Let me go ahead and throw my opinion into this.
Because my opinion is 'worth' something i guess.
Alright, so. I've been here for just about as long as you [member="Cloudburner"] . In fact, i think you've been here longer cause this account was made like..Jan 24th is something. So realistically i've been here like two weeks.
And in that time look at what i managed to do.
I made a character that has...a decent amount of likes. (Which really surprised me). Cause lets be honest, my character winter is like a mixture of a bunch of things i love thrown into a frosty. Game of Thrones references scattered through her character, the 'Ice Queen' theme that like ten other members also have. And not to mention the clique 'Oh i'm a cold ass bi*ch' because my eyes are blue and my hair is white.
But despite that, i've managed to do quite a lot with her in the short time i've been here. I created a faction that is close to almost going major, a small following of nice members who like to RP with me. And i am a knight.
I don't see anything special about my writing style. I don't think anyone else does either. But there are folks who like to RP with my character despite my and her flaws.
And man, i tell you. It sucks when like...i come up with a cool idea i think would do well. And when i ask for help on it everyone dismisses me because...well its me. New member, doing crap no one approves of. Then a week later someone else (A founder or long time member) would post virtually the very same idea i had...
And everyone gushes. Jumps on the bandwagon and meanwhile i'm sitting there looking silly. It's happened a few times since i've been here. And it sucks. But if there is one thing i've learned from my ten years of RPing.
It's that popularity rules. Flat out. No getting around it. If you are a new member just starting out, then chances are your name pulls no weight, you have no reputation, and you won't be RPing with the big boys who have been here since day one. Your a scrub, plain and simple.
No don't get me wrong. There are plenty of popular members who are super nice. (Shoutout to [member="Darth Vulkan"] ) Who don't mind playing with us newbies.
I remember when i arrived i wanted to RP with all the cool cats. [member="Isley Verd"] - [member="Braith Achlys"] - [member="Jorus Merrill"] - [member="Spencer Varanin"] - [member="Darth Vornskr"] - [member="Jack Sparrow"] .
But alas, i'm new. These are the guys who have been on the site YEARS. Submitting stuff to factories, making big moves on the site, seeing factions rise and fall. Ect. Whats a scrub who has been here two weeks to these guys? They are a clique. AND THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH THIS. I mean, to someone like us sure. Cause we feel like we are ignored. But lets be honest and keep it real...if you were given to option to hang out with all your friends you've known for years, or some new kid who you JUST met...who are you gonna pick?
It's very simple. Thats just the nature of big sites like this. Everyone has their group they like to play with. Ppl gush over these popular members because their names pull weight. It's not the color of the name, the titles they have, or even the characters. Its the reputation they've gathered over the years that have made them big. Plain and simple.
If you wanna get the same praise. You do what they did. You go strong. RP your ass off, get yourself a reputation and make a name for yourself. And a POSITIVE one. Cause when you gather static no one is going to want to waste their time with you. They are gonna be like 'Hey isin't that the guy who was flying around DBZ style and standing on lightsabers?' and then they are gonna dismiss you, and go back to RPing with the characters they've come to love and respect.
Gather respect, get yourself out there. And eventually you will have enough respect to be one of the cool cats yourself.
Plus there is another thing...ppl are BUSY. And do not have time to RP with everyone. If i understand correctly. Most of the members here have kids, wives, long jobs, and ect. So of course they want to RP with either their friends or in the coolest of events. They cannot be here 24/7 and thus want to spend the time they do have with ppl they know.
This is just my two cents anyway. Take it or leave it as you will. My opinion is about as valuable as my dogs LOL