Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish Neo-Crusaders Raid on Contruum | Open to All




TAGS: Trajan Fett Trajan Fett

It wasn't the pop of a blaster, it was the snap of a slug. One went wide thanks to Jace moving, but the other two came too close for comfort. He gathered the force into his legs, into his body, closing his eyes and moving- the other two bullets going just inches away from where he had been. He opened them, sensing danger.

And danger, indeed.

A cable wrapped around his legs. And a sharp pull. The Mandalorian was experienced, and pulled hard on both of his legs- and closer to the source of the danger. He closed his eyes, breathed deeply. And turned off his lightsaber- floating, moving towards the Mandalorian. He waited until there was just enough slack on the Mandalorian's grappling hook-

And opened his eyes, as the line was about to go taut at the apex of it's arc, and rolled his legs towards his head mid-air... and went to pull the Mandalorian down with him, or at least, off of his feet. In the same instance, Jace thumbed his lightsaber and swung it at an arc, cutting the line while he was falling towards the Mandalorian. It happened quickly- and much more would come after that.

"Sneaky bastard."
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Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Allies: Himself
Enemies: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


Sig cursed under his breath as his blaster fire was immediately returned; surprising him, expecting the Jedi to close the distance for a lightsaber strike instead. Nonetheless, he quickly jumped out of the way. Although most missed, the final shot landed on his shoulder as he dove aside.

The hit caused him to temporarily lose his balance, though he was able to turn the fall into a roll and minimize the damage. Glancing over, his shoulder piece was blown clean off and in its place was Sig’s now charred shoulder. Although the pain only served to anger him further, he took a breath and stood, holstering the carbine and taking his pistols out instead. He began pacing back and forth before the Jedi.
“You’ve all forgotten what it means to be afraid,” he stated coldly, “I’m here to remind you what it’s like.”

Before taking another breath, or giving the Jedi a chance to respond, he fired several shots her way. Just after he quickly placed on pistol away before raising his now free hand, the wrist-mounted gun now rapid firing. As the blaster bolts propelled forward he gritted his teeth in anger, the pain from his shoulder growing with each passing second. It meant nothing. The only thing on his mind was victory. “Gra'tua cuyir Pal'vut!” he yelled over the sound of his guns.

He knew he likely wouldn’t win the fight on his own, but he wouldn’t let it end without the message being abundantly clear to the jedi and galaxy. Revenge was his, one way or another.

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The old ways had come.

The old ways had returned.

Preliat walked once more, breathed once more. He walked on Contruum, walked amongst the living. The breath of life had flown through him, and Preliat, conqueror of many things, had apparently conquered the most challenging enemy of all, the timeless, most unending enemy of all:

Death itself.

Death, had overcome Death.

And Death himself, the arbiter of it, was nearer and nearer to the Mandalorians. He again walked the galaxy. He again walked, that heavy gait, that heavy armor- walked directly with the other Mandalorians who were fighting, who gave him a wide berth as he came through the shipyard. He turned his head finally, blaster bolts going wide as the Contruum Defenders rallied, steeled themselves for the battle to come.

Preliat's visor laid itself on the back of Careena Fett Careena Fett .

Preliat Mantis uttered one word, and one word alone.


He stood still, crushgaunts curled at his side. His voice carried through, amplified by his buyce. It carried across the battlefield, reverberating off the walls. It commanded her attention. He commanded her attention. And he stood there, none of his weaponry yet touched- just poised, like a coiled snake. Like a prowling predator in the dark.

Like a Wolf.
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Enemy: Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo
Ally: Valery Noble Valery Noble
“You’ve all forgotten what it means to be afraid,” he stated coldly, “I’m here to remind you what it’s like.”
Valery Noble Valery Noble could feel it.

In that moment, Jonyna was insulted. The audacity of the mandalorians to imply she didn't know what it meant to be afraid.

It wasn't anger from the Cathar Val felt.


It was righteous indignation. It was the catharsis of a thousand generations since Val's time.

It was justice.

