Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction [NJO] Hang Ten ~ Hydrokinesis Training


Tag: Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun Braze Braze Mahsa Mahsa Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn Ayhan Ayhan Casaline Ryiah Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne
Late again!

Vera was running on bare feet across the beach to reach the others. Somehow, she had arrived on time, but not at the correct spot along the beach. She had waited for at least 10-20 minutes but when nobody showed up, she had called her Mom and found out she was at the wrong place. It made her nervous because she had already been isolating herself far too much recently, and now she was bound to miss another class where she could interact with her peers.

No, she wasn't going to miss this one.

Without the Force to augment her speed and pure willpower alone, Vera sprinted to where they were. She weaved her way around people relaxing, jumped over sandcastles and random holes people dug for fun, and she made it! Up ahead, she spotted the group of Jedi and quickly came to a stop. She only recognized one or two of them — most notably Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn , who she had sparred against once.

"I'm here!" she called out, but much to her embarrassment, her voice cracked and she sounded like a squealing bantha.

"...I hope I'm not too late."


Location: Beach
Objective: Hang out with friends, Aris Noble Aris Noble , wonder why Mahsa Mahsa is sad.

"I've never been on a beach before!" the Lovalla teen exclaimed excitedly and joyfully, giving her companions a wide grin, glancing at Mahsa Mahsa and Aris Noble Aris Noble . Wet sand clung to her bare toes and feet and got everywhere. However, it was just a novel, exciting sensation. The salty sea air, the wind blowing in her face! With the sun only a few hours until it would set, it was a perfect late afternoon to be able to hang out with friends and eat some yummy, tasty burgers.

She had a big floppy sun hat, with her colorful hair fluttering in the breeze down to her waist. She wore a cute, knitted dress that wrapped around her bathing suit, which, to be honest, could probably have been fine wearing by itself, but Zaiya was half unsure what others would think as much as wanting the freedom to bare he legs a bit. Not that the swimsuit was immodest at all. By all accounts, it looked like a very adorable halter jumper. The only thing was that it did leave more of her legs bare than she usually showed, revealing a scattering of intricate constellations of iridescent blue and white patterns that ran down their length. People were weird about how much skin was shown. Lovalla tended to wear little to be able to show off as much skin for the color-shifting portion of their communication, but apparently, bare ankles were such a scandalous thing.

There was supposed to be some sort of training today regarding water. Zaiya didn't know how to swim and wasn't too familiar with using the Force outside of what she could feel, so she wasn't sure if this would be good for her. While learning more would be fun, Zaiya also knew of a really cool burger place nearby that she wanted to take Aris Noble Aris Noble to. Perhaps Mahsa Mahsa would like to go with them?

There were others she knew here too! Braze Braze and Casaline Ryiah for example, but she didn't know the others yet or the teacher. Placing her her hands on her hips, the Lovalla teen contemplated what to do. She could listen in to the session and maybe grasp something out of it. Or perhaps she can just make friends and find out more about the others. The later sounded far more interesting as she hadn't had the specifics yet officially regarding the Force, but she didn't want to stick out like a sore thumb.

Aris’s mom and sister were here too! There was so much going on and — wait, was that kid running across the water?

Zaiya gave a confused tilt of her head, color hues shifting in confounded iridescent amber and grey tones over the decorative stripes and spots over her face.

“How can they even…” again, it was so odd to see people do such things with the Force. Zaiya wasn’t sure if she’ll be able to at all do the same.

A quiet question from Aris to Mahsa drew her attention. She wasn’t able to hear it all, but Zaiya could tell she didn’t seem to be completely ok. Well besides that the water was cold.

“Everything ok?”

Location: Gold Beach, Corellia
Objective: not drown Learn to Hydrokinesis

It was impossible to keep track of everyone, especially when the loose sand muffled their steps, so she had missed as Aris made his way over… at least until the Epicanthix spoke. "A-Aris…!" The tenseness around her shoulders visibly relaxed as the Kazelrrian recognized him, the blue tips of her hair quietly replaced by duller silver shades.

