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Skirmish Neo-Crusaders Raid on Contruum | Open to All


ALLIES: Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo Kaiyra Munin Sahan Dragr Sahan Dragr Gaanla Munin Gaanla Munin
ENEMIES: Valery Noble Valery Noble Jonyna Si Jonyna Si Vince Vince Rulonom Laborr

"We Mandalorians have a saying. A warrior who doesn't hope for battle has no hope during battle."
―Canderous Ordo

The smoke from the missile strike cleared up. Small craters drew a circle where the Jedi stood. Unharmed. Untouched.

A wicked grin spread across Hakon's lips. This was who his ancestors had fought. This was the kind of opponent they had tested themselves against. Impossible odds. A formidable foe. A worthy fight.

Glory and honor.

Hakon swung his carbine around and aimed at the Jedi. With a flick of his finger, he switched the fire settings to auto and squeezed the trigger, unleashing a relentless barrage of blaster bolts at the Jedi’s position.

He hovered backward warily, almost casually, drawing them in where the war droids held the line with fierce resistance.



C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Shipyard, Contruum
| Objective | Fight Tooth & Claw
Careena grunted as she felt her knee connect with Preliat, doing her best to keep his arm trapped as she pulled her leg back for another hit to the gut. She had to keep him on the defensive knowing full well that if he managed to get control of the situation that it would end poorly for her. She was a fighter for certain, but she was fighting far outside her weight class and up close no less. Had this been a contest of marksmanship, she would undoubtedly come out victorious with no effort. Up close however, it was anyone's game.
She glanced down as she felt him grab at her belt, feeling herself starting to get lifted off the ground before she had another chance to knee him in the stomach. She activated her rocket boots again to keep herself elevated, using the thrust to fight against being slammed back down as she attempted to wrap her legs around Preliat's neck and mount his shoulders.




He chuckled when she wrapped her legs around his neck. He chuckled, a sinister, disgusting sound from behind his helmet, warped by the helmet's audio feedback systems-

And made his move. She had mounted his shoulders, her legs wrapped around his shoulders. He locked his hands over her knees, leaned back, using on his weight alone, and then-

Went to bring the hammer down.

Preliat sent Careena crashing towards the floor, hoping to avoid any strikes or follow-up attacks from her elevated position. Right onto her back, with no legs to break her fall from roughly eight feet in the air, if not more.

Careena Fett Careena Fett
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C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Shipyard, Contruum
| Objective | Fight Tooth & Claw
Careena yelped as she felt herself being thrown towards the ground after having mounted his shoulders. She cursed under her breath on the way down as she felt her vision go blurry upon hitting the ground, her breath escaping her lungs; for a moment she had blacked out, only to be snapped back to reality as she felt the prick of the internal adrenal applicators pumping her full of adrenaline. Her back slammed into the metal floor, softened by the underlying gel layer taking the brunt of the impact, but still hurting like hell nonetheless.
She coughed violently and gasped for air as she struggled briefly to regain her bearings, raising her arm up instinctively as she activated her flamethrower to get Preliat off her, her legs twitching as she activated her rocket boots to try and skid away against the ground. She needed to put space between them before he tried to start beating down on her like a Wookie.




Preliat let out a sharp hiss as the flames licked across his armored legs, singing the skin on his legs.

Preliat watched her skid away on the ground, and reached over to rip the tomahawk out of the wall. He dragged it along the back of his crushgaunts, creating a shower of sparks as he approached the fleeing Mandalorian. He marched with purpose, ferocity- and violence.

Preliat did not relent- raising his foot up to stomp on the ankle of Careena, before she could get too much distance between them.

