Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Skirmish Neo-Crusaders Raid on Contruum | Open to All


TAGS: Valery Noble Valery Noble Vince Vince Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r

"We Mandalorians have a saying. A warrior who doesn't hope for battle has no hope during battle."
―Canderous Ordo
The skies rumbled with thunder and the earth quaked under heavy pounding of pulse wave beams and cryoban weaponry. His HUD identified Ninurta spearheading a charge from above, escoring several exfil shuttles to extract the Mandalorian forces from Contruum. Careena was nowhere to be seen.

As one of the shuttles hovered a few feet over the ground ahead of him, Hakon stole a glance back at his pursuers. Slowed down but not annihilated. With a short leap, he hopped onto the open deck of the dropship along with other Mandalorians who continued firing at the advancing enemy forces to cover their comrades withdrawal into the shuttles.

The vessels engines roared as the pilot pushed the throttle up and lifted the ship in direction of the skies.

"This is not over, Jedi!" Hakon yelled out through the cacophony of battle.

ok i /exit



C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Shipyard, Contruum
| Objective | Fight Tooth & Claw
Careena laid low, wreathed in shadow and smoke from the eyes of her opponent. Her helmet tracked her foe through the smoke, safe from their eyes and sensors - or so she thought. A tomahawk flew through the thick white smoke as it impacted her chest, a stifled cry trying to escape her lungs, but only a ragged gasp for air as the blade managed to strike between her plates, stopped from fully penetrating her chest by the ka'rta beskar. She was immediately knocked off her feet by the impact as she stumbled backwards, a hand reaching back to stop her from slamming back against the walls of the corridor. She coughed as blood spattered the inside of her helmet.​
She knew Preliat was a sharp fighter, but this was beyond his ability to be able to perceive her; that and everything else she had been taking note of from his cadence and way of fighting down to their attitude. This was someone else entirely parading around the warrior that she knew and respected. She hissed in her native tongue as she grabbed the haft of the tomahawk, crying out loudly in pain as she wrenched it free from her chest and drew in a sharp breath. Her armor's automated systems worked to immediately seal the breach as the internal applicators applied a quick fix patch job to keep the wound from becoming worse. She held the tomahawk in one hand as her blood dripped to the floor, her cloak shimmering as it seemed to falter.​
Her gaze locked onto her foe's as she spoke, <"This is not over pretender. I will have justice for my brethren."> Her statement was punctuated by the sound of metal screeching as the hull seemed to give way; Careena's Basilisk Dha Pruddii ripped a large hole through the hull as her suit finally finished resealing itself. Her boots had already magnetized as the vacuum of the void started to suck anything not secure out. Whatever remained would find themselves on the angry end of her Basilisk. A lull in the battle to allow either side to retreat.​


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