"N-No, we never had the chance to learn—" Her words cut short as Mahsa realized she was speaking for them again, a wary glance given in the direction that Ayhan stood. Burden Her nosiness had already upset the Firronthix before and, while she disliked they way things were now, Mahsa certainly didn’t wish to be on the receiving end of his growls ever again.

The cracked voice of Vera as she finally caught up with the group caused the Kazelrrian to smile ever so slightly, a faint wave given to the brunette, before the colorful presence of Zaiya shimmered into view. "They’re very energetic." Their attention was drawn to Lestra as the boy ran over the water’s surface, though it was hard to tell from where they stood if it was out of sheer willpower alone or the actual use of the Force.

“Everything ok?” It was a question she’d heard plenty of times by now, mostly from the Echani that watched over her, and the usual answer began to slip from her lips. "Yeah, I’m…" She couldn’t find it in herself to finish it, not when the Lovalla looked at her with such an honest expression.

"... just a bit nervous." The thin scars littered through her arms and legs normally didn’t bother Mahsa, they had been just as common in the skin of others as they’d grown up. Now though, as she looked over Zaiya’s glowy and smooth skin, Mahsa couldn’t help becoming self-conscious over them or the fact she lacked her usual robes to hide them.

Instructor: Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun | Valery Noble Valery Noble …?
Classmates: Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk | Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn | Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne | Braze Braze | Casaline Ryiah | Ayhan Ayhan | Aris Noble Aris Noble | Vera Noble Vera Noble | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

Things were quickly getting out of hand. He hadn't expected this many padawans to show up, and they seemed to be much rowdier than he remembered. Times had changed, and the padawans of this new generation seemed almost aloof to the fact they were in danger.

Maybe that was a good thing, though it did stress the Service Corp member out.

"...I hope I'm not too late."
Anthony could see the two Noble kids approaching.

Oh boy. Alright, game face on. Don't make yourself look like a tool when the kids of the Council Leaders were about.

"Nope! Just in time. We'll be starting by practicing walking on the water. You don't need to go that far out, just walk ontop of the surf if you can."

Anthony did keep an eye on Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk as he ran. That kid had too much energy for one child.

And where did Catronia Byrne Catronia Byrne get off to?


Adults: @Anthony Gray Sun  @Valery Noble
Smolls: @Lestra Thairk @Eloise Dinn  @Catronia Byrne  @Casaline Ryiah  @Ayhan  @Aris Noble  @Vera Mina  @Zaiya Ceti  @Mahsa


Braze looked at Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun , he could feel the stress radiating off of him. "Chill bro. "
Braze moved to the edge of the water, taking graceful steps with a practiced ease. This was something he had long since mastered, the art of defying gravity; before embarking on his path of Faalo's cadences. When he was not much younger than he was now, he had embarked on this path alone, of his own volition, and had almost drowned in the process. His previous attempts had been vastly more ambitious than this, but that didn't mean he couldn't see how others took to it or try to be of some assistance or act as an example here.

He gently padded across the water's edge with a calm, serene sort of confidence, finding the waves more fun than anything. He paused about ten feet out into the depths and turned back to look across those on the shore to see how they would take to the water.

He could feel every one's emotions and yet he remained calm and at lease. From Mahsa Mahsa 's shy timid nature and concer, to Vera Noble Vera Noble 's embarassment to Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti 's confusion. He felt it all and yet he was like small boat on the ocean.


Location: Beach
Objective: Socialize & Watch Padawans Train
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble | Open

Katarine had been pouring over the files of the Jedi in the archives. In her time she'd read about the current padawans and a few younglings like her niece Casi. Her undercover work kept her away but Kat was glad to be immersing herself in with the Jedi now. She wanted to make a bigger influence within the Order and to help train the next generation.She had mentioned this training to Nir Si Nir Si but she was not sure if the Cathar would join today. His training was a little rocky and she was still trying to figure out the best way to help him.