Careena Fett Careena Fett



C a r e e n a _ F e t t
| Location | Shipyard, Contruum
| Objective | Fight Tooth & Claw
Flames licked at Preliat's armor as she let loose, using the opportunity to reposture herself. Careena shifted her body as she felt herself being freed; she watched Preliat go to try and stomp on her ankle, kicking her foot out of the way before he had the chance to crush it. Mobility was her strongest suit in their matchup, so to lose that meant to surrender her chances of coming out of the battle alive. She had to be cunning and outwit an opponent who was relying on their size and strength as their edge in battle.
She drew in a sharp breath, still feeling her body stiff from the impact earlier as she reached down to her belt, activating a pair of smoke grenades in each hand before tossing one towards Preliat and one behind her. Her body would appear to shimmer and fade from Preliat's field of view, and he would find that her presence seemed to disappear from any scanners he might have as well while the corridor filled with a thick white smoke. She had to level the playing field and play to her strengths.


<Vor entye, vod!> She returned <My name's Livia, clan Cadera. If you've still got an itch, want to come and blow up an interdiction battlecruiser?>
"Cadera, huh? Hell of a name to hold. But if someone is trying to bring that clan back where it belongs, that's epic," Sahan said to Gold and Artus. Into the Comm, he said, <Maybe let's not blow it up, but just hijack it. That will be pretty simple for me. I doubt Rodarch was smart enough to change any of the security protocols, so I can hack it easily.>


"Yes, but your existence is classified information. As you well know."


"Can't Gold just follow her? We saw where she went..."


://: Can it, you two; let's get this party STARTED! :\\: Gold shouted with glee and SLAMed forward in a burst of speed. Sahan gripped the handholds to his sides. He never would get used to anything other than being fully in control using his own armor. He was an aerial ace, but piloting was not his thing.

< " Careena is putting an old dog in his place! I have command now. We are about to take hold of the bridge. Ninurta out!" >

"An old dog?" Sahan asked Artus.


"Oh, well I'm sure she'll be fine. No point in interfering in whatever personal issue they have going on. Might be a lovers' quarrel, for all I know. Where have I heard that name before, though?"


://: No time for history lessons! :\\: Gold shouted as she barreled past Livia Cadera Livia Cadera and straight at the warship, laughing maniacally. Sahan was beginning to wish he had stayed at the village.

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Neo-Crusaders Raid on Contruum
Objective II: Sending a Message | Intervening
Allies: Valery Noble Valery Noble
Enemies: Hakon Fett Hakon Fett

Having stood back in behind the remaining walls of the ruined silo, Vince let a couple o heavy breaths out as smoke poured out of the barrel of his rifle. While it had the capacity for more sustained fire with other settings, one had to be far more conservative when firing the high powered bolts that he just had.

Too soon, he heard footsteps drawing close from a distance before a jetpack went off. Puzzled brows squeezed together tight upon realising that someone was charging the entire distance from the village to where he was. Still, an unorthodox move by the opposition was hardly a reason to let one's guard down. Quickly, the Royal moved in towards the part of the building where the walls stood higher and a semi-roof remained. From there, he unholstered his blaster pistol whilst holding on to the barrel of the rifle with his left.

When the Mandalorian flew past, fire would be exchanged. It was clear that the blaster pistol was a far less potent threat against the airborne and beskar protected fighter than the three shots against the Crown Prince were. All of Vince's shots flew by his opponent. Meanwhile, he saw the first of the Mandalorian's shots hit the railing above. The second one hit right where he would have been if he had remained stationary. The third licked the armour of his left arm. The force of the blaster pistol had the Royal flinch back against the wall he moved along violently. His eyes wearily looked to the long scorch mark along the arm-piece.

A few moments passed as he recomposed himself and holstered the blaster pistol. When he reemerged, the Cathar Jedi ( Jonyna Si Jonyna Si ) and the bold Mandalorian ( Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo ) had already crossed blades once. Seeing the duel pause briefly as they talked, Vince leveled his rifle against Sig with his rifle honing in at the fighter's jet pack. While a shot against the beskar might have been more of a threat to his person, a jet pack blowing up could cause all sort of issues.

As he looked for the right shot, a reluctant frown formed on his face. Fortunately, Valery Noble Valery Noble called out to him. Momentarily, he looked away and realised the danger he was in. Hitting a sudden sprint, he made his way over to the Grandmaster at an impressive pace. Heat could be felt building up around his feet as he threw himself into the safety of her barrier.

