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Faction [NJO] Hang Ten ~ Hydrokinesis Training

After several failed attempts, Eloise succeeded in making the water ripple, but not part the way she wanted it to. Undeterred, she decided to try something else. Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun had more or less faded into the background as his students embarked on various ventures of their own, carrying the lesson beyond his initial teachings. She could do (or at least try) just about anything she wanted with the water.

Stretching out her hands, she tried to make a ball of water rise up from out of the depths. A projectile like that could come in handy, she figured—

A sudden blast of water shot into the air, utterly drenching Ayhan Ayhan and splashing Eloise. With her focus disrupted, she turned to glare at the boy. "Watch it," she snapped, before once again attempting to create a sphere of saltwater.




After some time, Braze decided to venture further than his current location, moving along as he would on any forest path—though this one was markedly more unstable. He directed his steps towards the ocean areas known for their larger, more formidable waves. Here, far from the shore and nearly beyond the reach of the rumbling surf, he could experiment on his own. The farther out he went, the larger the waves grew, and the greater the challenge became.

Braze had to concentrate on the water beneath his feet to maintain his balance. This task was more difficult than he anticipated. However, as he encountered some of the towering waves, he attempted to meet them head-on, gliding up to their crests. His goal was to settle at the apex of the wave and, with a bit of a wobble, try to ride it toward the shore.


Location: Beach
Objective: Chat with Valery
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"But that's why we're here now, hm? Why we'll be there on the battlefields, and back at the Temple when they need us there. Our greatest achievements are what we leave behind for our children and future generations. What we do to protect and prepare them until they no longer need us."

"Very wisely said Master Noble."

Silence fell between the two women as they watched the padawans training in the water. Kat could remember the feeling of being a young face in the Jedi Order. It was an exciting time and she hopped Casi was growing accustomed to it. She knew this wasn't the girls first choice of living situations.

"How is the rest of your family? You have other children yes?"

Location: Gold Beach, Corellia
Objective: Learn how to swim CLASSIFIED, learn hydrokinesis
Interacting w/ Casaline Ryiah and Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn
Tags: Uh anyone nearby lol

Poor Casi. Ayhan hadn't even realized that she was in the blasts radius until the torrential downpour had already begun to pitter-patter back into the ocean. Luckily for her though, it seemed she had some sort of affinity for manipulating water through the Force. Even as her teeth clicked as she shook, the water slid off body, from her clothes, like- "Seems like you're water-repellant." He'd meant to joke, but the lack of any affect or emotion in his voice made it seem perhaps more like a strange observation.

Bonus, Casi didn't seem to mind Ayhan's SNAFU as she provided him with some advice on how to do the water-parting thing. "Slower. Ok, I'll try-"
"Watch it," another girl's voice snapped at them, and Ayhan turned to look at her, already glowering. "You watch it," the Firronthix snarled at her. "What, afraid of getting wet?"

This was, admittedly, Anthony's first time teaching. Part of him wanted to reach out to Valery for some help, but he had to trust himself. For now, he looked to who was struggling. Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn seemed to have the hang of it, as did...
"Chill bro. "
The words cut through the air like a knife. How old was this boy? To talk to your elders like this, to speak so frankly, part of him wondered who this white haired boy's master was.

Regardless, the boy seemed to have the lesson down regardless. Anthony couldn't help but wonder why he was here for the lesson to begin with with how he seemed to be able to control the water on his own.

Still, he couldn't let it shake him. Nerves were something he was known for outside of the job.

"Why would I walk on water when I can swim?"
He looked to the two Noble children, keeping an eye out on them. When Vera Noble Vera Noble asked her question, Anthony walked over and offered a soft smile. "Because someday, you might need to fight on a planet where water is all you got. Dac, Kamino. Plenty of water planets out there. Water is a really versatile ally. The way I usually do it, I reach out. The Force, and the Ocean, are just as alive as you are. Moving it is just as simple as asking it kindly." He reached out a hand towards a coming wave, and it split before it come come to Vera's feet, avoiding her entirely. "Shaping is just making friends with different aspects of nature. For me, the water always called to me."
"I think we are supposed to walk on top of it though."
He looked over to Casaline Ryiah , Ayhan Ayhan and Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn . The latter seemed to be getting it, so he didn't feel too much need to assist her. Better to let them find their own way. The other two however,

"The trick is to focus on feeling through your feet, not your hands. It's a little weird at first, I know." He offered a chuckle, walking up to the water and lightly stepping on top of it.




