Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction NJO/GA | Brick By Brick

Spirit of Tenacity

Fight the Good Fight and all that jazz

Brick By Brick

The Battle of Coruscant was won, but at what cost?

For the New Jedi Order, it was the partial destruction of the Jedi Temple. Many consider it home, and those who stayed behind to fight have made it their mission to rebuild in the face of adversity. While work began almost immediately after the battle ended, the temple is a massive structure, and weeks of work have only just began to pay off with notable progress. The jedi must continue their progress, and perhaps give the temple new life with this generation's contributions to it's reconstruction.


Objective I: Reconstruction
(Social Objective)
With half the temple collapsed during the battle, the members of the Service Corps under Jonyna Si Jonyna Si have done their best to rebuild the crucial structural portions of the temple, but now the work must be done to restore the temple to what it once was, and perhaps add to it's previous beauty alongside Efret Farr Efret Farr as she designs new statues for the temple in the wake of the destruction. Find a place to work, and a buddy to talk to. Many of the greatest memories are made while on the job!


Objective II: The Depths Below
(PvE Objective)
Far below rubble of the battle, the remnants of the attack still lay. Sith spawn and soldiers loyal to the New Sith Order and Dark Empire still seek to disrupt the work of the NJO and GADF as they rebuild, lying in wait for a foolish jedi to pick a fight. Clear them out, and purge the lower levels of Coruscant of the last remains of the dark side influence the Dark Empire cast on the planet. Work with soldiers and civilians to find and cut down the dark forces still remaining.

Objective III: Doctor's Orders
(Medical Objective)
With the battle over, many of the civilian casualties have come to the temple seeking help. While the GADF works to sort through the wreckage, the people of Coruscant seek aid from the heroes they trusted to save them in their time of need. The untouched portions of the temple have been converted into a make-shift hospital, as the healers of the NJO sort through the wounded.


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Double-Bladed Lightsaber

"Stay close to me, Aris." Valery stood on a hovering trolley that slowly brought them down into the lower levels. Matthew of Valendale Matthew of Valendale was with them as well, primarily as her guard but she didn't even have to ask him to consider her son a priority while they were down there. Aris was strong, skilled, and brave, but he lacked her experience. Handling Sithspawn and other Dark Side creations had been her focus once. Perhaps she could teach him some valuable lessons, but until he was an expert, she'd want him to have supervision.

This was no task for just any Jedi to take on.

"Sithspawn come in a variety of flavors. Some are twisted creatures that were once ordinary animals. Your father has an entire facility to help them," she said as she looked her son in the eyes, "Others are pure creations of the Dark and can't be helped. To sever that connection is to kill them."

"But if we don't, they will go after innocents."

She paused and turned away from her son to look at Matthew of Valendale Matthew of Valendale . She had first been hesitant about a guard being assigned to her, but she was grateful for his assistance today.

"You know what to do, and you have your responsibility. If you need us to do anything, please let me know." Guards had the unique authority to request her to listen to them. They were responsible for her safety, so if they needed her to listen for that to be guaranteed, she would.

As long as it didn't get in the way of being a Jedi.

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Jonyna hadn't really...stopped since getting her new job. Sure, she'd taken breaks, but rebuilding the temple had kind of taken over her life. The sight of Ladybugs had become a common sight over the temple, both rescue craft bringing more and more wounded, but also as construction craft, allowing the massive chunks of rubble to be lifted out of the hole in the ground.

Jonyna was currently watching one come down with a massive stone, slowly lowering it into place so it could be set up for the sculptors to get to work on.

"Right, then we've got twenty more of those coming in today..." She mumbled. "Dice, run the numbers one more time. How much more material do we need before we're all set for the western wall?"

<32 tons, exactly! A perfectly round number!>

"Thank Sylvar for that." Jonyna chuckled. It was strange now. By technicality, she outranked the Knight her people worshipped as their once savior now.

Would she be worshipped someday? That was a thought she pushed far back in her head. Don't let that go to your head Storm Fiend.

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Objective II: The Depths Below

Ship: The Red Night
Equipment: Jedi Robes | Lightsaber
Tag: Open

As Gatz hit the ground in a roll, razor-sharp claws cutting through the old durasteel wall he'd just been pressed up again, he couldn't help but wonder if he'd bitten off a little more than he could chew.

