Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Next Time

She wasn't into his play. His attempt to make her feel better fell short, but still he tended to her. That was his nature. The confidant. His expression dropped as she told the story of what happened from her point of view. He shook his head as she claimed to be equivalent to their murderer. For a moment Lugus saw his little sister in her. They were close in age after all. Cricket was headstrong, and like Cricket, in this moment, Corvus thought she was alone. That she was the only one who could carry her burdens. That she had to live with this guilt for the rest of her life. He looked away for a brief moment as she mentioned nothing would change her mind about it. That would be Cricket as well.

"You're not bringing down this meeting," he shook his head lightly. "I think I started it anyway... With my story."

He exhaled then smiled fondly, "Cry as much and as hard as you want. I won't judge you one bit, Corvus. I promise. And don't worry about anyone else here. I'll give them something to stare at if they choose to stare." There was no telling what Lugus planned to do.

"Can I ask you something? It more of a request actually," he put his hands on her shoulders then looked into her eyes. "This means nothing now, but one day you'll know it's not your fault, but until then, be careful. Guilt can be a dangerous thing. It leads to a lot of powerful negative emotions. Depression, Rage, Revenge. I don't want to see you overcome by it. You can overcome the guilt."

"And you don't have to do it alone. You don't have to do anything alone. You've got me whenever you need me. And then you'll have Taeli as well and your little sister who's name is close to, but isn't Mallory," he grinned then chuckled lightly. "Funny story actually. Buster let me ice the writing on a cake for her and he said Mallory, but it wasn't right. I felt so bad I hid my face when your Dad came to pick it up. He just patted my shoulder and said 'Better stick to coffee, son.'"

He laughed lightly then let the expression fall off his face, "Would you like to take a walk? Get some air? - You probably have something better to do though."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus listened but didn't take all of the words in. Not here. Not now. In time she'd replay the conversation - review how much sense Lugus was talking.

Maybe Corvus wanted to feel guilty. To accept that their deaths were her fault, not the work of an unjust galaxy or...that her family were too weak to defend themselves. Melori and Melori alone survived. Because she was a Sith. The thought came unbidden into her mind and she pushed it away. No, it was her own fault, pure and simple.

She smiled half-heartedly at Lugus, aware he'd want a response and she couldn't remember half of what he'd said.

"A walk would be nice. And..." Her brain processed some of the information it had received but put away for safe-keeping. "When was her birthday, can you remember?"

[member="Lugus Porkins"]
He hadn't expected her to really pay attention. She's already decided that she was at fault, and of course that left him concerned for her well being. All that was left for him was to do what his gut told him to do. The same thing it told him when it came to his sister: Protect her. Comfort her. Just be there for her. He wasn't completely sure if he was necessary for protecting. She much more capable at fighting than he was. His idea of winning a fight was to throw the first punch then run if the opponent didn't fall over. He could comfort, and he was more than capable of being there should she need him. Like in this moment where her heart hurt for her family.

"Lets see..." He paused and curled his lips as he thought about it. "I want to say her birthday is in the first month. I remember we had slowed down quite a bit from New Year's Fete. I want to say it's in the last week of the first month."

Lugus nodded to confirm then stood up and offered his hand to her so that they could start their walk, "I saw gardens on my way in if you want... Well you probably see them all the time. You pick the walking destination I will be the happy tourist and take in the sights no matter where we go."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus made a mental note of the date. She would eat ryshcate that week in honour of her sister. It was the least she could do and perhaps one day, Melori would hear of it and understand the love that was there for her.

“Thanks,” she offered gently. “And the gardens? Now let’s see…there is a beautiful natural pool that is lovely at this time of year. We should walk there and burn off all those calories.”

And so Corvus led them back outside and through the gardens. It was an interesting blend – the Academy was home to a wide variety of species – both imported and native – with the jungle being so close it was an odd blend but naturally beautiful regardless.

Finally they reached the pool and the waterfall that cascaded into it. The sound was calm and gentle and on any other day, Corvus would have loved to have simply sit here and meditate. But she had company and a lot on her mind.

“You’re a caring soul Lugus,” she said, smiling. “And you sell yourself short too often. Tell me, are you a city or a country kind of guy?”

[member="Lugus Porkins"]
Calories? Lugus didn't... Maybe he did need to burn them off, but it wasn't something he took the time for. Part of him wondered if she said that purposely just because of his weight. Maybe not.

He walked with her taking in the sights of the gardens and the vibrant colors even the scents that drew him close to certain ones as he closed his eyes to enjoy them. As if closing his eyes actually made them smell better, but the small smile showed just how much he enjoyed it. He would then play catch up starting to jog as he had to then catch up with her.