Total =3+(4−2)+8
Total Roll=13 13≠DC of 15​
Braze manages to catch the wave, but it's not a graceful ride. He wobbles precariously as he tries to maintain his balance. His movements are awkward and unsteady, but he clings to the wave, using his dexterity and quick reflexes to adjust as best as he can. The wave carries him forward, but quickly overwhelms him, and despite his best efforts, he loses his footing and tumbles into the water.

Total Roll=12+2
Total Roll=14 14≠DC of 15​
As Braze tumbles into the churning ocean, the powerful wave crashes over him, pulling him under. He fights to keep his head above water, but the relentless force of the wave makes it difficult to catch a breath. Panic starts to set in as he struggles against the water's grip. Though he is a strong swimmer, the ocean's might tests his endurance to its limits.

Desperately kicking and using his good arm to push himself upward, Braze manages to break the surface for a fleeting moment, gasping for air. But another wave looms, threatening to drag him back under. Despite this up upheaval of water he appears to be calm out there.
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"I can teach the basics, yeah. That's easy, I think."

Aris nodded once to Zaiya before looking back to the water. Now that he was about to, there was a little apprehension. He didn't want to teach her wrong, after all. If he did, would she get hurt? He hummed in thought before letting that line of thinking fade. There were plenty of adults here to correct him if he was wrong. And he did really like swimming. And, well, he was doing his best to ignore the coming battle between Ayhan Ayhan and Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn less he ended up getting dragged into it.

He would always have Ayhan's back, but he didn't have the ability to help him with water attacks. Unless he spla- no don't loose focus.

He zoned back in to the other two, fully prepared for the lesson only to notice that Mahsa had already wandered into the water. Not to swim, but.. Something. He watched for a moment before letting out a sigh to look back at Zaiya. He could focus on helping her, at least, right? He- A different sort of splashing filled his ears. And with it, a sense of dread. He looked right back out to the water before, without a word, springing off into the waves as fast as he possibly could.

It sounded like drowning. He didn't hesitate, didn't delay, just swam his way out to where Braze was to grab the other boy and start rather easily bringing him back to shore.

Braze Braze | Mahsa Mahsa | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

Valery remembered her time as a Padawan as well, but she wasn't an easy student. A lot of the Padawans in the Order were kind, helpful, and very eager to learn. She had been eager, but her interests were very specific and her abundance of energy made her one of the most difficult students to handle.

Not that she'd tell that to just anybody.

"My family is doing wonderful. My husband and I have quite a collection of kids. Vera was our first, then I was blessed with triplets." Valery smirked and placed a hand over her stomach. "Aris and Colette were adopted, and we also have a one-year-old, Eryx. I'm hoping to spend some time with him after I head back home."

She turned to Kat and smiled, "What about you? Do you have more family or plans to expand yours?"


Location: Beach
Objective: Hang out with friends Aris Noble Aris Noble & Mahsa Mahsa

It seemed Mahsa was going to attempt the walking on water bit. Oh well. While initially down, Zaiya perked up because it seemed that Mahsa was feeling better, at least enough to try and do some of the training.

"I'm glad she's trying then," Zaiya commented to Aris, moving to stand from her crouching position and stand by his side. She intended to give something to Aris anyways, so now that they were kinda alone, perhaps she could give it to him?

"Just us then!" She told him, flashing a wide smile, a ripple of amusement dancing in tones of light blue over her patterns at how Aris seemed to be contemplating things. Just when she was about to tap his forehead with a finger, that's when she heard the shouts.

Turning her head, alarm would shoot through in a rush of grays and pale yellow tones as she caught sight of Braze Braze struggling with the waves. Aris was a white blur then, moving towards the waves to the Half-Echani.

"Oh, my stars!" her hands came up to cover her mouth in shock, only to glance around. I should call for back up!