His tumbling came to a stop, and Gatz looked up at the Sithspawn that was currently trying to turn him into shredded beef. It was a horrific thing of scales and jagged edges, with glowing eyes that Gatz already knew would haunt him during the nights to come. A few scorch marks were burned into its reptilian hide—evidence of where he'd struck it with his lightsaber, but to no avail.

Of course the Sithspawn that he ran into would be lightsaber resistant. Why would the galaxy throw him something he could actually handle?

It ripped its claws out of the wall it had marred, and turned to face Gatz once again. It prowled slowly, like a jungle predator stalking its prey—which, all things considered, was a pretty apt description of their power dynamic. Gatz held his lightsaber out in front of him, though as useless as it was against this thing, he may as well have been holding a green glowstick.

Something caught the corner of Gatz's eye.

The Sithspawn lunged once more, terrifying high-pitched cry echoing from its toothy maw. Gatz reached out into the Force, feeling for what he'd just spotted visually, wrapping it up in his telekinetic grip...

And Gatz forced a full dumpster into the creature's path.

The Sithspawn hit the giant metal bin, and the dumpster exploded. Scraps of steel went flying. pinging off the metal corridors of the alley. Trash littered the alley like a cluster bomb of filth. Gatz would have used the term "warzone" to describe what his surroundings looked like now, but it would have been too literal of a description.

But Gatz didn't have time to wax poetry over the scene he'd just created. Because the Sithspawn stood back up, no worse for wear.

Gatz sighed, preparing for his imminent death, "I never get the easy jobs."


Matthew kept pace effortlessly with Valery and Aris. His tall stature and long strides transformed the walk into a leisurely endeavor. Draped in white robes accented with gold and bits of armor concealed beneath his cloak, his presence was commanding yet ghostlike, as his steps made no sound. Acknowledging Valery with a nod, he responded in a gentle tone, "As you wish."

Though encased in layers of cloth and a mask, Matthew remained keenly observant and hyper-aware. His gaze shifted curiously toward the younger one, Aris. His duty was twofold today. Zark San Tekka Zark San Tekka had given clear instructions to oversee the padawans, and Aris would be no exception.

The Divinarie adjusted his wings with careful grace, mindful of the space he occupied, ensuring he stood at a considerate distance to avoid crowding them.
Objective: 3, time to save some people.

Maybe Shan was too paranoid. Or maybe he had learned from his naiveity, but there was a part of him that didn't like this. Opening up the temple to the public to this degree, congregating so many wounded people in one place. It was the exact kind of place that would be a prime target for anyone looking to make an impact but that was neither here nor there. He had to focus on the task at hand, and looking over his shoulder all the time wasn't going to help with that.

For now, he was focusing on saving his energy. There'd probably be quite a few traumatic injuries amongst the crowd and it was better for him to save up his stamina to deal with them instead of using the Force on every injury all willy-nilly. It was amusing to look back on himself at that thought. Back when he first started using the Force to heal people, it was almost a routine for Shan to keep going until exhaustion hit him and he'd collapse but now he had matured. Learned what injuries were the most important to heal through the Force and what could be healed manually. Or at least...left to heal manually. It's not like he could just push a cut together to make it heal...Though that would be cool if he thought about it.
The sith were gone, had pulled out from Coruscant entirely; unfortunately the many different soldiers and sithspawn hadn't been dragged with them. There were still those elements hidden within the undercroft of the Jedi Temple and Raph could only assume he and Gatz were lucky that they'd only fought Adeline that day. If it had been both Adeline AND these sithspawn or support teams? Well, neither of them would've survived. But, then again, Adeline hadn't ever been the biggest fan of utilizing support teams. She tended to want do things herself, get her own hands dirty. He wondered if she even had normal soldiers, these days. He'd returned to Coruscant, after a few days of being away and meditation... well, a few weeks, actually.

The undercroft of the Jedi Temple hadn't sat right with him, that day, but he'd been too busy fighting Adeline to really notice it. He'd not even been there for the awards ceremony and he was really hoping that Valery wasn't upset with that one, though he doubted it. He was never the typical "stay at the Temple" kinda Jedi, and she knew that. Even his master knew it. Hell, master Sallaros had come with him into the Unknown Regions, that day, when he'd returned his crystal and picked up the egg.