The blink of an eye. That's how long it took. A blur of movement as Jonyna deflected each and every blaster bolt, before slipping Paul back into her coat and drawing the songsteel katana that had made her famous.


The sound of thunder rang through the area as a massive golden bolt closed the distance at a hundred thousand miles an hour.

"I am a Cathar. I have been afraid long enough." She snarled, holding her stance as she threw her voice with the wind, allowing the mando to hear her over the roar of thunder. No. No anger. The predator would not come out this day.

Today the Hunter stalked the jungle.



Location: Contruum
Objective: Decapitate encircling snake
Gear: Beskar'gam, boarding shotgun
Tags: Careena Fett Careena Fett Zandra Ruus Zandra Ruus Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r

Livia watched, the protectors were ignoring the Contruum fleet, how arrogant of them, they may have their six battlecruisers but even a battlecruiser could die from a thousand small cuts. But unfortunately a thousand small cuts would not be fast enough to save the people of the crusaders from the barrage of firepower and the newly arrived interdictor vessel would also be a problem. She was relieved to see at least a few starfighters were escaping into hyperspace, either by getting out of range of the starbase or by taking the risk of hyperspace safety deactivation.

She sighed as she watched target damage assessments on the screen, this was taking too long, she wasn't a fleeted, she just had a stolen fleet.

"Want to die a..."

She laughed at herself before switching back.

"You want to die a hero?" she asked the dead captain before plotting a course towards the command ship of the protector fleet and engaged ramming speed. There would be a minute or two before they crossed the void and made contact, enough time for Livia to savour the view and even, almost as an afterthought, give the order to abandon ship. The late captain would obviously stay by his post to guide her in, but there was no reason not to let others get out.

The ship picked up sublight speed and screamed silently across the inky black, defensive employments from the protector battlecruiser scorched her hull but even debris had momentum. Moments before impact Livia made her way to her access hole, giving the dead bridge crew one last farewell salute before engaging her engines and streaking out into space. She rolled over onto her back to watch her handiwork as the the kilometre long wedge smashed into the larger battlecruiser. Both ships filled the space around them with escape pods.

What actually became of Rodarch who apparently captained that vessel was unknown, and perhaps would never be known. Was she even in command today? And if she was, did she have the balls to stand and stare a billion tons of metal on the face and laugh? Who knew? Livia liked to think she did and she allowed herself a little personal moment of pride for her accomplishment before rolling back over. She crossed her arms engaged her SLAM drive and began to track her next target, there was still work to be done.


The cogs of the droid army were full effect upon landing, his aunt did her best to claim the skies from the Trade Federation and provide support from the band of basilisk riders under her command. The droids marched in the formation their programming dictated them, columns of armor and infantry began to advance to the settlement.

What was a massacre was now turning into a fight with odds against their favor.

Whatever their disadvantage was it did not unnerve him. Gaanla and his newfound kin were starving for a fight; now they had it and they’d demonstrate a dauntless stand.

Begin slowly withdrawing. Exfill is incoming.

What? We may be outnumbered, but we are not outmatched.

The order dumbfounded him; he believed it was too early to retreat and leave the system. He understood the intent of this mission was not to take sovereignty over Contruum, but the hours of fighting were too few for him and short of satisfactory. While Fett was a veteran, there was still blood to be spilled on Contruum’s grass.

Reluctantly, the order would be acknowledged.

<“Hakon! I need men on the line with heavy ordnance to take out those tanks!”>

They would need to buy time before the shuttles arrived to evacuate. They couldn’t be encircled if they wanted to survive.

CRUSADE | Hakon Fett Hakon Fett | Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo | Kaiyra Munin Kaiyra Munin | Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r
ALLIANCE | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Vince Vince
ENGAGING | Jace Rhane Jace Rhane
Beskar'gam | Rifle



No Jedi was an easy mark. This one would be no different, with a pull of the grappling line he sought to yank him close and when he finangled his way out to try and pull Trajan to the ground, he snapped a pulse of his jetpack, creating some distance to turn what would've been a lethal saber lunge into a glancing blow across his Beskar plate, the note of kyber swiping against lightsaber resistant beskar offering up a horrid screech as it failed to make purchase in the armor. He then got unto a knee, quickly drawing his pistol.