With time, they reached the hidden falls and Lugus could only gawk at it. He marveled at the cascading water. The crisp clarity of it making him want to run forward and just leap into the water. He was practically shaking from excitement. The sound of the roaring falls didn't help but to simulate him more as he smiled at the sight.

her complement brought his attention to her and with his attention he also gave her a smile. He did have a caring soul. His mother nurtured him into the caring gentleman he was... and then the criticism... His tongue went to his cheek as the smile he gave her fell from his face. Was the complement suppose to butter him up first? It didn't seem to work. Then she went on to ask him a question. He gave her a small haw for the dodgy tactic.

"Thank my mother. Blame my father," he winked. There was only a hint of play in the wink. Not too much just because of the truth he spoke.

"Have you seen Ahto City on Manaan? I grew up in a city like that except smaller than Ahto," he shed his outer robe and proceeded to untie his boots as he answered her question. "I hated it. I liked it better when my family and I would visit one of the islands and just play and catch sink crabs and fish. I love crab for than I like fish."

He removed his boots and socks placing them together and out of the way. After that he started rolling up his pant legs, "So I guess to answer your question I'm a city boy who prefers the country. When my brother, sister, and I got old enough we practically lived on the islands all summer. If we had know how to make electricity we would have moved there."

He stood back straight pausing and looking at her for a second, "Can I tell you something? It's crazy... and silly... I'm from a planet that's 95% ocean and... I'm terrified of it. I fell of the family boat when I was young and they didn't realize it. I spent an hour in the ocean by myself in a life vest that was too big for me. I thought for sure that was the end of me. I grew to love sand at least."

He chuckled at that then took off the inner robes and tunic leaving only his white tank top he usually wore under his flight suit or in this case the Jedi robes. That was the end of his dress down. He began his rather cheerful walk to the waterfall.

"Oh speaking of Tatooine again," He turned to glance at her as she walked. "I use to joke with some of my buddies at the diner about how if I ever lived in Bestine again, I would be in Tatooine's capital instead on my homeworld. As much as I miss my mom at times, there's nothing left on Bestine for me. Tatooine is where you plan to raise eopie isn't it?"

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus listened to Lugus. She was an honest soul and spoke how she found things – there was never malice or an ulterior motive – just the truth, however uncomfortable that might appear at times.

The mention of many planets brought back only unpleasant thoughts. Fighting with the Sith as a rule and Manaan was no different. Many Jedi died that day.

And she smiled at his answer – it was always pleasing when someone answered honestly but broke the rules inadvertently. And she was wondering what he was up to initially but soon realised. She was raised not far from what were arguably the finest beaches in the galaxy. Her father would often go paddling with them. Of course that was a subject she’d rather not be reminded of.

“Well I grew up searching underwater caves for fun, so you could say I’m a natural when it comes to swimming.” And she followed suit in removing her Jedi boots and removed her cloak before rolling her trouser legs up.

“And yes, Tatooine is where I’ll end up I hope one day, Not too many waterfalls there, but the solitude more than compensates.” And she caught him up and stepped into the cool and clear water. Regardless of the temperature of the air, the coldness of the pool almost took your breath away, but after a few seconds it simply felt refreshing.

“So, what attracts you to Tatooine?”

[member="Lugus Porkins"]
"You part melodie, too?" He chuckled lightly. "My mom would tease our dad, and tell us that our real father was a melodie."

Instead of wadding into the water, he went over to the gentle falls instead placing his fingers under it first letting the cool liquid hit his fingers. He loved the feeling. Despite being so terrified of the ocean, he really did like water. He loved it even. On Bestine he would often swim with his family in a sand bar or in a pool. He wouldn't swim in the open ocean however. He preferred the fresh water, but that wasn't something he got to very often. Mostly just baths, but that wasn't as fun as swimming.

"Nothing. Did I make it seem like I fancy it?" He sucked air in though his teeth and grimaced. "It was just a joke I told them. There would have to be something very important on Tatooine in order for me to live there. I hear there isn't a more wretched hive of scum and villainy in the galaxy, but hey, you might just clean it up."

He shimmied his way closer to the waterfall careful to watch his footing of the moist rocks he was standing on. He wasn't the most sure-footed and his center of gravity wasn't really at his center or maybe it would be best to say he had too much at his center. Either way he watched his feet before getting close enough to cup the water in his hands and put it on his face. After only a split second, he soaked his head under it enjoying the crisp cold water running over his head and neck. He vocally breathed the air out of his lungs then let a smile take over his face.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus laughed softly and kicked water gently but playfully at Lugus. "No, I'm not a Melodie."

