Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Junction No Sanctuary Here || SO/GA Junction of Sisio and Orellon II


Viers waited and watched. The little droid seemed to be the nuisance she would have to deal with before returning to her tormenting of the Jedi. Viers listened to the pair chat, and she felt terrible about what she would have to do to the little droid. Unlike people, Viers had a soft spot for droids, having a spider droid as her only friend at the temple for most of her youth. The droid was lost in the netherworld; it had sacrificed itself, allowing her to escape into the world of the living.

Unfortunately, the droid must be on the receiving end of the Technomancer's shenanigans. It gave the Jedi an unfair advantage and ruined her game. The droid soon turned its attention to her, and she remained hidden, letting it tap into its scan mode. Closing her eyes, Viers reached out through the Force. She could feel the electromagnetic field interacting with the living Force as the droid searched for her. Carefully, Viers moved her fingers delicately as if she were typing on a small data pad. Her influence swelled upon the droid, and in a few moments, she sought to disable its scanning ability. If she could, she would further shut down the bot entirely.

Hopefully, with the droid out of the way, she would reach once more into the Force. The girl's focus was now on the tunic of the young Jedi. Moving her hand, she went to use the Force to shove the tunic over the Jedi's head. If he couldn't defend against it, Viers would take the opportunity to give the Jedi a swift kick to the rear.

Her laughter would echo while she dropped her force cloak. Appearing near the Jedi in her Jutrand uniform. Viers stepped back and held her stomach as she laughed at the Jedi's misfortune. "You're terrible at healing; I thought all the Jedi were able to do it pretty quickly. I mean, all the ones I knew were pretty good at it."

Reaching back, Viers drew the wooden stave and spun it until the weapon was tucked under her arm. A hand raised towards the Jedi. "I'm bored, let's have fun."


Wielding: Standard Gear (Bio)
Foes: Valery Noble Valery Noble

Dacian's laugh cut through the chaos of the battle-heavy air like a blade itself, sharply ringing with amusement. He shifted the grip on his vibrosword, a crimson eye locked onto the Battlemaster with an intensity that burned as brightly as the crimson of his lightsaber. "You know," his voice carried a note of exhilaration, "you're the first Jedi I've met who's honest with herself about it. A lot of them try to hide it, contain their passion as the battle goes on. Such a shame really. There is little that brings me more joy than fighting, knowing I have to go all out, else I meet my death."

He twirled his vibrosword casually, the blade catching the light like a predator's glinting fang. "I've tasted the greatest pleasures life has to offer—the finest wine of Glova, the fairest companionship hailing from Coruscant, the most luxurious experiences the galaxy could ever offer." His grin widened, wild and unrestrained now, a sharp contrast to his usually stoic demeanor. "And yet, none of it—none of it—brings my blood to life like this... This, Jedi, is the only pleasure that truly excites my soul."

"Now show me. Make me understand your purpose. And I will enlighten you with my passion!"
Without waiting for her response, he charged, a foot planted into the concrete suffering cracks to form around his step as he lunged at her with blinding speed. He became an unrelenting storm, a ferocious blend of savagery and precision. The crimson glow of his lightsaber and the silver edge of his vibrosword cut arcs through the air, his blades flowing like an unpredictable torrent of liquid fire.

To any onlooker, it would seem as though a fiery orb had erupted in front of Valery, the rapid flurry of plasma and steel spinning so quick it blurred into a blinding sphere of light. And at the epicenter of it's ignition was Dacian, his movements a tempest forged from raw skill and unrestrained passion, feeding into the storm of steel and fire.

Student of Kor'ethyr Academy


SO: Gerwald Lechner Gerwald Lechner | Naamino Zuukamano Naamino Zuukamano | Micah tol Powl Micah tol Powl | Kyorra Pavanos Kyorra Pavanos
GA: 17-KR7 "Enigma" 17-KR7 "Enigma" | Vynara Rylthar Vynara Rylthar | Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

It all happened so fast. Naamino sped ahead to take point and immediately began firing on the Alliance fighters, wielding his interceptor with reckless proficiency. Meanwhile, Kyorra broke off, pulling a pitchback maneuver on her pursuer to gain the advantage. Both Haro's wingmates didn't hesitate to use deadly force as they lined up their shots, each in turn blasting their target fighters out of the sky with merciless precision. Haro winced at the resulting explosions, one right after the other, the bursts of light reflecting the anguish in his bright crystalline eyes as more lives were snuffed out.

"Naami, Haro, we've got two more coming in from above. I'm on your six. Let's not make this easy for them." The girl's voice pulled Haro back to the moment and he remembered to breathe. Setting his jaw, Haro dropped back into a determined focus, allowing instinct to guide his action, sinking deeper into the feeling that the ship around him was simply an extension of himself.

"I got it," Haro snapped, suddenly accelerating into a roll that ultimately placed him between Naami's fighter and the targets Kyorra had indicated above. He bobbed and weaved as if dodging incoming fire but really just ended up blocking Naami's visual. He ignored any protest from the zabrak for now.

"Help me find the perfect shot, Bodie," he said only to his droid, letting the anxiety in his voice come through to his oldest friend. Bodie knew exactly what he meant and instantly responded by feeding data into the targeting system.

