Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Next Dom Target

Well ladies and gents, where are we headed next? Any plot ideas?

I'll drop a bundle in a day or two. But rather let you guys get any ideas you'd like up first.

New players very welcome to offer input!

Nima Tann

Master of Her Own Destiny
Next step would be to create a defense line between ST and SSC as the invasion wasn't a success and they are more comfortable for a counter attack. To do this, I can suggest the Kessel hex, which will provide us a good presence around the area and will create us the necessary defense line if ST decides to counter-attack.

For the storyline, the general idea would be what I said above.

-Since Kessel hex is near to ST, the people in the hex were probably effected from the invasion as well, so they'll not be very happy seeing Jedi roaming around. They are very hostile around Jedi and don't want them in their planets. They see Jedi and they directly think people that have some powers who think they are the saviours of the galaxy but in the end they are not. Possible rebellion and could be a good story.

-As an effect of the defeat, some dark cultists and Sith get the courage to create problems around SSC planets, not directly attacking them but provoking them. A group of dark cultists corrupt the wildlife of the planets, which makes them very angry and makes them attack the citizens. Also the corruption would effect the ones that were bitten as well, they would become more aggresive. Could be like rabies. Because of all this damage that happened to their planets, it would connect to the first idea.

-To solve the corruption, healers need to work as well, trying to find a good cure. This requires several items that can be found in the wild life of the hex, but the wild life is very dangerous so it's not going to be very easy. With this, I thought we would get the healers back in the game, as I see they're not very active in the threads.

-Again, the huge crime lords who have connections to the resources of the cities could turn the battle into profit, and gain more money from the citizens, or force them to pay for false safety and promises of food and water. Jedi could look into it as well.

-Also, to decrease the morale drop, leaders can go talk with the townsfolk and try to create a more peaceful area around the hex, also direct the operations and have more control over the subjects that requires their attention.

For now, there are the things that first come to my mind.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Handooine and Jablin if we tier 2 them it closes a section of silver sanctum space off thanks to the tier 3 dom we did

Sucellus makes it so we can start closing in those sections south of voss as well as continue to build defenses and storyliunes

I always wanna push for filling in the gaps to the east just because they are sitting there and retaking fully the rest of the sith worlds we origianlly watched.

Mirial there was someone giving nice ideas for originally and I liked the idea of rebuilding on the planet. I'd want to have Eol sha with the jedi base that was established there by some teams and chance for further study of the fireworms

to the south there are just clusters of planets in hexes begging for a tier 3 for maximum gain potential and gives a lot of worlds you could build up defenses as well as have adventures. Fleeting with pirates, hutts slavers and the like.
I missed out on the Ruusan invasion but there would likely have to be either a counter-attack from the ST or a second attempt from the SSC. Probably the first since we'll have annoyed the Sith now by attacking.

Our second most recent attack RP was the One Sith skirmish on Balmorra, which was great fun to do since there was a relatively straightforward goal and once it was achieved there was plenty of opportunity for side-stories and duels and all kinds of mayhem. Another skirmish would be fun.

Also, we've now gone up against both the OS and ST recently, so the only relatively big faction left (that I can think of) that are direct enemies of the SSC would be the First Order. If we weren't wrapping up loose ends with the ST, they would be the obvious opponents.

That's all I can think of, any kind of big attack thread is always fun.
I'll second Nima's suggestion of the Kessel hex.

As part of that though, I do think we should put in writing the launching of long-range sensors, both hyper- and real-space based to get early warning on incoming assaults. Something in writing is always better than handwavium. And I know there are some of these kinds of sensors already out there, just don't have the subs available offhand.
Nima and Matsu both make good arguments. Filling in those Sith planets in a T2 dom would be fun, but I don't think we have to worry too much about the factions in that area as of yet. The ST wanting to hit us back for our strike at them makes sense. Either way though, if I can find a way to work a good story out or help out on an objective then I'm up for whatever.
Audren Sykes said:
As part of that though, I do think we should put in writing the launching of long-range sensors, both hyper- and real-space based to get early warning on incoming assaults. Something in writing is always better than handwavium. And I know there are some of these kinds of sensors already out there, just don't have the subs available offhand.
Speaking for [member="Sor-Jan Xantha"], I've already got Corellia Digital satellites that would be easily modified into both navigation and early warning sensors. I could dev that as part of the dominion, sub it to the factory, and then we'd have that block checked.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
Sasori has long range mapping sensors for those purposes as well that could help. for real time networks.

now just need to get [member="Boo Chiyo"] and digital to make the holopad app for the beast talismans for Leina
Kessel = T3 Dom
Handooine & Jablim = T2

And if we've got nothing from the ST after that there's the hex right behind Kessel were we could T2 Dom as well, just to start closing the gaps and solidify the map a little more. The main focus it seems so far by the above consensus is Kessel, so if we go down into Kessel here's what I'm seeing so far, and this is so far from what I'm reading right now.

Objective 1: Early Defense Systems - After a failed invasion of Triumvirate held Ruusan the Coalition braces for a counter attack. Starting the establishment of satellites, and sensors in both hyper and real space. In the hopes that an early warning system would allow the Coalition a 'heads-up' on incoming assaults.

