Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Necromatic Tendencies


"Where the body comes from or who doesn't matter much, so that's agreeable." And made it way less likely she'd get caught like this again. So long as she wasn't being set up. Did she fully trust this? No, but given that there was no benefit of offering this kind of deal unless they were actively interested in keeping it, Aliris nodded her agreement.

"Then, when do we start?"
Instead of answering immediately, Zel hit pause.

Her holographic face would remain eerily still but for the occasional flicker for thirty, maybe forty seconds. Then it suddenly twisted into her current expression moments before she began speaking. "You are ready?" It was more a statement than a question. "About a day, more if your previous work proves to be an obstacle."

Instead of allowing room for a response, she kept talking. "Keep this droid with you. Once a lab has been cleared and specimens procured, it will relay coordinates to you. I expect promptness."

Her face flickered into nothingness, then the spiderbot began to crawl forward.


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