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Faction [NJO] Hang Ten ~ Hydrokinesis Training



Corellia ~ Gold Beach
Tag: Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne Casaline Ryiah Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn Open for Paddies to come and chill on the beach.

It wasn't often Andy took a break from his job at the Service Corp. But with everything going on, he felt like he needed it. The beach had always been a good place for him to unwind, but this time it came with a secondary purpose. He'd reached out to the council, hoping to put out a training session for the padawans of the NJO. Even with the kids being evacuated from the temple on Coruscant, he felt they needed some semblance of continued normalcy. That, even with the shift in their own normal, they could still have fun on the beach, leaning how to move it with the Force.

Clad in his robes, the man stood waiting for the kids to arrive, feet in the sand as he watched the sun slowly descend towards the horizon. It was still quite a ways before sunset, but Andy wanted that. The nightly tides would make the water easier to work with.

A training session. A good time to be professional and focus so that you could learn as much as you could. This was one of the perfect ways to learn more about yourself. Being in tune with yourself, the ocean and the people around. Relaxation and peace was key in times of strife and chaos. With the upcoming war spreading through the Galaxy, alongside fear and despair, it would only make sense to try and let the younglings enjoy their time of peace. There was a perfect amount of peace on the beach, with just the sound of the crashing waves around people.

...At least that's what it would be like, if it wasn't for Lestra. Sprinting full pelt towards the water, holding his arms up into the air with a bright and toothy grin on his face. Of course he had never seen this much water before but hey...he had swam in a bathtub before. How hard could it be to swim in the actual ocean?

"Woooooooo! Lets get to swimming!"

With that, Lestra threw himself into the ocean...and was almost immediately disgusted by the salty taste of the water, splashing up to the surface, spluttering up water and splashing his arms around in the water. Now...when he had swam before in the bath tub, it was more of a...doggy paddle than anything. So the wee Bairn just splashed about in the ocean, trying to do his best doggy paddle whilst being bombarded with the waves, constantly going over his head, slowly but surely pushing him towards the beach and solid ground.

Why is the water so salty?! My eyes! They burn! Ow ow ow!

Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun
Location: Gold Beach, Corellia
Objective: not drown Learn to Hydrokinesis

The calm before the storm… at least this is what Mahsa assumed the feeling was probably like.

The biggest lesson she had learned while on the Endor field trip was that some bodies of water were huge, and she absolutely sucked at swimming. So when her newfound roommate Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti mentioned a lesson being held in the Gold Beach of Corellia it didn’t take long before she’d convinced the Kazelrrian to sign up too.

"Whooaaa! It’s so… so…" Her eyes shimmered as Mahsa caught her first true glance of the ocean, the warm tones of the sunset shimmering against an expanse of blue bigger than she’d ever witnessed before. "... beautiful."

A familiar head of shocking blue hair had long since rushed right into the water, and she couldn’t help a small chuckle as he began to sputter moments after. Even if the books she’d read had never made mention of it, Mahsa was certain it was impossible to miss the familiar scent of salt as it was carried in the wind.

Instructor: Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun
Classmates: Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk
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The hydrokinesis lesson technically hadn't started yet, but Eloise wasn't interested in fething around. Immediately upon arriving at the beach she had approached the water as if it were something to be studied, measuring the height of the waves and timing the tide. Her bare feet sunk into wet sand—it was more uncomfortable than expected, tiny pieces of sharp sediment digging into her soles—as she stood with her arms folded across her chest, her Nacrian pearl gleaming over her brow.

She was going to conquer the water. It would obey her will.

Except that probably wasn't the Jedi way. Well, how else were they supposed to do it? She glanced toward their instructor... and found him standing there in his robes, watching the sunset. He didn't seem inclined to start teaching any time soon.

Nor was he doing anything about the student conspicuously struggling in the water. Eloise watched the blue-haired head bob up and down, at the mercy of the waves, before grumbling something under her breath and diving in. Moments later she resurfaced with Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk in tow, pulling him back toward the safety of the shore.


As they began to arrive, Anthony let out a sigh as one of them immediately ran for the water. Before he even got the chance to react, another ran in after and brought him back.

This was a rowdy bunch. But he could work with that.