The poor formation seemed to bolster the Alliance ships' pursuit but, as soon as he was in range, Haro pulled back on the yoke while banking into a tight turn, a smooth execution of a difficult maneuver that suddenly brought him up to the same plane as the incoming fighters and lined him up for his skill shot. Bodie had confirmed Haro's suspicion that just enough damage to the shield generators or engine nacelles was most likely to render the fighter ineffective without completely destroying the ship and therefore the pilot inside. So Haro took the shot, meeting his mark without fail. Sparks flew as his shots connected but the starships didn't explode into shrapnel or careen into a crash. He rolled his interceptor as he blew past them, hoping against all hope that they would take the opportunity to retreat now that their systems were critically crippled. Haro keyed the comms again.

"Druk! Couldn't get through their shields but pretty sure I crippled their major systems. Shouldn't be much of a threat now. Probably not worth our time."






Malum allowed himself a chuckle, as he shrugged his shoulders, as much as the answer was expected, he could not help but for a moment's naive wish, hope differently. Alas, the dice was cast, and so the galaxy's tune would play out to the clash of sword against sword, "No high ground here, Shield," The voice filtered through the mask, with the twinge of the same mockery one would hold for a flea-ridden dog, the mask tilting ever slightly to consider the opponent before him.

Malum had failed to break his guard back upon Yavin, but much was different from back then.

"Only an opportunity for you to spare your Alliance another dishonourable defeat." The murder of ravens of which he had seemed to sprout from cawed from above, some of them flapping in place, the rest circling as the carrion readying to feast.

He planted the banner behind him, the metallic shaft cracking the ferroconcrete below him, the red hex charm of the Sith Eternal, the symbol which encompased all which was this Sith Empire fluttering in the wind against the black field which was its body, for which he had given his allegiance and fealty.

The red plasma tip of his blade hissed along with the black Sith steel, as it cut through the air, his black gloves a vice around the beskar hilt, as the weapon pointed at his quandry, behind his mask, the barest twinge of his brow,
"You did not bring your wife, alas, I had wished to fight both of you," Avenge a loss, for both himself, and his blood.

Against the visible symbols of all which was wrong with this galaxy.

Zambrano and Noble.

"...Yet you bring your child..." His mask did not shift at the notice of the short girl that made her proclamation, he had missed the opportunity to catch one Noble brat, this other might do...

...But moreover, she would be a complication to be avoided, if Bogan permitted.

...Unfortunately it so rarely did.

He allowed a breath to pass his nostrils, the Force around him bent and commanded to his will, his stance widening, a nod of his head the passing of the etiquette he allowed himself in the midst of the war being fought around them.

And with the speed of the serpent son of Darth Ophidia, one moment atop the incline, the next leapt high into the air, the Sith Steel barred its fangs, as the red plasma hissed its viperic rattle, the air rushed past his long raven locks as the earth itself gathered to catch up to a figure who broke velocity, aimed to crash down with his blade piercing through his opponent's chest.

Ending this before it could begin.

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Vera Noble Vera Noble
Mentioned: Darth Ophidia Darth Ophidia Trayze Tesar Trayze Tesar



Sazo Vass Sazo Vass Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr


"Alas, it would seem that my opponent is up there, I am confident you will be able to handle this trifle?" The masked Dark Councillor asked his newest High Inquisitor, as another emerged to his side, one who drew a smile beneath his mask

She could make out a figure. Masked, clad in armor with rubies, wielding a truly terrifying blade.

That was her opponent.

Sazo stepped over the cooling body of her opponent, and summoned Jiub back to her side. Firmly on the akk dog's back, they began the arduous race across the battlefield, fighting desperately to stay alive the whole way.

"Very well."

He heard the banner planted behind him. Two more had come to face Malum.

Perhaps, he thought to himself, the Republic of old had learned its lessons. To timidly hide behind the walls was to invite the sith to grow strong. The Jedi came out to meet them.

Troopers stepped aside as Kadann walked forwards. He gathered the Force to himself. It was like weaving twine around outstretched fingers.

As Sazo Vass and her akk dog closed to ground on the sith banner, the ground would suddenly open up in front of them. It wasn't enough to stop them completely, just deep enough to force the mount to skid to a halt.

Kadann stepped out of the line of soldiers. He pulled back his black hood to reveal stark white hair.

He stopped at the edge of the pit he had dug with the Force and met the eyes of the Jedi. They seemed so young.

"I am afraid our Lord is occupied," Kadann called out.

"If you wish, you may return to your city and return later?" he slowly lowered his hand to the hilt of his lightsaber. He left no doubt on what would happen if the Jedi persisted in continuing on.

Tags: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr Kadann Kadann
Objective: Hold the Capital City
Equipment: Talionis | Jiub, The Akk Dog

Imperial Citadel, Capital City, Eiattu

Sazo was a Padawan on a single-minded mission- survive and advance, namely by going through the Sith Lord. So single-minded, in fact, the Korun did not see the ground giving way around them until it was too late. Jiub let an involuntary shriek, and Sazo found herself momentarily airborne and- once again- separated from her familiar.

Tucking and rolling, she glanced around, taking stock of the situation. They were in a pit; deep enough to impede momentum, but not completely stop movement. 'Definitely not naturally occurring; who could have-'

As if on cue, a older humanoid male figure stepped forward, coming to the edge of the pit.


Then, the man began speaking:

"I am afraid our Lord is occupied," Kadann called out.