As she walked along the beach she noticed Valery Noble was also watching the training. She smiled at the woman. It was masters like Valery who really set the goal of what Katarine wanted to do. Yes her work has an investigator was important, but right now the Jedi needed her home.



Tag: Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun Aris Noble Aris Noble Mahsa Mahsa Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti
"Why would I walk on water when I can swim?" Vera asked with a deadpan stare for her teacher, Anthony Gray Sun Anthony Gray Sun . She had missed every bit of context about this lesson and hadn't bothered to ask what it was about just yet, so she wasn't sure why she'd need to learn this. But it did sound pretty cool, and when she turned around to see a few of the students already walking across water, she wanted to do it herself.

She just wished she could have brought her brother along.

Vera waved at Aris Noble Aris Noble , who was here to observe and probably to keep an eye on everybody. He was protective like that, just like Mom. Vera also made a mental note to request a lesson he'd be able to attend. Something that drew on the Force from within, rather than forced him to focus on the outside.

"Alright, here goes." Vera drew in a deep breath and walked over to the water. To get across the surface, she needed to connect with the Force and allow her body not to submerge. Did she do that by lifting herself off the water? Or did she have to make it to where the water would repel her? Vera wasn't sure, and first took a few steps into the water without walking on top of it just yet.


How were the others doing it?



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

Valery waved back at Aris Noble Aris Noble and resisted that motherly urge to call out his name and get closer for a hug. Her kids were on Jedi duty here, she needed to remind herself. They were busy learning and didn't need their Mom disturbing or embarassing them. Valery pouted just a little at that thought and looked his way again.

Would he really mind?

She snapped from her thoughts when she noticed Katarine Ryiah Katarine Ryiah up ahead. The woman was still settling in, but she was an example to all Jedi, as far as Valery was concerned. Kind, calm, compassionate and eager to learn and develop herself. She could make it very far among the Jedi and the people of this Galaxy.

"Master Ryiah," Valery began ass she approached. "Overseeing the students or looking for a quiet day at the beach?" If the latter was the case, she had certainly picked the wrong spot to relax.

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Location: Gold Beach, Corellia
Objective: Learn how to swim CLASSIFIED, learn hydrokinesis
Interacting w/ Casaline Ryiah
Tags: Uh anyone nearby lol

The girl almost stuttered her response to the Firronthix. But the words came out nonetheless, and although Ayhan gave no thanks beyond an almost imperceptible nod, he turned and stood next to the girl, exactly as he'd asked. "My name is Casi," she'd introduced herself. "I'm Ayhan," the boy answered back before falling into silence again.

It wasn't much longer before all the Padwans were gathered together, and the lesson was explained. "Use the Force to interact with the water, and just hold yourself on top of it." If it could even be called an explanation. It told Ayhan nothing about how to use the Force to 'hold himself on top of it' as the Jedi had said, as if it were as easy to him as scratching his nose. An unconscious act that required no thought. Maybe in the Jedi's case that was true. But for Ayhan...

The boy rolled up his pant legs up past his knees whilst Casi stepped into the water first, crying out at it's chill. Standing at the edge, he watched the older girl for a moment only to raise his brows as she made a perfect little hole in the water at her feet. "How did you do that?" Ayhan couldn't help but ask.
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"Woo! You can do it! I believe in you!"

Eloise ignored the cheering from the blue-haired boy, focusing completely on her goal. Her foot came down... and did not sink.

It felt strange, not at all like walking across a pane of smooth glass. The water continued to move under her, tossed about by the waves, and yet she didn't fall over when it peaked or dropped beneath her feet. She could wiggle her toes without getting them wet.

Grinning, she glanced over her shoulder at the instructor, ready to ask what was next. But he appeared preoccupied with the sudden influx of more Padawans eager to learn. She faced forward and took another step, then another, until she had walked some distance out to sea.

Another girl had managed to push the water out in a circle away from where she was standing. Not one to be one-upped by anyone, Eloise returned to shallow water, stood on the sand, and attempted the same trick.

