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Negotiations of her people... [Omega Pyre Dominion of Naboo]

@[member="Tegaea Alcori"], @[member="Ashin Varanin"]

As it happened Tegaea was not alone when she stood before the holoprojector. Siobhan stood at her side, a bit away, but close enough to make the point. To say that Siobhan was angry would be a colossal understatement, much like saying that Kaelin was a wee bit on the sadistic side. Her jaw was clenched tight, there was pure murder and loathing in her eyes when communications with the Sith were opened.

The Sith Empress. Mistress of all the Sith barbarians. The sort of people Siobhan hated more than anything. Her bionic hand clenched into a tight fist, she was seething. Just bomb her already, she thought, anger coming off her in waves as she glowered. The only good Sith is a dead Sith. In her mind it was clear that the Sith had to be behind this the intrigues of Lady Daneris Targayen and if the Gungans granted her shelter, then that meant they were collaborating with Sith.

Damn the consequences, they should strike now and attack...but despite the strong, almost overpowering urge Siobhan stayed put, standing at Tegs' side. She obeyed her orders. Either way she stayed put, for now, a grim-faced and with a short fuse that could easily be ignited. Should Tegaea give the order...Siobhan would be all too happy to oblige.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Ashin raised one eyebrow.

"You're speaking to me via holocomm technology. That should give you roughly half the answer, Exarch. Palpatine ruled a galaxy via holocomm. The other half, of course, has more to do with how much time I spend here, in the quiet little home I've owned since I was a Jedi Knight. The answer is not a great deal. I spend the majority of my time conquering the Perlemian and keeping the Dark Council under control. And, of course, there are certain arts-"

But there was no point in discussing the mysteries of Vectivus, or the price she paid for that knowledge. The eyebrow returned to equanimity.

"Exarch, this is my house, and I have been happy here, but I have no intention of resisting your control of Naboo. A cursory examination of galactic geopolitics should tell you that my Empire cannot afford to create enemies where no enmity exists. As with most rampaging conquerors, I find I have few enough friends that I hesitate to make an issue of this. The ball, as they say, is in your court."
( I am very SORRY about my drop.)

Her head was throbbing as if a rock was thrown directly at her. She began to shift around in the hospital bed she was laying in eventually regaining the consciousness. She began to rub her head as she peered around looking to see where she was exactly. Unable to remember the fullest of things, she began to let out questions hoping a person around her would be able to tell her full story of what has happened at Theed. "Where am I?" The question was sent out with a bit of force, a demand for the answer. Why is she laying in some bed instead of sitting in her stone throne room. The questions lingered her head.


Tegaea Alcori
However tempting it was to attack the Sith Empress while she was here...just on principle. But no, she would not. It would be unjust, and she had no quarrel with the Sith Empire. No, she would talk.

"As you may be aware, the Queen of Naboo was poisoned. She's alive, and the traitor is dead. But...I wonder if she had help from others. Do you know anything that might help us?" Tegaea asked innocently.

She didn't believe the Empress had a hand in it. After all, Sith were usually evil but not stupid. Had she had a part in it she wouldn't have been here when it went down.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"If I was to poison her, Exarch, I would do so with Sith poison that would warp her judgment and bend her emotions. I've never used another kind. Well, except nerve gas, but that was against Mak Manto, so I'm sure you'll excuse my excesses.

"One possibility does come to mind, in the spirit of...neighbourliness. Few people would have that kind of malice toward Lanthala, but an associate of mine -- a specialist in tracking, cataloguing and annihilating rogue Dark Side traditions -- has been poking around the sector due to some rumors of Bando Gora cults. He's an old enemy of the Bando Gora, and he tells me all the signs are right."
"Indeed. Then I am sure you would be pleased to know that the Bando Gora led the attack on the palace. Over a hundred of them were killed or captured in the battle. Your suspicions were correct."

Tegaea wasn't sure if the Empress already knew about the battle in Theed. Perhaps not. "As for you, your Majesty, be aware that Naboo is under the protection of the Protectorate. Interference will not be looked on kindly. However, I have no desire to evict you from your home if you choose to stay there. While I am not sure we would agree on much, I think we can agree that needless antagonism helps nobody, am I right?"

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

"A hundred Bando Gora killed or captured..."

So the palace would be a Dark Side nexus now, impossible to cleanse without Force Light. Very, very useful knowledge.