Immediately, Zaiya began waving her hands to get the attention of the adults, calling out, "Hey!! Hey!!! It seems that Braze is in trouble!!"

Valery Noble Valery Noble Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun


TAGS: Aris Noble Aris Noble


Total = 10 + 6
Total Roll = 16 16 ≥ DC of 14​

Braze's concentration amidst the churning surf pays off. The Force flows through him as he focuses on calming his breathing, slowing it to a near standstill. The sensation of panic fades as he feels the comforting embrace of the Force.

The saltwater churns around him, but Braze's lungs no longer burn for air. His heart rate steadies, and clarity replaces the previous haze of panic. With newfound calm, he assesses his situation and begins to swim with measured, purposeful strokes, using the Force to bolster his movements. Attempting to conserve energy and navigate the powerful undertow. The Breath Control technique sustains him, allowing him to focus on finding a path to safety.

Despite the temporary relief from the Breath Control technique, Braze is acutely aware that his lungs still contain seawater. This poses a significant risk if not addressed quickly. As he struggles towards the shore, his body begins to react to the foreign liquid, causing bouts of coughing and a feeling of tightness in his chest. The rolling surf makes it difficult to get water out and not take more water in as he struggles to make his way back.

Each time he manages to expel a small amount of water, another wave threatens to force more into his lungs. His movements become more labored, his strength waning as the relentless ocean challenges his every effort. The saltwater irritates his throat and lungs, intensifying his cough and making each breath a desperate effort.

As Aris nears Braze, he can see the distress in his friend's eyes despite the calm exterior brought by the Breath Control technique. The signs of water in his lungs are unmistakable—Braze's coughing fits and strained breaths paint a clear picture of the severity of the situation. Braze tries to cooperate with Aris recognizing the offer for help.
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Location: Gold Beach, Corellia
Objective: Learn to Hydrokinesis (and maybe swimming lessons) Drowning

It was gradual at first, but little by little the voices around her had been filtered out—her senses entirely focused on the natural world around the young Kazelrrian instead. The rhythmic churning of the waves echoed in her ears, and she could feel the gentle roll of their movements underneath her feet.

The experience itself was quite unique, and the girl’s eyes had remained closed to avoid any distractions that might disrupt her concentration. Despite being able to feel the movements of the ocean just below the soles of her feet Mahsa could tell she wasn’t actually stepping on the water, aware of the presence of a thin barrier that molded and contorted to the sea.

She couldn’t tell how far out it expanded, but each slow and hesitant step continued to find a wobbled support as Mahsa ventured out just a bit more. The salty sea breeze tickled her skin, guiding Mahsa through a path that she was unable to see but could somehow feel its existence.

A faint sense of panic pressed against her shoulders, causing the Kazelrrian’s steps to halt abruptly as she feared losing concentration. It wasn’t until she noticed the rhythmic beating in her chest that Mahsa realized the feeling wasn’t her own, and the Kazelrrian hesitantly opened one eye to gaze outwards for the source.

"Whoooaaa..." Awe rushed over her as Mahsa took in the breathtaking view before her eyes, the rippling surface of the waves highlighted against the warm glow of the sun as it started to set on the horizon.

What followed was a series of events that the Kazelrrian wasn’t prepared for. It had started with a familiar snarl from Ayhan Ayhan , the warning directed to the older padawan who chose to answer by lobbing a sphere of water towards the Firronthix. "A-Ayhan, don’t…!" Inky stains began to appear on the snow white strands, coloring their tips a deep ebony as the girl wobbled on the water’s surface.

"Hey!! Hey!!! It seems that Braze is in trouble!!"

Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti 's voice reached her seconds after the blur of Aris Noble Aris Noble had dove into the water, bringing Mahsa’s attention away from the conflict to spot the head of Braze Braze as he disappeared over the waves. "THAT DOES IT!" Her concentration was hanging onto a thread by the time Casaline Ryiah decided enough was enough, and the ripples formed by the water the younger padawan displaced towards Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn proved to be the last proverbial drop that tipped the glass for Mahsa.