Lestra just floated in the water, waiting for the tide to bring him back in as he sprawled himself out in like a starfish position to watch the sky. Ironically water was the only thing that was stopping his endless energy. He couldn't exactly sprint back to the beach at the end of the day and he was at the mercy of the tide...The tide that seemingly wasn't bringing him back in to land as he lifted his head up to notice that the shore still seemed as far away as it was earlier. Maybe he should take a nap. After all, there was nothing wrong with going to sleep in the water, right?

Naaah. He'd just let his imaginary go wild. He could imagine that he was floating amongst the clouds like a bird. Free from the constraint of being stuck on the ground. Closing his eyes as he imagined soaring through the air, holding his arms out in the water. Finally for once deciding it was best to save his energy. Hm...Was this how people meditated? He tilted his head to the side for a moment...before getting a mouth and a face full of seawater, spluttering for a moment as he was snapped out of his imagination. Though that felt surprisingly nice. Maybe this was how he'd get into meditating.

With that, the wee Bairn closed his eyes once again and just tried to let his mind empty. Focus on the push and pull of the tide. Maybe that was how he was going to start walking on the water...Pushing the water away but also pulling it back at the same time like the tide itself...That could wait until he was finally back at shore though.

Tags: There's a lot of people to tag but I'm not interacting with anyone directly rn so.


Location: Beach
Objective: Chat with Valery
Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Katarine smiled as Valery came over. "Master Noble." She greeted the woman and was happy to see her. Valery was quickly becoming a fast friend that Katarine felt easy around.

"Overseeing the students or looking for a quiet day at the beach?"

"Mostly coming to check up on my niece Casaline." She pointed the girl out to Valery. "She's a youngling but she's nearing the age where she could be taken on as a padawan. It's been a rough start for her, but I am glad to see her here."

She watched the padawans for a moment and noticed that Master Nobles children were out there too. "Your children are growing so fast. I remember their first day of training. It was one of my first at the Temple."



Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

"It's an exciting time, hm? Wondering who your Master will be, imagining all the missions and fun adventures..." Valery looked around to spot the young girl Kat mentioned and smiled. It was a fun time for the Padawan especially, but now that young Jedi still had bonds to their parents, it had difficulties as well. At least, Valery had felt uneasy at first when Vera and Aris were ready to be picked up as Padawans.

Suddenly, it meant that someone else would also be responsible for them.

"I remember when they were little and Kahlil and I were their whole world." Valery chuckled like a mother would and raised a hand up through her hair. "So yes, it's going very fast. Too fast, perhaps. But it's also quite nice to see them grow up and really develop themselves. I'm proud of them both."




Tags: Valery Noble Valery Noble

"So yes, it's going very fast. Too fast, perhaps. But it's also quite nice to see them grow up and really develop themselves. I'm proud of them both."

Katarine chuckled and watched all the kids out there. When she had trained it was different and children were taken away from their parents. Now there could be entire generations of families within the Order. She wondered if that made a Jedi's life more difficult. The old ways had always taught against attachments but Katarine didn't feel like Casi was a problem. She was someone to protect, but so were all of those padawans out on the beach. She would take a blaster for any of them, not just Casi.

"It's nice to see families together. The ever growing threat on Coruscant has many families worried they will be separated."

Kat sighed and closed her eyes for a second. Even when things like families and attachments changed other things like war never did.



Aris tilted his head as he watched Mahsa's hair change color. Was.. Was she like Zaiya? Did her body change colors depending on her mood? Or, well, her hair? There was a lot for him to try and figure out on that side at least, but right now, he looked to Zaiya, giving her a brief smile. At least here she'd be able to learn how to swim! And then maybe the could explore that temple back home together, now that it was at least safe enough for people to explore outside the main chamber.

His attention pulled to a wave, though, as he glanced over towards a familiar face. He returned Vera's wave, smiling more. This was good, she could make a lot of use of the abilities here. Way more than he could.

"The Force. You're going to have to unlearn a lot of what you have. There's a whole world of things that won't make sense otherwise."

