Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Next Time

He grinned at her as she got on to him about their difference in skill, "I would never."

His grin dropped and he raise an eyebrow as she went on to mention her talking during the training and about almost exactly what his thought a few seconds earlier was about. Was she a mind reader? That was a scary thought. If he didn't have enough pressure on him, now he was no longer safe in his thoughts. Maybe he just gave her such an easy tell. She was a smart woman after all and a teacher. As a teacher she should be great at reading the faces of her students and simply knowing. He decided to blame it on that even though part of him was sure she just might be a mind reader as well.

He smiled then walked with her to the kitchens, "You might as well be ready for lunch. I can eat anything. I ask you so that if you really like some thing then you can make it for yourself or if there's ever a day were you go, 'Gee, I don't think I want oats.'" He mimicked the bray of a kybuck before suppressing a laugh. It wasn't that he thought that she was one but the fact that he wasn't particularly fond of oatmeal unless he had a pound of fruit in them. By that time he might as well just eat the fruit. "'Oh wait! Porkins-' No, you call me Lugus - 'Lugus showed me how to make this!' and then, you know, you can make that when don't feel like oats or such."

He nodded his head. It seemed reasonable enough.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
As they walked she smiled. “I have a confession. I’m a worse cook than you are a duellist. And when I say that, I mean I have never, ever cooked anything in my life. Food has always either been made for me at an Academy, or I eat ration bars. I’ve never had a kitchen, so never learned to make anything.”

“And even when I’m here? It’s hot oats for breakfast, salad for lunch and salad for an evening meal. So not very adventurous. Say, what was the first thing you ever learned to cook? You can teach me some simple things now, yes? That seems like a fair deal.”

She was beaming now. She’d recently been embarrassed about her lack of cookery ability and now she had a chance from a professional to put that right. “I mean, you’re practically a chef, right?”

[member="Lugus Porkins"]
Practically," Lugus smiled almost as brightly as she did at the thought of a cooking lesson. It would be great. No one should have to settle for leafy greens and oats like a Kybuck. Plus cooking wasn't that hard. He absolutely loved it himself.

"And, Corvus," Lugus walked a little closer to her then attempted a slight whisper. "I've been cooking since I was like four. My mom tells it best and makes it this cutesy story, but my first time cooking she asked me what I wanted her to make me. I told her, 'No! I'll make it.' I had a speech impediment so when she asked what I wanted to make my reply was SCAMbled eggs. So there you have it. Eggs the greatest ingredent in my opinion. If you like them that is. You can make eggs Benedict, egg salad, boiled eggs, deviled eggs, eggs in a basket, scrambled, poached, sunny-side up, omelets, uhh... there's definitely more."

"Tell you what- I'll show you how to make an omelet." he smiled at her. "You can cook that and load it up with different fillers each time. It never gets old. Then I'll promised to practice the lightsaber and you can practice cooking. I think my mom kept some of my old cook books so I'll have her send us one. You can even surprise Taeli with the new skill." He grinned even wider at that thought. In his opinion, nothing brought people closer than a meal.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus listened. Perhaps talking about saber Forms to a non-Jedi was like this? She was caught up with his enthusiasm yet was unable to comprehend half of what he said.

Yes, she’d heard of eggs. She’d seen them and even knew they were used in cooking – but that was the extent of her knowledge. And since she didn’t frequent restaurants, the list of applications for them seemed endless and frankly foreign.

“Can you use any eggs or do they have to be specific ones?” In her mind she wondered how big an omelette you could make with a Krayt Dragon variety. “And I guess I can put vegetables into my omelette – that’s good. And yes, maybe Taeli will be impressed.”

She smiled at the kitchen staff as they entered. “Just give us a corner somewhere and we’ll keep out of your way,” she offered as she looked around the sterile but at the same time very busy environment. She was shocked just how many people worked on this side of the counter. She hung her cloak up on a nearby peg and placed an apron on in its place. “Ready when you are.”

[member="Lugus Porkins"]
Lugus thought about it for a second, "I don't know. I guess avian eggs would probably be best. Think about an omelet with Krayt Dragon egg. That would be something."