His rifle out, Raphael had been following a trail of destruction for a little while now. Some large creature, something that he'd never seen before, but obviously with penchant fo damage. He heard roaring, up ahead, the slicing of metal and then an explosion. Raphael rushed ahead, rifle pointing forward, not wanting to use his lightsaber, if he could.

When he rounded the corner, though, who in the world did he find but Gatz. Gatz's insane ass, fighting off another sithspawn...a big... and... sharp... He took a breath. This was what he'd been chasing.

"Gatz!!" He aimed and immediately began to fire at the creature, bolts pinging uselessly off of its hide. "Can we PLEASE just get a drink next time you feel like hanging out?!" He held out his non-mechanical hand, ripping a piece of piping from the wall and throwing it at the creature, hitting it in the head. "Seriously, what IS this thing?!"

Gatz Derrevar Gatz Derrevar

He was dirty, dusted, and the over the course of the battle, he had treated at least two dozen Troopers. He had no idea where the other Raiders were- spread over the areas of the battle, they had been lost, confused, seperated. At the least, he had been near the temple. The Jedi had set up a sort of makeshift hospital-

Raylin had the unfortunate job of triaging. The truth of the matter was, not everyone being brought to the hospital was going to make it. He held his IV bag up high, inserting the needle into the trooper's arm. The trooper was sedated at least, but his survival chances were low. Just two minutes ago, he had triaged another trooper- she had lost both of her legs and arm, and was going into shock.

All Raylin could do was make her last moments more comfortable, and prevent her from being conscience for the end. She met her fate quietly, flatlining on a cot after being brought in by her comrades.

The scene repeated itself, over and over.

Raylin walked away from the hospital, bloody gloves slipping off his hands. He blinked a few times, looking up to the sky. He took a deep breath, trying to compose himself. Sith troopers were also being brought in- wayward men and women who had suffered in the same way. Another medic disregarded a Sith Trooper, passing over to the next wounded Alliance soldier. Anger swelled in Raylin- who drew his sidearm, and marched over to the younger medic.

Grabbing the medic by the back of the flak vest, he kicked the back of his knee, causing him to fall forward enough to put the gun to the back of his head- after showing it to him in front.

"Corporal you will treat every patient you get through here the same, Alliance or not, do you understand me?"

The Corporal nodded, not so much scared- just very aware that the Raider might've not shot him, but definitely would beat the everloving crap out of him should he fail to do his job. Raylin let the kid go, tucking his sidearm back into his holster, directing another ambulance towards the triage area, waving them forward. He slipped on a pair of gloves again, mentally preparing himself to repeat the process.

It was going to be a hell of a day, much more than the hell they had all been through already.
The only easy day was yesterday.
You know those types you don't want to meet in a dark alley?


BLUE TEAM - Michael, Gabriel, Sariel,
GREEN TEAM - Raphael. Uriel
Michael, Gabriel, Sariel,Raphael, Uriel,Raguel,Remiel, Seraphim
[Any text in brackets signifies comm-link usage and not face to face conversation]


Objective II: The Depths Below
(PvE Objective)​

2 minutes!

“Raguel”, the team pilot barked out the approach time to the landing zone. This was Alazar’s (“Michael”) cue to stand and prep the rest of the team.

Alright Schuttas, listen up. I know that this isn’t our normal assignment, but this isn’t a normal situation. Our orders are to enter the zones, and secure the area for search & rescue and reconstruction.

We’re Special Forces, I’m not complaining, but why are we assigned to this?

We’re going in dark because New Sith Order and Dark Empire Sithspawn and Soldiers have been seen in the lower levels. We’re going in to make the jobs of the reconstruction and the security forces.

Rules of Engagement?

Weapon discipline unless contacts are visibly confirmed. After that? We do what we do. Alright, get’em ready “Gabriel.”

Alright ladies. Weapons check!

A few moments went by, each operator checking their gear for operational status, power supplies and safety protocols in place. Each operator was checking their counterpart next to them when “Raguel” yelled out from the cockpit as the loading ramp lowered.


On you, Boss!