With the voice of someone who had just ran for their life, the Ambassador let out a sincere "Thank you" whilst the miniature missiles exploded around them. Quickly moving to get back up on his feet, the Crown Prince readied himself to fire once the smoke had cleared. The Mandalorian's salvo against the Jedi was launched just as Vince launched two shots towards the Mandalorian - this time aimed for the jetpack wielding core: For rather than an unsuspecting target, he was now firing at a most suspecting and mobile one.

Slowly moving back towards the silo and speeder which stood behind it, the Royal unclipped a grenade from his belt. Even with his impressive throwing arm, the distance they were at was too great for him overcome. Instead, he tossed it to the Jedi with short call "Ion!"

CRUSADE | Hakon Fett Hakon Fett | Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo | Kaiyra Munin | Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r
ALLIANCE | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Vince Vince
ENGAGING | Jace Rhane Jace Rhane
Beskar'gam | Rifle



He had to admire the tenacity of this Jedi. Many were quick to espouse their principles, call on the violence to end in favor of the greater good as they bucked out their false virtues. No. This one was a killer. They all were, but Jace seemed to bore some greater honesty in the act. Killing Jedi was a difficult task but hardly an impossible one. Their ability to wield the lightsaber coupled with their attunement to the force made for a lethal combination. It only sometimes bested the Mandalorian.

There would be no mercy from him just as there was no mercy from Fett. A Jedi, dead on the ground defending this pitiful agri-world would be harsh communique to the Galaxy at large. No one would be safe.

He charged forward and he might've expected Trajan to pounce away, elect for his blaster but instead, ripped his arms upward, crossing one forearm over the other before the blade cracked against the beskar steel of his vambraces. A shower of sparks rained down over the two as the kyber clashed with the lightsaber resistant steel and with it, he reared his leg up to plant a violent kick into the man's abdomen, whipping his blaster pistol in a rapid burst toward the man's center mass not a moment after.

Jace smirked when Trajan pressed against him, the sparks as the two pushed against each other. He saw the danger moving- even without the force. The Mandalorian had grown predictable, the use of his sidearm. But, as he moved- he made too many moves.

A raised leg. A hand going away from the lock. All that was left, was most of his body weight, if not all at this angle, against his lightsaber. A blade, a thin blade-

That Jace thumbed the deactivation button, and stepped to the side, the shots narrowly missing his torso. However, the more opportune part of the deal was that the man's leg was extended outward, raised up in a kick. Which gave Jace the perfect chance to come down a little, give a slight dip to his right shoulder-

And drove his fist towards the man's crotch plate from a lower angle, under it, in fact- and go to punch him as hard as a Jedi could right in the funny business.
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Careena Fett Careena Fett

Preliat turned his head, his thermal scanners useless in the fog.

But still, Preliat walked through the fog, towards her. There was that sinister chuckle again. Through the haze of smoke, gunfire, fire, and the dust and confusion of the firefight and now their fight between them, Preliat marched forward-

And then threw the Tomahawk once more, right at the chest of Careena. It soared from his hand with speed unlike anything else. More powerful, faster. It soared through the air, heading directly for the other Mandalorian's chest cavity.

CRUSADE | Hakon Fett Hakon Fett | Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo | Kaiyra Munin | Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r
ALLIANCE | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Vince Vince
ENGAGING | Jace Rhane Jace Rhane
Beskar'gam | Rifle



A low groan emerged from the Mandalorian as the Jedi went the low road, rearing an absolute sucker punch right in the gonads that sent him reeling back. It was then that he reached for his belt, snatching ahold of a smooth, metallic hilt. He flicked the activation, sending a crossguard out perpendicular to the hilt before a long blade snapped out of the hilt into place with a smoot, telescopic motion, another switch flicked the vibroblade to life before he brought it up to a high guard only to swipe it down in a swift cut toward the Jedi, closing the distance again in the hopes of drawing the Jedi into his guard.