He paused in his step as they entered the kitchen area. They were in between breakfast and lunch but still they ran around like they were busier than ever. Lugus was reminded of his time in that diner on Corelia. They rarely had a quiet moment and always seemed to have to rush. Just seeing the busy kitchen brought him back to those burly men yelling at him to move faster and laughing at him when he would make a joke or play around. He didn't know if they were gone or not but he heard the diner was no more. He might be the only one with their recipe for Ryshcate. The thought of the diner almost brought a tear to his eye.

Corvus brought him back with her declaration. He quickly looked over at her and saw she already had her apron on. He smiled at the sight admiring how she looked willing and able to cook before finally grabbing his own apron and rolling up his sleeves. After that, the first thing for him to do was to wash his hands. Then he almost developed the same pace as the staff around him quickly going back and forth grabbing the different things they would need for their omelet. Occasionally, he would pause to ask someone where something was but that was the only time he slowed down. Cooking gave him a different kind of rush than being a fighter pilot did.

He brought her the eggs first and sat a bowl and whisk down in front of her. "Do you know how to juggle?" He did a quick juggling act with the four eggs in his hands before sitting them all down for her. He paused then giving her a quick glance, "Have you cracked an egg before?" He took one in his hand then gave it a nice solid hit on the edge of the counter and cracked it into the bowl with one hand. He threw the shell into the trash before grabbing another giving verbal instruction as he did it this time, "You don't have to do it hard or crack it all over just. A nice solid hit and then grab each end, pinch and pull it apart. Check and make sure you don't getting in pieces of the shell in the bowl. Last two are yours."

After the other two eggs made it into the bowl he continued with the lesson taking the whisk in his hand and tilting the bowl slightly, "Now we're just going to blend them up. Tilt the bowl up so you get a bit more leverage then use the whisk and just beat them. Just like you're reeling in- Have you ever fished before? Well a um... circular motion." He laughed then passed the bowl and whisk to her.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus shrugged, avian eggs? It sounded…wrong but who was she to say?

She watched him work and saw how at home he was. OIt brought a smile to her face – there was always something special about someone doing something they were enthusiastic about.

She shook her head. “Never juggled…never needed to. And I’ve never held an egg before, let alone crack one.” She watched him perform what seemed a simple task and picked up an egg herself. Except it wasn’t easy. Her first three taps produced no visible break in the shell and the fourth resulted in a handful of egg – as she’d tapped too hard.

She threw it in the trash and using the Force brought a new egg to the bench. She was tempted to use the Force to crack it, but decided to be authentic. This time she made a small mess but the egg ended up in the bowl and the shell in the trash. The final egg was better again, as the shell neatly broke into two and she was able to deposit its contents into the bowl.

She shook her head again. “Nope, never fished.” But she watched and copied. It was a lot easier than breaking an egg, although she was a little vigorous at first and had to slow down her whisking to a more manageable speed.

“It seems…OK?” She didn’t sound entirely convinced.

[member="Lugus Porkins"]
Lugus watched, but let her learn on her own. It was so odd to see that she hadn't held an egg before let alone crack it. He ducked a little at her rocky start. Maybe he should be doing a more hands on approach to teaching? Sadly, he didn't give many lessons so he wasn't as good at it as she was.

"I might just have to take you and Taeli on a fishing/camping trip," Lugus smirked. He was curious to see how they would respond to it. Personally he loved to fish, but he imagined that he would be the one baiting hooks and removing fish for them. Corvus might but still he was curious to see if she actually would.

"Looking good so far," He smiled warmly at her hoping to ease some of her discomfort and nervousness. He wasn't lying. She had the eggs mixed fairly well. He had her put that aside then placed a knife and cutting board in front of her. She twirled around a lightsaber without taking her own hand surely she could use a knife without cutting a finger... Maybe he should keep a close eye on her.

"First off green onions," He placed them in front of her handing her the knife. "Now put you left hand on then just to hold them together - Tuck your thumb! You might need that later... Now keep the tip of the knife on the counter and just slowly chop your way up the onions. Make them however small or large you want them."

He put his hand on hers and guided her knife to chop the greens. It was awkward for him in more ways than one. First he was left handed having his right hand make the cutting motion felt so odd. Next he wasn't tall enough to stand behind her so he stood a little bit to her right considering he could just barely see over her shoulder if he stood directly behind it. Now he understood why the guy was always taller than the girl in the holovids. He snickered lightly as he thought about that. They would make a holovid terrible. He let go after she got a good pace.