One by one, each operators jumped from the combat shuttle, dropping into cover positions, securing their area from enemy ambush until the final operator “Uriel”, the shuttle’s loadmaster and Sniper’s spotter jumped off along with Raguel and the shuttle immediately screamed out of the area into the the fog and away from the scene. The AI "Seraphim" was in control of the shuttle, and will fly high overhead out of eyesight, but before the shuttle could be lost from sight, the team was, already on their mission.

... yeah, I scare them.


Objective III

Coruscant wasn't exactly turning out to be the way that Teynara had expected - a recurring theme that she was starting to think was going to characterise her Jedi career. Permanently surprised, because nothing ever goes according to plan. The planet had come under recent attack, and the Jedi Temple that had proven to be her destination had been one of the main targets, and now the Order had been left to pick up the pieces and restore it to what it had been before. Such that even new recruits are drawn into the efforts...

The Jedi were all being divided up according to their competencies and capabilities: some were being deployed with the expectation of having to fight, their duty being to secure the Temple against further incursions and make sure that all within were protected. Others would begin the rebuilding efforts, and Teynara didn't envy them in the slightest: it would be hard work and likely thankless, given the nature of it. Finally, the group she found herself within: those deployed to aid the wounded, and make sure those who had suffered injury didn't suffer any further. Buildings can be replaced, but people certainly can't.

With her training in the early stages, there wasn't much she could do as a Jedi, but she had sufficient medical training to be of some assistance - although it was rumoured that the Jedi could heal certain maladies without needing to use traditional medical equipment, so perhaps she'd have time to witness that herself - assuming they weren't overwhelmed with patients and had no time to think, much less observe others. Though I might be over-estimating the workload, too. Perhaps we'll not have as much to do as I expect.

That all being the moment she felt as though she was standing still amidst a whirlwind. There was plenty of activity already: the first of the injured being brought in and directed to an appropriate place for treatment. They'd need to be triaged according to the severity of their injuries - such was a way of prioritising time and resources. Those who were badly injured but likely to make it would end up waiting their turn for a bacta tank, in all likelihood, although the ones who were too badly injured would probably be just made as comfortable as can't save everybody, no matter how much you wish you could. The ones who were relatively fine would just have to wait their turn - the general rule was "if you're screaming or complaining, there's a good chance you'll live", and so wouldn't be prioritised over the ones who weren't capable of communicating their hurt.

Force preserve us, where do you even start in the midst of this?, she had to wonder. Unfortunately, the Jedi handing out assignments had only told her where to go, and then turned away to speed another person on their way. Not exactly a comprehensive briefing, but maybe I figured someone would point me in the right direction once I got here. So far, everyone looked too she was just hanging there like a loose thread, and not overly useful as a result. Maybe this is what Master Valery meant by training on the job...
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink

TAG (FRIENDLY) : Open | TAG (FOE) : Open​


Repli Implants that would be for the limbs
Bonemer enhancements to strengthen structure of the body
Muscle enhancements.
Hemo enhancements for blood flow
Hawkeye implants for eyes
Advanced Medical Implant

"In my experience,
when you think you
understand the Force,
you realize just
how little you know"


He has yet to really feel comfortable here. Such a big and drafty place, unlike Jakku’s Enclave. It is a rather ugly facility, and a target for anything and anyone that has even the smallest issue with the Jedi.

That doesn’t excuse what happened, not at all.

There are civilians that live and work here too. What of them?

Walking around the rubble, looking for a starting point. Debating on whether to stay here and do the work, or get his aggressive feelings out and see if the rumors are true of Sithspawn and Darkside soldiers still lying in wait, Connel looked around. He didn’t feel “at home” here, but others did, others do, and that just made his nostrils flare.

Connel was aware of the looks he had been getting lately. People are afraid he’s going to go nuts on somebody, like he did on Master Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah a couple of days ago. He owed her an apology, but she invaded his mind, that was out of line. Still, he would not apologize for what he said, or how he felt, but it was not the time or place to do so. He had more respect for the station of “Knight” and “Master” than that.

Most Padawans around here need to have that as a part of their curriculum…

Picking up some debris, there was the scent of the Dark side… somewhere out there…

What to do?