A lethal brand. He fired off a quick burst before he lunged in with another pulse of his jet back, moving to slam his fist upside the man's head, swiping out the vibro knuckler from his vambrace on the impact to make for a potentially lethal blow.

As soon as he recovered, pulsing back once more, he aimed down the sights of his pistol again, flicking it to disruptor shot before he fired once more toward the man's head. <"You picked the wrong day to be a hero, Jedi."> He said, his voice frigid and filtered through the vocoder of his Mandalorian helmet.
Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Allies: Himself
Enemies: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si


The crack of lightning both temporarily blinded and deafened Sig. More than that, he had found himself on his back now several feet from his original position. Slowly lifting his head, his vision was met with nothing but black smoke and smolder.

Reaching to touch his chest, the top layers of armor had been melted away completely, a testimony to the attack given the historical strength of pure and true Mandalorian armor. Gritting his teeth he grabbed hold of his shoulder. Bringing it down diagonally, he ripped the charred and ruined armor from his torso.

Sitting up onto one knee, he placed his hand on his chest. While the armor absorbed most the damage, his chest was injured from the sheer impactful force and it was likely he had a few broken ribs.

He grabbed his chest in momentary pain before forcing himself to a stand. After a moment to catch his breath, he turned his eyes to the Jedi he had been engaged with.
“All that power,” he mockingly laughed, “and yet… it won’t be enough,” he said gesturing to the burning village and to his brothers and sisters that engaged in the raiding. He shook his head disapprovingly, “This galaxy needs our strength to survive the chaos- the chaos you breed from either inaction or unwillingness to do what is needed for true peace.”

Taking his pistols in hand, Sig broke the converstion and began charging forward. Blasting every few steps, his barrage would end with his arm coming forward and the wrist-operated flamethrower upon it began blasting forward a wall of heat.

He wasn’t sure if any shots would hit, or if the flamethrower would do or provide additional damage or support. This wasn’t smart or rational, in fact Sig knew it. No this was in the name of glory and revenge. Mainly revenge.




Allies: Valery Noble Valery Noble
Enemy: Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo
Express Permission to Call a Shot: Here

"And you think this is the way to reach it?" She said calmly as she slowly walked towards the charging Mandalorian. "Burning farmland and stealing from innocents?"

The whirl of ruby plasma spun in front of her, blaster bolts deflecting off the lightsaber as Jonyna slowly approached. Normally she'd be darting around the battlefield like a rocket without a stabilizer. Not today. She wasn't interested in humoring the mandos with a drawn out fight. They had attacked first, and she wasn't here to play their game.

She'd heard the stories from her tribal elders. The tales of burning jungle. The horror of running children being shot down. Of warriors being driven into the eastern ocean.

Today wasn't a day to dance around the battlefield, to put on a show. Today was the day to stand tall against the self titled crusaders, and show them they wouldn't be afriad.

"I've seen your type before. The maniacs who call themselves heroes. That word has a meaning, and you abuse it. It means something you couldn't comprehend. Doing the right thing, not for your own self interest, but for the sake of others. My name is Jonyna Si. Next time you read a history book, I suggest you look me up."

The cathar walked right through the blazing flames of the mandalorian's flamethrower, and...

Sliced it off.

A single swing, and the mandalorian's hand came off, right up to the elbow.