"Put them in this pan," He pointed to one then placed a green pepper in front of her as he took the red one and a knife of his own. He demonstrated as he talked. "Don't cut yourself. For the pepper you just cut it in half first then you slice it all the way across... Hold it together then turned it and cut it again... And there you have diced a pepper."

He did the same with the other half. Then put all of the pepper into the same pan and explained sauteing to Corvus. He poured the eggs into the other pan making sure they filled the bottom of it. As soon as they were ready he put the onion and peppers over into the slightly cooked eggs. Placing the pan in the sink. He snapped his fingers as he realized he forgot cheese. He quickly scurried away to find some coming back with a bag of already grated cheese. He quickly covered the omelet with it explaining there was no such thing as too much cheese. He then folded it over and let it melt together.

"Oh! Here. Put your hand right here," He placed her hand on the handle for her then put his hand right in front of it. He pushed the pan forward and back then gave it a flick making the omelet do a flip. He flashed a quick smile, "This burly looking Corellian taught me that. Everyone called him Buster. I can't remember what his real name was, but first time I flipped a pancake, it landed on the stove instead of in the pan. The guy just picked it up with his bare hand and put it back in the pan. It was one of the gnarliest thinks I ever saw... Anyway order up."

He split the omelet in half in the pan admiring how the cheese strung the two halves together then he placed a half in a plate for each of them.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus pulled a face – she couldn’t help it. “I don’t mind the idea of camping but the concept of a trip sounds like too much time away. Taeli might be game but I know I’d feel guilty if I devoted time to myself that wasn’t in some way focused on helping the Order some how.”

She accepted his praise well, she knew she wasn’t perfect but she was making progress, which was all she needed right now.

Her onion was…large slices. Not through choice but because she didn’t have the necessary fine-motor skills to cut finely. Not if she wanted to retain her fingers. And if vegetables were meant to be chopped, why not make them rectangular instead of round?

She then progressed to the pepper and found it no less easy. Once in half, she could lay it flat on the chopping board – which was a plus – but once more to call it diced was an exaggeration of the proportion of the pieces.

She added it to the pan and did her best to follow orders. On the plus side there were few and she was sure with trial and error she’d get quicker and more adept at flipping. And yes, she could imagine picking omelette off the floor more than once as she perfected the art. Gnarly she could most likely do.

“Gnarly is bad I guess?” she said, smiling broadly. As she looked at the fare they’d created she was pleased she’d cooked the first thing since she was a toddler when she remembered mixing cookie dough and eating the resultant chocolate delights – but not much in-between.

She grabbed a fork and held it over the plate. “I guess it’s not something you can do too wrong is it? I mean, I’m not likely to have poisoned us, am I?”

[member="Lugus Porkins"]
Lugus looked away and bulged his eyes at the thought of just Taeli and him camping. He wouldn't want to do it. Plus he imagined she wouldn't be 'game' with the idea of going camping alone with a man she barely knew. He wouldn't have wanted to go with just Corvus either. Most like nothing would happen with either of them but he wasn't one to put himself in that position.

He admired how Corvus didn't seem phased by that. Lugus found it interesting how she worked. Her mind didn't appear to comprehend the romantic aspect of things. He wondered if she even knew what it was like to be attracted to another person. She didn't assume. There weren't any what if's or mixed signals. It was easy to be just her friend and that's what Lugus liked about her most.

"No, gnarly is... Crazy but also cool," He was sure that was confusing. "Like - it was crazy that he picked up the hot pancake, but it was also cool that he did so without even batting an eye."

He grinned when she asked about poisoning them, "At least we would get a pretty good last meal. Just make sure you cook it around medium heat or else you'll burn your eggs. For the fillers, if your veggies are soft or wet don't cook them. And trust me you will know when the eggs are bad. The smell? YUCK."

He picked up his plate and grabbed a fork himself before motioning her to join him in the dining area of the cafeteria. He placed his plate and omelet down before heading to her chair and pulling it out for her. It was something his mother had instilled in him since he was a child. He took his own seat after she sat down then took a bite of the omelet. He hummed his pleasure then smiled, "If I ever open that diner, you're hired. You know when ever the Jedi don't keep you busy."

He snap his fingers as he remembered something. He left back to the kitchen returning with two glasses of milk. He for one needed milk with his breakfast. It was just one of those things.