"If you wish, you may return to your city and return later?" he slowly lowered his hand to the hilt of his lightsaber. He left no doubt on what would happen if the Jedi persisted in continuing on.

"How kind of you, milord", Sazo replied coquettishly, carefully weighing out her options. They were sitting ducks if they stayed in that pit. And Sith, as a general rule, couldn't be trusted; it seemed unlikely that he would just let a Jedi retreat from the battlefield.

But a protracted fight wasn't in Sazo's favor either; there was an old Korun proverb: There are old soldiers, there were are soldiers, but there are few old daring soldiers, which made the ones you did see exceedingly dangerous. That left her one stratagem, which was the old strategem; staying alive long enough for an window of opportunity opened for her to escape.

With a flex of her knees, and the touch of the Force, Sazo vaulted out of pit, opposite the Sith. 'Stay', she mentally commanded the akk dog; getting out of that pit would be cumbersome for Jiub, and leave him vulnerable to the Sith. The akk dog whined, but complied.

Her eyes locked with the Sith, as she drew Talionis. She bowed, saluting the man.

"However, I do have a pressing matter to attend to, so I must reject your hospitality."
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Imperius did not hear the taunts or simply ignored them, his intercom was busy with imperial traffic of the onslaught, updating his HUD as he maintained the hailstorm of shrapnel launching forward. The attack was going decently favorable with heavy fighting reported from all directions of attack.

His legion of stormtroopers was neck deep in the brutal realities of urban warfare. The relatively short ranged encounters made every misstep an opportunity to knock on the Nether's door, firefights being won by a combination of reflexes and sheer luck. Yet the training invested to bring his soldiers to proficiency of close quarters combat, gave them a certain edge. Overlapping covering fire, methodical advances with room clearing and active communication reduced losses, even though they were still staggering in the face of defiant resistance and Alliance artillery.

At the forefront and directly witnessed by Darth Imperius, were the Knights Tenebrus, his vicious and elite enforcers and lieutenants. They led the charges, coordinated the troops and organised the lines to both hold and advance where it mattered. The Dark Lord peaked directly through their connection to the frontline situation while he fought against the two fools in front of him. Issuing additional orders to the units requiring attention and correction. He was virtually omnipresent in the minds and coms of his units while taking up a duel himself.

The red lightsaber could be heard humming as it approached the two. Its unstable crackles offered a deep, resonating sound. He eventually let go of the hailstorm, his advance calm, methodical as he came before the two and ... did not stop. From their stances, their location and behaviour, it was obvious that they were no match, no challenge and just another flesh-made obstacle to be eviscerated for the triumph of the Sith. His blade awakened in quick, fluid motions, one-handed, following sharp and precise attacks towards both of them, never resting, never repeating the same approach. All in complete silence.

Spitfire Soul, Heart of Gold


Together, We Fight As One

Outfit: Clothing/Armor | Glove | Right Arm | Talisman
Weapons: Lightsaber 1 | Lightsaber 2 | Hook Swords

Azurine's breath came in ragged gasps as she felt the Sith's blade sear her chest, but her grip on his wrist didn't yet falter. Every nerve screamed at her to let go, to retreat, to stop fighting. She ignored it.

She staggered, her boots skidding across the scorched earth as the force of the Red’s purple flames erupted in her direction as she tried desperately to stand her ground. Her instincts screamed at her, and in a surge of desperation, she thrust her arms forward, pulling the Force barrier around her. The shield shimmered faintly, a translucent dome of energy that rippled under the inferno's assault. The sheer force of the blast still threw her backward.

Azzie hit the ground hard, the impact rattling her bones. Pain flared across her. She clenched her teeth and pushed herself up, her mechanical arm trembling under the strain. Get up! Don't give him the satisfaction.

What concerned her the most, however, was Aadihr—now standing between her and the Red. His healing flowed into her like a balm to her frayed nerves, easing the worst of her wounds. But she could feel how much it cost him—feel his energy pouring into her like water from a cracked vessel. His barrier flickered like a candle in the wind, and Azzie knew it wouldn’t hold. He couldn’t keep this up while healing her at the same time

She wanted to scream at him, to tell him he was being a fool. He should be the one falling back. But even as she thought it, she knew she wouldn’t have done any differently if their roles were reversed. Her pride ached as much as her body.

Azzie didn’t want Aadihr saving her like this. Her fierce desire to never relent flared up, her instincts screaming to charge back in—to prove she could hold her ground. She didn’t need anyone to bleed for her. But the part of her that had seen enough war and that knew what had to be done, even when it tasted like ash in her mouth, told her the truth.

They couldn’t win. Not like this. Not here.

The Citadel wasn’t far. They could regroup there, catch their breath, and plan their next move. Azzie’s heart twisted at the thought of retreating, but she had to remind herself that survival wasn’t failure. It was good strategy.

Azzie grabbed onto Aadihr’s arm and nodded, putting up a barrier of her own to reinforce his to say Let's go without words. She wouldn't fall back without him, but for once, her stubbornness bent. Not because she was afraid, but because she trusted him to see what she couldn’t. Together, they’d make it back.

When they did, she swore they’d come back stronger.



EQUIP: Lightsaber
TAGS: Viers Connory Viers Connory

As he continued to work, he became aware that something was wrong with Fate. No more little stones pinged the back of his head, but something, someone, was doing something to the droid.

"Dwoo-vrrt... beep... bwoo-dwoo..."

