Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Self-Destructive Tendencies

As much as she wanted to argue, to push further for some full-proof solution she knew didn’t exist, the truth in Valery’s words had been undeniable. If anything Sithspawn were a terminal disease. One that couldn’t be taken out in a single sweeping move. No matter how much she wanted that to be the case.

Valery glanced towards Kahlil, loosening a sigh. "I was hoping he'd find something I missed."

Another pang of guilt twisted her gut, Yeah, I might’ve gotten in the way of that.” It was a somewhat sheepish admission, but some level of accountability had to be taken.

“But for what it’s worth I have faith in his methods.”

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Valery Noble Valery Noble


Kahlil once more glanced to the girl before chuckling under his breath. She certainly was the accountable type, at least. His gaze settled on Valery for a moment before he just nodded. "I did find something. They're not the same monstrous ones from before. Well, they are, but they're more like animals. Probably hastily transmuted and still retain a lot of their original intelligence. I'd like permission to head back down with my Padawan this time to try and capture one alive for study."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon


NJO Temple
Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon

"I do, too," Valery told Capris in return. She didn't really go into her admission of interfering with Kahlil's task because she doubted that any of it had been intentional. Capris merely wanted to help with the problem and seemed very passionate about it as well, judging by the earlier rant on the topic. With a little bit of guidance from a more experienced Jedi, such as Kahlil, she'd be able to channel that determination into something that gave them the results they were looking for.

A way to cleanse this planet of Sithspawn once and for all.

Turning her gaze back to Kahlil, Valery listened intently and brought a hand up to her chin, "If they retained something of their old self, perhaps there is a way to undo whatever the Maw did to them." She then quickly nodded to show her approval of his plan to capture one for study. "Of course, but when you capture one, let's bring the Sithspawn to a more equipped research facility off-world. I'd rather not bring one here just to be safe." There were, after all, younglings and untrained Padawans everywhere in these halls. And while it was unlikely for the Sithspawn to escape, she wasn't going to take that risk.

"Please keep me updated and let me know if you two need any help down there. I'm just one call away," she offered, even though she doubted that they'd need it. Valery then turned to Capris again with a gentle smirk tugging at her lips, "Be careful down there and keep an eye on him as well for me, please."

Finally, she looked at her husband and let her professional exterior fade in favor of a more loving smile, "I'll see you soon, at home." Vera was helping her cook dinner tonight, so there was no way he'd lose out on that, right?

"Force guide you both."


With Valery’s stamp of approval, the padawan hastily snuffed out her visible eagerness, fighting the urge to grin stupidly. There was no denying she itched to get back out in the field. It was a chance at redemption if anything. To act instead of wasting breath in aimless debate. To make progress.

Valery then softened, shedding her air of professionalism with a simple glance towards Kahlil. Capris only stood by, very much a third wheel to the tender moment. Their relationship seemed so authentic from an outside perspective, something she could remember seeing in her own parents once upon a time. A bittersweet feeling if anything.

"Be careful down there and keep an eye on him as well for me, please."

The girl smiled faintly, dipping her head in acknowledgement towards the Grandmaster before sneaking a glance at Kahlil, “I’ll do my best.”

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Valery Noble Valery Noble


"You name the place and I'll have it brought there. Not sure what research facilities the Alliance has." He'd be lying if he said he wasn't avoiding such places. Too many memories of his own labs and facilities. Then again, seemed like the most he could do to help the Jedi right now was his past research. In reverse. He gave a smile and a thumbs up though. "See you tonight. Shouldn't take too long."

His gaze drifted to Capris as he gave her a nod in turn. They could handle this for sure.

"C'mon. We'll head for the shuttle and make our way down. I- No wait." He paused, turned back into the room. Walked over to Valery's desk and took up a pad of paper and a pencil. Turned to leave. Paused again before quickly turning around to kiss Valery's cheek then hurried right on back out of the room and handed Capris the pad.