"Cheers," he raised his glass of milk to her after he sat back down then took a large gulp of it. He felt it as milk got on his upper lip as well. Real smooth, Porkchop. He smiled at her then put a serious look on - the smile peaking through it, "I mustache you a question. Do I have anything on my face?"

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
"So gnarly is good and bad at the same time?" Her face said that Corvus didn't get it at all.

So she'd followed his instructions to the letter and if she said so herself, she'd done a pretty good job of making an omelette - her first solo cooking effort.

Corvus also took a large gulp of milk - and was an aficionado of the blue variety, so was fully expecting the dairy addition to her make-up regime. But the thing was - invariably she was the only one drinking it, and so had no idea how ridiculous it looked on someone else. So she burst out laughing. "Is that how silly I look?" There was no malice in her voice - and the laughter didn't stop - to the point that all the other diners were staring at her. The cold-fish was making a most unusual scene.

"But I have to say blue is more my colour." Finally she calmed down. "And if I say so myself, this meal is alright. I can't wait to try it on my sister."

"So...what's next for you?"

[member="Lugus Porkins"]
Lugus grinned at her watching her get so tickled at his silly little joke. He assumed that she had integrity to with hold as the Grandmaster, but that thought didn't cross his mind at the moment. If anything he often forgot she had such a high standing with the Jedi. She often proved his people with power are snobs theory wrong.

"Is that how silly I look?"

He took a split second to realize what she laughed. Lugus couldn't help but to start laughing himself. Her laugh was infectious. "Hey!" He managed to force it out between a laugh. He wasn't upset just surprised by her. Lugus didn't care who was staring at them. His eyes didn't even check around them. He knew no shame himself, and how was it fair that a person should police their happiness because of gawkers? His side hurt now and he managed to take another bite after the laughter subsided.

"Bantha blue. Do you have some here? I should have looked harder, I guess." He beamed at her mention of cooking for her sister, "You've got the cooking bug now. I'll definitely send you a book. Wait until you try baking."

"Patrol duty. Woo. Maybe something exciting will happen? I hear also that we are planning to invade OS space. I try not to get wrapped up in that before the debriefing," Little did he know that he wouldn't be doing either. He would be sitting on a suspension and accused of espionage.

"Speaking of Tatooine milks, have you ever tried Eopie milk? It's a lot like Bantha milk but sweeter and smoother," he took another bite of his omelet. "This guy brought an Eopie cream pie to the diner once. So delicious. The owner offered him a large chunk of the profits for the whole diner and bakery just for the recipe but he still said no. I wish I had it to tell the truth."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus nodded at his question, not trusting herself to speak. “Ridiculous,” she squeaked out.

She sucked air in and relaxed, close to meditation in fact. “Yes, we’ve blue milk,” she finally answered. "And I’d like the book – honestly. But baking may have to wait a while. Let me get these right first.”

She scooped up another mouthful and tasted it. “In my opinion,” she managed as she ate, “Routine missions are the worst kind. They set an expectation way too low and in the end you have to manage some life or death situation every time. Personal experience,” she added at the end, nodding as she did.

“Eopie milk?” She cocked her head to one side. “I plan to farm them on day, I never considered they gave milk too. Hey, thanks for the tip. I was simply going to breed them for riding purposes.”

“And tell me more about this diner. It sounds busier than a One Sith invasion.”

[member="Lugus Porkins"]
"I might just have to buy the milk from you," Lugus smiled.

Lugus raised his eyebrows in surprise at how she wanted to know about the diner before giving her a large grin and nod, "It was a nut house. The guys working there were total hardasses and lunatics. Where do I even begin..? I should start at the beginning and how I stumbled on it, I guess."

Lugus took a deep breath, "I was a fresh-faced eighteen-year-old boy - I thought I was a man, but I was definitely a boy. Just imagine me still chubby but without a beard - Scratch that. I had a soul patch but they made me shave it. Anyway, it was the first day of the harvest festival. I actually got off university for it, so instead of being productive, I was wandering around the city. I walk right into this line, and it is just wrapped around a corner and a block away from where ever it was going to. I was curious so I stood in line. Women walked around and offered free pastries to keep people happy. That made me even more curious. So I wait like 2 hours in this line and when I get up to the shop and get to the counter they hand me a box, and I pay however many credits for it."