The little droid was crying for help, but Caelan couldn't take the time away from what he was doing to help him. Not that he knew how anyway. Whatever they were doing to him was beyond his understanding. It bothered him that he didn't know what to do to help, but even had he known, he wouldn't have taken the time to do it. He'd have to apologize to Fate later for not being able to help him. Maybe give him a nice oil bath in recompense for it. Something.

But he couldn't stop what he was doing anyway. It was important that he focus more on healing and helping the injured than it was for him to help his droid friend. Even when whoever was responsible for it decided to force his tunic up, he didn't stop what he was doing. It was a conscious effort to ignore the childish antics of whoever was responsible. And he steeled the back of him for whatever other abuse he might take as a result of it, while primarily focusing on healing. So when he was kicked, it didn't do much except make him rock forward a little before rocking back.

Body mod was his specialty.

The person responsible spoke, offering some words of derision. She clearly was trying to make fun of his abilities in the Force. Months ago that might of worked, but now it meant nothing to him. He didn't care about the opinions of others when it came to his abilities. He especially didn't care when the opinion came from someone who was making every effort possible to interfere with him helping people.

"No," he said in response to her words, only offering a quick glance over his shoulder at the strangely outfitted girl.

He was not about to indulge her. What she wanted was to distract him, to take him away from helping those that needed it. Classic behavior of the enemy of all that was right and good. Help people? Nah, they'd rather watch them suffer. He wasn't going to give her what she wanted, at least not that easy. What she'd done to Fate bothered him, but not enough to make him quit helping, and that wooden stave of hers wasn't scary enough to make him stop either.

So he just went back to focusing on healing.

Relationship Status: It's Complicated

WEAPONS: Ferrum Solus | Blodmåne | Strømafbryder
SHIP: Úlfs Reiði
ENEMIES: @Amelia Von-Sorenn

Her presence was commanding. From the moment she breached the hangar bay door, Amelia von Sorren took control of the situation which was unfolding on her ship. The Dread Wolf would have pressed the attack further had it not been for his determination to give the pale woman a chance to walk away from the conflict. He could have simply hailed the vessel, but Gerwald was also one for flair on occasion. His soldiers needed the test, and they needed to understand what was at stake.

Those foolish enough to press ahead with the attack found themselves paying the price as the sanguir made quick work of them. The same was said of the Alliance soldiers which threatened the Lupo. His blade danced about, casting its crimson hue in whatever direction it was wielded. Cries of pain echoed as the beast severed arms and legs before taking the lives of those which attempted to end his life. His warriors, her soldiers, were fodder in a game which had one inevitable outcome.

Death came for every man.

They stood face to face. His blade hummed as he stayed its devastation for the moment. Her weapon was drawn as they drew closer to each other. Melee combat seemed to be the course they were heading toward, though for the time being neither moved. His name uttered emotionless by a familiar voice did not impact him in the way it should have. It was as though everything about this encounter was summed up with the simplicity of what it was.

Two warriors faced each other prepared to do what warriors did.

Lady von Sorren.”

His hand raised and as he clenched his fingers into a fist an Alliance soldier at her side collapsed, crushed under the weight of the dark side.

“I believe the number of soldiers we have taken from each other is now even. Tell your men to stand down, and I will do the same. Were you anyone else, I would not give this offer. For the sake of our once common bond, I would parlay before we engage in open combat.”

Did he think she would take the offer? Gerwald was not sure. If she was like the others of the Alliance he had encountered on Echnos, she would choose bloodshed over a chance to end hostilities. While the Alliance preached against the evils and atrocities of the Sith, they had their own sins laying at their feet to atone for.

Would Ameila von Sorenn accept that fact, or would she spew Alliance propaganda? What sort of woman had the Alliance made her?

The Sith Lord ignored Alicio's offer to surrender. Never would've guessed that would be the case.

In fact, the Darth seemed intent on ignoring their presence entirely, attempting to cut them down as easily as wheat. As he swung at them, Eloise activated her lightsaber, the green blade blazing to life and crashing into his red.

She fought with blood-soaked fury. Her teeth gnashed and snarled, her eyes aflame. The fire within her was contained, barely; in another life she might have been a berserker, fueled by rage. Here she was a reluctant Jedi Knight, a guardian of peace and justice. But while you could take the girl out of Zaathru, you couldn't quite take Zaathru out of the girl.

This wasn't a battle she was fighting alone. Alicio was at her side. She didn't know what to expect from him, but was cautiously optimistic. Her master claimed he was nearly as good as a Knight, having trained in their ways though he refused to call himself a Jedi. She kept an eye on him, mostly to make sure he didn't get himself killed, but also to work with him. If he attacked, she would defend. If he parried, she would lash out. Perhaps they had no hope of defeating this Sith, but they could survive his onslaught if they worked together.


Allies: Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore | Vera Noble Vera Noble
Enemies: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr | Reicher Vax Reicher Vax | Phaelissia Phaelissia

"Is that so?" Kahlil hummed at the thought, his gaze drifting to his daughter. No, Padawan Noble. She'd faced far greater evils than the boy before them. She was confident, ready. With her eyes watching, his eyes could focus. Not that he had focused them on Darth Malum before him.

It wasn't arrogance, nor was it underestimation. He spoke of his wife, of fighting them both. Pride. It was pride that the Shield would use against him, before anything else. Wound the pride to kill the body.