"Work on the rune. Repetition is the key for it. Even the slightest variation will change the effect. And your intent. It's equal parts the rune and what you want it to do. Try to make the air above the paper chilly. Not a snowstorm, yeah?"

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon


NJO Temple
Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon

"I'll do my best."

Valery bowed her head in response and turned to Kahlil to answer him, "I'll send you location details once I figured out the best location." She'd have to figure out which facility could safely contain such a beast, and give them time to prepare for taking in and controlling a Sithspawn. So while they'd be out there catching one, she had some calls to make.

"See you tonight, at dinner."

With a bright smile, she watched them head back for the elevator and reminded herself to contact Capris privately as well. A strength the Jedi had these days was that they learned from more than one teacher, and there was no way she'd not offer lessons or field missions to her husband's Padawan.

Turning back to her chair, Valery plopped down and grabbed her datapad, but her attention was drawn back up as Kahlil rushed over to steal a pencil and paper. "Hey-" she could barely start a sentence when he leaned back in to kiss her cheek, and she was quick to press her lips against his for a peck as well.

"Stay safe, love," she said softly before she watched them leave.

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“PDA much?” With a light-hearted jab aimed at Kahlil the girl turned her attention to the pad and pencil in hand, amusement wiped away by resolve. “Ok yeah- I just have to be deliberate. Make it work for me. Easy.” Whether or not her ability would live up to her words remained to be seen, but for the meantime she turned to Valery, grateful. “Thank you for your time, Master. I think I speak for both of us when I say you’ve made this easier.” Bam, nailed it. She could be tactful if the situation called. No sweat.

With that said and done she let Kahlil shoe them out from Valery’s office, the elevator taking them back down to the initial bay as Capris started to make use of her newly gifted sketch book.

“Do you have a specific target or are we going in blind trying to get our hands on whatever?”

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Valery Noble Valery Noble

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Kahlil blinked slowly, watching the kid for a moment. Then looked back to Valery. "All I did was kiss her cheek. That's not too much, right?" Probably a terrible time to figure out his sense of what was too much affection wasn't something he'd actually learned very well growing up. He ended up letting out a chuckle before glancing towards Valery one last time. Then into the elevator.

"Go back to the same area, see if there were actually any others lurking nearby. A big predator leaving means there could be smaller ones moving in. It's our only bet until another report comes in at least."

Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon


NJO Temple
Outfit: Factory Link
Appearance: Link
Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon

"It was my pleasure, and I'm sure we'll meet again soon," Valery told Capris with a warm smile before her eyes inevitably locked again with Kahlil. Even though they had already said goodbye, for now, she couldn't help but glance his way until he finally disappeared into the elevator. It was very likely that his new Padawan picked up on it all, but there was just no hiding how she felt about him.

The looks he gave her until the elevator went down made it all too clear he felt the exact same way.

"Alright, time to make some calls..." Valery let out a soft sigh and began with local law enforcement. Not to find a place for the Sithspawn to be relocated to, but to make sure that any reports or strange activity reached her as quickly as possible. That way she could alert both Kahlil and Capris, and guide them to where they were needed. But once that was settled, she went through a list of Alliance research facilities with capable containment features.

It didn't take long to find a match, and the location details were transmitted to Kahlil's communications device.

With another sigh, Valery sat back in her chair and raised a hand up through her hair. She was tired of sitting up in the chambers all day, but she couldn't risk leaving the Temple. So for now, she decided to just head down, and go for a walk through the gardens and room of a thousand fountains.


Analytical as ever she hmmed over the information, eyes flashing as they approached the shuttle once more.

“So we set a trap.” It was less of a question and more a natural conclusion. He’d initially meant to freeze the sithspawn via strategically placed runes. Certainly a more humane approach than her method of disposal.

While his level of discretion certainly didn’t suit her, she’d have to make do. It was a simple learning curve after all. Besides, despite just having met, she still had some childish want to impress Kahlil. To guarantee he wouldn’t regret taking her on as a padawan.