"It is beautiful. First time I saw it, didn't believe it was real." The man smiled to Mahsa Mahsa "You guys ready to learn how to make it work for you?"

He knew Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne was on her way as well, but with a group like this, he figured he could at least get them started.

Tag: Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn

Lestra kept spluttering and splashing until he felt something grab him and start pulling him back towards the shore!

Ah! It'sa deadly man-eating Corellian Shark!...Wait...aren't all sharks man-eating...and does Corellia even have any sharks? What am I even thinking?

He snapped out of those thoughts, as he was finally on shore and took a few moments to gasp for air. Okay. Swimming...was not as fun as he thought it was. Or maybe it was the salt. Or both. Both were good. Or in this case, not good. Lestra looked up towards his saviour, and gave Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn a fangy grin.

"Thanks fer saving me! Yer great in my book! I owe ya one. Also nice pearly thingy. Oh! And I'm Lestra! Its really nice ta meetcha!"

With that, he turned his attention over towards Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun to listen to his little lesson, though almost immediately he was tilting his head at something the older Jedi was saying, a small frown growing across his face.

"Excuse me, Mr Beach Jedi Man. Isn't saying having it work...for us, wrong? Shouldn't it be like...working with us? 'Cause what if it doesn't want ta work for us? We're meant ta work with the Force right? Not...make it work for us?"

The whole philosophy behind the Force confused Lestra. Mostly, he was comparing it to the animals back at home. If you made them do something they didn't want to, they'd get right angry about it. So part of him was concerned that the Force would work in the wrong way. Sure, he might have been making a mountain of a mole hill...but it was better safe than sorry right?

Either way, after that conversation, his eyes fell upon a somewhat familiar face of Mahsa Mahsa and he gave her a bright fangy grin alongside a double handed wave as well...before realising maybe he should tone back his energy ever so slightly.
Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun
Another training opportunity with Master Anthony, and hopefully one that would go better than the last few. Catronia had shown that she was quite squirrely when left alone on strange planets, which was effectively all of them! Several of their training session had turned into full blown adventures, which most likely gave Andy a few new gray hairs.

A surprise was waiting for Catronia on the sands of the Gold Beaches however, namely a group of other padawans! Goodness, there were so many of them, and that meant the young Sarkhai's anxiety immediately spiked. She initially hid behind one of the large rocks for cover, had they seen her?

So afraid was she that she didn't even want to change out of her robes! Anthony had explained that people on more advanced worlds tended to wear specific dress for the beach, so robes would just make her stand out. Such things only increased the tightness in Catronia's chest, she was afraid she may stop breathing! For now the white haired maiden was content to watch the others play in the water, which seemed odd for a training session. Was this what people from the more advanced worlds did for fun?

"The more I watch, the more this seems like a party rather than training. Suppose I don't have much room to speak though, considering the times I've sidetracked us." Catronia thought aloud, she giggled a bit before starting to walk aimlessly down the beach. Maybe that would calm her nerves about everything? If nothing else she might be able to find some sea glass or something!

Tags: Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun | open!


TAGS: open

Braze was present. He wore an odd assortment of clothing, a form-fitting bodysuit that covered his neck, chest, and arms up to his wrists. He had shorts on top of that and hand wrappings around his ankles that looked like they were meant for support. His hair was uncharacteristically down and about his shoulders, except for his longer braid which was unadorned today. He was taking in the fresh salty air and watching his would-be classmates.

Walking on water was a difficult task, one that did not come easy and did not come without risks. To add to the dangers, they had the motion of the ocean and its sea critters to be worried about as well. He was wondering how well the others would do at such a task and was observing them carefully. He watched as Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk struggled and Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn went into the unsung 'hero mode'.

He wanted to hear what Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun had to teach and was quiet and calm awiating instruction.
The blue-haired boy thrashed, then went still as she hauled him to shore. Regaining her footing, Eloise caught his fanged grin and for a moment she found him charming. But then he opened his mouth.

"Thanks fer saving me! Yer great in my book! I owe ya one. Also nice pearly thingy. Oh! And I'm Lestra! Its really nice ta meetcha!"

Eloise shut her eyes to keep them from rolling. “Don’t go into the water again until you know how to swim,” she said, before turning away.