"Hrmph!" The groan was followed by a loud CLACK as stone landed on stone, then grated into its place on the large brick laid wall. Wulrenkit's muscles were sore and tired from the repetitive work. Still, there was a grin on the young Zorren's face and he knew that if he'd gone through his trials, his tail would be wagging strong enough to create a gust. It reminded him of home. Veradune might now be well recovered from its centuries of hardships, but his family had been at the forefront at its reconstruction. "Master Si! I could use a lil more stone o'er here!" Stretching, Wulrenkit let out a happy groan as his back popped then went back to his work, ensuring that everything was level and even. "Unless theres somewhere else you'd rather have me workin, ma'am."

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si
in the footsteps of a stranger

Efret was in the Temple Museum's workshop as she had been every day since the returning from her post-invasion break. She was working on finishing her second bust for the Archives—this one of Master Qui-Gon Jinn. Work was slow even aided by the Force, though much faster than it would have been for a non-Jedi craftsperson.

Her door was propped open with a small, rough chunk of stone, as was also typical. She had kept an open-door policy since teaching her first lesson on marble sculpture to a few knights. When she was present in the workshop herself, she kept the door open; when she wasn't, they had the means to enter and work unattended.

She hoped to help some other fellow Jedi learn to be more artistic, or else just present them a chance to be by themselves. Time would tell if anyone would wander into her newfound haven.

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Tags: Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr , Open...


"Three more, critical condition!"

Jalen had been doing his best to haul wounded in from the streets, bringing them to the medical attention they needed. Some were weary of having the Temple so open, but Jalen was not one of them. He knew that this was a space for good work, and the recovery of the wounded was far greater than the safety of whatever lied within. Still, Jalen couldn't blame people for feeling weary. They had good reason given what had just occured.

Hold... an aura. Strong in the Force, just...

So far, everyone looked too she was just hanging there like a loose thread, and not overly useful as a result.

Standing still. A sigh escaped from Jalen's chest. They couldn't have that. Standing around like a deer in headlights was no way to get things done. They had work to do. They seemed to be a Padawan, given the strenght of their presence. Her age was... vaguely young? The auras of everyone present made trying to get a full read on anyone difficult. Regardless, Jalen approached the young woman, trying to orient his face to where he assumed hers would be. It would be, of course, slightly off, and his eyes were as empty as ever.

"Alright," Jalen sighed, "We can't have you standing around doing nothing. I have a patient with a foreign object lodged into their lower sternum that's on route to becoming infected. I need you to come with me and be a second pair of hands."

And with a gesture of his head the blind padawan turned, making his way towards the patient with some haste.

"Jalen, by the way," he greeted as he did so.

They could do greetings on the fly.



Objective: II The Depths Below
Location: Coruscant


Earlier in the day...

Ko hadn’t been spending much of his time in search and rescue since the Dark Empire brought their war-machine here to Coruscant. He’d heard reports of agents and stragglers from the Dark Empire still kept fighting in smaller pockets across the planet. Ko imagined that they may have devolved into asymmetrical guerilla warfare deeper into the underworld. Making him shudder at the idea of brutal tactics likely being employed.

Currently Ko and the rescue team he was with was about to uncover a small group of people trapped within a partially collapsed building. He was surprised to have found them through the force. Thinking that it was a miracle that such a sizable group was still alive. However…

Standing there with much of the rescue team Ko felt a disturbing tremor in The Force just as the rubble was cleared and people trapped could be freed. Members of the rescue team gasped in surprise over what they saw. A squad of disheveled and emaciated stormtroopers packed together around a large collection of mutations.

Before Ko could even react, the now freed men showed their intentions. “For the Empire!” One of them hissed, their voice laced with a potent venom before they brandished an already activated thermal detonator. Reflexively Ko telekinetically gathered up a wall of debris and rubble between himself, the rescue workers he was with, and the zealous stormtroopers. But it was too late.

The following explosion was far greater than any single thermal detonator could’ve accomplished. Likely added by the additional stores of mutations they had with them. Instinctively Ko’s body hardened like steel to protect himself for just a second as the horrific shockwave pierced his body, keeping his internal organs and arteries from rupturing from the force. But his body was knocked off its feet and quickly flew into the air. Just before impact his body hardened once more as he crashed through the wall of a neighboring building. Despite being alive Ko knew he was going to be horribly sore tomorrow. Letting out a groan he was glad that he was still away. His more mindful and reflexive use of Soft to Solid served him better than how he used the ability before which would completely drain him of energy. Once again, Ko would give a silent thanks to Jasper Kai'el Jasper Kai'el .