“We can rerig the factory and bait in a few of the smaller ones with Idon’tknow whatever attracts SithSpawn.” The girl shrugged. “Possibly us.”

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble



"We could rerig it, yeah. We'd have to stay close to make sure someone doesn't accidentally wander into it. And, well. Not too sure what they're attracted to. The ones that target people like us are already dead and gone. These ones want other things. They probably are looking for food sources, shelter. The death of the big one could create territorial fights from those trying to take over. Make them more aggressive."

He lead the way back to the hangar. Ironically back to the very shuttle that now had a pool of water there. Mostly because the attendant saw them coming and gave Kahlil a look that made it pretty clear they were going to be stuck with the wet one.

"You can help me set it up, the trap. But it's not something I want you attempting on your own. The freeze rune is one thing. Until you're able to create every rune in a sequence flawlessly I don't want you trying to make a sequence. The more complex, the more something could go wrong. And make it blow up. Or tear a hole in reality. Or backfire." He paused the controls for a moment before looking to her. For once, the smile was gone. Replaced by a very, very serious expression.

"And never, ever, try to use a rune if you're overcome with emotion. Any emotion. You must have a clear mind and an unburdened heart. Channeling any emotion through these runes is a speed run to the Dark. These runes aren't based in the Dark, but they will amplify anything you feel. And your intent might corrupt them. These are still unknown and untested with others. Okay?"

Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon


He was met with a terse nod, dispelling any reckless ambitions. A silent promise she wouldn’t step out of bounds. Not this time. “It’s a pretty volatile process, yeah.” Wiping a sheen of water from the armrest she grimaced. “Think I already got that impression.”

Then they were off, descending back to the depths from whence they came, Capris having propped the sketch pad on the front of her knees, scribbling intently. It was a simple but seemingly fruitless process. She’d inhale, clear her mind, center her intent, blot out the rune, and then voilà. Absolutely nothing.

Shouldering a wave of frustration she fought the urge to toss the pad straight out the window, instead doubling down on her efforts as they slowly rounded back to the factory. It was then, right before they arrived that she managed something tangible. With a crisp break, the paper froze over, a thin sheet of ice snapping the pencil’s lead. “Kark- finally.”

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble



"Mm. Certainly made a splash with your debut, huh?"

And like that the smile was back. He didn't want it to be all serious doom and gloom, but the warning was something that needed that level of seriousness. He stayed quiet for the rest of the trip down, only glancing her way to make sure the frustration she was feeling wasn't bubbling over into the runes themselves. For all her annoyance, she at least didn't let it get the better of her. Mostly.

"Quite the language from someone your age."

At least he was teasing. He nodded once, glancing again to the page as he set the ship into it's landing sequence. "Good. Now keep doing it until every attempt gets you that result."

Repetition was unending for runes.

"Later, though. C'mon. We're here."

He parked outside the Warehouse this time, close enough that they could run to the shuttle if they had to. And with Sithspawn, that was always a possibility. Kahlil got up from his seat and lead the way down the ramp, his silver eyes already scanning around for any sign of movement. It'd been.. Basically an hour since they left. The corpse from before might still be there, fresh.

That might actually be good bait.

"How good's your telekinesis?"

Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon
Abandoning the paper as instructed, she stuck to Kahlil, her gaze purposefully avoiding the corpse. It's death certainly didn't feel like such a victory anymore.

"My telekinesis?"
She curled an eyebrow, not so much because of the question itself, but rather it's implication. Without really meaning to her gaze dropped to the Sithspawn, finally addressing its monstrous presence. "Not good enough to hual something like that." Outside of the mental field, her relationship with the force was relatively strained. Not that she'd ever directly admit to such.

"But I could always try." Never one to shrink from challenge, even if it was one she constructed solely in her head, the kid looked to Kahlil for confirmation.

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble


"Not enough?"

