Further to what [member="Braith Achlys"] has done, I do wonder if [member="Cloudburner"] understands the irony of complaining about being misunderstood and abused...by being even more abusive in return?
The rules for this site state:
4. Harassment and abusive behavior is absolutely not allowed. This includes trolling members and racial, sexist, religious, ethnic, sexual or political remarks that can be considered derogatory.
I gave a very gentle warning yesterday. Now this is being locked.
To clarify, we here at SWRP are very willing to listen to all manner of perspectives. What is vital though is that you accept that just as you can post your view, so others can freely disagree with you. Insulting other members, whoever you are, shows a fundamental lack of respect towards others.
Thread is locked, and I trust we do not see this again.