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C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Shipyard, Contruum
| Objective | Hijack Ships
Careena laid suppressive fire as the boarding party began to go about their individual objectives. As Ninurta charged the hallway and began to lay waste with his axe upon the crew alongside his charhounds. It was not long before the Falleen warrior declared that it was clear as Careena emerged from cover and began to step forward, <"Good work."> A simple, yet grateful remark to Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r as she took a moment during the lull of battle to reload her weapons.
The camera feed provided to Careena via her droid sitting on the exterior hull showed that one of the Protectorate ships had been slammed into. She gestured for those accompanying her to move forward and go to support Ninurta, opening up a direct line to Ninurta who she was entrusting an important task to, <"Ninurta take point and ensure that our slicer is protected. They'll slave control over the neighboring docked ships for remote access so we can use them to keep the Protectorate battlegroup occupied to cover our exfil.">
A familiar voice boomed from behind her as Careena heard her name called out. A simple look over her shoulder would confirm that the voice belonged to Preliat Mantis Preliat Mantis , though his demeanor suggested something might be amiss. The ambiguity of his call and demeanor suggested something confrontational, but she would be willing to hear him out, or if this was about something else entirely, then she would find out sooner than later. She replied in a simple and calm tone, <"Mantis.">



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Ship: Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber

After catching up with Vince Vince , Valery had hoped to plan out their approach together. With his cover from afar, she felt confident she get closer and puncture through the Mandalorian defenses and they could go from there. But between the battle up above and having drawn some attention with her strafing runs, it just wasn't meant to be. Jonyna Si Jonyna Si was the first to move away, engaging one of the Mandalorians in battle.

Valery felt her fellow Jedi's emotions surge, but was in no position to address them now.

"We've got incoming!" Valery called out, her senses tingling with danger as a salvo of missiles was fired their way. She could have likely gotten out of the blast zone by tapping into the Force if she wanted to. But not knowing if Vance can do the same, Valery stayed put and raised a hand up to the sky. "Get close to me!" She practically ordered, as she formed a barried to shield herself and those close enough to her.

She could have made a bigger barrier, but it wouldn't have been as strong.

Whether Vince took her up on her offer or not, the missiles soon struck the area around her, as well as the barrier. Violent explosions tore everything around her apart, but the Jedi Master's barrier held.

"Come on, we're taking that one down together. I think he might be one of their leaders." Cut off the head of the snake, and perhaps their whole structure would finally crumble.


There was a tomahawk pulled from the sheath on his forearm, and twirled in his hand. An angry, vile T-shaped visor rendered it's ugly glare at Careena Fett Careena Fett . It was unnerving, Preliat in his armor styled after the much earlier Mandalorians- moved quicker, moved with more purpose now.

The tomahawk went away from his hand, barreling towards the wall. Perhaps he missed. Perhaps he wasn't used to the weight, to the armor after all this time. Or perhaps- it was a distraction meant to gather Careena's attention.

Distract her from the fist, a crushgaunt adorned fist- spiked at the top, barreling towards the center mass of her chest. The air was static between them- if their helmets paid attention to the atmosphere, it might've registered something close to a storm approaching. No words, no waxing poetic. Preliat never did. He couldn't, after all. He had to keep up appearances, after all.

He was the Wolf, he was Death.
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It was the smell, or the lack thereof, before the sound that made him aware his lightsaber didn't make purchase into a successful attack. The lack of burning flesh, burnt muscle- meant that he wasn't going to have an easy out to this fight. He landed softly on his feet, and saw the Mandalorian drop to a knee.

"Oh dear."

He said, the force gathered in his legs- making him move. He felt the air rush past him, the slugs going through his cloak, impacting the wall behind him. He was barely able to move out of the way, and actually moved quickly enough to sprawl out on the ground, tripping as he moved far too quickly. The Mandalorian was quick. Quick enough to nearly outmaneuver a Jedi using the force.

But Jace knew that he couldn't keep that up. Constantly using the force would drain him far too quickly. He saw him aim again. A more deliberate movement. He thumbed his lightsaber- and the disruptor round went into the blue blade, but still blew out, and caused him to roll on the ground with the kinetic energy. His cloak was tattered, and he felt burns on the armored parts of his legs and arms.

Not, particularly, fun.

He looked over at the Mandalorian, rising to his feet, swinging the blade along the ground, casting sparks and leaving a gash in the ground below him.

"The play always calls for a villain, doesn't it?"