Darth Malum struck first, leaping with the full intent to end the fight immediately. His blade would be met by a barrier of gold as the Shield turned his gaze finally to the Sith before him. A calm smile as ever on his face as he held out the hand keeping the barrier formed. "You think too highly of yourself, Councilor. You ran with tail between legs to leave a hoard of undead to keep you safe. You barely killed your own brother."

The barrier erupted then, a raw blast of the Force itself to tear up ground and Sith alike in it's path.

"You couldn't even wound my father, could you? Really though, you should stop holovising your failures."



Tag: Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr

Vera squinted at Malum as he addressed her, her expression shifting to one of exaggerated skepticism. "You really shouldn't underestimate me, Councilor," she said, her tone sharp and playful. She knew she couldn't hope to defeat Malum on her own, but she didn't have to. She was at her most dangerous when she supported another, and the Jedi she was supporting today could take on anybody.

She let the hum of her emerald blade fill the brief silence that followed, her stance steady and confident as she locked eyes with the Sith.

Her smirk widened as her father began taunting Malum, the calm confidence in his words striking a sharp contrast against the Sith's venomous pride. Vera couldn't help but blink in surprise, then let out a soft chuckle. No wonder Mom loses every time she tries to tease him back, she thought, shaking her head with a fond grin. Kahlil had an uncanny ability to remain utterly unshaken, even when surrounded by the storm of darkness Malum seemed to revel in.

While the exchange between her father and Malum continued, Vera took a step back, her lips moving in a quiet, almost inaudible chant. With deliberate precision, she began weaving faint Force Runes around herself, their faint purple glow a sharp contrast against the swirling chaos of the battlefield. Her movements were fluid and practiced, the runes forming subtle patterns of protection and resilience.

Her focus didn't waver as she worked, her emerald blade humming steadily in one hand. These runes wouldn't make her invincible, but they would bolster her defenses and reinforce her connection to the Force. A small but potentially critical edge in a fight like this.


written by dea noctifer




<< This is Overlord, local squads already engaged. You’re on your own. >>

The update buzzed the skull of the squadron leader. The center skull bolt-crater reverberated the dirge. The corpse was slumped over one of the various air-cars abandoned at ground floor of the planet. A thermal detonator, unprimed, fallen to his feet. He looked a drunk that fell over during his stumble home. Another hail of blaster bolts – charric infused, battered across the car. The shudder reanimated the corpse. A slump off of the hood and onto the floor.

<<Frag it!>> Barked Vulgarion. The body collapsed next to her. She was sat behind the car with her back to the door. She fumbled with a blaster rifle too small for her, ripping the powercell out with two fingers. A new one welcomed home with a slap of the palm.

The rest of her squad was lost in the haze of battle. Too many voices begging for her attention in her helmet. The salt-water rebreather had long given way to the stale, dust filled air. What passed for a heads-up-display for the grunts of the army informed her of mass movements all across her position.

Between the grime and muck there was a moment when she thought the figures rushing past her were the front line breaking and falling back.

There was no front line anymore, three vanguards rushed forward into his sight lines. The brief gilded glimpse at the sigil of the GA on their shoulders.

Her blaster rifle was awkwardly brought forward, unwieldy, like a toy in her oversized hands. She settled for one handing the weapon, though the frontal weight made it sway even if she could steady her arm. Palm on her elbow.

The DT-57 kicked and pounded a red flash. Cloth and armorweave flared up with cinders. One of them gave a scream of contact and turned to return fire. A bolt to the neck sent him down gurgling on his own blood. What remained sighted on Vulgarion

She rolled her shoulder over to the side, lunging her body to the right before popping back up. Three lazy shots into the kicked up dust.

No visual, but no reply.

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Sparks flew, metal grating on metal. The youth's blade had struck the mask on the cheek, right below where the right eye would have been. Smoke curled up from where the blade had carved a noticeable gash into the metal, not enough to break the seal but enough to leave a mark. The boy, for his effort, was sent flying away from the impact of the Dark Lord's lightsaber, which had curiously not cut through the boy's body as one would expect. For that, the Dark Lord was impressed; there was more than bluster behind the young Aris Noble's determination.

Without words, the Dark Lord advanced on the fallen Noble. When the helmet had been sealed over the Dark Lord's head, it was as if a switch had been flipped. His movements were so mechanical, autonomous. His body moved independent of His thinking mind, allowing the Force to flow around and through Him. He didn't need to think to act, rather, His body acted on it's own accord; reacting instinctively to threats and other external stimuli. His mind was completely sequestered, alone with only the Dark Side as company.

He stabbed downward with His blade, plasma cutting through metal as easily as a hot knife through butter. More gashes in the wreckage followed as the Dark Lord relentlessly pursued the young Aris Noble, advancing on Him with the same inevitability as a crushing glacier. Pieces of the wreck were torn free, flying like missiles towards Aris from all directions. Even the bodies of those who had died in the crash were plucked from where they'd fallen, thrown like ragdolls.

"Show me."

The Dark Lord's voice rang out like the tolling of a terrible bell.

"Show me."





Malum narrowed his eyes behind the mask, flicking away from the silver eyes that he was starring down upon, toward the golden barrier which had formented between the plasma tip of his blade, and making purchase to the flesh of the Zambrano below. The smirk which gazed back up was mirrored easily enough behind his hidden features, as he pushed, testing the barrrier, seeing if there was obvious weakness, as the Zambrano spoke.