Kahlil raised a brow, watching her. Then looking back to the carcass. He raised a hand then, simply drawing a circle in the air. Nothing crazy, just a perfect circle to hover. " 'Focus.' That's this rune. It doesn't do much but well.. Focus. You can draw it on a point to mix with another rune and have it's effect centered on the spot. Or, it just helps you focus for whatever it was you wanted to do."

He moved his hand, holding it out towards her.

"Here. Let me see your palm."

Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon

Watching as Kahlil brandished the new rune, she did the best she could to stifle a stupidly wide grin. Yeah, this was undoubtedly cooler than whatever traditional Jedi rhetoric she'd been force-fed.

"So it isolates a rune's power- " Eyes flitting over the hovering incandescent circle, she studied it for a moment, humming in interest. "-And your own attention."

He then asked for her palm, which she offered only after a surprised blink. "Uh yeah sure."

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble



He gently traced the same rune on her palm, letting the Light place it. Technically it was floating just above her skin, but that was the point. "Isolate, enhance, pinpoint. Depending on the sequence you can use any rune for more than you'd think. The limit is your imagination. And willingness to test things out when they might blow up in your face or such. Like poetry how you word what you intend can change how it's received."

Kahlil stepped back then, glancing to the pit, the carcass, then back to Capris. And smirked. "Don't think it's a cheat code, though. It's a point to help you focus, but you still need to clear your mind and trust in the Force. But, lets see if you can lift it."

Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon

Flexing her palm in quiet fascination, she twisted her hand front and back, watching as the rune followed in sync. “So it works on people too.” No surprise there, but it did add another dimension. One that no doubt had troubling results, considering you could well.. theoretically curse someone. And given this was an art popular with the Sith, there was no question it’d been attempted. “Heh- that’s as interesting as it is terrifying.”

Shaking off a light-hearted grin, she adjusted, facing down the Sith spawn. “Ok, trust in the force- got it.” With a controlled breath she attempted to center herself, letting her senses spill out to encompass the carcass. Ok right, next step. Taking a calculated step back she locked on the beast, funneling her effort through the rune which burned brighter in response. The beast shifted. She felt the give and took immediate advantage of it, her hand flexed with exertion. Slowly the corpse rose from the ground, gravel falling from its slumped body as the girl heaved it upwards, determined. It was slow-going but eventually she won out over gravity, the beast dropping to the ground before them with a victorious thud.

“Oh hell yeah.” After a poorly concealed fist pump the girl immediately straightened “Ah sorry, language- right.”

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble



"It does, but it's even more important to understand the runes inside and out before putting them on people. A scrap of paper exploding with snow is better than what could happen to your hand." Another important aspect of it all to stress. Though it seemed like she was already thinking about the different applications. And abuse.

Kahlil folded one arm over the other as he fell silent shortly after, now just observing her as she lifted the body. And their surroundings, at that. Overt use of the Force should catch somethings attention if he had to guess. A bemused smile took over shortly after the body finally lifted up, though. By the time the body landed he was full on grinning.

"See? Knew you could." Focus didn't actually enhance her strength. Just helped her put it all in one spot. And having her focus on the rune itself unironically left no room for doubt.

Not that he'd explain that just yet.

"When we get back you can take a lap around the temple for the language. But right now, good job. Let's set up the trap." He nodded to the floor around the carcass.

"I haven't taught you more than the two runes, but those two alone could make a trap that could work. What kind of trap would you make?"

Capris Halcyon Capris Halcyon

Emboldened by Kahlil’s approval, she assessed the carcass with a glint of resolve. A look only briefly interrupted as Kahlil posed her a question. Or a challenge rather. Sparing him a glance, her attention recentered on the sithspawn while she carded through possibilities. Focus and Freeze

Almost immediately inspiration struck, eyebrows perking in realization. “We could create a focal point.” With no hesitation she moved towards the beast, attempting to illustrate her point through vague hand motions. “We can arrange the focus runes so that they concentrate and magnify the freeze rune right? So in theory we could keep it suspended above the bait. Anything trying to reach it will inevitably trip the net of energy.”

It sounded feasible in her mind at least.

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble

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