He stood motionless, as the echoes of war raged around them. Once Lord Inquisitor gave his orders, Omon didn't waste much time.. His left knee arched, as his body started to lower in to a half-kneeling position.
"It will be done, Lord Inquisitor." .. and second as the words have been spoken, he used his kneeling position to force-propel himself in a distant leap backwards. Disappearing from the site like a shadow in the night.
He landed on the path toward last known location of the young progeny Legionnaire, Lieutenant Vex. He evaded Sith troopers, crumbled buildings and enemy fire, by flash-stepping to sides, and even occasionally using walls to run across. He had to stay in shadows, and not be engaged by anyone who would slow him down.
For this, was more important to Omon, then helping even certain Sith. His stance on, imperative for strong and smart officers, was widely known.
As the objects turned to blurs more and more, as his speed was picking up, he used his personal com link signal, to contact the two
Shikkar Corvette, which he ordered to stay behind.
"SK-1149, copy?"
"SK-1149 reporting, master! Over" pilots voice responded immediately.
"I need all the recent com-chatter from Lieutenant
Reicher Vax
, and I need it stat.." as he relay the command his speed upgraded for a bit again.
After turning a sharp corner, he was suddenly running in to two Alliance soldiers. He did felt the presence, but he did not imagine there would be any enemies here, not after their Legion marched through here.
Must have been a stranded soldiers, who hid until the troops pass.
He could see the fear in their eyes, they widened like eggs, with mouth open and blaster rifles pointed at the ground. But he could also sense their fear. An intoxicating aroma, which almost boost his energy levels.
He couldn't let them fire those blaster rifles, or scream for help. Bogan knows how many more are hidden around the rubble.
Force use was too slow for this, lightsaber as well, for he would have to dispatch them one at the time..
Their shaky forearms started to raise, pointing in to his legs at that moment, but with intent of moving upward, toward the center body mass.
"..ok.. I guess that will work" he thought to himself, as each hand grabbed a hilt of vibroblade. Then force-jumped forward, his forearms extending to side, while his body hazed as a dark heat wave beside the two men.
Enemy rifles fell from their hands, two crimson fountains opening up on the sides of their necks, with plasma spraying each soldier until they were completely red.
Omon was at the end of the long passage, when their bodies hit the floor.
"Master, copy. Sending the recording of the latest transmissions and location, of Legionnaire Vex!" his boys send him the data fast.
He ran while listening.
"Alright, listen to me carefully.."
At the Landing Site 31..
Brave Sith Troopers stood pinned down by an overwhelming enemy fire, fire from a heavy duty weapons.
Above them, unknown to anyone, two cloaked Shikkara corvette moved slowly and quietly. Like the Shriek Hawks, flying over their pray.
But in this case, hawks had both pray, and their 'foundlings' to protect.
Not wanting to risk frequency discovery, Omon couldn't let Vex know about the ships presence. But they he know soon enough.
The heavy and powerful Tiger walker, slowly moved forward, and fired a usual anty personal cannon at the Legionnaires position.
But at first it seemed as though the hit was stopped by air itself.. until the cracking sound of electricity, didn't start to reveal Shikkara corvette, positioned sideways across the whole length of the covered soldiers. Her shields were on the max.
Thus, sadly, it couldn't fire.
At the same time. a barrage of 6 turbo-blaster cannons started to fire from mid air, just to the left of the Tiger. Once the first blaster fired, the cloaking mechanics stopped working, and second Corvette appeared. Its 6 powerful blasters hit the joints of heavy walkers legs, making it tip over to the side.
The rest of the firepower, 12 Defense Lasor Cannons, started to blast any enemy infantry on the ground.
Darth Diem stood on the firing ship, observing the situation from above. As the second volley was being prepared, he jumped to the ruined building next to him, then force skip down to the barricaded troops.
6 turbo-lasers fired again in to the Tiger, rendering it completely immobile. But the fierce machine and its crew continued blasting, from the ground, in to the only direction they could, forward. In to the shield-up ship that was covering the Sith Troopers.
As the same time, one of the smaller walkers hit the ship that was orbiting the battlefield, for its shields were down. It rear end got seriously damaged, but the Shikkara continue firing at the both walkers and snipers on the buildings and ground.
Omon didn't like the progression of this.
"SK-1150, enough! Pull yourself to safety. I rather want to have you later, then non at all. You did enough." ..without any commlink confirmation, the Shikkara started to speed out in to the cover of the buildings, while firing last barrage of the 6 turbo lasers, and blowing one of the smaller walkers apart.
She got hit one more time while flying away, but made it out whole.
The one who was guarding the Sith Soldiers with its massive hull, and its strong shields, still stood firm. Taking enemy fire.
The Sith found the young Lieutenant, and in show of respect for his military prowess, Omon hit his chest with his first..
"For the Empire! Lieutenant. I am High Inquisitor Darth Diem, it is good meeting you.
Lord inquisitor sends me to lend some aid. From the messages I heard, this is the fastest thing I could have come up with, to give you some breathing room." he pointed toward the ship shielding them, and the two walkers downed.
"But this Shikkara cannot stand the barrage for much longer. I was thinking that we use this to flank them through these rubble patches around us, while the corvette is covering us. Your troopers provinding supressive fire, to blind those snipers. Also, I could lead using my force sensitivity." Omon said with serious, yet polite tone. Like he is a guest, at someone else's conquering party.
"But as a pragmatist, I will defer to your plan, since you are the soldier." Omon's masked face observed the young trooper, while the explosions made their silhouettes dance, from the light's constant birth and death.
"I think there is about 60 more seconds till the next orbital bombardment" ..he said to to his ship crew, so they know they got to bolt out of there before that. And to Lieutenant as well.
Darth Malum of House Marr
Reicher Vax
Ashley Nevermore