"Yet Yavin remained infested with the undead, so tell me, Shield, which of us was it that fled, the one who chose it as our battlefield, or the ones that threw you off another world," The words held a serpentine quality to them, as they were hissed out, a tone which drew sensation up and down one's spine, even as Malum could not help but raise an eyebrow at the end of that set of words...

...He had not much imagined the Shield of the Jedi cared or knew of the bonds between Sith Lords,
"As for my brother, perhaps it should remind you of how lowly I rank your abilities."

The shift in the Force was enough warning of a change of the current, using the form that stood against him, the blade slashed down, breaking the lock against the shield, as he pushed thrown backwards, as the winds formented themselves around him, tying him levitating in the air, as he considered the taller man below.

His weakness stood right next to him, drawing runes upon herself which he could hardly read, but took no genius to realise might be of similar nature to the ones which had appeared as he had tried to crack a shield's defence, and even regardless of that... was not much to be of assistance from him.

"Ah, well I am glad at least there is one Zambrano son that has pride and love for his father," Malum drawled, turning his hand forward, open palmed, the ring upon his finger, the gem glowing dangerously, as the Force was bound it his will, his command. Then alike the fire of a heavy blaster, bursting out of his palm, a flame burned forth, a stream turning into a current, turning into a veritable seachange, a flaming orange, turning to a near blinding white, before settling upon a pale blue.

Sent to consume all which stood below.

As masked eyes turned upon the golems.

Kahlil Noble Kahlil Noble Vera Noble Vera Noble
Mentioned: Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex




"However, I do have a pressing matter to attend to, so I must reject your hospitality."

"I wouldn't be going anywhere after leaping out of that pit," Kadann replied softly, glancing over his left shoulder at the scar he had left in the battlefield.

"But then your knees are much younger."

His right foot shifted back along the sodden ground. With his elbow he pushed back his robe.


The amber blade came to life. Kadann lowered his weight just a fraction.

"Well then, if you won't be staying for hospitality then you can stay for a lesson."

Kadann had once been a teacher at the Republic Jedi Academy. He remembered the padawans showing more respect. It seemed that whilst he had long extinguished any sense of direction and purpose, he want done teaching padawans.



Training lightsaber [Normal] |

Gauntlet Shield [Katar + Shield] |
Corsage [Dueling Foil +Gun] |
Calypso [Hand an a half + Board Saber] |
Sentry [Parrying Dagger] |
Requiem [Light Foil] |
Echo [Two handed with Crossguard] |
Resurgence [Two handed with Crossguard] |
Whirlwind [Chin Kama] |
Twilight [Polearm] |
Nightshade [Throwing Knives]
Hot 'n' Heavy Compensator [ War Maul]
Troublemaker's Trickblade [Dual Spinning Saber / Chakram]
Voice of the Wind Krysteel Sword

Amplification |
Serenity |
Phantom Ghostfire |
Frostheart |
Entropite |
Tiger's Fang |
Mindshatter |
Echos |
Mestare |
Melee: Knife

Fang |
G.O.O. Gun |
Phantom |
Chiru Tranquilizer Rifle|
FFS- Quiver Trigger - Grip / Stock |
FFS- I. S.P.Y. : Scope |
FFS- H.A.R.M. - Shroud

Thowing :
BA-K177 Kamino Saberdarts X15
E.G.G.S. x10 |

Thermal detonator (Class-A thermal detonator) x5 |
G-20 Glop grenade "Impact" x5 |
C-22 fragmentation grenade x5 |
WW-41 CryoBan grenade) X5
Telescopic stun grenade staff
Serenity Flashbang Incense

Equipped Gear:
Neck: Lightveil Circlet | Charms x3 | Amulate |
Chest: Light Armor [Integrated in to armor | Boots | Gauntlets | Mask/Helm | ]
Belt: FFS- Utility Belt
Left Hand:
Compass Ring | BCA - Solid State Hologram Tool Band

Other Items:
Survival Kit |

FSP - Besh ( Advanced Force Suppression Drug )
Sil-Alert Stim
Trauma Care Package
Trauma Kit
Trauma Spray
Aspha Serum
TS-N Healing Serum (For those allergic to Bacta)
Reanimation Serum Aurek
PharmaTech BioStamp
PharmaTech DNA Identi-Kit
Bota M9-A2: Berries
FFS-RIP-Cell: Power Cell |
Vixen's Vault |
In the Zone Compact, Mister, and Lipstick|

Essence of Zeltros DUST Compact|
S.I.N. Devaronian Blood-Poison Nail Polish|
5 Lbs bag of Thermite |

Ashwing - Starfighters
Phantomray Stealth Assault Interceptor Fitted with Werlaara Stealth Suite

Dragon Knight

AX-01 Vanguard Mark I
[Character Bio]

Capital Gains:

Braze slid into position on the edge of a collapsed wall, the bipod of his lightsaber rifle clicking into place against the jagged stone. The weapon hummed faintly, its emitter glowing as he adjusted the scope to scan the street below. Sith troopers moved through the rubble-strewn avenue, their shadows stretching unnaturally under the darkened sky. With practiced ease, Braze steadied his breathing, aligning the rifle's sights on a key chokepoint. He tapped his commlink to signal his squad, his voice low but firm. "Position set. Ready to engage."