In the hopes of a swift riposte, Trajan let one of his hands off the hilt and sent a burst of whistling birds in the Jedi's direction to incapacitate, stun or ideally kill him only to bring forth a relentless flurry of attacks with his vibroblade to carry on with the momentum.



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Ship: Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"You can thank me later," Valery told him with a grin tugging at her lips, her eyes only briefly shifting to the handsome man beside her, "We have some Mandalorians to deal with first." Her gaze turned forward, she watched as dust and debris began to settle, but even before it had fully cleared away, she already felt a source of imminent danger. Bright bolts of plasma cut through the lingering smoke not a second later, forcing her to draw her weapon into a guard.

This was a Mandalorian warrior — no ordinary soldier or common thug — so his barrage came at her with deadly precision, forcing her to focus on defensive rotations of her double-bladed weapon, and making it very hard to move.

But she wasn't fighting alone.

Using his rifle, Vince returned fire and Valery used that opportunity to start walking forward. Her approach was cautious, not only because of the constant fire she drew from her enemy, but she knew that other Mandalorians still lingered nearby. She could sense their presence and their will to fight.

Vince's voice drew her attention to him, right as he tossed her a grenade. Her grip on her weapon switched in response, and she caught the grenade while her other hand twirled around her weapon like a protective barrier. With the grenade primed, she spun her body and tapped into the Force to throw it towards her target with immense speed.

"Now, move!" Valery called out before its detonation, hoping that both of them could finally gain the distance they needed to fight at a more advantageous range.



TAGS: Trajan Fett Trajan Fett

His punch had found purchase in the man's.....

Well, nuts.

He grit his teeth, when the blade unfolded. It was a long series of actions- in the scheme of a trained combatant. His swipe was met with the blue blade, and before Jace had a chance to return the favor-

He saw the Mandalorian's arm raise.

Jace's eyes narrowed, gathering the force into his hand, and pressed it between them. In the spaces between seconds that the whistling birds launched towards him, he pushed outward with the force. The impact detonated the whistling birds on impact, but unfortunately- while they didn't rip through Jace like the Mandalorian intended, they did send him tumbling back, violently rolling on the ground, his lightsaber clattering away as he rolled over and over on the ground, cutting his head and hands as he desperately tried to stop his fall.

Jace rolled onto his stomach, feeling every ache, pain, second and first degree burn, cracked ribs, and a multitude of other pains as he slowly rose to a stand, looking over at the Mandalorian.

"A bit... unsporting... old chap."
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CRUSADE | Hakon Fett Hakon Fett | Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo | Kaiyra Munin | Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r
ALLIANCE | Valery Noble Valery Noble | Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Vince Vince
ENGAGING | Jace Rhane Jace Rhane
Beskar'gam | Rifle



After the Jedi's saber went clattering from his hand, Trajan took it up from the ground, inspecting the craftsmanship for a moment before he clipped it to his belt, slowly walking toward the edge of the roof to ensure his mark had been slain only to find the Jedi clammoring to his feet again. He watched with some respect for the warrior's tenacity, most Jedi were made of weaker stuff, would sooner forsake this fight than keep seeking to stand upright in the face of adversity over and over again.

He nodded as a show of some respect for a moment before he slowly lifted his arm, the targeting system of his helmet linking with the vambrace clasped to his wrist before he locked onto the Jedi's silhouette, painting him in the targeting system as the vambrace's rocket launcher slowly rose to click its selected armament into place. A high charge disruptor missile. He let it loose and not a moment after it was in the air, he snatched up his long rifle and gave a pulse of his jetpack backwards, seeking high ground once again.


TAGS: Trajan Fett Trajan Fett


A bloody rocket??


Jace reached a hand up, weakened, slowed, and... not fast enough to catch the rocket in place. No, it was moving too quickly. He could guide it away from him, but his vision was blurry and he wasn't exactly in the best frame of mind-

So, he slammed it into the ground as far away from him as he could.