Braze, the first familiar face in the group, had just arrived. He seemed to be brooding in his weird wetsuit. Besides him there were two girls, one a cutesy elf and the other some sort of ice queen, both of whom seemed to be treating the lesson like an excuse to go to the beach.

"You guys ready to learn how to make it work for you?"
"Excuse me, Mr Beach Jedi Man. Isn't saying having it work...for us, wrong? Shouldn't it be like...working with us? 'Cause what if it doesn't want ta work for us? We're meant ta work with the Force right? Not...make it work for us?"

If we need to use water to do something—save a life, protect the innocent, defend ourselves—and the Force doesn’t will it, then to hell with the Force,” Eloise muttered.

Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun Mahsa Mahsa Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne Braze Braze
Location: Gold Beach, Corellia
Objective: not drown Learn to Hydrokinesis

The boy had continued to flail and sputter in the water, as the waves slowly kicked him towards the beach, and for a moment the Kazelrrian couldn’t help but wonder if someone should go in and help the poor guy. A look was given towards the Jedi knight who’d be helming the lesson today, but before Mahsa could utter a word another padawan wadded into the water.

She was older than most of those present, and slightly taller than Ayhan Ayhan was. She grabbed Lestra firmly and, despite the initial trashing of the boy, began to pull the boy back to the shore.

"It is beautiful. First time I saw it, didn't believe it was real." She hadn’t realized her words had been spoken loudly enough for the knight to hear, but when he smiled at her the girl couldn’t help but mirror back with a shy smile as she nodded in agreement.

The imagery of the sunset against the ocean was truly mesmerizing, and one that not that long ago Mahsa would’ve never thought she could personally experience.

As Anthony called out to the other padawans Mahsa took a step back to ensure she wasn’t in the way, her gaze landing on Eloise and Lestra just as the boy was deposited back on shore—absolutely drenched in salt water, but otherwise unharmed. He caught sight of Mahsa then, a toothy grin on his face as Lestra waved in her direction with both hands, and the Kazelrrian chuckled softly before returning a softer wave of her own.

A small debate began when Lestra questioned the particular word usage by the knight, with Eloise shortly after adding her own two cents. It caused Mahsa to frown ever so slightly as the girl thought about it, before a head of white caught her attention.

She hadn’t had much opportunity to interact with Braze during—or even after—the field trip to Endor, but she was happy to see the fellow padawan regardless.

Instructor: Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun
Classmates: Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk | Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn | Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne | Braze Braze
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Location: Gold Beach, Corellia
Objective: Learn how to swim CLASSIFIED, learn hydrokinesis
Interacting w/ Casaline Ryiah
Tags: Mahsa Mahsa | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Aris Noble Aris Noble | Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk

Ayhan hadn't known Corellia had any beaches. All he'd known about the planet was its status as a factory world. Dreary grey skies, grey buildings, smog and trash-littered streets had always come to mind. Not this long white beach, or orange-pink sky as the sun set beyond the horizon.

The sand was warm beneath his feet. Ayhan was barefooted on the beach, despite still wearing his Jedi garments. The Firronthix didn't own anything else, except his lightsaber, which he also wore on his belt. Somehow, Mahsa had managed to get her hands on some swimwear, probably with the help of Zaiya or Aris, but Ayhan hadn't been so fortunate. Others seemed to have also managed to procure their own swimwear as well, and had even begun to jump into the water for a swim.

Or to drown. The way the blue-haired boy floundered and flailed made it kind of hard to tell, but he was loud enough that Ayhan was more or less forced to pay some amount of attention to him. Ayhan turned to look at the boy just in time to watch him wave at Mahsa. The corner of his mouth twitched.

The cool water suddenly lapping at his feet shocked Ayhan out of whatever state he'd been in, and he sunk even deeper into the sand. Everything he knew about the ocean, it's waters, it all came from the vat-teachings. And the books Mahsa used to tell him about. And in all those, the ocean's waters were always warm. This was definitely not warm.

Ayhan just hoped no one had been paying enough attention to him to notice his flinch at the water's touch. Looking around, most looked preoccupied with something. Chatting, drowning, saving people from drowning. Except one. She looked younger than Ayhan and Mahsa. Well, technically, she was older than both of them, probably around Aris' age, but that was too confusing to actually think about, let alone explain. But she looked as scared and nervous as Ayhan felt. Which really left the Padawan with only one option.