Training lightsaber [Normal] |

Gauntlet Shield [Katar + Shield] |
Corsage [Dueling Foil +Gun] |
Calypso [Hand an a half + Board Saber] |
Sentry [Parrying Dagger] |
Requiem [Light Foil] |
Echo [Two handed with Crossguard] |
Resurgence [Two handed with Crossguard] |
Whirlwind [Chin Kama] |
Twilight [Polearm] |
Nightshade [Throwing Knives]
Hot 'n' Heavy Compensator [ War Maul]
Troublemaker's Trickblade [Dual Spinning Saber / Chakram]
Voice of the Wind Krysteel Sword

Amplification |
Serenity |
Phantom Ghostfire |
Frostheart |
Entropite |
Tiger's Fang |
Mindshatter |
Echos |
Mestare |
Melee: Knife

Fang |
G.O.O. Gun |
Phantom |
Chiru Tranquilizer Rifle|
FFS- Quiver Trigger - Grip / Stock |
FFS- I. S.P.Y. : Scope |
FFS- H.A.R.M. - Shroud

Thowing :
BA-K177 Kamino Saberdarts X15
E.G.G.S. x10 |

Thermal detonator (Class-A thermal detonator) x5 |
G-20 Glop grenade "Impact" x5 |
C-22 fragmentation grenade x5 |
WW-41 CryoBan grenade) X5
Telescopic stun grenade staff
Serenity Flashbang Incense

Equipped Gear:
Neck: Lightveil Circlet | Charms x3 | Amulate |
Chest: Light Armor [Integrated in to armor | Boots | Gauntlets | Mask/Helm | ]
Belt: FFS- Utility Belt
Left Hand:
Compass Ring | BCA - Solid State Hologram Tool Band

Other Items:
Survival Kit |

FSP - Besh ( Advanced Force Suppression Drug )
Sil-Alert Stim
Trauma Care Package
Trauma Kit
Trauma Spray
Aspha Serum
TS-N Healing Serum (For those allergic to Bacta)
Reanimation Serum Aurek
PharmaTech BioStamp
PharmaTech DNA Identi-Kit
Bota M9-A2: Berries
FFS-RIP-Cell: Power Cell |
Vixen's Vault |
In the Zone Compact, Mister, and Lipstick|

Essence of Zeltros DUST Compact|
S.I.N. Devaronian Blood-Poison Nail Polish|
5 Lbs bag of Thermite |

Ashwing - Starfighters
Phantomray Stealth Assault Interceptor Fitted with Werlaara Stealth Suite

Dragon Knight

AX-01 Vanguard Mark I
[Character Bio]

Braze had been doing quite a bit on his own. That is, until he came across a very peculiar view in the distance. He could make out both Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex and Aris Noble Aris Noble in combat with one another. Braze set his sights on the taller Sith as he spun the revolving crystal chamber.

Phantom was a mighty big weapon for the likes of Braze to wield, and yet he seemed to dial in and feel through the Force when the time was right. Carnifex was a large, boxy figure; missing him would be like missing the broad side of a barn. Braze was fortunate enough to have Carnifex's back to him. Perhaps shooting someone in the back might be dishonorable, but perhaps this might, in some way, be a great equalizer to the Sith Lord who touted strength above all else. Strategy of position could be a strength, couldn't it?

The mental gymnastics didn’t really come into play as Braze engaged the Amplification crystal in line with the Phantom Ghostfire crystal. He didn’t need to hit a starship in the sky, which was its intended purpose, but he figured if he was going to attempt to hit someone like Carnifex, he might as well make it count. He let out his breath and squeezed the trigger, setting forth the invisible lightsaber bolt aimed at the shoulder blade of Carnifex's sword arm, making certain his shot was clear of Aris on the through path.

The LOUD reverberating Big Pew followed after the shot, echoing across the field of battle.

The recoil, however, was something Braze hadn't entirely accounted for. The weapon's raw power kicked like a rancor, hurling him backward with enough force to knock the wind out of him. He landed unceremoniously in a sprawl, skidding a few feet in the dirt before coming to a stop. His head lolled back as he stared up at the sky, eyes wide with a mix of shock and disbelief. After a beat, he croaked out, "Yeah... definitely gonna hurt tormorrow."

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You walk along the edge of danger
And it will change you

Why would you let this voice set in your head?
It is meant to destroy you

Jonyna Si Jonyna Si | Aris Noble Aris Noble | Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex | Braze Braze
Ko Vuto Ko Vuto

LOCATION: Eiattu 6

The battlefield was a temple of ash and flame, consecrated in the feral radiance of war. Domina Prime stood at its heart, her shimmering five eyes glowing like wrathful stars, heralds of an ancient, god-touched fury. Each breath she drew was like a bellows feeding the forge of her soul, the cursed axe in her hands thrumming with the blood-hunger of its imprisoned spirit. Smoke swirled around her, the whispers of Furyia Prime mingling with the chants of destruction in her mind.

Across from her, Jonyna Si Jonyna Si moved like a specter of defiance, a worthy champion of the Jedi, her feline grace defying the overwhelming force of the Prime. She danced through the inferno with preternatural agility, her mastery of the Force bending the flames away like the hand of a celestial wind. Yet, her steps weren't mere evasion; they were part of a ritual—a duel sanctified in the fires of combat, a contest of will and destiny.