Which was, about fifteen feet.

Jace took a deep breath, waiting for the shockwave- and it came. It swept the Jedi off of his feet, launching him into the air- and through one of the many shop windows of the street that had been partially blown out. He was enveloped in the darkness of unconsciousness, and was no more of a threat to the Mandalorian, or any, for the time being.
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TAGS: Vince Vince Valery Noble Valery Noble

"We Mandalorians have a saying. A warrior who doesn't hope for battle has no hope during battle."
―Canderous Ordo

Gorging in the thrill of fighting a Jedi, Hakon's focus was locked in on the purple lightsaber weaving the air in mesmerizing rhythm and deflecting his blaster bolts. He only noticed her companion when two bolts found purchase on his armor — a scorch mark burning through the duraplast of his suit and one blackening the side of his jetpack. Pain burned flesh and sinew, and his reaction was almost automatic; a programmed response to pain. He fired back at the assailant but shots only found a speeder's cold hull where the enemy had quickly ducked behind for cover.

Hakon continued on his backward hover, aiming to lure the jedi closer to the Mandalorians' front line where the basilisk war droids stood sentinel, wrecking havoc at the enemy soldiers' cautious advances.

He saw the Jedi's hurling motion but could not register the projectile until the air before him exploded into a momentary lightning storm. His HUD's lights flickered before an explosion at his side tore through duraplast and flesh. Agony seared through his nervous system from his personal energy shield's heat sink overloading to a smoldering heap of ruin. This close to impact the old mag-shielding of his armor could barely contain the ionic discharge; it short-circuited the feedback to his jetpack and Hakon wobbled up and down in the air as he tried to tame the unhinged beast on his back before its life was extinguished and plunged the Mandalorian into a lethal downfall.

The ground rushed at him in a blur of wind and color. Seconds before his body could fertilize Contruum's rich soil, the worn redundant systems of his suit flared to life for one last time: flames roared from his jetpack, one final roar, and Hakon landed on his feet before tumbling to the side from the momentum. He clawed back up to his feet, fighting tooth and nail against his knee's screaming anguish, and pulled at the trigger at the Jedi's advance.

Nothing happened.

Realizing his carbine's powerpack was fried from the ion grenade, he swung it around and drew his Mandalorian ripper side arm. A quicker alternative to reloading the carbine.

Gritting his teeth, he retreated in haste as the Jedi plowed onward while firing potshots from his ripper to stave the pace of their advance.

"Basilisks—the Jedi!" Hakon growled through the comms an order and several moments later his retreat erupted in a wall of blinding light as pulse wave cannons focused their beams at the Jedi and her companion to cover his withdrawal.

"Alor, this is Hakon — where are those ships?" he barked over the comms to Careena Fett Careena Fett as he skipped past the bodies of fellow Mandalorians littering the ground. Glancing back, he saw more and more Contruum dropships filling up the horizon.

It was time to leave.

This is not over, Jetii.
Neo-Crusaders Raid on Contruum
Objective II: Sending a Message | Intervening
Allies: Valery Noble Valery Noble
Enemies: Hakon Fett Hakon Fett

From the corner of his eye, the Ambassador could see the Mandalorian's carbine go off and how the bolts seemed to bounce off of the impressive defensive work of the Jedi. Then, something odd caught his attention as two of the bolts did not seem to be heading for her. Eyes wide, he threw himself to the ground. Landing in a sea of ash and burnt metal, he heard how the bolts impacted against something metallic. He winced in pain as his hand reached for the arm which had been hit earlier. His heart raced and he let out a sharp breath in relief.

Letting out a sharp breath proved to be a mistake as it provoked more ash and dust to cover his features. Regardless, he soon proceeded to quickly get back up on his feet; just in time to see the last sparks from the ion grenade go of and the impact it had on the Mandalorian's performance. His attention would remain fixated on the faltering jetpack for a brief moment before turning to the matter at hand: Closing the distance.