Objective 2: Into the Hornet's Nest - In the wake of the Coalition's failed invasion, cultists, criminals, and corrupt officials on Kessel have to bear. Encouraged with the idea that the Coalition would be licking its wounds, rogue Sith has gathered the already dark cultist inhabiting the area and begun to put them to use. Inflicting a rabies-like disease that has begun to spread throughout the planet's wildlife and has started to infect the humanoid population, creating chaos as it begins to spread. The outbursts of such an aggressive disease draw the attention of the Coalition's healers, both Jedi and non-Jedi alike in an attempt to find a cure for the disease.

Objective 3: Avarice No More - While the healers of the Coalition work to both stop and cure the disease, the Coalition's more aggressive arm will have to deal with Hutts and pirates, who seem to enjoy the benefits of the outbreak. Profiting from the paranoid and the bloodthirsty, others profit from the weak and the poor. The Coalition will hear no more of it and surmount their own unique brand of operation to deal with the problem in the hopes of dealing with both the Hutts and the pirates once and for all.

Objective 4: They're Hippies, man. - A rabies-like disease, war, and poverty mix within Kessel's system. Leaves much to be done for those who are not busy with stopping the disease, curing it or dealing with the criminal scum that are the pirates and the hutts. Whether they're Jedi or not, the cries for help throughout the system can be heard, cries that the Coalition will answer.

1 = Team Engineers / Bypass the Compressor!
2 = Team Healers / Cure it all, cure it all.
3 = Team Police / Bash a few faces and smash a few skulls.
4 = Team Hippie / Bring your own objective, do your own thing.

It's just a general outline, of ideas that the rest of you have given, but most certainly credit to [member="Nima Tann"], [member="Audren Sykes"], and [member="Boo Chiyo"] for putting the ideas out there!
With such a large territory and the state of RP, I'm not sure if we'd want to start implementing choke points similar to how the Kathol Outback naturally has things. Limit the number of hyperlanes in and out, stick interdiction checkpoints along those lanes still open.

It's more militaristic than my mental image of the Sanctum being, but if we're anticipating war it's a step we may wish to take. Probably be ignored by everyone anyways.

Sor-Jan Xantha

[member="Audren Sykes"]

Interdiction has been largely overcome by the factory though. Most player-created hyperdrive cores use hyperwave technology to circumvent the gravity well, rending the ship immune to the effects of interdictors.

That's provided that the ship is at lightspeed at the time it enters the interdictor field though. If you could get a ship to stop inside of an interdictor field, you can prevent them from going to lightspeed again. But the ineffectiveness of interdictors makes the idea of check-points difficult to enforce.

You'd be better off using early-warning systems to scan for subspace displacement, a large spike in which would likely indicate that a group of capital ships was moving inside a hyperlane. Provided we know where the ships of our fleet are, that would alert us to a likely incoming hostile force.

Plus, [member="Matsu Ike"] has done insane mapping and development of SSC space for her Astrometrics Lab. It's very likely that any of our ships operating with that technology wouldn't need a hyperlane, since they'd be able to navigate between any two points in SSC space in real-time with current cartographic data. So the hyperlanes are only going to represent commercial traffic, by and large.
The ideas and suggestions for T2 and T3 Doms are very good, especially from Nima and Charlyra. Having a look at the new map, I also like Matsu's suggestions as well.

With the gaps around Voss, in particular, we are a little exposed. If someone (a new group of sithy types) decide to set up in areas such as Jabrim, or planets deeper in that gap and the north in the area of Malachor V etc. As for the south that needs attention as well.

Personally I would prefer to see this fortified before going further toward ST, just at this point. But if that is to be the case we should close the gap at least and take the Saleucami Hex before we move into Kessel.
Emberlene's Daughter, The Jedi Generalist
well it is late but I can sleep on some story ideas, a tier 2 dom for ziost and Malachor would fill in nicely maybe and we can start looking on those. Give matsu a chance to take @Sorel Creiff to the trials temple on Malachor so she can go for knighthood
My thoughts are that even though we lost the invasion of Ruusan there is still hope of containing and frustrating ST.

If we dominion within a planet in the hex they want and keep it to tier 1 we can frustrate their plans by keeping a tendril inside their territory, an irritation they will find had to remove.

We may not be able to invade them, but we can out-dominion them I'm pretty sure. So we play the slow game.

The north and south are not going anywhere. if we'd won Ruusan we could have easily turned to those regions, but now it's best to leave them be and not let ST consolidate their victory.
One BIG thing. We'll want a fleet and ground forces there to resist any rebellion, which is possible. Keep them background for the dom but mention their presence in our initial posts.

I like kessel and the ideas people have put forward for it, that you've summed up [member="Charlyra Araano"]. We are vulnerable to strike at the tendril at present. As long as everyone realises that with any dom, that it could be cut if we don't reinforce it, i'm happy to back kessel.

My preference is more defensively minded, as with Coci, we tend to think alike on these things! So i'd look at Saleucami certainly as our next target if not this one, giving ourselves a stronger position to follow.

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