Jonyna's golden eyes glinted through the haze as she flipped through the air, landing with divine precision atop the head of Domina's massive war axe just as it collided with a stone pillar. The great weapon cleaved nearly through the ancient stone, embedding itself in a fiery embrace. It was a moment, fleeting but golden—a whisper from the gods themselves, beckoning her to strike.

The Cathar Jedi seized the opportunity, sprinting lightly along the shaft of the axe, her glowing blade drawn in an arc that sought Domina's crown. Her intent was pure, her movement guided by the unseen threads of fate.

But Domina Prime was no mere warrior; she was a vessel of Kad Ha'rangir's eternal wrath, a breaker of stars and a scion of flame. With a guttural snarl that shook the heavens, her massive tail coiled beneath her, springing her backward in a fluid motion as she rolled across her tail. The blade's kiss narrowly missed her, its song splitting the air in a cry of thwarted destiny.

Rolling across her tail like a table, Dominas legs blasted upward in a vicious, deadly arc aimed towards the Jedi after she dodged the attack to find an opening of her own! Hopefully striking or warding the feline away as Dima landed with the brutal grace of a beast, her taloned feet slamming into the scorched earth. In an instant, her twin lashers whipped outward, snapping through the air with the crack of thunder to guard against any potential advance. Her mandibles sparked as she tore the mask from her face, revealing a visage wreathed in the divine terror of battle. Her azure teeth chittered, each vibration igniting the air around her face in a sacred chemical blaze.

Dragging her claws across the cursed steel of her axe, she awakened its boundless hunger. Furyia Prime's voice rose like a hymn of destruction, echoing across the battlefield.

"O' blessed daughter of destruction, sister of wrath! Thy flame is akin to a warm embrace. Let us grant them a kiss of brimstone & fire~" Furyia crooned, her words a prayer to ruin.

Domina growled low, the hymn of her ancestors swelling in her chest. "An age-old bond...hail to the star-eater" she intoned, lifting the axe high with all four arms. Her five eyes narrowed to molten pinpricks of focus as the weapon drank deeply of the battlefield's inferno, the azure flames roaring to an all-consuming crescendo.

And then the blow came—a swing like the hammer of Kad Ha'rangir himself. The axe struck the earth with the force of an ancient star falling from the heavens. The explosion was cataclysmic, a storm of molten stone and celestial blue fire that engulfed all within its reach. The air screamed, the ground shattered, and the structures of man crumbled into dust.

Shrapnel rained like the tears of a grieving galaxy as Domina stood amidst the radiant desolation. The oppressive heat of the flames warped the air, casting her towering figure as a shadow of divine wrath, her glowing scales a hymn to the Destroyer God.

The battlefield was no longer a place of mere combat. It was an altar, and Domina Prime stood as both priestess and executioner, her actions the will of war itself. If Darth Carnifex Darth Carnifex was a monster, then Dima would certainly be akin to a creature out of myth...or cursed nightmares~

The Mad Warwitch of Mandalore began to hymn a tune, a tune in tempo with The Cursed Mythosuar Axe as Furyia sang an ancient song solemnly into the xenos ear. Urging her ever forward to unleash the dreams of her mandalorian ancestors. By any means necessary~

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Allies: Ashley Nevermore Ashley Nevermore | Vera Noble Vera Noble
Enemies: Darth Malum of House Marr Darth Malum of House Marr | Reicher Vax Reicher Vax | Phaelissia Phaelissia

"The Mandalorians own Yavin. Have you not been keeping up with current events?"

Kahlil shrugged indifferently. Yavin had been evacuated, and while he would've liked to bring the people who lived there home, saving their lives was all that mattered. The dead could keep it, if it meant the living survived. His expression did soften as he lowered his hand, letting it rest by his waist. Was that why Malum came alone through the barrier?

To fight one he thought was weak?

"Your visions are one of your largest weaknesses, as well as your greatest strength Vera. You'll likely never be a Jedi to fight on the front lines. You have the potential to guide armies and Jedi with your gift. Team up with one like Zaiya and her abilities to influence the battlefield, and I've no doubt you'll be able to turn the tides of war. But that's not all you can do."

He took a step back as the flame shot forth towards him. Different runes flared to life on the ground, shimmering gold only for a moment before a flash of blue erupted forth. Flame itself froze solid in a flash before they fell, shattering on the ground.

"Set up your runes. Use your visions to know the enemy when they come to strike you, because they will. Every eventuality, every possibility, that is what you prepare for. When your enemy comes to you," Kahlil drew then, in a quick motion as he aimed his blaster right towards the floating Sith. Runes flared around the barrel as he fired three quick shots. Each would erupt with ice on contact.

"You can set the field to your advantage." Only two shots actually went towards Malum. Another had purposefully missed, glowing not blue but gold. Another rune flared to life behind the Sith before it flashed out. There was no violence with it, just a stasis to freeze him in place. As a boy, Kahlil was a Sith Sorcerer. He was weak in body, the Dark long ruining his ability and strength. The dark secrets he had though, the knowledge he accumulated. He could raise armies from the corpses from his enemies, he could kill with thought alone.

He was only ever strong when the battle field was his, though. A sorcerer was only as strong as the preparations they could make. Here, with these golems to assist him, to run the barrier? He had plenty of time to prepare.

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