She barely had a second to feel the fragile barrier that had kept her afloat fracture beneath her feet, a startled cry escaping the Kazelrrian then, before gravity reclaimed what was theirs and the girl plunged underneath the sea. The cold bit at her skin as Mahsa flailed around,dread pressing against her chest as the girl realized she’d walked further in than what she had intended to.​


Location: Beach
Objective: Talk to Valery | Check on Padawans
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Katarine listened as Valery described all of the children in her household. The master felt a pang deep down as she listened, and though she was very happy that Valery was so happy Kat couldn't help but feel envious. She'd always wanted to be a mother deep down, though she struggled with this idea since she was a Jedi from a time when that was not allowed. Valery was as well but fate had saw fit to give Valery a family. Maybe it could do the same for Katarine?

"What about you? Do you have more family or plans to expand yours?"

"I've always wanted to. After Order 66 when the Order fell I thought that perhaps I would have the chance. But... it wasn't meant to be."

She trailed off, her thoughts lingering on the painful memories of her husband abandoning her and Kat subsequently spiraling out of control. True this was better than having no memory at all but it still hurt deep down.

"Besides unless I sign up for one of those dating apps I'm sure my options are pretty limited." She said a little more cheerfully, trying not to dwell on her past.

"Hey!! Hey!!! It seems that Braze is in trouble!!"

Katarine glanced over the padawans training. Several were flailing in the water and with a swell of disappointment she saw that Casi was water fighting.

"Should we go and attend to this or do you think they got it?" She asked calmly, in that way that only masters could as they surveyed the situation that had everyone else panicking.

Location: Gold Beach, Corellia
Interacting w/ Mahsa Mahsa
Tags: Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn | Casaline Ryiah | Uh anyone nearby lol

The projectile of water sailed through the air, moving with a surprising amount of speed until it abruptly stopped via collision with Ayhan's clothes. Immediately, his tunic and the shirt underneath were soaked in a perfectly splotchy circle in the center of his chest. Ayhan's pupils narrowed, his vision tunneling onto the girl who'd thrown the blob of water at him. His lips curled even further back, the sharp points of his enlarged canine's on full display.

Ayhan paused. Not because Casi suddenly shouted and managed to throw a wave of water at the other girl. Or because someone was shouting about Braze being in trouble. A sharp chill shot down the Firronthix's spine, a stone dropped into the pit of his stomach. He didn't need to look, see or hear the Kazellrian fall drop into the water.

Ayhan bolted as best he could straight towards her. Waded, more like, fighting through the water, the current, until he was forced to ungracefully fall into it and swim. Swim, something he'd only ever learned the theory of. Something, they had never been taught in the Cage, perhaps saved for a later date.

So it wasn't really swimming, but by the time Ayhan managed to make it to the flailing Mahsa and loop an arm around her, he'd figured out a little bit at least. How to kick his legs to propel himself forward, how to move his arms to stay afloat. He'd barely managed before, but with Mahsa now in tow, they were sinking, and all Ayhan could do was hold his breath as the waves washed over him, the salt burned his eyes, and he tried to keep Mahsa's head above water.
Location: Gold Beach, Corellia
Objective: ꞨɄꞦꝞĪꝞɆ

The world as she knew it ceased to exist when the water rushed over her, clogging her ears and nostrils as the Kazelrrian was forced to shut her eyes. Limbs flailed in all directions, hopelessly looking for some form or purchase to hold onto, until her head finally bobbed above the water’s surface.

It lasted but a moment before the waves covered her once more, the breath Mahsa had been desperate to gather turned into a mouthful of seawater she was forced to swallow. She could feel the strain on her muscles, a burning pressure in her chest, and it was hard to tell if the stinging sensation around her eyes was due to the saltiness of the water or the tears she wanted to cry.

A new sense of hope was lit within the Kazelrrian as her nails hooked onto an unknown objectand, driven by her own will to survive, the girl was quick to turn in its direction and hold on for dear life. She couldn’t smell anything beyond the saltiness of the ocean, the figure of her rescuer nothing more than an amorphous blob darker than the ocean that surrounded them.

However it was impossible to mistake the frustrated growl that escaped him for anyone else’s, and the Kazelrrian was quick to retract her claws from his flesh and clothes. "I’m s-sorry—!!!" Her hands quickly withdrew almost as if she’d touched a hot stove, before her panicked apology was drowned out by another wave.