Ayhan walked straight for the girl. Fierce frown on his face, brows furrowed in what could only be annoyance and frustration, he stopped just in front of her, towering over her. "Is it okay if I stand here with you?"

He watched as more padawans joined the fray, including his own. He gestured to the shy girl, leading her over.

Then he paused, as the two addressed what he had said.

"Excuse me, Mr Beach Jedi Man. Isn't saying having it work...for us, wrong? Shouldn't it be like...working with us? 'Cause what if it doesn't want ta work for us? We're meant ta work with the Force right? Not...make it work for us?"
If we need to use water to do something—save a life, protect the innocent, defend ourselves—and the Force doesn’t will it, then to hell with the Force,

"You can push against the ocean all you want. It will wash over you no matter how hard you push. The Force is just like the ocean. It covers everything, and moves with the tides. But, we can help it along. You're right Lestra, it's not about pushing it to do what we want, it's about making what it already does work for us. The Force is just as much a tool in our line of work as it is a friend. Just as we use our lightsabers as a tool, we also make peace with the crystals. The way the Force moves around us, and through us, is never going to be under our control. But we can use it, and have it work with us." He explained with a smile. "A good jedi learns to navigate how it crashes over us, and to not paddle against the waves. Today, we're gonna be starting with something simple."

Without continuing, Anthony walked over to the water, and began slowly walking across the surface of it. Stepping over the waves, and walking right into the surf until he was where he would be able ankle deep. "Water walking." Suddenly, the water lifted up under him, flowing until he was back where he started. "Use the force to interact with the water, and just hold yourself on top of it. Make sense? Once you all get that down, we can move onto some more advanced techniques."

Tag: Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn Mahsa Mahsa Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne Braze Braze Casaline Ryiah Ayhan Ayhan

Location: Gold Beach, Corellia
Objective: not drown Learn to Hydrokinesis

She’d kept herself just out of the water’s reach, her toes currently warmed by the heat that still remained trapped within the soft sand. She was thankful to Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti and the swimwear the Lovalla had lent her for today, even if the Kazelrrian felt out of her element today she had to admit it was really pretty and comfortable.

Despite her best attempts to avoid it occasionally glances had been stolen in Ayhan’s direction. A small part of her had hoped that, little by little perhaps, the rift between them would’ve shortened given the new dorm arrangements… but while there was some civility in their occasional interactions, nothing else had truly changed.

He felt more like a stranger than a friend now, and it broke her to think this might be their reality going forward.

The Firronthix had chosen to stand by another familiar face and, while Mahsa was truly glad to see Casi here and well, she couldn’t shake off the tightness that pressed against her chest at the sight. A faint tinge of blue colored the tips of her hair, but there was little time for her thoughts to continue as Anthony began to explain the lesson for today.

A surprised gasp left Mahsa as the Jedi began to walk over the water’s surface as if it was a sheet of glass or ice. The very ocean shifted and slowly carried him back to the sandy shore, before ANthony finally signaled that it was their turn to try it.

"Oh it's cold!"

She remained rooted to her spot even as the youngest of their group boldly stepped forward, fingers gripping the edges of the shorts she currently wore as the girl stared towards the massive expanse of blue. She’d already seen Lestra helplessly floundering in the sea just moments before and, with no swimming knowledge of her own, perhaps it wasn’t surprising that the Kazelrrian found it hard to venture forth.

Instructor: Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun
Classmates: Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk | Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn | Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne | Braze Braze | Casaline Ryiah | Ayhan Ayhan
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"You can push against the ocean all you want. It will wash over you no matter how hard you push."

I can hold my breath.

The lesson began with water-walking. Taking a moment to center herself, Eloise lifted her foot. She was standing at the water's edge; another step and she would be in it. But she wanted to rest on the surface as if it were made of glass.

The pearl she wore wasn't just for decoration. A gift from her sister Altrea, it was said to help one control the water. She tentatively tapped into its power now. The last time she had used it, she was the daughter of two Sith, a casual practitioner of the Dark Side. Now she was a Jedi, and she would have to use the Light.

She lowered her foot until she could feel the cold ocean against her sole. Her toes curled, testing the surface, before she tried to stand atop the wave.

