Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Idk my PC is Messin up I didnt type Attila [member="Netherworld"]

Mandi symbol hmm can you place in a the back ground and or corner? Maybe fade it little? Its not Needed a ton but those are my ideas
WTF! It keeps doing Attilla!?

Quote is
Attila the Attila the Hunt


Omg... it wont go away..

Take out Attila.. Lol!

Quote is Below.... :confused:


Well-Known Member
[member="Kezeroth the Malevolent"]

XD if it makes you feel better, the same thing kept happening to me while I was trying to write a RP post. x)
some sort of glitch, I presume :p


Well-Known Member
[member="The Shadow King"]

Made into tags, I presume?

In any case, you'll have to get in line. I have two sigs waiting, and I just did one of your requests ;)

also, the first link is broken.

keep bowing, tho. :Đ

You work looks amazing so I was wondering if you could do something like Vrag's except have the gif on the right and this image on the left. If you could can you keep the theme that shade of red.

I can wait for however long you need :D
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