Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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My pros and cons of Chaos, resectively.

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Lady Sovereign said:
I remember when i arrived i wanted to RP with all the cool cats. Isley Verd - Braith Achlys - Jorus Merrill - Spencer Varanin - Darth Vornskr - @Adekos .

But alas, i'm new. These are the guys who have been on the site YEARS. Submitting stuff to factories, making big moves on the site, seeing factions rise and fall. Ect. Whats a scrub who has been here two weeks to these guys? They are a clique.
Okay, I write with @Adekos every so often (I still owe him a post), but I'm not in any clique - my writing is limited because I work in a restaurant is all.
It's true that it takes time to build a reputation so that people follow you and recognise you.

However, it takes much less time than you think.

My suggestion for all new people is basically to be as active as you can with as many different folks as you can early on. Once people know who you are, then you can put forward your ideas and since people know of you they're more willing to throw their hat in.


Perfection in human form.

Does anybody have even the slightest clue to what I am talking about here? Let me explain.

- "Users who take their character way too seriously, e.g disliking users solely based on their characters actions." - Me

Explanation: Users who take their character too seriously. This is basic English. Everybody should know what these words mean. I'm talking about the users who hate you due to your character.

-" Ass kissers, everybody knows these people. The people who tend to get closer and more friendly with a character of higher status, just because of that fact. Who like everything their fantasy idol does because they have been on the site longer, have more posts, likes etc" - Me

Explanation: Yes, I put this as a con. Like I said in the posts underneath that, it was not directed at anybody. Do you honestly think I wanted to get a 4-page long thread containing undesirable posts such as:

"See this post right here supports what I said perfectly. Your behavior OOCly is exactly why people don't like interacting with you. You are acting like you are so respectful, but the only people you show respect to are the ones who say nice things and don't give you any kind of criticism . The moment someone says a single negative thing to you, you get all defensive and act like you have the high ground just because they were not all sunshine and rainbows. Your behavior is very immature and when people call you out on it you just throw a tantrum.

If you want to get some respect actually behave in a way that deserves it. Nothing about your behavior in this thread or in other ones I have seen you in deserves it. So good luck trying to get any respect from others while behaving like this." - [member="Gray Raxis"]

- So, you call me immature and somehow I caused a tantrum? Need for further facepalm. In my post, I posted no adjectives to describe you, and instead I talked about myself. Yeah, that's right. Myself. So somehow you call me immature because I described myself in a way that would relate to you, hopefully. I said I was a normal dude, sitting at his computer, typing random stories and feedback on an internet site. No need to try and hide your insecurity by hating on me. I just wont care in the slightest.

"As is? This is a post attempting to garner appreciation for your prolific wisdom. Yet... it isnt. It is entirely normal, every thing you complain about.

Basically your mad you dont have a massive following, yett from the gate, have been an off putting person on site. For some anyway." - [member="Razor Shot"]

- Since when did I say I was all-knowing and wise? "Your" Mad, hm? "Your" is a possessive pronoun, "you're" is the word you are looking for. I facepalm at how I have to teach these kids basic English.

"Honestly not worth my posting time to write a reply up to this. Might fill this in later, but... then again I may not. Not worth my time really." - [member="James Justice"]

- If you don't want to post here, why are you? If you don't have the time, then come back later. On second thought no. I don't need any more of you kids ruining my thread.

"If you wanna get the same praise. You do what they did. You go strong. RP your ass off, get yourself a reputation and make a name for yourself. And a POSITIVE one. Cause when you gather static no one is going to want to waste their time with you. They are gonna be like 'Hey isin't that the guy who was flying around DBZ style and standing on lightsabers?' and then they are gonna dismiss you, and go back to RPing with the characters they've come to love and respect.

Gather respect, get yourself out there. And eventually you will have enough respect to be one of the cool cats yourself." - [member="Lady Sovereign"]

- Once again another post which haters claim to grow their virtual penis. Once again fails to read the original 1st post in this thread. Fails miserably.

If you wish to hate on me, I don't care. Just do it somewhere that's not here. This is my thread.

To further make myself laugh, I will post this gif.

Kids? Lol. Ok dude. You pretend you have issues with the things being said, then treat those offering advise horrendously.

Dont retaliate with a bellicose attitude when you are known as an benighted person, then get mad. To legitimize a risible post with a reply, is entirely fatuous. But I do so anyway. Expect reactive posting, when angrily commenting.

As a suggestion, please don't respond to inflammatory remarks in the thread and request they stop being made via PM.

[member="Galven Solomon"]
2. Keep your posts constructive and on the topic your post is in.
4. Harassment and abusive behavior is absolutely not allowed. This includes trolling members and racial, sexist, religious, ethnic, sexual or political remarks that can be considered derogatory.


Well-Known Member
[member="Braith Achlys"]

Wait... was that serious? Your telling Galven to watch out, while Cloud is legit stating people are incompetent???

What? 0.o
And this ladies and gentlemen is a classic case of what psychologists call "transference."

What is transference, you ask? Well thank you for asking, I do love to discuss the most common of psychological coping mechanisms. According to Jung, Horaney, Adler, and Freud who did a rare three-case study on this together, this is when someone takes the worst of themselves and projects it onto the world around them. Studies have shown that this in turn leads to more advanced forms of Paranoia and severe attachment style disorders, such as anxious-avoidance styles that leave a person loveless and friendless due to asinine jealously and assuming they are at fault with everything and everyone.

Severe forms of transference can lead to forms of not only paranoia, (believing that everyone is out to get you), but also minor to agressive forms of psychosis and not to mention neurosis. Some psychologists suggest that this, coupled with an inferiority complex may be the most dangerous kind of disorder known to mankind, resulting in what is called the "small man's syndrome." These people not only feel the need to express their superiority through extreme aggression such as name calling, childish behavior, and social dissing, but beyond that, they also feel the urge to blame everyone else and transfer this onto others.

But Rygen, you say, what can one do to help said person?

Well for someone who is undergoing transference and the inferiority complex, the first thing that they need to do is acknowledge they have a problem. Sadly, with said transference they generally react with--yup, you guessed it, blaming others and saying they are the one with the problem. However, as Horaney said so wisely,

wenn Sie alle anderen mit Fragen sehen , sind Sie wahrscheinlich das Problem

Or, "if you see everyone else with issues, you probably are the issue." But that is neither here nor there. Through a long series of owning their mistakes and maturation, there is indeed hope for an indivdual who has this issue, sadly, few allow themselves to undergo this, and remain in a state of psychological ill-ease. Unlike the other coping mechanisms, this one is the worst since it is the most resistant to outside change.

Thank you all, this will now be the opening of my doctorate thesis.

[member="Lady Sovereign"]
[member="Gray Raxis"]
[member="Razor Shot"]


Perfection in human form.
[member="James Justice"]

I have no need to post here anymore, seeing as this thread has turned to absolute hatred, but seriously, since when did I call anybody names, or harass anybody? 10 points if you find anything.
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