"It seems you keep your house in order, Exarch. As a woman who's spent most of her professional career keeping Darksiders and other Force-users in compliance with law and order, I can appreciate that. You'll have no trouble out of me as long as I keep a home on Naboo, and I intend to do that for quite a while.

"I doubt you or the Prex would be amenable to an alliance of any kind, but I suspect we might be able to come to terms. Informal coordination, perhaps, or something as minimal as a non-aggression pact. At the very least, I have an expert who could tell you a great deal about your Bando Gora problem by examining the bodies and questioning the suspects. Would you care to meet me, Exarch?"
Tegaea was instantly suspicious, not so much because she feared that she would be dominated by the Sith Lady, but because she was practical. After all, Sith Empresses didn't get to their rank by votes and seniority, but by blood.
And yet, it was an interesting idea.

"Very well. We'll meet near the Gungan Temple with the giant head. I'll bring only one person with me. Do not expect much from this...except that I will not betray your trust."
She cut the link and looked to @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]. Taking her would be...unwise. "Go and check on the Queen, I'll take Maelion with me." The HRD would be immune to any sort of Force suggestion, and be able to make fighting an unwise choice even by the Empress.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

The holocall ended, leaving Ashin once more in an empty conference room. She nibbled a scone and made for the bongo docks. A vessel was parked there, in a private hangar bubble: A gigantic orange sphere, easily five or six metres across. Inside was a flat floor, rather than a seat. She knelt there and closed her eyes, and the ancient Sith meditation sphere passed through the force field. The bizarre, senile, semi-sentient ship responded to the Dark Lord.

It took her to the place in question, and departed of its own volition, leaving her to sit and wait atop the giant head.


@[member="Ashin Varanin"] @[member="Tegaea Alcori"] @[member="Delaena Lanthala"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Cira did not say a word. Not throughout the entirety of the transmission; she simply lay in wait. One would ask why the Sith Empress inhabited a home well across the galaxy from her Empire, but reflecting on the knowledge that she was a native of Naboo.. well that made more sense.

None the less; it did not sit well with her.

Not in the slightest.

Where Siobhan's dislike of the Sith was there for all to see, Cira's kept hers hidden. Anyone who would subjugate worlds and enforce their own power like the Sith Empire went against the core foundations of what Omega Pyre stood for and in such, what she, as a Disciple of Twilight stood for. It was, after all, the very reason why she created Omega Pyre to begin with.

Once the transmission had ended, Cira sent one of her own to Tegaea.

"I'll be joining you." Came her terse reply. Wariness drew over the golden orbs that were of the Lady Protector.

Having the Empress here left a bad taste in her mouth. A glance drew over to the Queen; and did she know?
@[member="Cira"], @[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Siobhan looked askance as Tegs and the Empress 'negotiated'. 'Needless antagonism', have you bloody lost your mind? One did not need the Force to pick up on the hatred she felt as she glowered at the holographic image of the Empress until it dissipated, then she just glared at Tegs.

Letting her stay here, have you forgotten what Sith are? Her bionic clenched tight, the artificial eyes bore into her skin hard enough to draw blood, her jaw was clenched.

Right, the Empress was just on vacation and now Tegs wanted to meet her and...Siobhan was supposed sit on her arse and wait here in the palace. Of course, objectively taking Cira was a better decision. She was more powerful than Siobhan and would thus do a better job at protecting Tegs if - no, when, Siobhan reminded herself - something went wrong. Not to mention that she had something called self-control.

But these rational factors were banished from her mind not just by the loathing she felt for the Sith, but the overpowering concern she felt for Tegaea at this moment. Objectively, of course, it was a bit far-fetched to think that a squad of Sith assassins was hiding in the shadows with the Empress.

"No," Siobhan said vehemently. "I'm not just sitting on my arse here while you go and meet that Sith!" she spat the word as if it were an insult, venom practically dripping from her voice. "She's a Sith, you know what their kind's like. Not just any Sith, but the queen of the monsters. No offence to you, boss," she said as an aside to Cira, "but I'm letting you go unguarded...without me!" her words were vehement, but for a moment the look in her eyes directed at Tegs was almost pleading, before they showed nothing except cold resolve.