Pulling himself back up to his feet Ko stepped through the hole his body formed in the wall. His heart sank. A quick look with The Force let him know that there were no survivors. The rescue team he was with and their gear had been completely obliterated by the explosion. Ko clenched his clawed hands into tight fists as rage and guilt filled his soul. This was his fault. He decided that those storm troopers should’ve been saved. Their multiple lives that could’ve been saved had left him completely unprepared that it could’ve been a devious trap. But to kill the brave workers that risked life and limb to save them, only to be greeted with a thermal detonator and hatred made Ko’s blood boil with a desire for revenge.

Objective III
Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el | Open​

A voice stronger and clearer than the vague whisperings and shouted instructions came from right behind her, causing her to turn to find the source. The tone suggested that it was being directed towards her, rather than just being something that faded into the background - and, for reasons she couldn't explain, it caught her and forced her to pay attention, even though she hadn't seen the person that had spoken until they had done so.

Taller than she, the man that had addressed her was imposing, filling out his robes in a way that suggested health and strength, a vitality that came from something deeper than just eating right and getting enough sleep, though he was more slender than bulky. His hair was cut shorter than her own but for a short braid that hung down across one shoulder. It was his face that startled her the most: the dark red tattoo that crossed the bridge of his nose and that extended from ear-to-ear stood prominently, but the eyes that stared at her...they were a stormy grey, the pupils lacking focus, almost appearing to be covered with a milky film. He can't see me...but he somehow knew I was here without bumping into me. Living among Jedi was becoming ever more confusing.

Still, it was clear enough from his slightly-exasperated tone that he wasn't going to simply stand there and wait for her to take it all in: there wasn't time to dawdle, particularly with someone in need. At least someone's willing to give me a little direction, she reflected calmly, falling into step with the Jedi, her dark brown skirt swirling around her booted ankles as she stepped quickly to follow him. It didn't occur to her to question the instruction, or even to ask who he was to give her instruction: at a time like this, it made no sense to stand on ceremony, or look to the vaunted hierarchy established within the Order to decide whether or not to obey. There's a job to be done: go and do it!

"I'm Teynara, though most people I know call me Tey," she observed, returning the simple politeness of exchanging names, even if this felt like an odd time to do it. And he didn't call himself 'Master' maybe he's like me, a student? She looked at him appraisingly as they walked, and further examination suggested that this was so: like her, he was still relatively young, though past the cusp of adolescence, into his adult years. Possibly a full Jedi, but also perhaps not. Regardless, he knows his way around, and that's more than I do.

We do have a patient to attend to, Tey,
she reminded herself sternly as they approached, recognising that now wasn't a good time to be getting distracted by curiousity or social concerns. Someone whose condition might have started out as relatively stable could decline quickly if action wasn't taken to keep them that way - and having medical personnel standing around gossiping wouldn't be helpful there! Besides, Jalen seems to have his priorities straight, and I can hardly do less, can I?

The injured patient had been lowered gently to the floor, carried in on a medical stretcher of the manual variety - suggesting that there weren't enough of the repulsorlift-propelled variety to spare. Or too many patients to move in a short space of time. That was a frightening possibility. What beds were available had all been taken up - things had quickly escalated, and the room was filling up fast with people needing treatment. And having something lodged inside your chest is a good way to escalate from wounded to dying rather quickly. So, a second pair of hands it is.

Teynara did have to wonder how it was possible for a blind man to even see the patient's condition, much less know what needed to be done next and be capable of seeing it through: he didn't seem to have any ocular implants or other means of assessing his environment. Maybe someone told him, and now I have to be his eyes while he offers me instruction? She wasn't sure how this was supposed to work, but her own medical training had been fairly limited up to this point - and removing shrapnel from someone's chest wasn't something she felt confident doing herself. Besides which, you'd need blood for transfusion, a pressor field to help stop any bleeding that might occur as a result of their intervention, and a tissue regenerator wouldn't hurt. Can't use all that by yourself!

"Okay, where do we start?," she said softly, pitching her voice to a soft whisper so that her fellow student might hear, but the patient would not. Nobody wants to be assisted by a medic who isn't quite sure what your best course of treatment is: at a time like this, you'd want someone calmly in control who could minimise the risk and reassure the patient that they weren't in any danger. I can offer that, but not the confidence of knowing exactly how to treat you... "I'll follow your lead."


