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I really love your animated sig and I am wondering if you could do something similar for me? The model I am using is Darth maul. For the animated portion could you use the scene where he steps into the hangar to face the jedi as he is activating his light staff? For the still image can his eyes be colored bright orange? In the middle is his name in Sith like script ?


Well-Known Member
[member="Lexa Imura"]

Sorry! XD The Invasions kinda sucked me in, lol. x) I'll try to produce those sigs in the near future. :D

[member="Daxton Bane"]

Yeah, I think I have it written pretty clearly in the first post that you are to provide the pictures and/or gifs on your own.
I really don't have time to go hunting on the internets in addition to making the sig itself. ;)

Once you give me those shiny links, we can talk shop.


Well-Known Member
[member="The Shadow King"]



Belatedly; tags. :p


[member="Jack Rand"]


Sorry for the wait. :)
[member="Netherworld"], You make me a Sig, and I'll make you one deal? (or if you don't want me to make one that's fine too.)

I have two Gifs that you could use.
And then I have pictures that you can choose from.
(For the first one, if you use it, I would like you to edit the eyes to red please. ;)


Well-Known Member
[member="Nickolas Imura"]

Humm. Those two links are most definitely not gifs. :p
As for the pics, they're ok, I'll see which one fits... eventually. x)

In any case, do you want a quote or do I just slap your name on it?

I put there here as a spoiler cus I think the links are messing up.

Name - Nickolas Imura
Quote - Same one in current sig. Rather like that one.


Well-Known Member
[member="Nickolas Imura"]

That quote might be too long to comfortably put on a banner. :)
I'll try, but in the event that it looks terrible, I ask that you provide me with a backup quote. :p

In any case, I've still got a bit of a backlog on sigs, but I will get to yours in due time, hopefully. ;)

The Hound


Could I get one of your gif sigs as well? :D

Images at your disposal:
Here-Middle-Must have

There is only one must have image in there, and then one gif, but if you can get three in it would be amazing!

For a quote: I Want Someone to Tell Me, What is the Soul of a Man?

Maybe a Sithspawn tag too? ><

Request: Signature would be great!
Pictures: Feel free to use any of these. I put them in a spoiler so as not to add clutter. Text: No quote, or anything. Maybe the name Pel Duval, if you think it looks nice with the finished product.
Additional: No measurement requirements, just whatever works best. Preferably a darker red theme, to kind of stick with the pictures. And thanks in advanced! :D

[*]You could always slow them down to increase effect *shrugs*
This is the primary photo used in the current sig

This is one I found and edited the eyes.

Essentially, between the stand alone photo, I'm going to leave it up to you.

In regards to color scheme, I like the color scheme of the current sig - blues and purples. However, I'm not picky. Whatever flows artistically. Just want the name in the signature, same size as Vrag's signature.



Well-Known Member
[member="Gherron Vael"] | [member="The Hound"] | [member="Pel Duval"] | [member="Aaralyn Rekali"]

Oh my, such interest! :D

I'll try to complete these pretties as soon as possible. :p
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