He said, catching his breath, before slowly approaching the Mandalorian, then breaking off into a jog, then a full sprint- then he swung his lightsaber up, and then brought it close to his chest, across it, using his arm to spin on his feet and... bring his lightsaber down. Down hard. Enough to either make the Mandalorian move, or go into his guard. Either way, he had to press the attack, keep the Mandalorian close. At range, the Mandalorian had the advantage- and he was fast. Smart, too.

Not an easy mark, no. Neither was Jace, however.

Sahan had only just arrived in his Basilisk starfighter to witness someone already taking care of his problem. He sent a comm to Livia Cadera Livia Cadera . <Badass maneuver there. Little upset you beat me to it, but I'm more impressed than anything. Name's Sahan Dragr. Hope we get to work together more in the future, vod.>

://: I was hoping for a fight... :\\: Gold whined.

"Well, we missed that one, but there will always be more, you can guarantee that." He broadcast to the open comm. < Careena Fett Careena Fett , the problem has been dealt with. How are you guys? Any serious problems?>

Location: Contruum Shipyards
Allies: Careena Fett Careena Fett Livia Cadera Livia Cadera Zandra Ruus Zandra Ruus Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr
Foes: None
Objective: Slice into the shipyards

<"Good work."> A simple, yet grateful remark to Ninurta Slaabur'r as she took a moment during the lull of battle to reload her weapons. She gestured for those accompanying her to move forward and go to support Ninurta, opening up a direct line to Ninurta who she was entrusting an important task to, <"Ninurta take point and ensure that our slicer is protected. They'll slave control over the neighboring docked ships for remote access so we can use them to keep the Protectorate battlegroup occupied to cover our exfil.">

The Falleen nodded deeply at Clan Fett's Alor and gave his nod a slight tilt of the chin. Though this was only a small victory, there was another that was to come and it was not for Ninurta. A voice from behind echoed up from the corridor and demanded attention. It was a challenge. Ninurta only caught a glimpse of a beskar clad figure, one he had only heard rumors about. Some said the man was dead and others the tales of his accomplishments. A legend to some and avatar of death for others. This man, un-doubtedly, resembled Preliat Mantis Preliat Mantis .

The Wolf.

Next time. Next time.
Ninurta told himself and then began back stepping away with the rest of the crusaders. Both Charhounds followed him fervently. "
"Kapr gar kal nynir gatle. Narir ibac ruug'la pe'nr daab, Careena." He turned his back and jogged around a corner.

"May your blade strike true. Put that old dog down, Careena."


The second skirmish erupted as they rounded a corner. Security teams, alerted to the breach, opened fire with blaster rifles. The corridor was instantly awash with red and blue and yellow blaster bolts, sizzling through the air and impacting against walls, sending showers of sparks in every direction. Explosions from low-yield grenades and blaster discharges punctuated the cacophony, accompanied by the cries of pain. Ninurta, at the forefront, deflected a volley of blaster fire with his personal shield generator and pressed forward with relentless determination. A security officer lunged at him, only to be met with a swift, brutal blow from Ninurta's Acidic vibro axe. The officer crumpled, and Ninurta's warriors surged over his body, their war cries mingling with the screams of the wounded and dying. The momentum was unstoppable. They pressed through the corridors, leaving a trail of blood in their wake. Blaster fire continued to rage, and the air grew thick with smoke with the scent of iron and ozone. The clash of melee combat rang out as the Crusaders engaged in close quarters, their beskar-clad forms a stark contrast to the security team's standard-issue armor.

He broadcast to the open comm. < Careena Fett, the problem has been dealt with. How are you guys? Any serious problems?>
< " Careena is putting an old dog in his place! I have command now. We are about to take hold of the bridge. Ninurta out!" > He responded back in the same broadcast channel.

Finally, they reached the bridge. Ninurta led the charge, his twin charhounds at his side, snarling and snapping at the heels of those who dared resist. The bridge crew, overwhelmed by the sudden assault, fell back in panic. Those who raised their weapons were cut down swiftly, their bodies joining the growing pile of the dead and dying. Most of the crew, seeing the futility of resistance, surrendered, their hands raised in submission.