"This was the first time I ever saw and tasted ryshcate. I head back to the diner later that day just to let them know my story, and they tell me it's known as the best in the galaxy. Now like I said, I was a boy. I didn't believe them. So the boss overheard me. Let me clarify the boss is the owner's son. It's family run. Everyone was related somehow. Anyway, the boss tells me come back tomorrow, and we'll see if I don't think it's the best then. They bought ryshcate from every other bakery in Coronet City and make me try it against theirs. I felt so sick, and then they gave me the bill for it. Needless to say as a college kid living off of his parents' credits, It didn't matter how much it was. I couldn't pay so the boss told me to wash dishes until closing. The guys purposely made clean dishes filthy so I would have to wash them again."

"When the owner came in he wasn't happy. He gave the boss an earful then told me to leave," Lugus paused. "I was so... I don't know. I told him I still have two more hours to work. He was surprised by me, but he let me work them. When it was time to go, he paid me for the day then told me I was hired. Come by tomorrow and he would work me out a schedule and have me fill out the paper work. None of the others were please to have me in the diner, but I became the new busboy and dishwasher."

"That damn boy from Bestine," Lugus chuckled lightly. "He didn't belong in a Corellian diner and bakery. For three months, they tried everything to get me to quit, but I was getting my own credit flow. There was no way I was quitting. Then it was just like a switch was flicked. One day, they all just accepted that I wasn't going anywhere. New employees came, and they would get heckled by the guys until they quit. They always quit. That was just how it went. I survived the trial, and I'm glad I did. I met a lot of great and interesting people."

Lugus stopped talking for a moment taking a moment to read over Corvus to see if she was still interested. The last thing he wanted to do was bore anyone with his long winded stories.
[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus sat and listened. It was a strength of hers – to give 100% attention when the other person was speaking, rather than be keen to tell her own story. You have two ears and only one mouth for a reason, her first Master used to say.

And the story of the diner was fascinating, if a world away from her own life. She had no idea what a soul patch was, but would look it up later.

“That’s quite a tale. And maybe a metaphor for life. It’s easy to quit and so often the things you want – that you really need – they aren’t handed to you on a plate. Excuse the pun. Maybe someone sees that potential in you – and the next thing you know you’re looking back and wondering how you stuck it out. But you did.”

“I was wandering the galaxy after Corellia. Met a Jedi that saved my life and he brought me here. Gave me some training. It was possibly the hardest I’ve ever had to do. But I refused to give up. I was malnourished and a lot of what he demanded was physical – but I kept on going. Day after day”

“Like you, I just wanted to be here. Not to prove to anyone else – but because I knew, deep down, this was where I belonged. Except I’m still here and you left the bakery. But I sense a part of you is still there – hence your plans after you retire as a pilot. Am I right?”

[member="Lugus Porkins"]
"After I retire as a pilot..." He stopped to ponder that. "I love cooking and baking, but a pilot is what I'm supposed to be. I hope to be a pilot for a long time. Just like I image you'll be a Jedi for quite a while. You definitely belong here. You're meant to be a jedi even a miraluka could see that."

"I went to school at Corellia University for engineering. When I told people at the diner this, they would say, 'Oh, you'll make a great engineer.' Yeah... I only did it because my dad wanted me to. I guess he felt it would make me want to be an engineer if I got the degree. I almost decided to. I did decide to for a short while. Every one was telling me I would make a good engineer, and why be a pilot if I'm getting an engineering degree? All I needed was just that one person to believe in me though."

Lugus paused looking down at his plate before managing a small smile, "There was this one man who came almost every day. Every time he would have a cup of our blackest coffee and read the news. The boss told me not to pester him so I would just say 'here's your coffee, sir.' The man wouldn't say anything back, and he would leave a basic tip. It was like clockwork. You could set your watch by him. It went on like this for months, and then one day when I go to give him his coffee, there's a piece of ryshcate sitting beside it. 'Who does this go to?' 'It goes to the same guy just give it to him.' So I give him his coffee and the cake. Then I asked on of the other guys what it was about."