She took a deep breath. "Look...I won't attack unless you give the order....or she tries something." Or if Tegs and Cira made a shiny and happy deal with the Sith Empire!
Tegaea looked puzzled at the vehemence, and then nodded. "Very well, dear. Do try not to start a war. It's bad for business," she said, trying to inject some levity into matters.
She could understand where Siobhan and Cira were coming from, but she didn't have the same level of deep, ideological, personal hatred of the Sith. She objected to their methods, and knew they were not on the same page ideologically, but that wasn't the same thing. Siobhan had bad experiences with the Sith, and that explained it, but Tegaea had to think about more than herself.

And so she commandeered a speeder and headed to the Temple. The giant head was there, and a woman was sitting on it. Tegaea approached, Cira and Siobhan beside her.
"My apologies, Majesty, but I brought two people. They so wanted to meet you they had to come!" she said. It was broadly true. She guessed that the joke would not sit well with Siobhan, who seemed to be in one of her moods.

Qae Shena

Super Shaper Puppy!
And while everyone else was dealing with the Sith, Allaina found herself literally bored out of her mind.

Oh wait. Hang on. No. She had something she could do. Two things, actually. One of which was buy a house. The second was buy a ship. She did have, you know, a gigantic stack of credits from winning on Malastare and since everyone wasn't around to stop her or indeed care, it was time to go buy something nice for herself.

And so she did. Allaina went ship and house shopping. She looked at shiny Naboo fighters and yachts, all relics of the older eras - J-type and H-type yachts, even old N-1s, and they were all so gorgeous. And houses right on the river running through Theed. Oh. It was enough to melt her heart.
@[member="Tegaea Alcori"], @[member="Cira"], @[member="Ashin Varanin"]

Siobhan did not appreciate the levity at all, but seemed to calm down somewhat. "Don't get lulled in by her. I know what they're like. You know what they're like. They're murderous, lying scum. We don't ally or make deals with them," she said flatly.

Saying that Siobhan had 'bad experiences' with the Sith was putting it lightly. Of course, at the same time one could argue that when it came to them she got tunnel vision. There was a reason Siobhan was chief leg-breaker and played no part in the decision-making process! She was all emotion with no understanding politics and the finesse the political game required.

Siobhan stood at Tegs' side when she and Cira disembarked from the speeder, facing the Empress. The head of all Sith, the tyrant upon the Obsidian Throne. Siobhan's expression was stone-cold, she stretched out with the Force, trying to sense whether there was anyone else, as if expecting assassins to suddenly appear.

Don't get lulled in by her, she thought. If it was Kaelin or Shadow, would you have a nice chat with them as well? Her jaw tightened at Tegs' joke, but she said nothing. Her lightsabre was ready to be ignited should it be required. But she stayed put, a grim-faced sentinel, as much as the rage was bubbling inside her, yet she clamped down upon the feeling.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Tegaea Alcori"]
@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

Ashin's lips compressed to a firm line. "If you were sufficiently worried for your safety that you needed to bring two Masters of the Force, Exarch..."

She trailed off, and pushed away from the top of the stone head, to land neatly on the ground with a wholly disproportionate lack of impact. "Ah. I see. One the loyal and naturally distrustful bodyguard, the other the Prex herself, the enigmatic Cira. An illusionist, if my sources are good -- and my sources are, by and large, very good indeed. But what kind? An apostate Fallanassi? A wielder of Sith Magic? A Disciple of Twilight? My grandfather's holocron was fairly comprehensive, but I'm not familiar with other illusionist traditions. Someone with great respect for fringe Force traditions, it's said, based on who you recruit. The word is out -- all Jensaarai, Sene Seekers, Zeison Sha, Iron Knights, come find a place with us at Omega Pyre. Why, you even have two Wardens of the Sky running your errands.

"Forgive me my conjectures. I prepared one meeting only to find myself in another. Blindsided, if you will. Let me be as clear with you, Madame Prex, as I was with the good Exarch. My goals are threefold. First: To convince your organization that my infrequent residence on this planet will not cause you problems. In the spirit of good faith, I'd offer to have one of my experts examine the Bando Gora you've killed or captured. His name is Velok; he's an expert in the Bando Gora. A specialized exterminator, you might say. I'm sure you'll find his insights useful.

"Second: To prove to you with galactography and common sense that the Sith Empire has absolutely zero intention of becoming an enemy to Omega Pyre. The second goal takes precedence over the first. If my residence here jeopardizes my Empire's security, well, it would be ludicrous selfishness and overweening pride -- hubris, even -- to hold to what is mine, over my responsibilities.