Ninurta's victory was near complete, but a final obstacle remained. The admiral of the shipyard, a defiant Zabrak, stood resolutely before the mainframe access terminal, his gaze unwavering. "Congrats, You barbarians. But you are not getting into the mainframe," he spat, his voice filled with defiance.

One of the Crusaders stepped forward, bloodlust etched into every word that left his mouth. "We'll beat the code out of you," he snarled, his hand reaching for his blaster.

Ninurta raised his hand, halting the Crusader in his tracks. "Do not touch him," he commanded, his voice again calm but frigid. "He is only doing his job." He stepped closer to the admiral, removing his bone-clad helmet to reveal his striking features. Green scaley skin and his blue, serpent-like eyes locked onto the Zabrak, and he seemed to slither closer, an aura of predatory grace about him. Ninurta's gaze swept over the crew and their leader, his eyes narrowing in concentration. Though intangible to sight and smell, his pheromones filled the bridge, a chemical onslaught to subdue and control. His voice, smooth and mesmerizing, wove a spell over the minds of those present. "Please give me the access key," he intoned, his words dripping with an almost palpable charm. "You will be rewarded handsomely."

The bridge crew, their wills eroded by Ninurta's pheromones, began to falter. Their eyes glazed over, and they nodded slowly, their resistance crumbling. Even the admiral, who had stood like a stone against the Mandalorian warriors, found his resolve weakening. He blinked, his defiance wavering, and finally, he relented. " I..I..uhh. The code is... 4751-Zeta-Omicron." Ninurta smiled, a cold, victorious smile. He had what he needed. Turning to his Crusaders, he nodded. " Gar ganar gar ke'gyce. Rala morut'yc wugi lik'a bal pabida mies likr rud Wu'yrek." As his vode moved to comply, he fixed the admiral with one last, piercing gaze. "You have done superb." he acknowledged, a rare note of respect in his voice.

Turning on his heel the Falleen watched out the viewport as a number of docked ships began to follow their new installment of slave controls. To undock immediately, merge with the rest of Neo-Crusader Fleet and launch shuttles down to Hakon Fett Hakon Fett 's raiding party on the surface!

< " Ground team, you have reinforcements incoming. What is your current status?" > He said into comm's.

Ground team Tags: Trajan Fett Trajan Fett Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo Gaanla Munin Gaanla Munin Kaiyra Munin Kaiyra Munin
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Location: Contruum
Objective: Decapitate encircling snake
Gear: Beskar'gam, boarding shotgun
Tags: Careena Fett Careena Fett Zandra Ruus Zandra Ruus Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr

As Livia flew through space, her SLAM back on cool down but having given her the momentum she needed to eventually get to her next target she received the come from Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr she smiled and nodded slowly to herself. She was very pleased with herself, it was an environmental kill rather than proper combat, but still, she was here to do a job.

<Vor entye, vod!> She returned <My name's Livia, clan Cadera. If you've still got an itch, want to come and blow up an interdiction battlecruiser?> she looked ahead of herself and checked her intercept trajectory to the offending warship she probably couldn't blow it up and her comandeering ruse would not work a second time, but if they could stick some explosives into its interdiction generator that should do the trick and force it to retreat.

Livia knew she was hard to track so she would send her transponder back down the line to Sahan so he could more easily locate her in space, hiding from your allies just made coordination more difficult. A ping in her ear informed her it was time to begin decelerating towards her target. <better hurry, vod.> she said playfully as she rolled over to be feet first and readied her suit thrusters.