And she listened to Lugus talk of Tatooine. To her it was just like any other. Oddly, when she was around, she didn't see much in the way of crime, but then it was like that when she visited Nar Shaddaa. Supposedly people stealing and killing everywhere, but when she walked down the street, people seemed most pleasant and she saw no acts of theft or violence. Funny that!

"To be fair, I plan not to visit anywhere with people much. There's another farm nearby and there's a camp of Tusken's not far away, a friendly bunch, but otherwise, I'll be there for the peace and quiet."

"So, are you going paddling or not?"

[member="Lugus Porkins"]
He kept his head under the falls turning it to feel the water in different ways for the most part just enjoying the feeling. He did something similar at time when he washed his hands. He would just let his hands move slowly under the water. Surely he wasn't the only person that liked that... maybe. He pulled his head out just in time to hear her ask if he was going to go 'paddling.'

"Impatient! I will when I'm good and ready!" He furrowed his brow only smile warmly at her a second later.

He was good and ready. He went to turn around and walk back to the bank and to where she was in the water, but his foot slipped out from under him. As a reflex, he decided just to fall into the water rather let his legs straddle the rock. A belly flop seemed to be less painful at least even if it was more wet. His shoulder hit the bottom before he sprang back up shaking some water out of his hair then slicking it back making his receding hairline even more noticeable. Luckily the water wasn't too deep yet deep enough so that he didn't hurt himself in shallow water.

"Does this count as paddling?" Lugus smiled sheepishly before laughing. He shook his head lightly then swam his way back to the shallow and to Corvus.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus smiled at Lugus' antics. To laugh might have sent the wrong impression, as he clearly looked to make a dramatic accident look like some purposeful dive.

She was not going to follow suit and so instead she used the Force to splash some more water at him as he closed on her. Given she pulled the water from behind him, he'd probably be caught unawares.

"My father used to call that plodging, but he might have been making it up," she said, talking as she used the Force.

[member="Lugus Porkins"]
He glanced up at her as he finally managed to find himself in water below the waist. He was surprised not to hear her laugh. Everyone did. Even if it was an accident like this time. Everyone found it funny and laughed at Lugus' expense. He became desensitized by it. He no longer knew the shame. It was normal in his eyes.

"You can laugh if you want," His fist pounded his chest as he drug his feet through the dense water. "No shame here."

He flinched as a sudden wave of water soaked his back side. His brow furrowed as he turned to catch the culprit only to find no one was standing there... or they were invisible... No, his eyes turned back to Corvus as he realized she used the force on him. He creased his forrhead then stuck out his bottom lip.

"Don't you think I'm wet enough?" He scolded her playfully as he finally managed to get back beside her. "But you... Look a little dry!"

He hoped to have the element of surprise springing his trap after saying 'you'. If she didn't manage to slip out of his grasp, he planned to grab her by the waist, half lifting and half dragging her to a deeper part of the water. There like in all of his years of dance, he would dip her to where she was just above the water careful not to make her soaked just yet. A playful grin lighting up his face.

"This force thing doesn't seem so hard. I bet I could levitate you if I let go."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
She was a Jedi and an exponent of Teräs Käsi. Catching someone like that by surprise was not likely. Possible but improbable.

So when Lugus grabbed her, she simply let him. Jedi robes were generally impervious to water – but that was designed to keep the rain out. In truth she was now soaked – but could not care less. He was having fun and if she wasn’t careful, she might have some too. Despite recent events and the news of her father, she was happy to just be Corvus for five minutes.

So she let him grab her around the waist. “Go on then,” she chuckled. “Let’s see how you fare…levitate me.”

[member="Lugus Porkins"]
The thought never occurred to him that she would actually let him grab her. Of course, Lugus was curious how he, the average naval pilot, managed to pull one over on her, the grandmaster of the jedi. He assumed he just had that much of an element of surprise and lived in that fantasy.

He raised an eyebrow as she dared him to levitate her. They both knew he couldn't do it, and she would be taking a swim. Not for long however. He planned to lift her back up out of the water the second her head went under. He couldn't help but to feel she was tempting him for a reason. Would she levitate herself? Could she really do that? Well, she asked to be dropped. When he danced, he didn't tend to drop his partner after the dip despite wanting to. His dance partner was his bossy sister most of the time so the desire to drop her was definitely there.

He did as told. His hands retracted from her as he removed them and let go of her.

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Lugus let go of her. She was never a showy Jedi that displayed skills for the sheer entertainment factor. So she allowed gravity to take its course and plunged under the water.