"A good jedi learns to navigate how it crashes over us, and to not paddle against the waves.

Is that meant ta be a point aimed at me? I ain't done anythin' wrong! I was just tryna swim. Whats wrong with that?

Lestra frowned to himself, misunderstanding the point as he folded his arms along his front. A small pout eventually making its way onto his face as he folded his arms. It wasn't his fault the sea was all...salty! And...and cold! Though to be fair, he was fine with the cold part. The group was slowly but surely starting to grow with more and more padawans though, and that was a good enough way to cheer up Lestra, as he gave a big double hand wave to everyone who was showing up.

Then he turned his attention over towards Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn as she went to step on the water, his eyes narrowing down to focus on it. Trying to figure out how exactly she was going to do it. Was Eloise going to run at the water? Or simply walk on it...His answer was quickly granted as she stepped out onto the ocean and Lestra threw his arms up into the air to let out a little cheer. Eloise probably didn't ask for it, or wanted it, but she now had a big supporter in the way of him.

"Woo! You can do it! I believe in you!"

WIth that boost of energy, Lestra's little incident in the ocean seemed to have been forgotten as he sprinted straight back towards the ocean. Imagining the Force forming under his feet like little platforms to help him stand up right in the waves. There were a few wobbles, with his foot dipping into the ocean before coming back out...but he seemed to have it down!...Until Lestra realised a very small flaw in his plan. His entire technique was revolving around running on the water so if he tried to stop...

Ahhh! I can't stop running! What should I do-...Oh. I can run back ta shore...

Smart idea Lestra. Very smart. And so with that, he spun around on the heel of his foot to run back to the shore...only to stop all of his momentum in go and causing him to plummet straight back into the water like a wet stone. Looks like he was going to let the tide bring him back in.

Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun Aris Noble Aris Noble Mahsa Mahsa Braze Braze Casaline Ryiah Ayhan Ayhan Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne


Braze applied a creamy substance to his marshmallow-colored skin, ensuring he covered the tip of his nose and the ends of his ears thoroughly. He sprayed and rubbed the substance onto the exposed, snow-white areas of his legs. On some days, his skin looked less like vanilla ice cream and more like a softly toasted marshmallow, but this was likely part of his skincare regimen to protect against sun damage, especially when spending extended periods under sunlight.

Maintaining his skin probably involved numerous steps. He waited patiently for the cream to absorb and fully dry before approaching the water's edge. His curious, watchful gaze remained fixed on his peers as he listened attentively to the instructor.

He very notably didn't have his arm brace with him today, and his left arm seemed some what useless to any one who may have eyed him over as it hung like a rag doll's arm at his side.


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

Quietly, Valery approached the group training on the beach today. The weather was fantastic, the gentle breeze blew through her hair, and with the young students actively engaged in the lesson, Valery felt at her best. The war and subsequent move to the Temple ships had not been an easy change, so it was important for them to get together like this. Away from the metal confines of a ship and out into the Galaxy.

They all seemed to enjoy it.

After scanning through the Padawans in attendance, Valery's eyes quickly settled on Braze Braze . She had seen him at the Temple with a brace on but he wasn't wearing it today. Before getting closer to the water, he was carefully applying some kind of substance on skin that looked like it could easily burn underneath the Corellian sun.

Whether he noticed it or not, Valery beamed an encouraging smile his way. Despite the hardships, he was pushing himself to be there with his fellow Jedi.

It was heartwarming to see.

Braze Braze @others



Hydrokinesis wasn't something Aris could learn. He was already well aware of that fact. But, many of his friends were here to do so. And at least Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti specifically couldn't actually swim. What that meant for him? Lifeguard duty. With his excessive strength he'd easily be able to get people out of the water if the worst happened. And, well, he could be there for moral support. He stepped beside Mahsa Mahsa , glancing about the beach to at least see where everyone was.

"Do you not know how to swim?"

He kept his voice quiet, mostly to avoid embarrassing her any more than it might've. He paused though, before giving a small wave Valery Noble Valery Noble . It was good to see here here, to help more people. Maybe she was here for a similar reason as him? Maybe.

Ayhan Ayhan | Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun | Casaline Ryiah | Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne | Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk | Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn

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