Tags: Teynara Jeralyr Teynara Jeralyr



"Okay, where do we start?,"

"Here's what we're working with."

Jalen lead her to a young Aruzan male, sedated and on a portable surgical table. He was sedated, hooked up to various IVs to maintain internal fluids, and had a window in his top cut out for them to opperate. The head of a nail could be seen in the man's blue skin, plasma oozing out around it.

"Patient is in his early thirties, weakened immune system from debree inhilation during the attack," Jalen explained. "He fell onto a rusted nail in his home when the orbital bombardment first shook the planet. The nail bent on entry and has hooked around the backside of the sternum. We need to make an incision around the foreign object to dislodge the nail and apply antiseptic to the wound. I believe the nail may be hooked into the bone itself. We may be forced to fracture it."

All the while, Jalen was pulling on a pair of surgical gloves, handing a pair to the young woman with him. He was in business mode right now. There was certain to be coaching as they went along, but the also needed to move quickly to avoid having to treat an infected injury as well. Jalen turned his scarred face to Tey, his eyes just as empty as they had been before.

"I'm going to make the incision. I need a second pair of hands to dislodge the foreign object."



Aris nodded once to Valery. Stay close, stay ready. He'd heard of another time when Valery had brought a padawan below to fight against Sithspawn, and he was determined not to end up as she had. He lifted his blade, ignited the blue as he prepared himself for what was coming. He didn't have the senses to feel the dark creatures, but he could hear them.

They were here. Around them. Watching as the trio descended forward.

"They're here."

Valery Noble Valery Noble | Matthew of Valendale Matthew of Valendale

Objective III
Jalen Kai'el Jalen Kai'el | Open​

You're going to make the incision? Are you insane? Teynara had been half-tempted to scream as much right at the other Jedi, perhaps grab the laser scalpel from him and shove him away from the portable surgical table with whatever energy she might muster. It was one thing to prepare a patient for surgery - it was quite another handing a blind guy a scalpel and telling him to cut wherever he thought best. Instead of a patient, they'd end up with a corpse, and she didn't want to have to explain her lapse in judgment in allowing this to happen in the first place. But, equally, why would he suggest it if he knows he can't see? Something wasn't quite right there.

She'd taken the pair of gloves that he had handed her - and noted that he had done so without any hesitation or the hesitant scrambling that often characterised the movement of those who couldn't see - his movements careful and precise. Which means he's either not blind and I jumped to a conclusion, or something's happening here that I just don't get. The only reason the two of them weren't wrestling on the ground whilst she tried to get the scalpel from him was because he'd done that as easily as she might have done in his place.

Teynara inhaled a deep breath and held it for a moment, then released it slowly, using one of the calming exercises that she'd learned early on in her training to exorcise some of the tension that she felt starting to grip her, and to push aside her misgivings and fears, that she might face the moment with a little objectivity. No time to panic about what could go wrong: just deal with what's actually in front of you. A life could be at risk otherwise. It made no sense to let nerves or hypothetical problems inhibit your ability to act in the moment - indeed, letting yourself be paralysed by indecision or fear might cause the very problems you'd hoped to avoid.

"I'm ready whenever you are," she announced in a soft lilting tone, her bright blue eyes staring momentarily at the glassy grey ones that she didn't think could see her. She took a pair of small surgical forceps from a tray of tools attached to the table and gently clapsed the ends around the protruding metallic nail that had embedded itself into the patient's chest. She would have to wait for Jalen to make his move, but the moment he declared that she should move, she'd have to draw out the nail so they could work to cauterise or seal the wound that had resulted, lest their patient bleed out. "We can do this," the blonde woman added affirmatively, although she was saying it as much to herself as to her colleague.

After all, how bad can it be? Cut, pull, spray antisceptic, seal the wound, make sure the patient is stable, then move on. As she understood it, the procedure ought to be straightforward. And he certainly acts like it will be: I may doubt that we can do it, but I don't see any hint of hesitation there. Who was this guy? She knew that Jedi were often remarkable, and always composed, but this was something far beyond her experience of them. So many questions, and no time at all to ask any of them.

Just focus...

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