The ocean pushed her back against the Firronthix as he grunted to keep himself afloat. She was mindful of her claws this time around, holding onto Ayhan as she kicked her legs as hard as possible—hoping to keep both of their heads above the surf.

Interacting with Ayhan Ayhan



Valor, observing from a distance, relished the scene of his peers struggling with their training, a wry smile tugging at his lips. Watching Braze succumb to the waves, swallowed by his overreach, stirred a perverse satisfaction within him. Valor's critical eye didn't spare any of his peers; to him, each falter was a mental note he took down to their naiveté and overconfidence. He assessed them not just on their skills but as pieces in a game, noting every slip and triumph with a detached, almost cold amusement, all while keeping his true emotions and thoughts well concealed beneath a facade of disinterest. His critical eye doesn't spare any of his peers:

Braze Braze : Valor watches Braze's aggressive attempt to conquer the waves, seeing it as naive bravado. 'So eager to conquer, yet so quick to falter. His ambition outstrips his aptitude.'
Mahsa Mahsa : He notes Mahsa's cautious approach to the ocean, her awe tinged with visible uncertainty. 'She masks her uncertainty with bravado.'
Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti : Zaiya's enthusiastic yet clumsy interaction with the water draws his attention. 'Striving for finesse yet clearly flustered by the simplest tasks. Her frustration is a glaring sign of her inadequacy.'
Vera Noble Vera Noble : Vera's attempts to maintain composure against the waves is noted. 'Composure as fragile as thin ice. The waves test her poise, revealing the cracks in her presentation.'
Ayhan Ayhan : Observing Ayhan's clumsy attempts at controlling the water, he reflects. 'Clumsy in his efforts, disrupting more than his own progress. His inelegance in handling the Force is almost laughable.'
Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn : Eloise's forceful manipulation of water catches his critical eye. 'Eloise tries to bend the water to her will, an endeavor as bold as it is fraught with arrogance. Her frustration not only reveals a misjudgment of her own abilities but also a fundamental misinterpretation of the Force's nature.'
Finally, Valor observes Aris Noble Aris Noble 's swift intervention to rescue Braze, but instead of seeing heroism, he senses an opportunity lost. His critical gaze assesses the situation with a frown, disapproving of the thwarted chance to see a rival eliminated. 'Aris rushes into peril to save another, revealing a predilection for endangering himself for others. While some might praise this as valorous, it marks him as exploitable, a potential weakness in his armor. Such selflessness in the face of danger could be manipulated by those who notice.'

Valor approached the shoreline, experiencing the ocean's vastness for the first time. The novelty of the beach and the sea captivated him, offering a rare moment of awe. As he stood a few feet from where the waves crashed, he inhaled deeply, the fresh, salty air filling his lungs. The rhythmic sound of the surf provided a calming backdrop, allowing him to absorb the scene.

A girl whom Eloise hadn't even noticed before that moment suddenly shouted in anger, and a second later a veritable wall of water was headed straight for the purple-haired Padawan. She barely had a chance to react before it crashed into her, sweeping her off her feet and carrying her out to sea.

Thus was the fate of Eloise Dinn. She was never seen nor heard from again, and none of those present would shed a tear over her.


Pffft, feth that.

Out of the foaming depths she emerged, gulping down air as she dove upward then fell back down again. While everyone else was busy with Braze and the elf girl, she swam back to shore, kicking her long legs and sweeping her toned arms through the water in powerful strokes.

Then she was on her feet again, loping across shifting wet sand until she was on dry land. Of course she knew how to swim—quite frankly, it was bizarre that so many of her peers apparently didn't. You'd think it would be a requirement for all Jedi, let alone those seeking to learn hydrokinesis. The fun had certainly been ruined by the two near-drownings.

She felt a judging gaze upon her and turned to face Valor the Forsaken Valor the Forsaken . He was quite a distance away, but that didn't stop her from giving him the finger as she left the beach behind. She'd gotten what she wanted out of this lesson; there was no reason to stay and be sized up by an ugly stranger.


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