Once her feet touched bottom, she kicked hard and resurfaced, spraying water everywhere. And she smiled and then laughed. "OK," she said. "You win...I laughed." And she splashed him again for good measure. It was a good thing the sun was shining, otherwise they'd be freezing by now.

"So, you made me laugh but failed to levitate me. So that makes us even, right?"

[member="Lugus Porkins"]
His hand immediately went under the water fishing for her until it found her elbow to pull her back to the surface. The thing was she already made her way back to the air. He grinned about to ask her if she was okay when she began to laugh.

"I guess you won't be calling me Jedi yet," he beamed smiling widely. His brow furrowed when she mentioned him winning. The smile never left his face however. His confusion interrupted by the water splashed at him. He lightly used his large mitt to splash her back. He didn't realize making her laugh was such a feat that one would claim a victory from it. She seemed to be at ease around him, but then again, he didn't let them get lost in the technical stuff. They were more than just a jedi and a pilot or a man and a woman. They were Corvus and Lugus.

"I don't think I had enough of that, uh," he brought his hands up and wiggled his fingers like they would jog his memory. "That force thingy. If sure if I had a second chance I could levitate you no problem."

He chuckled then hung his head. He thought for a second about being even then shook his head, "We're getting closer to it, but we're still not even just yet." He spoke sincerely hinting to the time on Umbara. How he gave her CPR then she thanked him by 'ruining' one of his flight suits. He smiled lightly then cut his hand through the water to splash her again. He chuckled, "But that's okay. I don't plan to hold you to it."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus enjoyed the simple nature of the encounter. They were simply chatting and having fun. No strings, no agendas but sadly an element of guilt. For Corvus rarely spent time on herself and every minute enjoying herself felt wrong somehow.

But if she was going to fulfil her desire to be a person and a Jedi, these were the moments she had to embrace – and multiply. So for now she just laughed and played.

“Who knows,” she said, “Maybe you have an affinity to the Force, it just hasn’t manifested itself yet?” She said it in a light-hearted way. Not because she was mocking him, but she didn’t want to get his hopes up.

For now she wasn’t the Grand Master, she was Corvus – pure and simple.

[member="Lugus Porkins"]
He could hear sincerity as she spoke. He smiled but at the same time he pouted his lip, "We both know you'd have a better chance finding a bantha force sensitive - not me... I have a better chance of having a heartattack."

"Oh!" He put his hand over his heart and grimaced then fell backward into a floating position laughing and kicking water at her as he paddled his feet. After getting more toward the center of the pool he simply allowed himself to float along. His eyes opened at first. He had this nagging feeling that he got when he was a child. He rarely just floated in the water when he went swimming. His older brother was the reason. He liked to sneak up on Lugus and dunk his shoulders. On top of that, his older brother would even hold him under for a along time until Lugus was about to run out of air.

This was a happier time. He enjoyed the sun beaming down on him as he just relaxed in the water. The sun was almost at the middle of the sky so he assumed it could be noon already. He had no idea to tell the truth. He felt bad though. He wasted her morning and took time away from her duties. "I hope I'm not stealing you away from something important. It's just I... War isn't kind. I ignore it most of the time because I don't want it to drive me crazy. I've seen it change people. They use war to justify their crimes... even murder. Some days it's good just to forget it even exists."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus made her way to the side of the pool and sat on the edge, her legs dangling in the water.

"I am always busy, so I invariably feel guilty when I'm taking time out for me. But too many people have told me that's wrong for me to doubt them any longer. It's about time I started to consider what I need. What I feel. What I want. And if that means spending a morning, relaxing with a friend, so be"

She smiled warmly. "I'm not sure I can ever forget..but I owe it to myself to put it to one side every once in a while, yes?"

She kicked water at him. "So, is there anywhere else you'd like to visit?"

[member="Lugus Porkins"]
"Exactly. It's alright to take some time out for yourself. It's not healthy to be completely selfless. It's isn't healthy to be completely selfish either. There's a balance... Somewhere," he chuckled floating lightly through the water.

He glanced over at her just in time to get a kick of water. He shut his eyes even though the water didn't touch his face. "You tired of swimming?"

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus smiled. "I'm restless...always have been. If I'm not teaching or studying, I have the attention span of a four-year old. I need to be doing something new all the time."

"I bought some music, at the suggestion of my sister. I find it really good to listen to. But I tend to jump from track to track. Unless I'm physically unable to allow a song to play right through, no sooner has one started than I'm looking for the next song."

She gave him an odd look. She was talking about things other than Jedi matters and rather enjoying it. "So...what kind of music do you like?"

[member="Lugus Porkins"]

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