He glanced again to Zaiya, giving her a more.. Grin? Was he grinning? Maybe a little. His eyes returned to Mahsa though, watching her hair. Yeah, seemed like her emotions were there too. He didn't say anything on it, but it was getting clearer to him that something was making her.. Uncomfortable? He didn't have a whole lot of reference for it, but hopefully she wasn't afraid of the water.

"Should be straight forward. Just.. Listen for the Force, yeah? I'm sure it has.. Something to help."

No, that wasn't helpful advice. But he gave a thumbs up like it was. She said she listened to the Force, after all, so clearly it would have something for her to help walk on water.

Mahsa Mahsa | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti | Vera Noble Vera Noble | @TheRestOfYa

Location: Beach
Objective: Hang out with friends Aris Noble Aris Noble Mahsa Mahsa

Zaiya crouched down beside Mahsa when she saw the tips of the Kazelrrian change tone. The Lovalla teen hadn't quite figured out what meant what, and this wasn't the time to ask for specifics on the color changes.

"... just a bit nervous."

"Nervous? Of the water?" Zaiya asked, glancing at Mahsa. She didn't know about the thin scars tracing Mahsa's arms and legs, nor the self-conscious thoughts that came with them. Instead of focusing on them, Zaiya was more concerned about Mahsa.

"I don't know how to swim either, so we can go in together in the shallows," Zaiya offered, her voice warm and comforting. She flashed a reassuring grin, the iridescent patterns over her face, arms, and bare legs shimmering with cerulean tones edged in gold. There were waves as they crashed onto the beach, but it couldn't be that bad right? Especially with so many already running or going into the water. How bad or unsafe could it be?

"Aris can go with us. He knows how to swim. Oh!" Zaiya looked up, grabbing the top of her head to keep her hat from flying away. She caught sight of Aris, commenting about the Force and letting go of what she knew for what she could do moving forward. Then he gave her a grin. Whoa! Was that a grin?

For a moment, Zaiya forgot her train of thought, mesmerized by the flash of Aris's pearly white teeth and the way his grin made him look pretty. Lovalla liked looking at pretty things. That made sense.

She blinked a few times, trying to remember what she was saying. "Umm! Aris, maybe you can show us the basics of how to swim? I don't know how well we'll do with the..." She trailed off, noticing Casi seeming to stand on the water. Even Casi was doing great.

"Well... with the standing or running on water thing. I can only feel things... not..." She struggled to find the words to explain that she couldn't do what Aris, Braze, or Casi were doing. No one had taught her how to manipulate or control things with the Force yet.

Location: Gold Beach, Corellia
Objective: Learn how to swim CLASSIFIED, learn hydrokinesis
Interacting w/ Casaline Ryiah
Tags: Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn | Uh anyone nearby lol

Casi looked up at Ayhan with what might have been a note of surprise. She hadn't realized he'd been fairly literal in his earlier request, the Firronthix realized. More and more it seemed to Ayhan that people in the 'normal' galaxy didn't always say exactly what they'd meant.

No matter though, the habits of others was not Ayhan's concern. What was, at the moment, was whatever it was Casi had done to part the water at her feet. As she explained it, it seemed to make some small amount of sense to the boy. At least, more than just the vague 'you just do it,' that had been given to them by their tutor. "I think we are supposed to walk on top of it though."
"It's a start." And more than Ayhan had ever managed to do.

Another girl seemed to spot what it was that Casi had done as well and stepped into the water herself. The water didn't exactly part around her as it had for Casi, but it did ripple and move around her. If they could do it, perhaps Ayhan could too.

The boy walked into the water, fighting back the flinch as the cold bit at his bare skin. Knee deep, the Firronthix tried to envision the bullet as Casi had said, the shape, the way it span, how the water would be repelled.


The water in Ayhan's immediate vicinity shot straight up into the air, a torrent completely drenching him before falling back into the ocean like rain water. Ayhan's lips had drawn themselves into a thin line of resigned frustration as soon as he'd felt the water blast him. Typical for him...


