses. (Or how ever that expression goes.)

Additionally, even though your opinion may not be as accurate because of inexperience, it is still valuable because it is indicative of the new member experience. So, please feel free to express your experience via constructive feedback.

Finally, note how I did not say valid in the above sentence. Your opinion is one hundred percent valid. It just may not be one hundred percent accurate. There's a difference. The previous sentences are directed at everyone.


As the esteemed Valiens noted, keep on topic and the personal attacks in check.
Lady Sovereign said:
I remember when i arrived i wanted to RP with all the cool cats. Isley Verd - Braith Achlys - Jorus Merrill - Spencer Varanin - Darth Vornskr - @Adekos .
D: I RP WITH PEOPLE...I'm just trash at thinking of something to do >_< [member="Lady Sovereign"]
Lady Sovereign said:
I remember when i arrived i wanted to RP with all the cool cats. [member="Isley Verd"] - [member="Braith Achlys"] - [member="Jorus Merrill"] - [member="Spencer Varanin"] - [member="Darth Vornskr"] - @Adekos .
[member="Lady Sovereign"], You forgot to tag me there. Jack Sparrow.
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