C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Shipyard, Contruum
| Objective | Hijack Ships
Careena carefully eyed Preliat Mantis Preliat Mantis as her entire focus was redirected to him. Something was indeed very off with the way he carried himself, and he did not strike Careena as the type of warrior that would have bent the knee to the likes of Arla. Regardless of the fact, she could just as easily sense the killing intent of her former comrade - like the scent of blood hanging heavy in the air as she took on a more ready stance. Comms chatter would buzz in her ear asking her status, but no response would be heard from her; her attention was on Preliat who was the first to make a move.
As the tomahawk flew at her, her hand raised up to track the axe, a shot fired from her blaster as it bounced off the blade to throw off its original trajectory. The tomahawk itself was not enough of a distraction to Careena as she saw the large Mandalorian barreling towards her with the intent of caving her chest in. She slid a foot back slightly as she turned her body to evade the incoming punch, her arm slipping over his incoming forearm to keep it in place as she activated the rocket boot on her back foot and she sent a knee towards his stomach.
She did not know what came over Preliat since the Alor'Ultai, but the fact one of them was going to be beaten down or worse killed was inescapable. Regardless she would fight tooth and claw for the Crusaders.

Death before dishonor, her life for Mandalore.

Chaotic Evil - Alor of Clan Dryggo


Allies: Hakon Fett Hakon Fett Kaiyra Munin Kaiyra Munin Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r Trajan Fett Trajan Fett
Enemies: Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Valery Noble Valery Noble Vince Vince


Sig stubbled backwards, grasping his upper arm and brining it close to his chest. His forearm was gone, a result of his reckless and rage fueled attack. Without warning, he instinctively reached down and, with a hand on the flamethrower and his foot bracing his severed arm, he ripped the weapon from his ex-arm and snapped it onto his utility belt. He wasn’t going to leave a weapon behind.

Stepping back he chuckled. “You won the fight today, jetiise,” as he spoke his jetpack activated and boroughs him to a hover. While he did temporarily lose balance, he quickly regained it and eyes the Jedi through his t-visor one final time. “I’ll remember your face,” he said in a rather threatening tone.

Turning, his jetpack went full power and he sped away from the Jedi. He was angry. He had lost a fight and an arm. Though his anger was directed more so at himself. He had long awaited the day to claim glory and had allowed himself to become blinded. He wouldn’t make the mistake again.

Flying back over the burning village, he suddenly heard a voice chime in on his comm:

< " Ground team, you have reinforcements incoming. What is your current status?" >

“This is Dryggo,” he reported back as he landed back onto the ground with a thud. He stumbled a moment, likely due to the blood lose he was suffering, though his adrenaline was still high and kept him upright. “Jetiise took my arm, I’m falling back to the evac point- I’ll do what I can to keep it clear.”




He keeled over from the impact, still being held in place by the woman as her knee cracked against the Beskar'kandar. While not terribly painful thanks to the heavy, dense armor- kinetic force was still just that, and he felt the air forced from his lungs.

And then he looked up, breathing deeply, locked with Careena by his arm. His much bigger arm. His fingers started to dig into her armor- his crushgaunts pushing into her, as he rose his back up. He was a good five inches taller than her- and more importantly, almost a hundred pounds bigger.

So, interlocked with his right arm, his left went forward, not to grab her throat, not to grab her arm, or check another knee. No- Preliat went to grab her belt and slam her to the floor, onto her back. Or at the least, lift the smaller woman off of her feet. He had to free himself of her grip, and slamming her on the ground was a good option. She either would pull him down with her, or release his arm. And grappling with Preliat at her size, was probably less than ideal.

Careena Fett Careena Fett
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TAG: Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo Valery Noble Valery Noble
“I’ll remember your face,”
Jonyna watched as the mando fled.

She hoped he did. She hoped the mando remembered this day well.

Her ruby blade flicked off, and Jonyna looked to the sky as the mando flew off. Twice now, she'd seen the so called 'crusade' hit them hard, only for the Jedi and the Alliance to weather the storm.

This Crusade would end the same. Cowards calling themselves righteous, picking a fight with the biggest tiger in the jungle, only to learn the hard way that such a fight is not worth the tiger's time. Scars are made in moments like this. Not by apex predators clashing, but by wannabe scavengers swiping at the king of the jungle.

The Jedi had plenty of scars. This was just another one.


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