Outfit: Factory Link | Wedding Ring
Weapons: Lightsaber

"I agree," Valery said as she watched not just her own kids, but the others as well. Flashbacks to the Maw's invasion of Empress Teta returned to her — the memory of losing her home and nearly losing her family. She had gotten lucky that day, but so many others hadn't been so fortunate.

Family truly was something to cherish and protect.

"But that's why we're here now, hm? Why we'll be there on the battlefields, and back at the Temple when they need us there. Our greatest achievements are what we leave behind for our children and future generations. What we do to protect and prepare them until they no longer need us."

Location: Gold Beach, Corellia
Objective: not drown Learn to Hydrokinesis and maybe to swim too

"Mmm, a bit I guess…" It wasn’t a lie, the murky depths of the ocean before them did worry the Kazelrrian to some extent. The waves constantly kicked and shifted the sand underneath by the shore, which made it next to impossible to see the bottom once she tried to look a bit further… and Mahsa had a feeling it didn’t get any better the farther out you went.

By contrast the clear rivers and lakes she’d seen before felt safer, even if she couldn’t properly swim in them at least the girl would be able to see what might be lurking around her.

A breeze fluttered through, causing the Kazelrrian to squint and try to shield her face with a hand as tiny little beads of sand buffeted against her skin. The squeal at her side told her Zaiya was having issues of her own, mainly trying to prevent the pretty sun hat she wore from being whisked away into the sea.

Another reason to prefer the trickling creeks and calm lakes in the forests.

Her gaze ventured out once more, taking note of Lestra Thairk Lestra Thairk as he floated off in the distance. She couldn’t help but wonder how safe that was but, considering none of the adults were rushing out to get him, perhaps her worries of the sea—or at least this particular spot—were unfounded? Surely the Jedi wouldn’t bring a bunch of padawans out to a dangerous place for a lesson… right?

He hadn’t been the only to make progress into the lesson. The older Eloise Dinn Eloise Dinn had managed to walk over the surface too, and even the younger Casaline Ryiah had managed to figure out how to repel the water around her feet… though it was the taller figure standing by the edge of the water besides Casi who drew Mahsa’s attention the most.

Ayhan Ayhan had rolled up the edges of his pants up and past his knees, the Firronthix focused solely on the girl as she allowed the ocean water to pool at her feet before repelling it once more. The sharp pin prick of her nails against the skin of her palm finally snapped Mahsa out of her thoughts, just in time to hear the gentle advice that Aris offered them and Zaiya’s suggestion of possible swimming lessons.

"Y-Yeah, that might be a good idea—" The heaviness she felt pressing against her chest made it hard to speak, before the unexpected rush of ocean water flowing upwards moments later interrupted her. The torrential downpour rained down on the lone figure underneath it, and she could guess what look the Firronthix currently wore… but he’d done it.

Not exactly how their instructor wanted them to, but he’d achieved something regardless… and that was always better than nothing, right?

"I’m… I’m gonna go give it a t-try…!" It was all the warning she gave her companions before the girl rushed for the water, an instinctive squeal escaping as the cold water covered her ankles and feet. She stood still for a moment as her body acclimated to the sea, eyes closed and hands pressed against her chest as the Kazelrrian focused on the newer sensations instead.

She could feel the sand slowly giving ground, her toes easily buried into it as she relaxed. The coolness of the water still nipped at her skin, flowing closer before pulling back as the sea caressed the shore. The rolling of the waves slowly filled her ears, accentuated by a foamy crackle as the surf penetrated deep into the sand before disappearing from view.

Listen to it… listen to its song. A whistling tune bound the sounds together as the breeze tickled the tip of her ears, and she could easily taste the salt that had begun to gather on her lips. Little by little her small frame began to sway along with the waves, following the rhythm of a tune privy to her ears… until she finally dared to take her first step.

Interacting with Aris Noble Aris Noble | Zaiya Ceti Zaiya Ceti

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