Instead of running, the Royal brought the speeder bike back to life. If anything would bring him to face the foe directly, this was it. Upon having mounted the vehicle, the Prince got to quick work in setting it up for a rapid attack. Still, it was hard not to notice the ripper slugs being fired and the basilisk war droids starting to shift their attention to the Grandmaster. At the same time, more and more allied reinforcements appeared to be trickling in and in the distance, the corvette in which he arrived could be spotted in the distance.

Bringing the comms unit to his mouth, he spoke "We cannot push into that, we need some dis-" the sentence was cut short as a first salvo from the basilisks were unleashed upon them. The experience certainly made them difficult to underestimate. The speeder was suddenly pushed to its limit as it sped of moments before the ruined silo which it stood by was completely levelled with the ground. Attempting to drive by the Jedi, he let out an extremely urgent - but surprisingly composed - "Hop on!"

Careena could take care of herself.

While the sentiment was true, some of clan Fett remained aboard the Shipyards to wait for their fierce Alor. Ninurta would do no such thing. There was glory below on the surface of Contruum that he intended to claim.

And that was what he did.

It took time to get his own Basilisk to another section of the Shipyard, breach and traverse a wreckage littered vacuum with the newly commandeered shuttles. Blaster fire rocked the shuttles, spacecraft and Basilisk war droids as they barreled down toward Contruum. Once atmosphere was breached the mandalorian beast master spear headed the charge to the surface with a torrent of particle-beam fire and letting loose Cryoban missiles into the swarms of battle droids. The battlefield erupted into a mass of bright lights and then silences by wide spread chemical ice that would snuff out all heat in seconds. Another two of the cryotech missiles were unleashed from the Falleens War Droid with a electrical roar, They propelled themselves toward two that seemed to give chase to Hakon Fett Hakon Fett .

Valery Noble Valery Noble ,a Master jedi and her assistant to her pursuit Vince Vince

<<" Danger close! Get to the shuttles now!" >> A cold and familiar voice sounded over Neo-Crusader comms.

Extra Tags: Sig Dryggo Sig Dryggo Gaanla Munin Gaanla Munin Trajan Fett Trajan Fett



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Ship: Link
Double-Bladed Lightsaber

Valery watched with a satisfied grin, as the grenade exploded and short-circuited some of the Mandalorian's equipment. Without a jetpack and his main weapon disabled, she could get closer and draw him into a fight he could not escape from. Recognizing that opportunity, Valery wasted no time and began to move, her double-bladed weapon carving through stray blaster bolts to clear her path toward her target.

If she took down their leader now, perhaps a more devastating conflict could be avoided.

As Valery neared the distance from where she could comfortably leap towards him, however, she felt a sudden tremor in the Force. A warning that made the hairs in her neck rise, and forced her eyes to shift up toward the Basilisk droids. Not one, but two opened fire, forcing her to change directions to outrun their heavy firepower. The ground around her was torn apart, but the severe impact of another opening fire sent the Jedi Master flying forward into a controlled, yet painful tumble.

When she rose to her feet, face and body covered in dirt and ash, she spotted a third, as Ninurta Slaabur'r Ninurta Slaabur'r came down from the skies and unleashed her missiles.

Once more, Valery jumped away, her body propelled by the Force, but the cold blast of the cryo-missiles caught up to her and enveloped her right foot, freezing it up and bringing her down against the dirt. Feeling the instant numbness of her toes and the pain, as her nerves were rapidly frozen, Valery reacted swiftly and set the skin of the lower part of her leg ablaze to avoid losing her limb.

But even with her leg saved from amputation, she could barely feel her foot and stood unsteady as a result.

"Hop on!"

His voice cut through her discomfort, and seeing him appear on his bike sent a tremor through her heart. Valery smiled his way and managed a breath of relief before she moved. She jumped on, her legs securing her in her seat, and threw her arms around his waist to hold on tightly. The incoming Contruum reinforcements would be enough to drive away the Basilisks, but perhaps they could still catch this last Mandalorian warrior without his jetpack.

"Let's go!"


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