"Turned out that was his daughter's birthday. He lost her when she was fourteen, and every year for her birthday, he would have ryshcate in her memory. I couldn't imagine the pain, but still I felt for him. So... I paid for it. I even told him it was on me. That was that. I went to grab the plate and cup after he left, and I notice he didn't leave a tip. Everyone else was freaking out. The boss thought for sure I made them loose one of their most loyal customers. I felt so bad. The next morning, he came back thankfully. I brought him his coffee, and for the first time he spoke to me. Told me to sit down. I was on the clock working. He had me get the boss and told the boss to make me sit down. So I sat down. He wanted to know who I was so It probably just took me five minutes to explain that I was just some kid from Bestine, No trouble. Just naive and stupid at times. He listened to me just like you are... I told him I was an engineering major. I was going to be an engineer... The funny thing was he told me that I didn't sound very convincing. He told me there wasn't a point in doing something if I didn't like doing it. When I told him what I really wanted to do was be a pilot, he told me then be a great pilot."

Lugus grinned at Corvus then chuckled lightly, "You think you talk a lot? That man could have put you to shame. For the next five hours or so he told me everything about himself, mainly his family and his oldest. I wish I could remember it all. He had four kids. All of them teenages. I thought my parents had it rough with three. His oldest would have been seventeen if she was alive. Five teenagers at once. You would never meet a prouder father than he was though. You could just tell that he loved his family and all of his children by the way he talked about each of them. I wish I could remember more about him but I mainly remember what he said about his family - and his oldest daughter. We were remembering her after all. She was going to be a jedi like you. He told me, if he would turn back time, he wanted to think he would forbid her from being one so that she could live a full life, but he could still remember her excitement for it. He would make the same decision. He would rather her live a short life part of the jedi then a long life of misery."

He shook his head, "That story got a little longer than I expected. Anyway after the talk, he left. I cleared the table, and I nearly had a stroke. I wasn't even thinking about the tip, but he left me 1000 credits that day. It just floored me considering I was the broke college student that paid for his ryshcate and coffee the day before."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus had a retirement plan. Even though, deep down, she didn’t expect to retire. Statistically she would die first. The second most likely option was that she would teach and be a Librarian once she was no longer combat proficient.

But the farm was her link to life after being a Jedi – and that was significant to her. For what reason she had no idea – but it was important none the less.

Of course for Corvus there was never a change of career or choice to be made. She was Force-sensitive, was discovered by the Jedi. The only decision was to remain on Corellia or go to Coruscant.

But she listened to Lugus’ stories. She loved his stories. They were so often on two levels – like the best one’s were. If he did this on purpose, she had no idea, but she didn’t care – she could listen all day.

Like the man who came in for a coffee. She was already wondering where the tale was going to go from the moment he started to recount his memories. It was a sad story – to lose a loved one is always heart-rending but nobody should have to bury those younger than themselves. She herself had to look at the graves of her younger siblings. It was just…wrong.

And like the moment before the dawn, just when Covus thought the story could not get any darker, she feared for Lugus. Did he lose his job? But no, this was the man who turned the student around to become a pilot. He sounded a wonderful man to have inspired Lugus like that.

And she imagined the man was her father. She knew it was a silly romantic idea, but the facts fitted – apart from the loss of a daughter of course. Except…except her father had thought she had died when she was fourteen. And the ages fit. And she was, at the time, the only one that was going to be a Jedi.

“Describe him.” If Corvus’ manner was brusque, she didn’t apologise, instead she fixed Lugus with her violet eyes. “Tell me everything you remember. His name where he worked, any details…please.” Finally there was the sound of pleading in her voice. And involuntarily her hands went across the table and gripped his, her knuckles turning white with the pressure.

[member="Lugus Porkins"]
She started to worry him with the tone of her voice and the abruptness she developed. Her stare kept his attention. Was it desperation? He wasn't use to it. Then the motion startled him. His back found the chair as he straightened his shoulders in an attempt to pull away. His hands jerked trying to flee as hers snaked their way into them. One managed to get away, but having to drop the fork made lefty a little slower. Her hand cupped over his fingers turning the tips a tint of purple with just how hard she squeezed. His eyes jumped from her eyes to their hands trying to make sense of it all. Did she think she knew the man? Did she need to find him? His eyes moved back to hers just in time to hear her final plea.

The angel on his shoulder didn't have tell him what the right thing to do was. There was no decision for him to make. No questions for her. Help was what he heard. Help was what his mind immediately tried to do.

"His name was uhh..." He closed his eyes as his mind drew for an answer. As if to jog his memory, he rubbed his thumb across the back of her fingers. The soothing motion also allowing his mind to relax if only slightly. He was always bad with names. He still had trouble with Corvus' last name and it was only three letters- or was it four? He shook his head. "I'm terrible with names. And I don't know if he told me where he worked. We only ever had that one conversation, and that was eight years ago... His hair was starting to grey and he was tall and slender, but then again everyone is tall compared to me..."