"Third: To assure myself that one of the deadliest mercenaries in the galaxy did not bring two Masters of the Force here in an attempt to kill me, now that I'm away from Otoh Gunga's potential for collateral damage. I'll issue no warnings or threats."


@[member="Ashin Varanin"] @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"] @[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

Cira's response to the specialization of illusionist was meet only with a cordial upward crook of her lips; However she was not pleased. A very private person who made it her focus to keep her history shrouded in mystery, Cira was not happy at all. Even Ayden had not been able to pinpoint what kind of Force User she was. The only one she'd told thus far had been Siobhan.

She kept it hidden none the less; her Force Signature as well. The Shi'ido part of her was curious bit it was also keen on privacy.

"The Gulag Virus has done much to wipe out many Force Traditions... I simply ensure their continued survival." she said simply, walking down the ramp of the transport towards the Sith Empress. The earlier struggle had left splatters of blood and the lingering scent of seared flesh upon the Prex, but that did not hinder her striking looks.

"Ah, Velok?" came a perk of an auburn brow. "Lord Velok?" she blinked passively, coming to a small stop not too far away from Ashin, her hands coming to rest right over left in front of her, body seemingly relaxed as if merely having a conversation over tea.

"The Whipid?" she gave a query. After all, they had a Lord Velok attempt to hire them for the Echani Compact to attack the Mandalorians. That's when the question of the Sith Empress's longevity within their presence came to question.

Cira's head tilted slightly to the right, the strands of auburn hair brushing over her shoulders gently. Slanted gold eyes appraised the Empress with a passive scrutiny.

"As for the last... well... I've seen no legal bounty for your head on my network, Empress." she said plainly. "But let's be clear. Your death would not mean the end of an Empire. Merely another inevitable power struggle until another Lord rose to the throne."
@[member="Ashin Varanin"], @[member="Tegaea Alcori"], @[member="Cira"]

The assurances of the Empress made no impact on Siobhan. If anything they just increased her already considerable distrust. What did she want, to lull them in with offers and assurances so that Omega would make a deal with them?

Siobhan knew where she would stand when - not if - the Empire went on a galactic conquest spree. Suddenly she was less certain about where her comrades stood. Tegs' willingness to go and talk to the tyrant of tyrants had...shaken her confidence. But she kept her eyes on the Sith, they were cold.

"So that you can concentrate on the Republic...and then turn on us," she said coolly when the Empress said she had no intention of making an enemy out of Omega. Of course not, she wanted them neutral for now. Oh did she think she could hire them? Tegs was no friend of the Sith, but here she was acting like they could be talked to like anyone else.

Her features hardened at the mention of Velok. The Sith emissary who had wanted to persuade them to get involved in a ridiculous war between the Echani and the Mandalorians. Doubtlessly another Sith conspiracy and now they were supposed to accept his assistance. What was the next step, hire Sith and recruit them into Omega?

Legal bounty, right. You don't need a bounty to kill scum like that, she thought when Cira spoke. Though, she agreed, the Lady Protector was right. Much as she hated to admit it, the Empress' death would not mean the end of her Empire. If only it were so easy, but there would be a power struggle until a new tyrant arose, perhaps an even worse one.

Nonetheless it would be a start.

At this she felt the rage building up inside her, begging to be unleashed, as if she were about to explode. Her fingernails bore into the palm of her hand, drawing blood, but at least this stopped the lightsabre from flying into it. Taking Siobhan had been a bad idea, but she was not leaving Tegs there with the Empress, even with Cira, a more powerful force adept than Siobhan, there protect her. For a moment she imagined herself flying into action, giving into the fire being stoked inside her.

The truth of the matter was that Siobhan had very little self-control. One of the reasons she had failed as a Jedi and would probably have sooner or later been kicked out if she had not left of her own volition and joined Omega. Without Omega she would have just ended up an itinerant mercenary or vigilante, no doubt soon dead on some gods-forsaken battlefield. And now there stood the Empress, they were indulging her, acting as if she was someone they could reason with and she hated with all the passion she could muster.

But...she had promised Tegaea not to attack unless provoked and while Siobhan's flaws were legion, she was loyal - or simply too obedient and cowardly, the inner voice chided her angrily. Even though she did not need a reason when it came to Sith. Them being such abominations was reason enough. Even though her trust in Tegs had suffered a blow.

Tegs did not know the Sith like she did. Cira's views were an enigma to Siobhan.

She took a breath, slowly unclenching her bionic hand, drawing on the Fore to calm herself and clamp down on the rage. Outwardly she had remained as grim and stony, with blood splattered across her face and uniform, along with dust from the earlier battles.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Tegaea Alcori"]
@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]

So many threads of inquiry, some risky, some promising. Many both. The Dark Lord leaned back against the stone face as Cira approached. Her thumbs looped into her belt, and ice-blue eyes blinked at the Prex's proximity.

"Thank you for that trenchant, if understated, analysis of the succession procedure in my Empire, Prex. Now that I'm sure the realities of the situation are front and centre in your mind, let me...expound upon the details. Because, safe as I feel now, I'll feel safer once you understand the millions of lives I've personally saved, the genocides I've prevented, the murders I've avenged. I have done more good as the Sith Empress than I ever had the chance to do as a Jedi. You're correct, of course. In my absence, or with my death, some combination of the Dark Council's chief members would probably take command. Sirella Valkner, the Butcher of Ossus; Darth Voracitos, utterly insatiable; Tirdarius, utterly amoral, the subjugator of Gravlex Med. Avicus DuSang. Moridin. Apparatus. Samoth. Much as your attack dog wants to go for my throat, she knows -- as you know -- that you do not want to face a mindlessly aggressive Empire led by any of those men and women.

"But let me address the good Colonel's strategic concern for a moment. I believe in order, discipline, unity. The Republic is a stagnating wasteland, Mandalorian space is inbred anarchy, and I intend to civilize both. But my final goal for that portion of the galaxy, my ideal outcome, is virtually identical to Omega Pyre. I have no driving need to transform you. And thus, I have no reason for war.

"Pick apart my words as you will, if you feel the need to justify certain decisions. If you feel it necessary, you might even comment on Lord Velok's service as an emissary for the warmongering factions of the Echani hierarchy. I have enough sources other than him, even sources within the Echani, that I'm comfortable in confirming that his orders came from Kamon Vondiranach, not me -- feel free to verify that yourself. Velok serves several masters, and in the past I've found it necessary to subjugate and humble him. He is, however, the greatest living expert on the Bando Gora. Take what from my offer what you will."

Her eyes off Cira, she scratched at the pitted cheek of the statue without visible effect. "I like words, Prex. Words convey information, and I've chosen to give you a great deal. At the moment, I'd like a little information conveyed in return. I like my home in Otoh Gunga. I want your word that I'll be left undisturbed so long as my presence causes you no inconvenience."
Tegaea examined the Sith Empress carefully. She looked much like the few pictures they had of her.

Always she had to be aware of the rumbling volcano that was Siobhan beside her. One little thing might set her off and lead to a massacre. That was why she hadn't wanted her to come. Negotiations with a head of state could not be bogged down with grudges and anger, no matter how terrible the past experience had been.

Still, Tegaea was feeling like pushing a firm line. She remembered Velok, but that was not important right now.
"Indeed. Too often thought is given to bringing down the tyrant, not understanding what will happen afterwards. I say this in the most cynical way, you understand, but you are the best Empress we are likely to get. Since hoping for the Sith Empire to vanish is not going to happen let us hope one of the more psychopathic Sith Lords do not become ruler."
"Now, about Naboo. I appreciate that it's your home, but I must insist you not stay here. Whatever promises you make cannot counter the way it looks, or the natural suspicion that will come up. For your sake, it is wisest to move away."
"Geopolitical concerns are largely irrelevant. We are on opposite sides of the galaxy, if we end up fighting it will be through proxies or allies. I want you to understand that we are opposed ideologically and morally to your Empire. We will make no deals and sign no treaties with you. If you wish to leave Naboo you may do so freely, without harassment. If you remain I cannot offer guarantees. While we will not attack without provocation, others might. Choose wisely, your Majesty."

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
@[member="Tegaea Alcori"]

The woman who had landed so lightly, who had touched the statue without effect, faded away. Ashin had been caretaker of the holocron of Vectivus for a handful of years. In the majority of cases and situations, she was a poor illusionist, but a Vectivus-style phantom was well within her capabilities at this sort of range.

In truth, she hadn't been physically present in this clearing by the statue, ever since she saw Tegaea arrive with more people than the Exarch had promised to bring.

Her words hung on the wind. "Then you'll hear no more from me."

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