He suddenly realized he was describing almost every old man in the galaxy. His free hand came up and gave him a solid wack on the forehead, before sighing. He was almost useless. Almost.

"She was born on the seventh day of the seventh month, and he didn't eat ryshcate just because he was remembering her but because it was her favorite as well. She had her mothers eyes and a heart of gold, and he said when she laughed it could make a rancor smile... She would turn 25 next month," he had no idea why he remembered that information, but it was what came to him. He huffed then smirked, his hand twisting hers around to examine it. Her dainty hand looked even smaller in his mitt. He loosened his grip and letting her pull away if she chose to, "Sorry... No help."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus realised she was holding on too tight, and relaxed her grip. But her body released none of the tension that had built up.

“His name was Validus…” She let the words hang for a short while. “And he worked at the University.” She stared off into space before returning her gaze to Lugus.

I was born on the seventh day of the seventh month. We always had ryshcate on my birthday because it was my favourite.”

“I have my mother’s eyes — and he always used to say I had a heart of gold and when I laughed, I could make a rancor smile.” Tears welled in her eyes. She hadn't spoken to him in over two decades and then she found out he was dead — and it was all her fault. “And yes, I’m about to be twenty-five.”

“Sorry...but you helped more than you could ever know.” And then she had no more words, only tears.

[member="Lugus Porkins"]
Validus? Did he work at the university? Maybe... Yes. Lugus remembered now that they held a memorial in the main hall. He didn't learn this until after the fact considering he only went to class and never paid attention to anything else on campus. He never took one of his classes. He couldn't even remember what he taught, but it didn't matter now.

Her next words had him taken aback. He took his hand from her after the first sentence. No, she was dead. He said she was dead. He felt like Corvus was playing a cruel trick on him. He shook his head in disbelief. Was his eldest daughter named Corvus? Was his name Validus Raaf? He had ways to find out what his name was but not at that time. He was only left to wonder what was real and what wasn't. His stomach turned, and he balled his hand into a fist as he tried to make sense of it all. His face scrunched like he just ate something sour.

After she finished speaking, he finally looked up at her again. The pain he felt vanished at the sight of tears rolling down her face. His heart melted. He believed her now. The previous pain now replaced with a new one for her. She knew... She knew her family had died. Lugus remembered the man saying all he wanted was to see his daughter just one more time, but now he was gone and here she sat. He felt awful.

"Hey, come here," he moved more beside her taking her face in his hands using his thumb on one hand to wipe a cheek and his fingers on the other hand to wipe the other. "There. Your dad wouldn't want you to cry."

He smiled at her placing his hands in his lap, "Now tell me... When exactly did you learn your laugh could make rancors smile?" He curled his lips to keep from laughing then gave her a wink.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
The time for holding back was long-gone. Her sisters knew the full story but beyond that only people she truly trusted and cared for – and they could be counted on the fingers of one hand and you’d have digits left over.

But here she was, in the Ossus restaurant, sharing some of her innermost secrets. But if felt right somehow.

“When I was about fourteen, my Master died. It was during a freak electrical storm and I was in an underwater cave at the time, so avoided it. I couldn’t cope with his death and ran away. Looking back, I can see how they might think I died too. It never occurred to me at the time.” She shrugged apologetically.

“My little sister told me that they had a funeral service for me. I had no idea. When I turned up on Ossus, it never occurred to me to tell them I was OK. We had no contact you see. It is, in my mind, the Jedi way. No attachments.”

“And…” she sucked in a lot of air at this point, “I planned to see them. But I became distracted with Jedi business at the spaceport. A bounty hunter was waiting at the house for me. He killed them all when my little brother tried to disarm him. Only Melori survived.”

She looked into his eyes, “I killed them as sure as if I pulled that trigger. So if I choose to cry now and not laugh, please don’t judge me too harshly. But for my part in their deaths, there can be no transfer of guilt. No pardon. I accept my role in that situation and nothing can change my mind.”

She gave Lugus half a smile. “Sorry to bring this meeting down. The truth is, I can’t remember the last time I laughed. Not properly.”

[member="Lugus Porkins"]

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